We have been going through the process of becoming oriented in relationship to some the obscurities of the past, the basic patterns which were involved in relationship to the fall of man, and we carried the pattern forward so that you could see that the period covered by Old Testament history was under a Water — Fire — Fire pattern.
You will recall that in days gone by there was a period when Mars, the planet, was worshipped as a god. And there was another period when the planet Venus was worshipped as a god. If you go out and look up at the sky at a time when either Venus or Mars are visible in the sky, do you see anything that should be so outstandingly different from the other planets, that the ancients would particularly pick out such planets as objects of worship? The simple answer is, you do not. There is not enough difference in relationship to the appearance in the sky, not enough obvious relationship to warrant any such adoration or concern or fear as was once shown toward these planets. We have, right on the face of it, obvious evidence that these planets were not always functioning in the orbits where they now are. We have obvious evidence that they were in some other position than they are in relationship to our own planet. Now we will not attempt to go into that extensively. We have some text material on this point, in relationship to what has been gathered on a very scientific basis as evidence, and in a general sense the outline as it is given is very good. Some of the conclusions drawn from the scientific evidence we cannot agree with, but the scientific evidence itself stands and is worthy of a good deal of consideration.
Perhaps we will have time to go into it somewhat later on, but going back for the moment to some of the things that worked out in relationship to the processes of the fall. Up to the time when the fall took place there was no disturbance in the patterns of polarity, the cycles were working normally, but it was through Man, the Focalization of Creation, that these currents were working in relationship to creation. When man was in right polarity the planet itself and the various levels of creation were held in polarity in relationship to the cosmic scheme of things. But when the fall had taken place, from the divine standpoint there were certain problems which were posed.
Those who did not fall, those who maintained the right pattern, were keeping the earth in right polarity and maintaining conditions where it made it seem that those who were functioning wrongly were not reaping any ill results of their wrong action, because the right pattern was maintained for them and all around them. And consequently they took the attitude, “See, we are doing as we please and the ill results which were suggested simply have not appeared.” Therefore they felt justified and were utterly unrepentant. Everything within that scope of the pattern was done to give them ample opportunity to return to the Divine Design, and it was not at all necessary that all these thousands of years of suffering and misery and sorrow and death should have followed.
To say that man turned away and that God could not do anything about it, that man then had to go through all this long cycle, and Jesus Christ had to come into the world, and all the rest of it, just because man originally fell, is utterly wrong. There was plenty of opportunity at that tine for those who had turned into the wrong path to repent. But the violent results did not immediately appear, not in the sense that would carry conviction. One of the points that we notice with respect to the outworking, as it is given in the blueprint which we call the Book of Revelation, is that there should come a point when there would be a basic recognition that “just and righteous altogether are Thy judgments, O Lord.” And as long as there was a pattern where it would appear that God's judgments were not just and righteous, the thing had to be proven out. In other words, merely because God could foresee such-and-such a result, merely because from the divine standpoint there was a definite recognition of what would take place, and that it would be justified to take such-and-such an action, those who were not functioning in relationship to that level of consciousness and who simply could not see that there was any justification in taking the attitude toward them that was taken, they felt self-righteous and took the attitude that God was not being fair, that His judgments were not right. I have had that same attitude displayed toward me many a time. Then what was to be done? The thing had to prove itself out.
It was not God's purpose or intention that death should appear on the earth, and all the miseries that produce death. There are those who believe that God created man and intended that man should fall; He did not intend that man should remain in some kind of a perfect state — that God was not fair to man; man at that time was just like a little child; he did not know right from evil and he made this mistake and then he did this, he did that, and so on. And God either condemned everybody just because one who was comparable to a child made a mistake, which would be unjust, or else God intended that man should fall. So man's rationalizations, attempting to work out an idea that would not make it appear that God was too unjust, have brought about a conclusion that God simply intended man to fall and that death is a part of the Divine Plan, a part of the school, or a part of an opportunity to grow or something.
So the concept that death is absolutely essential to life is widely held and the inevitability of death, etc., is greatly emphasized. As the pattern now stands certain substances of the body or certain parts of the body, or some body is going to die, as we say — but death is not at all what it seems to be to human beings, and that which is in the divine scope of things is not death. We have recognized that the Divine Design was birth and ascension, not birth and death. Once we begin to actually realize that, we can see that God did not intend that man should fall. All of this misery and suffering and sorrow has not been a part of the Divine Plan. It has all been contrary to God’s will, contrary to God’s plan, and when I say contrary to God's will, again we come up against one of the popular religious concepts, because there are millions of people who believe that everything that happens is God's will. God is all powerful, therefore nothing can happen without God's will, and if something happens to you, it is God's will. If there is a tragedy, a death, a suffering, a sickness, an illness, or anything else, it is God's will. And they take the attitude that it would be somehow blasphemous to suggest that anything on the face of the earth happened without it being God's will.
