November 01, 2014

One  Fundamental  Factor  Of  Unreality

from   The  Need  For  Complete  Honesty

Uranda   July 27, 1950


We have recognized that the one fundamental factor of unreality springing forth from self-centeredness which makes true progress impossible and true fulfilment beyond realization, is dishonesty. 

I am not speaking of those flagrant manifestations of dishonesty which are recognized as such in the world. I am speaking of those things which are almost invariably present in those individuals who deem themselves to be honest individuals, who from any ordinary standpoint are honest. I am speaking of those little dishonesties by reason of which human beings continually hedge, continually excuse little deviations from the point, continually make it appear that some aspect of self-centeredness should have weight, meaning and value. 

There is a high degree of honesty made manifest in and through you, but even so, there yet remains dishonesty, and this, springing from self-centeredness, stands as the barrier to your greater progress. There are those who speak words which are designed, according to their concept, for my ears, who yet on occasion speak other words which they would not care for me to hear. Such function is dishonesty.

It is hypocrisy, trying to make something appear to be something that it is not.

© emissaries of diving light

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