December 13, 2015

The Anti-Force Rendered Impotent


The  Anti-Force  Rendered  Impotent

Martin Exeter   June 21, 1987

How very close the kingdom of heaven is. It is said that it is at hand. It isn't over there somewhere just out of reach, or even farther afield; it is right here exactly where we are. It is at hand. It is within reach. It is present. It has been obscured from human awareness because of what has been described as a veil. This veil has been developed in human consciousness over a long period of time and is particularly added to from generation to generation. We have some awareness that it is woven out of this matter of judgment, accusation, blame. Darkness is maintained and what is actually present cannot be seen or understood.

Judgment is based in a view which includes good and evil. On the basis of this view, all human action arises. I am sure we are all much aware that bureaucracy is another word defining human nature. There are vast ramifications to bureaucracy. There is bureaucracy in every field of human endeavor, and within all of these fields there are a multitude of different departments. We clearly see that in connection with the bureaucracy of government, but the same is true in every other field of human endeavor. There are various departments which require human beings to behave in certain ways. They all have their books of rules. The endeavor appparently is to make a book of rules which covers every conceivable situation: "Do this. Don't do that."

Human-nature bureaucracy may be seen as the body of the son of perditionthe way by which human beings are controlled. In some areas there aren't necessarily actual books of rules; in most areas there are. But in cultures and social systems it is usually more a matter of sensing what fits and what doesn't. One becomes aware of how one should behave in this particular culture. Moving into a new culture, perhaps a new country, there is the necessity of becoming familiar with the customs, and one will make one's mistakes for sure; gradually the person learns to conform, to fit into the culture, into the social system, whatever it is. Everywhere one looks there are these instructions as to behavior. What a very clear portrayal this bureaucratic state, the body of the son of perdition, is of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. All these rule books tell you what is good and what is bad, what you should do and what you shouldn't do. The endeavor is to pin it all down and then, by whatever means, get everyone to conform. It doesn't work very well—here, or anywhere else for that matter.

The bureaucratic state of affairs is universal on this planet amongst humankind. It composes the symbol of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We are all instructed to eat of this fruit: "Behave according to the rules, not only governmental rules but many others as well; if you do this you will be good." Eat of this fruit and you will be able to live in this country, or in this society, or in whatever department of it. If you don't eat of it you will be an outcast, you will be harried from pillar to post; but if you will conform and be good, be obedient to all these instructions about what is good, then you will be acceptable and you will be secure. You will be taken care of by mother, whoever mother may happen to be, whether it's the government or the union or the particular organization which you may be a part of, all these things. Here we have a picture of the human state, very graphic, and characterized by bureaucracy. It's all in the book and there are always experts around to tell you what's in the book, so that you must behave this way.

As we look at it in this fashion, it evidently is very restrictive. One doesn't really have very much freedom at all. It seems there may be a sense of freedom if one conforms. Then one feels that one can thread through this labyrinth successfully and perhaps even make a buck, perhaps even be rewarded in some fashion for being so good, perhaps The Order of Canada in this country. My, that really makes the ego swell; and one will be honored and respected because of this, simply because one has lived by the book. Of course it may turn out that one wasn't quite so good as was originally thought. Things get uncovered, don't they, here and there, and people are put on the spot in various ways. It is of course virtually impossible anyway to conform to all the rules in all the books, because so many of them are contradictory anyway. But it is a great struggle and effort to make this attempt, and I suppose a person feels really worthwhile if he achieves some success in this regard.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil! And one is instructed to eat of the fruit of it. Most people meekly go along. Oh, there is a certain amount of rebellion of course, but eventually most settle down and find that their bread and butter, so to speak, is composed of the forbidden fruit. This is a picture of the crowning creation on earth! How sad.

The kingdom of heaven is at hand. In the midst of the garden is the tree of life. The tree of life, in our own immediate experience, symbolizes the body of the Son of God, whereas the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has come to symbolize bureaucracy.

Over the millennia, because of the unpolarized human function, there has been created by mankind what may be called an entity. Of course there has been some recognition of this. You will have noted that someone is always looking for those ultimately evil people who are subjecting all of us to this terrible condition. And various people and groups of people are fingered from time to time as being the authors of the evils which assail us.

The fact of the matter is that there has been created, during this lengthy period of intensifying bureaucracy, a very compulsive force in human experience. It compels toward judgment of good and evil. I suppose it could be said that it panders to all the so-called human weaknesses. It brings pressure to bear on this basis, and insofar as human beings are concerned this is a very real compulsion.

There is an anti-force, one might say. This has been called the Antichrist, but that takes it into a rather different field of concept. There is an anti-force which is very compelling insofar as human beings are concerned in their present state; it compels them to do what they do. We may imagine that we are clear to a certain extent from this compulsive anti-force, so that we can look over there and see the anti-force at work in the foolish behavior of human beings all over the place. Human beings behave the way they do, imagining either that they should behave that way, or that they can't help themselves. Do you ever have the idea that you can't help yourself?

Here is the anti-force at work, something very real in human experience, something that only exists in human experience. The anti-force isn't a cosmic entity that roams around through the galaxies. The anti-force is restricted to human experience. It doesn't have very much scope but it makes the fullest possible use of what it has. The idea of this anti-force is to bring human beings into absolute slavery to it. It's a strange thing, isn't it, because human beings have created this force but are intent upon being enslaved by it. Of course they always have been enslaved by it to some degree ever since the fall, but it's been building and building. We see in this bureaucratic model how everybody is being brought into absolute slavery. And they are not brought into absolute slavery kicking and squealing, for the most part. They happily give themselves to it without any apparent awareness of what it is that is happening.

