September 23, 2016

Focalization of Divine Womanhood and Divine Manhood



Divine  Womanhood  and  Divine  Manhood

Uranda   October 17, 1947   100 Mile House, B.C.

Man is the Key by reason of which God can unlock the Doors of Heaven on earth. Let us consider Man. We find joy in considering God, and the things of God. Of all the things of God on earth, Man is the most important. Man is of God, and when Man is restored to his true relationship to God, Man becomes the Expression of God on earth. In the beginning, Divine Man was the Expression of God on earth. The negative aspect of Man listened to the whisperings of the serpent and thought to be as God. Man is now being restored to his position as the Expression of God on earth. That process of mind and feeling reaction, by reason of which the fall took place, was based upon a desire to be as God, not of God. There is a great distinction, a great difference, and the result brought forth a great gulf between the two.

Human beings today are still inclined to function in the same manner that originally produced the fall. Many human beings try to be as God without being willing to be of God. This understanding of the fall, this understanding of the processes of eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, as it continues down to this present day, provides us with the Key to the Restoration. Man fell—and man must let himself be lifted up. Man, by evil reaction, was removed out of his place—man, by right Response, is restored to his place. The steps of fulfilment, the processes of accomplishment, by which the Restoration takes place, were revealed on earth by Jesus Christ, our LORD and our KING, and those who truly follow Him must take those steps in the Way. They must see and recognize and rejoice in the Truth and the beauty of the Truth. They must follow Him in the Life—man must be restored to the position of being the Expression of God on earth.

Man is positive and negative in his aspects of Being. The negative aspect initiated the cycle of the fall. The negative aspect must stand in the Focalization of the return to the Divine Estate. The Mansions of our God, though they have been so long unused by men and women, have been kept in perfect condition. Though thousands of years have passed, and though cycles of disintegration and decay have worked out in this world, those Mansions are Eternal. They are as beautiful as in the day they were first brought forth. They are as complete in manifestation as the response of man will allow. We recognize the essential requirement of Divine Manhood on earth, that the true Nobility of Being may find positive expression in manifestation on earth. Likewise, Divine Womanhood is essential on earth. What is Divine Womanhood?

Before we undertake to answer this question, let us first give further consideration to the question, “What is Divine Manhood on earth?” We recognize, according to the Law and the Principles of Being, that all manifest things are established within the scope of specific Focalizations. A specific Focalization provides the Center for all things that manifest in relationship to that focalization, and provides the Divinely ordained means of control with respect to all formations in the base of that particular Creative Triangle. As all things were brought forth by the use of the Creative Triangle in the Creative Cycle, so are all things maintained in Being by reason of the Creative Triangles through which they were brought forth.

We have, for instance, spoken of the Life Ray that relates to the vegetable kingdom, and we have recognized that all the different types of vegetation on earth have a specific Focalization in the Currents of Reality which provides the connecting link between the visible and the invisible. On the surface of the earth we see the forms of these things. These forms constitute the base of the Triangle and all that is contained therein is held within the scope of that particular Focalization. The same is true in the animal kingdom. However, it is not needful that we undertake to understand these things beyond a point of recognition of the Principles involved. Insofar as man is concerned, there is a recognition that the absolute focus of all Being, whether of God Beings or of man, in the Whole Holy World, is established for this world in the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings. There is no Being in the Whole Holy World, visible or invisible who does not properly come within the range of that specific Focalization, and any Being that attempts to function on earth without respect to that Focalization is violating the Principles of Being, and begins to move toward death. That which finds manifestation within this Creative Triangle which does not harmonize with the principles of Being in the Creative Triangle is, of necessity, excluded therefrom in season. Only that which correlates with the Triangle, and the principles established therein, can find permanency of Being.

At the Apex of this Triangle we have the manifestation of Jesus Christ, the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings. We recognize that, insofar as manifest Formation is concerned, there is likewise an apex of the Triangle of manifest Being. That Apex provides in manifest Form complete representation of that which is invisible to the human eye, and, insofar as the manifest world is concerned, there cannot be any proper division between the manifest Focalization and that Inner Reality and Supreme Focalization which is represented thereby.

Man is positive and negative in his manifestation of Being. The positive aspect provides the Force of Function. The negative aspect provides the Response of Function. The Supreme Manifest Focalization of Positive Being must necessarily be that which dominates all that focalizes therein. If there is not a dominant Vibration, then there is no Focalization. When there is a dominant vibration which provides a true Focalization, it becomes evident that all things harmonious to the manifestation of Reality on earth must correlate with that dominant Focalization. It is the nature of the positive aspect of Being to provide the dominant factor of life expression. When there are human tendencies to resist the acceptance of the dominant vibration made manifest in Focalization, conflicts develop, and that dominant note in Reality cannot be moved out of its place—therefore, that which contends against that dominant note in Reality is moved out of its place. It is the function of the Law. When we see and recognize the operation of the Law as it manifests with respect to the Focalizations of Being, it is easier to recognize the principles of Reality as they relate to individual human beings.

