November 09, 2014


Uranda   June 17, 1945


Down through the ages there have been two types of greatness, exemplified on the one hand by individuals who elevated themselves to places of power and authority and wealth on the blood and sweat and tears of those who were compelled to serve their masters's ends; and on the other hand, we have that greatness which is exemplified by those individuals who, without reservation, gave themselves to ideals and purposes which they conceived to be greater than themselves, and in which they inspired faith, confidence and self-sacrifice in the hearts and minds and lives of the millions who struggle to throw off the chains of bondage, that they may rise to the stature of men and women created in the image and likeness of God. In the human sense, all men are created equal, but the worth of the individual life, in relationship to humanity and before God, is determined by the ideal to which the individual gives himself and the degree to which that self-dedication causes him to utilize the fullness of his talents and potentialities in the achievement of that ideal. Regardless of color or race, he who uses his potentialities and his opportunities in the service of a worthy ideal is great, whether he appears to be so or not on the basis of the old world's standard of evaluation.

The hour of a new vision and a deeper realization is here for all who are awake to Reality, What the Master said 2,000 years ago is of little value except in an historical sense. It is what Jesus Christ our Lord says to us today that counts. As long as human beings relegate the Master and His words to a period of the long distant past, their power is ineffectual in this day and age. If those who conceive themselves to be Christians accept as truth the statement He made when He uttered the words: "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world," then they must, to be consistent, cease saying, "the Master said," and begin to say, "the Master says," for if He is to be more than an historical figure to us. He must be a living Reality in the present.  

The world that has been is dying. Drastic measures and frantic injections of various kinds may keep it from gasping its last breath for a little time, but even if the present crisis of illness is, in a sense, healed, it will still be an old world, nearing the end of its days. Those who cling to the old world, and pin their hopes upon it, will perish with it. Human beings, individually, cannot escape the approach of the Grim Reaper and neither can the old world, which human beings, in lust and selfishness and greed, brought forth and sustained by the life blood of humanity. The old world was born in blood; it lived in blood; and in its own blood it shall die. A New World is being born. Those who cling to the old world and seek to maintain that which is of the old world seek also to destroy the New World in its birth, thinking that by doing so they can keep the old world alive. By the Grace of God such a thing is not possible, but if it were possible, it would not prevent the death of the old world, and there would be nothing to take its place. Humanity would perish. Thrice blessed are they who rejoice in the birth of the New World, and into whose hands shall come the task of tending and caring for the New World in the days of its infancy.

Religion, as it has been known in the old world, is dying, and its death is as certain as is the death of the old world. The religion of the New World will not be derived from the religion of the old world; for the old world is not the father of the New World. The Father of the New World is God, and the brotherhood of humanity is its Mother. The religion of the New World shall be of the Father, and it shall glory in the brotherhood of man.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

1 comment:

Lucille said...

I thank God that the old world is dying, is passing away . . . perhaps slowly but it is happening. I know it is happening because the old world, the old heaven I knew, is definitely passing away here, and I rejoice greatly that it is so. There is nothing to mourn of its passing but to simply let it go with a thankful heart and, as Uranda once said, "Sail on, Sail on, and Sail on. As we sail on, we can witness a beautiful Sunrise on the Horizon---it is a vision to behold, yes, because of concern and interest in a new consciousness--a Sun Consciousness--and we are here to build that; it happens and continues to happen when I LET it happen: Behold, I create and make all things new here---changing what was known before of the old world to what is now known of the New World, and always in the ever-present moment. I Love Uranda's Spirit and his words, just as I have this same Love in my heart for all those who love the One Way and speak the Truth.