August 27, 2016

Our Experience of Joy

Our  Experience  of  Joy

Martin Exeter  1987

The creative process proceeds apace, and we rejoice to be together in that process, which is one of joy. We may know pretty well when we are participating in that by the level of joy, or lack of it, that we are personally experiencing. The Master spoke of His joy, the joy that He left to be shared by any who are willing. And our willingness has become greater presumably as time went on, and consequently our experience of joy is naturally greater.

Uranda  1953

So do not let the great red dragon trick you. Having reached the point of feeling the joy, the lightness, the beauty and the wonder, having the red dragon cast out of your Heaven, do not let him trick you into coming out of it yourself and having a contest with him, or playing games with him again, or you will spoil it all. Remember to dwell in your Heavens and rejoice, and let the cycles work out, and in season, if we serve correctly, the great red dragon shall cease to be.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

1 comment:

Lucille said...

AMEN to the Spirit of both their expressions! It is with great joy that we willingly continue in this creative process, and not ever let this great red dragon trick me/us in some subtle way, only to spoil all that had been created heretofore...and then having to start all over again!---one step forward and one step backward---getting nowhere fast! How blessed we have been, and I include myself in this---to know these things, but also to continue creating all things new. Where? for me, it is in my consciousness first. I do this by dwelling in Heaven and rejoicing.