The dominant Focalization of the manifest expression of Reality on earth provides the Center with respect to a re-establishment on earth of Divine Manhood. Jesus Christ revealed Divine Manhood on earth, but He did not require that any one individual should, alone and unaided, make manifest all phases of Being, aspects of Expression in Reality, essential to Divine Manhood. Although He did it, He did not require that it should be individually done by all those who should follow after. He established the Laws and Principles of Being by which the One Body should permit the manifestation of true Divine Manhood and Divine Womanhood. It was enough that He revealed Divine Manhood on earth and completed the Cycle which established in manifestation a revelation of the principles involved. It remained for those who would follow after to complete the picture and to allow fulfilment. He, as the Supreme Focalization of Being in the Whole Holy World, contained within Himself the Essence of the Whole, and He made that Focalized Essence manifest, so that those who would walk in the Way according to the Truth, and live the Life, should have a true Center around which they might move in establishing the manifestation of the fulness of Being on earth.

Until every man, woman and child on the face of the earth is included in that One Body, or perfectly correlated therewith, there cannot possibly be a full, complete and entirely adequate manifestation of Deity on earth in relationship to the necessities of function in the whole world. When every man, woman and child upon the face of the earth is perfectly coordinated in, or with, the One Christ Body, the machinery necessary to the adequate manifestation of Deity on earth in relationship to the rest of Creation will have been established. That is the fulfilment toward which we are moving. We cannot begin with that Fulfilment. We must begin with that seed which is the Focus of Reality made manifest which shall, in season, like the Stone cut out without hands in the Vision, grew and fill the whole earth.

When the Positive Aspect of Being made manifest provides the keynote for the Wholeness of Being, it is evident that those who wish to correlate in Reality must Respond to and accept that dominant Focalization. There is no such thing as a Focalization without a dominant vibration which functions in relationship to all that is Focalized. Those who refuse to accept a dominant Vibration and think to maintain a segregated expression of some dominant nature in relationship to themselves are doing exactly the same thing that produced the fall in the first place. They are trying to be as God without being willing to be of God. They are trying to eat of the fruit a the tree of knowledge of good and evil according to their own concepts without respect to the Cosmic Plan. Only that Focalization of Being which provides the dominant vibration by which the fulness of Reality may manifest, is capable of determining the correct application of the principles that are involved.

Either there is acceptance of Reality or there is not. Either the individual is willing to be of God on earth, or he is not. If he tries to be as God and to determine his own course according to his own idea, the sentence of death rests upon him, even as it was written in the beginning: “In the day, or life cycle, in which thou shalt eat thereof, thou shalt surely die”. From those human beings who stop eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and begin to accept the dominant Focalization of Being which the Lord has established on earth, so that they cease trying to be as God, and are willing to participate in that Expression of Being that is of God, the curse of death is removed, and for all such there is the promise of Life.

These are key points in relationship to the Restoration. There is, then, a central Dominant Point of manifest Being and Expression provided in the Postive Aspect, around which the formation of Divine Manhood begins to take place in manifest form. That manifestation of Divine Manhood, correlated to the Center, is made up of many members. It is the Positive phase of the one Christ Body on earth. The One Christ Body on earth cannot be either just Positive or just Negative. If there is a Body, it must have within itself its points of polarity—Positive and Negative. The manifestation of Divine Manhood on earth, in its Focalization and in its Formation through many members, is not enough to allow the Restoration, no matter how perfect that manifestation of Divine Manhood might be. There is, also, the necessity that there be the manifestation of Divine Womanhood—but no one woman is required, by and of herself alone, to reveal in manifest form all the aspects and phases and functions of Divine Womanhood.

The Negative Aspect of the One Christ Body is made up of many members. That manifestation of Divine Womanhood properly has a point of Focalization provided of the Lord. In conjunction with that Focalization, there are drawn into a coordinated, balanced, symmetrical Formation the many members, that, all functioning in Oneness according to the Divine Plan, may reveal on earth the Perfection of Divine Womanhood. The Perfection of Divine Womanhood on earth in actual manifestation and consistent function is absolutely requisite to the Restoration. Without that Focalization there is no means by which the Positive Expression of reality, no matter how it may be made manifest, can be caused to have true, effective and lasting meaning to the Whole of creation.