Some people wake up to it and they are going to really do something about it, so they organize. They create anti-anti-forces! That looks to me like compound interest. There are all kinds of organizations against all kinds of different things. Sometimes in democratic countries governments are elected in order to scale down the bureaucracy. It never happened, by the way, because the bureaucracy is human nature, whether it's in government or anywhere else, and as long as human nature is in the saddle in individual human beings it will be revealed in these various ways.

The best way to strengthen something is to fight against it. You may eliminate a form along the way by fighting but you still have the anti-force after it's all done. It has been strengthened in fact by this struggle, which is purportedly, for good reasons, against something that is deemed to be bad. Oh how heartily everybody eats of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and, by doing so, maintains this compulsive anti-force which drives them inevitably to ruin. We see the whole world being driven to ruin and nobody knows how to stop it, because everybody is participating in the force which is driving the human population to ruin. We have heard the words "Come out of her, my people"—stop contributing to this process, stop giving power to the anti-force. And how is that done? Because there is acceptance of the one supreme power, that of love.

There is the tree of life in the midst of the garden. No one can come to the tree of life except by passing the flaming sword, except by accepting the fire of love and the sword of truth in one's own living, so that all connections with the anti-force are severed and dissolved. Then one may come into the body of the Son of God, which is the tree of life. We don't come to the tree of life to eat of it. That would have been the attempt made by those who were cast out of the garden. They want to get back, so as to eat of the fruit of the tree of life and live forever. This is what human beings have been trying to do all along. They can't get back, because to come back to the tree of life one comes back as a part of the tree of life. The tree of life doesn't eat its own fruit. It brings forth the fruit in a consistent way, twelve manner of fruit, one each month, continuous. This is the fruit of life.

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. If a body forms for the Son of God, it is a formation of the tree of life in the midst of the garden. It is unknown insofar as most people are concerned because they can't get past the flaming sword, so the tree of life remains an unknown quantity. But we begin to experience the reality of it to the extent that we have come past the flaming sword—only to that extent—which severs our connections with the anti-force, so that we can no longer be compelled to operate at the behest of the realm of effects. We operate on the basis of the flow of life, the flow of life through the tree of life, bringing forth the fruit of life. And that fruit appears as effect, but we don't eat of the effect. Our concern simply is to bring forth the fruit and let the effects be what they will. This is the creative process, isn't it? And it works with absolute certainty as there are those who give form to the tree of life in the midst of the garden on earth.

As that body of the Son of God forms, it is secure because there is the protection always of the flaming sword. What is that? We know it relates to the truth of love. Here is the radiation, the power of love. As soon as there is the body of the Son of God present, the tree of life present, in form again on earth, here is the power of creation. And the power of the anti-force, which hitherto has ruled everything, immediately begins to diminish. Mind you, in the view of the anti-force and of those who give the anti-force particular accommodation, it seems as though the compulsion is leading toward the ultimate objective: the complete enslavement of mankind. Of course the anti-force remains in darkness and unaware of the power of love.

The power of the anti-force is what can be stolen from the power of love through human beings, through the blood of human beings, through the passion of human beings. And human beings are very passionate in various ways, as witness what is going on all over the place. It doesn't take very much to stir the passions in human beings. The passions of human beings are there to be used by the anti-force. Human beings are the source of the power of the anti-force. They give their passions to the anti-force, so that it consequently exists. They created it in the first place, without being aware of what they were doing, from the individual standpoint. Nevertheless here is a very massive force, in human terms at least—not very massive from the standpoint of the universal whole but big enough insofar as human beings are concerned to reach the ultimate goal of human enslavement.

No doubt there are those who particularly embody the anti-force in the human sense, profiting by the deal; but there is little awareness, thankfully so, of the tree of life, the body of the Son of God, the power of love, the creative power of the universe. As there is the tree of life, as there is the body of the Son of God on earth, that power can move by reason of it. And as it moves freely there, it is withdrawn to that extent from the anti-force, which consequently perishes. It seems to me it landed up in the lake burning with fire and brimstone. That's a good place for it. It ceases to existburns forever and ever, no comeback!

Here is the way it works. Here is the creative process. It is a serious business. It is something that is so vast that there has been little awareness of the immensity of it insofar as we ourselves are concerned, but it begins to emerge. It must emerge if this power is to be released by reason of the body of the Son of God. As it is released there is an awareness of it, of the immensity of it, and there is in fact nothing that can stand against it. It is only because human beings have shut it off that something has been able to stand of a different nature. Let it come back, and nothing can stand that is contrary to it. The anti-force is easily dealt with once there is the form of the tree of life available to bear the fruit.

"And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations," that is, for the restoring of the design of man on earth, not according to the human idea of nations and cultures and all this but the way it really is. It comes for sure when there is the body of the Son of God available to the Son of God, for the essential creative action. "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." This is the word of the One whose body it is. No problem. Easily attended to. This is not to say that what happens is easy on everybody, but the job gets done. And that is what is of sole concern insofar as this body of the Son of God is concerned. That's the way it is.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

1 comment:

Lucille said...

Thank you, David. I very much appreciate reading Martin's words here, just as I have of "Reproof - Anti-Spirit Prevails not." It is wonderful to be part of the Body of the Son of God on earth and to understand exactly what Martin is saying here. For sure the anti-spirit is rampant in the world, but for sure we know the truth of love, for the Power of God's love is very present and real in the body of the Son of God and it is having an effect in the world. Knowing this, there's no need to get emotionally involved with any of the happenings going on in every corner of the world as shown on the Media. As I handle what is directly in front of me in the Spirit of Love and Truth, the job gets done.