March 03, 2016



from  Pittsburgh  Summer  Session  Service  Number  Three

Uranda  August 18, 1941 (afternoon)

There are a number of fundamental things to be considered in any case of ill health. We generally have an unbalanced physical condition don't we? There is usually a lack of something—a lack of minerals, a lack of vitamins, a lack of proper digestive processes, a lack of proper assimilation, a lack of proper elimination, a lack of proper breathing, a lack of this and that.

When God made man, he made him according to certain laws. If, then, that is true, is it not better to say, “It has taken time for me to get into this condition, these laws have been violated, either by myself or someone else, therefore it doesn't make any difference how innocent I am, or how ignorant I am, this is the situation, and I am willing to let it be worked out, step by step, to the glory of God and the Blessing of my Brother Man.” So one of the first things we need to do is to consider the Circulation of Life through the individual—the manifestation of life.

While I was in Toronto, I gave a short answer to a point brought up relative to circulation—we considered circulation. What all is involved in circulation? You think of the circulation of the airyou do not want a stuffy room; you think of the circulation of the blood, and the circulation of the air when you breathe, and that is about as far as you go ordinarily, unless you think about circulation of money? Circulation covers every phase of being. Where there is circulation there must be movement, there must be lifethere must be circulation in all functions, in all activity, in all manifestation. Anything that doesn't circulate is dead. Even then, only the form dies, because the substance continues to circulate. What happens?

It disintegrates and circulates back into the soil; from the soil it circulates into the moisture; from the moisture into the rootlets; from the rootlets into the roots; from the roots into the plant; from the plant into the fruit or the seed, as the case may be, and into the animal, or into the human being that eats the plant. Circulating around in the plant or the animal, it does what? It circulates into the plant's stomach. What is the plant's stomach? Its leaves. It circulates into the leaves of the plant, where the plant’s digestion takes placein the chlorophyll and the sunlight and so on, where inorganic minerals are changed to organic minerals. How? Why? Under the action of sunlight and cosmic rays, the absorption of the Negative Life Essence, charging the mineral with life, gives the force of the negative aspect. So on all the way through.

Considering circulation in your own body, any part of the body where there is not circulation—such as circulation of the blood, circulation of the life forces, circulation of the nerve energy—ceases to function properly. Some people think their minds are circulating, but really, all they are doing is going around in circles in one spot, failing to circulate mentally. You have to circulate all the way through your whole being. I won’t go fully into this matter now, I’m only giving you a few hints—Keys.

We have in the physical organism, two primary functions (1) assimilation; (2) elimination; and when the process of assimilation is dominant, the process of elimination is at an ebb; and when the process of elimination is dominant, the process of assimilation is at an ebb. This is normal and natural. Normally, the daytime is the primary period of assimilation, and the night time is the primary period of elimination. Now most people think of elimination as simply the final elimination of the substance of the bowels or the kidneys as the case may be, but we must recognize that elimination begins in the tissues, the elimination of the acids that form in the tissues—through activities breaking down the tissues, or of the process of the building of the tissues, or any part of the organism—must be picked up out of the organism.

If we would take the simple point of the action in the arm, here. If I were to do this for an hour or two (Uranda moved his arm back and forth) my arm might begin to get a little tired. If it were to get tired, what would be the reason? Because the muscles become weaker? Because there was less energy there to move it back and forth? No, because the acids—caused by the break-down of the tissues through action—would begin to accumulate in the tissues, and the blood stream would not be carrying them away as fast as they were being produced, and the acid remaining in the tissues would be the cause of tiredness, in that sense. A person says: “Oh, I feel so tired in the morning”—some people feel tired in the morning. Why?

There are a number of reasons. We say they have poor blood circulation. Yes, that is so; but that isn’t all; that is one of the reasons, of course, but poor elimination of the acids from the tissues is because of poor blood circulation, perhaps; or, it may be due to the fact that elimination from the bowels or from the kidneys is not proper, so that there is no place for the blood to take the acids and poisons that should be picked up from the tissues, so the acids are left there in the tissues, just stagnant. A person says: “Well, after I get up and move around for an hour or two in the morning, I begin to feel better; I’m not so tired any more.” Why? Because the activity begins to move those acids out of the tissues into circulation.

Some form of elimination takes place through perspiration, or perhaps in other unnatural ways, as in boils, or something of the sort, or unnatural elimination through the mucous membranes of the nose and head, and so on. All the way through, there are various types of unnatural elimination, but the poison has to be eliminated, does it not? The individual feels tired and he feels lack of strength. Also there is the relationship of air, oxygen and the Negative Life Essence, in connection with this point of feeling tired.

We find that most ailments, from the standpoint of assimilation, have their base in the failure of the function of elimination. Normally, during the night period, the accumulation of the poisons and the acids is accentuated, and during the activity of the day they are picked up by the blood stream and carried to the kidneys and bowels, or to the liver from whence they are released into the bowels, as the case may be, in various ways. Perhaps some of them are carried into the lungs, where they are oxidized by the air. When the process of assimilation slows down, the process of elimination comes up, and if the cycle of elimination is not allowed to complete itself, in the morning the individual begins to re-absorb the poisons. The process of assimilation begins again, and while there is a certain assimilation of food substances, there is a greater assimilation of the poisons which should have been completely eliminated. So Nature is forced around and around in a meaningless circle, accomplishing nothing by these two phases or cycles of life in the body.

That which is to be eliminated, must be carried clear on out of the body if the individual is to have true health. One of the greatest difficulties with which we have to contend is elimination—failure of the bowels to function properly, failure to have proper peristaltic action, failure of the liver to function—and why? What are the causes? Why do these things happen? What can be done about them?