Divine Womanhood provides the supreme Focalization of manifest Creation. Divine Manhood provides the focalized Expression of Deity into the earth. The manifestation of Divine Manhood would be a manifestation of Deity on earth but that manifestation of Deity would be as meaningless as invisible Deity is to the self-active world, unless there was a point of connection, a means of unification between Creator and Creation. Therefore, as Jesus Christ provided the Absolute Focalization of Deity on earth, and as the continuing Cycle provides the manifestation of Deity on earth through the Positive Aspects of the One Christ Body, so must there be, if these things are to have meaning in the true sense, a manifestation of the Negative Aspect of the One Body, so that there may be, not only a manifestation of the Lamb, that is, the Christ Body in its positive aspect, but the Lamb's Wife or His Bride—the manifestation of Divine Womanhood on earth.

If any one woman were required to manifest all phases and factors and functions of Divine Womanhood at the present time, with the world as it is, the world would have no hope. The positive aspect of Deity, to various degrees, has been made manifest on earth many, many times but, because there was no adequate Focalization of Divine Womanhood on earth, or no adequate Focalization came into being in relationship thereto, the meaning of these revelations of Deity on earth has been comparatively small. The effect in relationship to the world as a whole has not continued in the sense of Divine Control being established in the lives and the affairs of men. The one factor that Has never before come into manifestation, which is absolutely essential to the fulfilment of our Goal, is the manifestation of an adequate Focalization of Divine Womanhood on earth. Without that Focalization, the positive Aspect may be able to accomplish a certain amount of good which may influence the world to some degree, but it cannot bring about the Restoration. Therefore, the Way to the Salvation of man rests in the Negative Aspect of man. The fulfilment of that toward which we are moving depends upon an adequate Focalization of Divine Womanhood on earth. In relationship to that, Responsive women should recognize that woman was, actually, the cause, or provided the initial step of the fall in the beginning.

It has been said that woman has carried the brunt of the sufferings of this world. Since she is primarily of the feeling realm, that is no doubt so, but she brought it on herself through deliberate disobedience to God, and she has utterly refused to allow God to change that condition. Actually, all of the sufferings which women have endured, they nave brought upon themselves, and hugged to themselves, and refused to be separated from those sufferings. In the face of such facts, no woman with any recognition of the Principles of Reality can properly be overly concerned about immediate personal fulfilments. If there cannot be found upon the face of the earth a sufficient number of women to coordinate unselfishly for the Restoration of mankind, than those who have had the opportunity with the rest of womanhood must continue to suffer.

Usually, concern about suffering on earth has been with respect to the women and the children. Little thought has been ever been given to the sufferings of men—and it is just as well. I do not think that the men are concerned about having their sufferings recognized. That makes some of the women laugh. Nevertheless, the whole record shows that much less consideration has been given to the sufferings of men than to the sufferings of women Men have always been ready to move into the battlefield to suffer whatever may be necessary to protect their homes and their children and their women. The sufferings of men have primarily been on the basis of undertaking to make it possible to keep their womenfolks from suffering; but the fact is that, in the world, the women love to suffer, and they imagine that if they did not suffer they would not be women. So, of all things, they have clung most tenaciously to their sufferings.

God offers a way of release, but the true manifestation of a Focalization of Divine Womanhood requires that there be found, and drawn together, and harmonized correctly according to the laws of Being, a sufficient number of women who are unselfish, who are willing to stop thinking about themselves, who are willing to stop trying to get something for themselves, who are willing to give themselves utterly and fully to the Lord, to allow a beginning of manifestation to take place, whereupon other women will surely be found to cause that Body to expand and grow until the Negative Aspect of Man on earth is sufficient to allow the Expression of Deity to have meaning—not only to all the people of the world, but to all the creatures of the world and to the whole vegetable kingdom—in other words, to all created things on earth.

This does little more than introduce the subject of Divine Womanhood, but it establishes points of Truth which must be considered, recognized and accepted in order to allow mankind to find that Fulfilment which is ordained according to God’s Plan on earth. The essential beginnings to the manifestation of Divine Womanhood on earth have been made. That beginning is an established, manifest fact. The opportunities that are afforded whereby the essential members of that One Body of Divine Womanhood may be drawn together and established in true coordination and adequate function, has been provided. The Way is open, that Fulfilment may be realized for all who are willing to accept the Way, the Truth and the life, that they may be truly of God instead of trying to be as God.

Heavenly Father, we thank Thee that it is so, and that we have the blessed privilege of letting Thy Kingdom come, of letting Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, for Thine is the kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. Aum-en.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

1 comment:

Lucille said...

Thank you, David. I've just finished reading Uranda's message, and my heart is full of thanksgiving for the Truth he expressed. As an essential member of this One Body of Divine Womanhood, I recognize that opportunities have been afforded over the years and are still being afforded today for all women to "be drawn together and establish in true coordination and adequate function [that which] has been provided." It is provided today...still. The Way has been open for me/us in this Body, for which I am deeply thankful, and it remains open "for all women who are willing to accept the Way, the Truth and the Life,that they may be truly OF God and not AS God." Divine Womanhood is Fulfilment realized!