Carried out to its logical conclusion, you have to admit that everybody that lies, everybody that murders, everybody that steals, everybody that does anything evil, is doing God's will. You cannot be logical in that kind of a pattern without carrying it right on and recognizing that it includes everything. Very well, if everyone who does something wrong is doing God's will, then God is not properly going to punish the person that does His will, is He? He should reward. It gets back to the same point I made with respect to Judas, because if it were God's will that Jesus Christ should die on the cross in order to save people from their sins, then we must admit that Judas of all men, outside of the Master Himself, rendered the greatest service to each and every one. We cannot agree to that. No, it was not God's will. Judas was not predestined to do that. He was not acting on Divine Impulse. So we begin to realize, wherever we turn, there is evidence of the fact that it was not God's intention that all of this misery and suffering and sorrow should come into the world. We have had over twenty thousand years of a pattern on earth that was not necessary, that God did not intend, and that is not in any sense a fulfilment of His plan; and until we get out of it, we are not in position to continue on in the outworking of His plan.
So the immediate goal is to get man out of the situation. That is merely an incidental plan to the situation. Man has come to act as if he believed that God's whole purpose and plan was to save man, and after that was done, there is nothing else. But God's plan did not include the fall of man. That was not the purpose or intent, and until we get back into that pattern that God did design, we will not be functioning according to our true purpose. So this work of bringing about the restoration is simply an interim plan and purpose in order to reinstate man in a position where he can function according to the Divine Plan. Once we begin to see that, we can begin to take the right attitude toward the basic facts of life as they relate to man's present situation.
Well then, we see, going back again to that original point, that those who had fallen were not producing the condition which their acts would naturally produce. Why? Because there were other people in the world who were not functioning in that manner, who were maintaining the polarity as far as the earth itself was concerned, who were maintaining a condition that let evil people — people that were rebellious and following their own fancies — have all the blessings, practically speaking, in an outer sense, of right function. Well, after a reasonable period of time given to those people to repent and return, God had to make a change. Now God is not a destroyer. He is a creator. So it would have looked unjust — the surface appearance, the evidence, would not have been present to have simply annihilated those people, to have said, “Well now here, we will just annihilate you and the rest of the folks will be all right, so we will go right on.” But that is not God’s way. And the evidence was not manifest.
The judgment would have been in the appearance of an assumption, because the outworking of the cycle was not manifest. God could foresee what the outworking would be, but to judge on that basis without the cycle actually having worked out would have made it appear that God was perhaps unjust. So the only thing to do, after a reasonable period of time, was to have all of those who were functioning correctly — except a few, very few, who were to remain as leaders and teachers to give an opportunity to man — to have everybody else ascend — a mass ascension of millions of people away from the earth's surface, leaving only a few to be leaders and teachers to whatever degree those who remained would listen, after they began to see the actual evidence of their wrong doing, the results in manifestation. There had been, to make it a little more exact, group ascensions quite a while before the final one, which allowed some evidence to appear, but it was not enough to convince the self-active minds of men. They took the attitude, “Well, you folks go on. We do not care. We do not need you. Look, we are getting along all right. This threat that you are all going to ascend and leave us, what difference does that make to us? Go on. We would like to have the earth all to ourselves.” They took that basic attitude. So the day came when there was a mass ascension of those who remained, and the earth was left to them with the few exceptions I have mentioned.
And so, what happened? Those who remained were out of polarity. The cosmic currents working in relationship to the earth had been moving through Man, Divine Man, in polarity. That body of control was removed and the control factors were consequently gone. So the cosmic currents which function in relationship to the earth, the solar system, and so on, had to be without any means of manifestation, or work through man who was out of polarity. Immediately then, the earth itself was thrown out of polarity. The polarity of the earth depends upon the polarity of man as a human family. Not just one or two human beings, no, but the whole human family. The polarity of the earth itself depends upon the polarity of Man — meaning mankind. So immediately the earth itself was thrown out of polarity. It was wrenched suddenly off of its axis, the subterranean supports under the earth crumbled, fountains of waters gushed out, flames of fire appeared in violent volcanic eruptions, and over a period of about seven thousand years after this real process of submersion began the Motherland or Lemuria was in the process of submersion — terrific earthquakes and all kinds of things. The earth was reeling to and fro on its axis much more than it is today, and it was thrown out of its orbit in relationship to the Sun.
Now, when we have a solar system, a sun with various planets around it, and one planet is suddenly thrown out of its orbit and out of its polarity, are all the other planets going to be unmoved by it? No, because they have an inter-relationship. Their particularized positions depend not just upon the individual planet’s relationship to the Sun. Our particularized position in the planetary system depends not just on the Sun and our planet as such, but upon the influences, gravitational and otherwise, of the other planets of the solar system. Do you see that? It could not be any other way, because no group of bodies in what would be called space, functioning in relationship to each other, can have no influence upon each other. They do have an influence, according to their mass and density and make-up, etc. There are variations of gravitational influence, just to name one thing, and there are many other vibrational factors involved. So when the earth was thrown out of its polarity and out of its orbit, it likewise threw other planets out of their orbits, and the pattern worked out so that the … well, there was a gravitational mess, shall we say. There were certain of the planets which, due to these factors … and they worked out in relationship to some comets. I am going to have to bring in the pattern of comets here, to make this clear.
