April 02, 2015

Your Responsibility Is Not Mine

Your  Responsibility  Is  Not  Mine!

Martin Cecil   December 11, 1977

William Martin Alleyne Cecil  September 21, 1926 

The spirit of the Creator is rightly the spirit of man. Human beings have little experience of the reality of the Creator. The Spirit of Truth, the spirit of the Creator—that spirit is now present insofar as each individual human being is concerned, as long as life remains in the human form. We have described the Spirit of Truth in human form in terms of the angel incarnate. We recognize that the earthly consciousness of the human form is the capacity for the expression of the truth, for the revelation of the incarnate angel. The angel is on hand to make possible a knowing of the truth, the truth that cannot be found by the efforts of the human mind and heart.

The truth is to be given by the angel into the expression of momentary living. For this to happen the earthly consciousness must become somewhat aware of what we have called the tone of that heavenly angelic expression; not aware of specific detail, to start with at least, but of the quality of the tone of it, the tone of life, something very different to what human beings experience in their present existence. If this tone of life is to be known the Word must be spoken on earth. The incarnate angel naturally expresses the creative Word, but human consciousness has been so rigid and so structured that it has scarcely been aware of the tone of that Word at all. At best it was a still, small voice. The very moment the individual, imagining that he heard this still, small voice, tries with his human consciousness to catch it he loses it, because the truth cannot be found that way. The truth doesn’t really need to be found. It is already present. It simply needs to be expressed, and what we express we know—there is one ready to express it, namely the incarnate angel.

The earthly consciousness has very little relatedness to what it is that would be expressed by the angel, so there must somehow be a provision of the Word, the Spirit of Truth, external to the earthly consciousness, so that the Spirit of Truth may be with the earthly consciousness. “The Spirit of Truth is with you,” was something that the Master said to His disciples, or those who heard Him speak. It was with them because He was present; at least this was part of the reason. He had spoken to them much and they had heard Him speak. They had heard what He said. They had been aware of His expression in living, the quality of it, the tone of it. The tone was sounding in their vicinity, so they had the opportunity, because the Word was with them, to let the Word be in them; in other words to become so blended with what was with them that it became their own expression. Of course this doesn’t only relate to something way back then but relates in a specific sense to human beings now. The provision of the Word has been made, the tone sounded in this fashion, so that all who began to sense the truth which was with them might become so immersed in that tone that it became their own expression of living. Only when it becomes one’s own expression of living does one know what it is.

Human beings all on their own can’t find the tone for themselves. It must be sounded for them. We have noted how it has been sounded on various occasions in a very specific sense for human beings, down through the ages, something external to those who might have been exercised by that tone until it became their own expression of life. Some false starts were made, and you will note on these occasions, while many human beings were involved what was potential to be achieved related to a body of people. Back then they were called the children of Israel, a collective body of people. And again, when the Master was on earth Himself He began to draw together a body of people. He spoke of the one vine, the true vine. He spoke of the greater works, works made possible by reason of a larger body, a larger body than one person, and so it is today.

What is needful is not merely an individual thing, although individuals are necessary, but what is more important is a body of individuals, a body of many members to accommodate the incarnate Archangel. Just as the individual human body accommodates an angel—unawares usually—for the brief life span of the body, so is there rightly a collective body which accommodates the Archangel.

The concern is to let this body take form—to be resurrected. This is only possible by reason of the spirit of that body. Just as you as an individual may become so saturated with the true tone of life that it is found to be your own expression of life, revealing the incarnate angel on earth, so also the same principle holds true for the collective body which reveals the Archangel on earth, the Spirit of Truth incarnate in a body of many members.

The Spirit of the Archangel is differentiated as the spirits of all the angels whose physical forms compose that body, the body of the Archangel. All the angels who are present collectively are the spirit of the body which is brought to focus in the identity of the body which is the Archangel. We need to see things from the standpoint of the truth individually speaking; in other words from the angelic standpoint, rather than from the standpoint of the earthly state of consciousness. As angels we are capable of expressing the truth through the earthly consciousness if that earthly consciousness is willing to relinquish its involvements with the customary human state. This will be relinquished naturally to the extent that that earthly consciousness is willing to accept the sounding of the true tone into its own experience. That true tone is provided externally to start with; the Spirit of Truth is with you.

