In the Third
Sacred School we have come to recognize that all things, from the most minute
to that which is of the greatest magnitude, come properly within the scope of
our consideration. Of necessity most of our lesson papers deal with those
things which are of everyday importance in helping the individual live in
harmony with reality. Sometimes when the individual is giving his attention to
those things which are of immediate importance in life he is inclined to lose
sight of the long-range vision which should be natural to every Emissary of
Divine Light. As you relax in the peace and joy of the Christ love it is well
that you should remember the application of fundamental principles to your
daily life while we turn attention to a cosmic view of the operation of those
same principles in relationship to that magnitude of Being which comes within
our range of comprehension.
It is well
that we should now consider some of the mysteries relating to the creation of
this world, and the relationship of this world to the universe in which we
It has been
long recognized that the triangle, in relationship to the circle, provides a
basis of understanding by which many of the mysteries of life may be
comprehended. In the 38th chapter of Job we find reference to “the sweet
influences of the Pleiades,” and also to “the bands of Orion.” Immediately
following reference to these two points, we find the question: “Canst thou
bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?” Mazzaroth must be recognized as the
twelve cosmic vibrations relating to the cyclic motion of the earth around the
sun each year. It has been recognized by yourself that the twelve cosmic
vibrations relate to the individual, and are received by the individual through
the receptive points established by the twelve organic minerals of the human
body. A full comprehension, then, of what is here referred to as Mazzaroth
necessitates an understanding of the twelve cosmic rays as they relate to all created
things. In the encampment of the children of Israel in the wilderness there
were four groups of three tribes, making the twelve tribes, and it is in this
that we find the triune vibration established on the firm foundation in its
relationship to the twelve vibrations represented by the twelve tribes. Later
we find the same principle carried out in symbolism in relationship to the
twelve disciples of the Master Jesus.
The triangle
is at once seen to be a symbol of the trinity, and you are familiar with its
use in relationship to the triune nature of the human being. However, it is
necessary that you now recognize the principles of the triangle as they relate
to the original creation of the world. To return now to the consideration of
the Pleiades and of Orion, we would note that from a cosmic view of the
creative activity focalized in this world, Orion provides the positive point of
the base of the triangle, and the Pleiades provide the negative point of the
base of the triangle. The apex of this gigantic triangle came to a focalization
at the point where the world was to be created. Let us consider for a moment
the significance which we may observe in the selection of these two points as
the base of the creative triangle upon which the creative cycle was established
by which the world was brought forth. Orion is symbolized by a man carrying a
sword, and the masculine vibration is of the positive phase of being. The
Pleiades have often been referred to as the Seven Sisters, and here we see at
once the negative phase of being, symbolized in the feminine vibration which
characterizes this constellation. Only six of the stars of the constellation of
the Pleiades can be seen with the naked eye, and the seventh is beyond the
vision of the human eye. In this we find the original base of the seven planes
of this Whole Holy World, which are divided into the positive trinity of the
inner planes and the negative trinity of the outer planes, with the seventh or
invisible plane enfolding all the rest. The Biblical reference to the Pleiades
indicates that there are sweet influences which issue forth from this constellation,
and the expressionsweet influences is decidedly indicative of the feminine, or
negative, vibration. When one views the constellation of Orion in the heavens
one is filled with a realization of the positive power which issues forth from
this positive point of the base of the triangle.
positive power is symbolized by the Biblical reference to the bands of Orion,and is further
emphasized by the sword which Orion carries as he moves through the heavens in
pursuit of the Seven Sisters. The only so-called “hole in the sky,” through
which human beings may consciously view the light of the Central Sun of Suns,
is to be found in the constellation of Orion, and this has special significance
in the sense that it provides a direct connecting link between this world and
the Central Sun of the entire cosmos. At this time we will not stop to consider
many of the marvelous things which are known concerning the huge suns, and the
interesting formations of nebulae which combine to make the constellation of
Orion, but the student may well anticipate a further consideration of these
Of immediate
concern in this present analysis is the fact that the constellation of Orion
provides the basic starting point from which the activities of creation were
established. As you remember that the constellation of the Pleiades forms the
negative point of the base of the triangle, and then remember that a direct
line from these two constellations is drawn to the point where the world was
first brought into being, it will be easy to visualize this world as being the
apex of this gigantic triangle. Many lesser and interlacing triangles relate
thereto and help to complete the pattern. One of these lesser triangles
originates in the sun Arcturus, at the vibrational center of our own universe,
and the base extends to its negative point in our own sun in this solar system.
Again, the apex of the triangle is focalized in this world. The third triangle
which we shall now consider originates with the sun of this solar system and
extends to the point which forms the apex of the former two triangles, or in
other words this world, and the apex of this third triangle is established at
the periphery of this Whole Holy World, which approximates the path of the moon
in its revolution around the earth.
