November 05, 2014

That which ye do

is that which all responding ones are inclined to do

Thy vibration becomes their vibration

thine attitude becomes their attitude

thine action becomes their action

thy realization becomes their realization

thy response becomes their response

thy joy becomes their joy

thy peace becomes their peace

thy love becomes their love

thy vision becomes their vision

thine assurance becomes their assurance,

thy trust becomes their trust

thy Temple becomes their Temple

thy Lord becomes their Lord

and as thou art faithful in Service

so are they also drawn into faithfulness of Service

according to their Places in the Cosmic Plan


That which ye would that the world should do, that do

That which ye would that the world should feel, that feel

That which ye would that the world should find of holiness and joy in all of its functions, that find

Uranda   1938

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so love the Spirit of these words...these are my words also.