I have indicated that the tone, the Word, has been made available over the years through the words that have been spoken, something done consistently over many many years, that all who are willing might pay supreme attention to that as being the most important thing within the range of their awareness. A few have taken such an attitude. Most have been associated with the Word to some extent, but the only way that a person might discover in his own earthly consciousness what the real tone of life is is based in this baptism by the Word, by the water of truth; and it requires total immersion!

I have suggested that there may come a time when the means of communication that we now know in the external sense might be considerably restricted, so that the words, printed or otherwise, which bear witness to the Word may no longer be available. Whether that happens or not—and I suspect it will happen in due course—before it happens there is the necessity that there be a body of many members in whom the earthly consciousness is so saturated with the tone that it will continue to function with the tone as the natural expression of life even if the Word is no longer with them, no longer needs to be with them because it is in them. But for it to be in them it first needs to be with them, and those with whom it is must be willing to pay adequate attention to it consistently, to be conscious of the real nature of the tone.

It is not a matter of interpreting what is said and developing human concepts and structures and building them into one’s consciousness, which becomes more rigid than it was before. It is a matter of moving with the spirit which was the source of the words; and moving with that spirit in moment-by-moment living it becomes, one might say, the habit. The tone is sounding because the angel is present and finding increased expression through the earthly state of consciousness. Then there is a body, one body, because the same tone is sounding through all the members of it; and that tone is known in living, not in theory—not on the basis of some sort of belief but in the actual experience of living.

The truth finds expression, the angel finds expression, through the earthly capacity of consciousness, so that every thought and word and deed bears witness to the truth. This of course doesn’t mean that a person spends his whole life trying to preach at other people. It merely means that he lives, that there is the actual experience of living. No doubt there would be the fitting word to be spoken, the fitting act to take form, because it would all be based in the true tone of life, the angelic expression through the earthly capacity of consciousness. When that is so, the old human identity has vanished, the human ego as such has gone. There is an identity, certainly, but it is the angelic one.

When the Master was on earth He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” This statement should be capable of being made truly by anyone. There has been the tendency to restrict it to this one man, Jesus, thereby rendering what He brought on earth virtually meaningless. He revealed the truth for everybody. Because the truth, the Word, has been present with all concerned there has been opportunity for it to be experienced in all concerned, and when it is found to be the natural expression of one’s own living there is no need for it to sound externally any longer. It will be sounding externally because it will be being expressed; but there is no need for that, to maintain the expression of the Spirit of Truth in you.

The Master said, “It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.” What He was saying in effect was that those who were with Him at the time were simply dependent upon Him to provide the Word external to themselves, so that they need not bother letting it be internal to themselves; and this has tended to be the attitude of human beings. They may have followed somebody whom they thought was expressing the Word, and said, “Oh we’ll support this, we’ll follow this. We’ll back it up.” But what happens is all dependent upon that person. That in effect was what was said by those who were close to Jesus for instance: “We’ll go along with it, and you’ll get the job done!” But that isn’t the way it works at all. The job is done by this collective body, and the reason why He came on earth was to make possible the formation of that collective body, just as the opportunity was available before through the children of Israel.

Those who have stayed with me over the years have been for the most part somewhat inclined to take this attitude: that they’ll go along with me, they’ll support me as far as possible, they’ll give me backing in one way or another, but it’s up to me to get the job done. Oh no it isn’t! at least not the job that you are thinking about.

My job has been to make it possible for the Word to be with you. Would you say that I have done a reasonable job in that regard? That’s my job. Presumably I couldn’t make the Word available to be with you if it wasn’t in me; I would have no Word to make available. My job relative to you has been to make it possible for the Word to be with you, but your job is to make it possible for the Word to be in you. I can’t do that. Only you can do that, only you can accept that responsibility as an individual; and it is not dependent upon what anybody else chooses to do, just what you choose to do in your earthly state of consciousness.

Insofar as the angel is concerned the choice has been made—or it never was a choice; there’s no choice necessary because it was the natural expression of the angel. But the earthly consciousness needs to make a choice either to accept or reject; it’s as simple as that—accept the Word into oneself so that it becomes one’s own expression, that’s all. On this basis the angel is in expression; a multitude of angels are in expression. All of them put together provide the spirit of the body of the Archangel who is at the focus point of all these angels, all these angels who differentiate His spirit in His body.