The fourth triangle has its point of
positive origination at the point of the apex of the first two triangles and at
the negative point of the base of the third triangle, all of which are the
same. This fourth triangle is in fact a series of seven triangles, each with
the same point of origination, and each having its apex at the point of the
periphery of the Whole Holy World, with the variation being in the fact that
the negative point of the base is successively established at the point of
division between each of the seven planes. If you do not immediately comprehend
this outline in its fulness you should not be discouraged but rather let
understanding come in due season.
Each base of
these four triangles establishes the radius of a circle, the center of which is
at the positive point of the base of each given triangle. These four circles
represent the four basic cycles of creative activity which had a part, a basic
part, in the formation of this world and all that is therein. Here we have the
firm foundation, in the four creative cycles and in the four triangles which
are established therein. Thus we can begin to view the negative aspect of
creative activity in the cosmos. By this I mean that the positive phase of this
creative activity is still on beyond that which has been here outlined and,
from a cosmic standpoint, the outline relates to the negative phase of
inner-plane activity, which extends far beyond the limits of this Whole Holy
World. The triune expression of these four triangles gives us a basis for
understanding that which is spoken of as Mazzaroth in our text. Not until you
understand this, and all that it implies, are you ready to graduate from the
Third Sacred School. In this you begin to recognize something of the vast
amount of material which awaits our future consideration in the Third Sacred
We should
now note that Mazzaroth, or the twelve cosmic vibrations, relates to each of
the seven planes, yet in each of the seven planes the vibrations of Mazzaroth
are different, which is to say that this world provides what we may call a
prism which divides the twelve cosmic vibrations into seven component parts.
Three of the component parts of each of the twelve cosmic vibrations are active
in the negative triune world. This makes thirty-six primary subdivisions of the
twelve cosmic rays, which have a direct relationship to yourself in an outer
sense. All of these triangles and creative cycles have their counterparts in
you as an individual. The base of the first triangle has its positive
origination in the Lord of the Sacred Seven, and extends to a negative point
which resides in the Lord of the Sacred Three, with the apex established in
your own Lord within you. The second triangle has its point of positive
origination in the Lord of the Sacred Three, and extends to its negative point
of base in the Lord of the Sacred Two, with its apex in your own Lord within.
The third triangle, originating at its positive point of base in the Lord of
the Sacred Three, extends to its negative point in the Lord of the Sacred One,
and again, its apex is in the Lord within yourself. The fourth triangle has its
positive point of origination in your own Lord within you, and has its negative
point of base in each of the seven planes relating to your own individual
expression, with the apex situated at the periphery of your own life radial
activity. Again, the base of each of these triangles establishes the radius of
a circle, the center of which is, in each case, the positive point of
significance of these facts will begin to appear to you as you consider the
manner in which you are thus related
to the cosmos, so that you are, to the degree that your polarity is correct
under the One Law, a focal point of creative activity. It is because of this
that it is possible for you to allow the manifestation of all the divine
qualities through yourself. Failure to properly function correctly in your own
personal and individual point of creative activity tends to nullify the
effectiveness of the whole and prevents the manifest fulfilment of the divine
purpose of Being. In this connection you are permitted to see more fully the
value of the training which you have already received, and to glimpse something
of that which is yet to be achieved, individually and collectively. The
expansion of your vision through consideration of, and prayerful meditation on,
this outline will permit you to see that those who think that they have gained
an understanding of all that can be learned in the Third Sacred School, and so
turn away, have proven one thing only, namely: that they failed to comprehend
the essential fundamentals and so failed to pass the test by which they might
have been admitted into the advanced phases of study.
To begin to
apply the principles outlined above to your own life it is necessary that you
keep clearly in mind all of the fundamental truths which you have been taught
thus far in the School—for the foundation is essential to the superstructure.
You have been taught that "trying" to be either positive or negative
is bound to result in failure. You should now have a clear realization of the
fact that you must be natural in your function to be effective, and that
starting where you really are—without trying to start where you think you would
like to be—you are in position to let the cosmic powers work through yourself
in accordance with cosmic law. Great results according to your own fancies are
not to be expected. The results of your right function must appear in
coordination with the results of the right function of all others who are
likewise harmonized in the manifest activities of reality. If God were to grant
the desires of all human minds He would be contradicting Himself and in
conflict with Himself every moment of the day from as many points as there are
Oneness of outer function for the good of the whole must be the goal of
every individual who aspires to do his part in the performance of the greater
works. Such function requires a realization of eternity, of timelessness, which
allows the individual to wait in tranquility for the ultimate fulfilment, while
being constantly alert to meet every need for activity that may arise, in order
to hold the vibration steady by which that ultimate fulfilment may be realized.
Be ever active while you stand and wait. Abide in the assurance of ultimate
victory. Face the storm with courage. Ride out the waves of trouble with
dauntless dignity—and carry through.
Give thanks unto God and rejoice, for in Him is certain victory for all the
faithful ones the world around. Awake to the dawning day and do well your
allotted task, for “The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind
exceeding fine.”
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