Of course, many people eat a lot of pastry, bread, concentrated carbohydrates, a lot of candy and such things, and then say: “I don't understand why I do not have proper elimination.” Others say, “I haven't eaten these things excessively for years. I have been very careful about my diet, and I still don't have perfect elimination.” Did you ever have such a problem? What can we do to increase elimination? Many things. Of course, primarily, to begin with, one must cut down on any excess of carbohydrates—but be sure you get a sufficient amount of carbohydrates for your needs; get a certain amount of natural roughage, preferably of green vegetables, leafy vegetables, in the raw state.

Then, we have to consider the proper drinking of water. In the morning, when you first arise, one or two glassfuls of water with a little bit of lemon juice—not a full half, in each glass—water, just a little cooler than lukewarm, with a little bit of lemon juice in it, will help to wash out the stomach and intestines, because the stomach and intestines are lined, in the morning, with substances that have to be eliminated from the body, and are thrown into the stomach and intestines to be eliminated. But if you do not wash this refuse out properly, if you eat immediately without that proper washing, the food goes down there and mixes with that which should be eliminated, and then is re-absorbed with the food. It is taken right back into the body, right back into the blood stream and then you wonder why you do not have proper health. So it is a good thing to take a little lemonnot too much. It acts like a soap, shall we say?

Did you ever try to take a bath in a teacup of water? It wouldn't be satisfactory. Well, then, how about the internal bath with a teaspoonful of water or two? You need plenty of water the first thing in the morning, to wash out the stomach and the intestines, and you will find that it goes a very long way toward producing a natural, bowel elimination. You shouldn't eat anything, or drink anything else, for at least fifteen minutes after taking your lemon water. A little lime juice in the water is all right, or sometimes you may use some grapefruit juice in it, if you like. You may use more grapefruit juice than lemon juice and you will get wonderful results. Then, you need a breakfast according to your activities.

I might mention here that in spite of the fact that I have frequently emphasized the necessity of walking the Central Way, avoiding extremes; and I have also pointed out that people, according to climatic conditions, need various kinds of foodand yet some people have gone to extremes in connection with the idea of following Keys to Health. I found quite a number of individuals who were actually starving themselves, thinking that they were following Keys to Health properly. We, of course, do not advocate that anyone should starve himself. I have so frequently warned individuals not to go to extremes.

Our next point relates to proper breathing. I wonder how many of you know how to breathe? Let’s see your hands. I see you are learning to be properly cautious as Emissaries, lest you step into a trap. I think I’ll ask you another question. How many of you are interested in learning how to breathe? All right! You are sufficiently enthusiastic to allow us to continue.

Very few people know how to breathe abdominally. You know, most people just breathe a little bit up here, at the top of the lungs. If they want to take a deep breath, they think it just means throwing out the chest and pulling the abdomen in and exhaling. Of course, it is possible to take a deep breath that way, and for certain types of breathing, it is all right—but true abdominal breathing means that when you take a deep breath, your chest remains about as before, and your abdomen extends. You extend the abdomen when you take a deep breath, and when you exhale, you draw the abdomen inand in that way you begin to experience a new release of life forces, begin to increase peristaltic action, begin to move the diaphragm up and down, begin to get away from the congestion which most people have around the solar plexus.

The solar plexus has a very close relationship to all of the unconscious functions of the organs—the automatic functions of the organs. It is a central point through which the nerve impulses pass, and if we have congestion of the blood at that point, the whole thing begins to be sluggish, and unless you breathe abdominally you cannot keep the blood circulating properly around the solar plexus, and if there is not the proper radiance of life impulse from there, the organs themselves are bound to become sluggish. So, moving the diaphragm up and down, through proper breathing, and moving the abdominal walls in and out, tends to increase peristaltic action of the intestines, tends to increase the circulation of the blood around the solar plexus, tends to activate the function of all the organs, tends to gently massage the organs and increase their effectiveness, and also, it tends to increase the amount of the Negative Life Essence that you absorb into your body, and tends to increase the amount of oxygen in the body.

The oxygen, of course, is very important, but you cannot absorb the oxygen and use it unless you have the proper amount of natural organic iron in your body. So it isn’t just a matter of breathing, it is a matter of having the proper minerals in relationship to breathing, with the proper iron, and if you carry the proper oxygen, the proper Negative Life Essence, you begin to reach a point where the life forces can increase. Here is a point where many people fall down in their understanding. They say: “I pray to God for healing, and I don’t understand why I don't receive that healing.” Suppose God were arbitrarily to throw out the Radiance of His Power into the individual, what would happen? The body would be burned up. Many times you may say God does not answer your prayer the way you think it ought to be answered. Why? Because He knows that if He answered it that it would destroy you. An increase of the Power from God is possible, on an effective, constructive basis, only to the degree that there is something to act upon; if there is nothing to act upon, then an increase of the Fire would simply destroy the body, and God does not destroy.

Therefore, we find that in all creative processes in the Negative Triune World—what do we have to have?—we have something to start with. God does not create something out of nothing, does he? No, God does not create something out of nothing. He always uses something to start with, even clear back to the point of the unformed. He uses the unformed to begin the vibration; therefore, any re-creative act, whether instantaneous or otherwise, requires that there be something to act upon, and if there be nothing to act upon, how can the Power of God do anything about it? You begin to see the necessity of providing that upon which God can act, and through which the Power of God can work. If this is true, you begin to see the need of proper breathing, as well as proper eating. There are many different ways of breathing which we may properly consider. I think we’ll have to do a little demonstrating.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

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