You may note in this regard that the focus point, the Archangel, is the only one who knows what it is that His body should be doing. None of the angels do; they do what they should be doing. They do not need to know what the Archangel knows; all they need to know is what they should know. There has been a tendency to imagine that one can’t function correctly unless one knows everything about everything. The human mind could never know all the factors which would need to be taken into account to make a wise decision. It simply could not encompass all that needs to be known, so why try? It is the spirit that gets the job done, the Spirit of Truth, and you do not need the human intellect to decide what is valid in the expression of the Spirit of Truth, because the human intellect doesn’t know.

The Spirit of Truth in expression does what should be done. You know what should be expressed in the moment when your expression is that of the angel, is the sounding of the tone. You know what should be done, and you do what should be done. You don’t know with your mind all the ramifications. You may not know why you expressed in a certain way but it was fitting in the moment in your consciousness of the sounding of the tone. I am sure that you have all had the experience of knowing very little about some situation and yet you had a responsibility to say or do something, and you said or did something in the current of the spirit. Later you may have found out that what you said or did was very valuable to somebody else. You didn’t know it at the time; you didn’t have to know it at the time. You simply provided what was necessary and you didn’t try to take care of it with your human mind.

All that is properly achieved is achieved “by my spirit, saith the Lord.” This is the way it is done. We don’t need to know everything about everything mentally speaking. There must be some contact with whatever it is we are dealing with, but remember there is far more substance present than the mind, certainly, knows anything about; but the spirit is permeating all this substance, and so it can handle the whole of what needs to be handled and not just a little bit of it, ignoring all the rest. So it is movement with the Spirit of Truth that achieves what is needful in the world, the expression of the angel, the sounding of the tone in momentary living, now and now and now and now, consistently. When this is the fact because there is a body of angels incarnate on earth, in expression on earth, revealing thereby the Archangel, there is an immense impact—greater works done at the level of heavenly substance first; and heavenly substance permeates earthly substance, so it’s done at the level of earthly substance second.

Here is where the true control is. Here is where the control is from the standpoint of the universal operation. Things work the way they do throughout the whole universe on this basis, and it is quite possible for one galaxy to pass through another galaxy without any collisions. But you try that with two groups of human beings! So we are here on the basis of the spirit. Our agreement is in the spirit. Our home is in the spirit, and in the spirit we find a natural agreement. If we are abiding in spirit we are at home anywhere, it doesn’t matter what the external circumstance is. So let us move easily as angels on earth, allowing the expression of the Spirit of Truth constantly.

My ministry is to you. I don’t know how you can share in that. But your ministry is the ministry of the Archangel to the world, and you can share in that. So you’re not really sharing in my ministry, as many people have been inclined to say, because my job has been to make it possible for the Word to be with you; but your ministry begins when the Word is in you. Then you are responsible. The fate of the world then hangs upon you!

© Emissaries of Divine Light


Lucille said...

I love what Martin said here, "My ministry is to you.... But your ministry is the ministry of the Archangel to the world, and you can share in that, ....but your ministry begins when the Word is in you. Then you are responsible." I realize I'm quoting Martin's words here because, certainly, I couldn't express it better or clearer than he has...and he is very clear. Knowing the Word is in me, I am totally responsible for ministering to my world---that is my job! Once this becomes vividly known in consciousness then one simply ministers; I do so not by preaching to anyone but because the Truth of who I Am speaks the Word, sounds the Tone of Life on earth; and while some may hear, some may feel something. and some probably won't, the human mind doesn't need to be concerned about which way it goes, for to do so would not reveal true ministering. Ministering is the most natural expression by angels in the Archangelic Body today, because one knows, and knows that he/she knows that the Word is not only WITH you but is IN you---thus...I Am ministering to the world. Thanking you, David, for posting Martin's powerful Angelic Message, the Word!

Brian said...

I love Lucille's comment. Perfect.

Brian said...

I wanted to make another comment....I wasn't just being lazy on my previous comment.
Martin's words yielded a tremendous amount of consideration from me and in these days one can be inclined to think which way is it going but as Luciille correctly pointed out a true minister is not concerned with which way it goes.A minister just ministers..The Archangelic focus has the whole situation in hand and we can trust the outcome..Praise The Lord.