The comets of which we are aware, the comets which come within the range of our vision so that we can see them and know about them and chart them and so on, are a part of our solar system. I do not know whether you knew that or not, but you can study into it if you wish, from the standpoint of astronomy. They have the Sun as their point of orientation — our Sun. And these comets which are a part of our solar system are likewise a part of the basic material factors of our relationship with the rest of the universe. A rather limited but suggestive illustration would be the fact that there are red blood corpuscles. Suppose you figure the heart as the center of the physical organism and we have various organs at certain distances from the heart, and certain members of the body, like hands and feet, which revolve in a sense around the heart, or function in relationship to it; but there is likewise something that goes to the heart and out to the extremities and back again, the circulation of blood, or the red blood corpuscles, etc.
Now, of course the application of the principle is different in relationship to you as a human being, but just exactly as that is true in you as a human being, the relationship of this planetary system with the rest of the universe had to be established on a basis that was not just purely spiritual, shall we say. There had to be physical factors. And the comets, of which there are many, are a part of this pattern. Now when things were thrown out of polarity and the comets were functioning as they did — they had a part in maintaining particularized balance and rhythm in the movement of the planets themselves —there were certain planets which were thrown into a comet pattern. I might mention that there is one of the planets which belongs in the solar system as a planet which is still to this day functioning as a comet.
Now, we talk about physical changes in the solar system, physical changes in relationship to the earth. These things do not come about all just because of what we might call spiritual means — the idea of changing the pattern in relationship to the earth. How is it that the earth itself is going to be caused to move in the future yet on a basis which makes it seem that the heavens are rolled together as a scroll? Suppose you are standing here on the earth's surface and looking up at the sky and suddenly, because of variations in gravitational pattern, the earth is thrown suddenly on its axis and rolled over the other way. You are used to it rolling one way. How about having it roll the other way on its axis, or north to south, we will say? If you are looking up at the sky under that circumstance, aside from a lot of other things that will be happening, it would appear that the sky was rolling together as a scroll. And if the earth is thrown into a serious wobble on its axis, as has been the case in the past and as will be the case in the future, we have some very interesting results.
Now the earth will ultimately, in the outworking of the Divine Pattern, one way or another be restored to its normal balance in the axis pattern. This excessive wobble that we have today will be eliminated, and we will be restored to our proper distance from the Sun. We are not out very much from that distance or human beings could not live. You see, if the variations were too much the conditions necessary for the life of man would be gone. So this is one of the factors which makes it impossible for man, under the present time, to live more than a hundred years or so, generally speaking. Because the earth itself is out of key, the vibrational factors of the solar system have to be changed — and just you and I, or a few human beings, this group for instance, even if we begin to function on a reasonably good basis, just that alone is not going to produce the conditions necessary to the perfect fulfilment of the plan. We have to carry on under these conditions until we become powerful enough in relationship to centering, in relationship to control patterns, to allow the vibratory factors to move through us as a means of establishing right polarity for the earth.
But it will be more than that, just as it was more than that at the time of the fall. For at the time this works out, our sister planet which is at the present time functioning as a comet — and because of that we have been able to maintain conditions in the solar system which would let man live even as long as he does now — is going to be restored to her position as a planet, and the vibratory balance will have to be worked out again. When that planet which is now acting as a comet comes back into the solar system, we need to be ready for it. We will not try to restore the earth to its right polarity until the right vibrational conditions have been reached in the sense of the creative processes. Even if we were ready today, and it would take at least one hundred and forty-four thousand people who were perfectly centered and coordinated as a control pattern to even begin to think about it, but suppose we were ready today, which we are not, we would still have to wait until the cycles of time worked out, the right vibratory patterns were developed, and the time had come in these patterns of movement for our sister planet to return to the solar system. But when that time comes, we had better be ready.
Now we do not have too much time. In other words, you cannot say, “Well, if that is the case, it does not make any difference what we do.” It does! And we had better be getting ready or we will have trouble. But that means that a whole new vibrational pattern will be re-established in the solar system and so in the earth, a vibrational pattern which would make it possible for man to actually do what he was created to do, equipped to do. We cannot expect now, under this vibrational pattern, to live for say five thousand years. That was what man was created to do — any length of time necessary, as I have pointed out before. But until we reestablish the right conditions, we are not going to do that. So we had better do our part toward re-establishing the right conditions. That is part of our job now.
And from the standpoint of what the Master did, we talk about the salvation of man. What is the salvation of man? It is the outworking of this whole Plan, so that the solar system and our planet can be restored to the Divine Estate, and until they are man is certainly not going to have the opportunity to live according to the full pattern of that Divine Estate. We can reach a certain degree of development and accomplishment under conditions as they are, far more than has been. There is no block ahead of you; do not worry about it. But that is as much a part of the salvation of man as anything that anyone can do. That is what was part of the program when our Master came into the world. The idea that it was all worked out when He died on the cross, as people put it, is so utterly infantile when one begins to see the truth of the matter. We see that the salvation of man requires the restoration of the earth itself to its proper point and pattern of function in the cosmic scheme of things. So just as the earth was thrown out of polarity, so will the earth be brought back into polarity, and the comets will have a part to play, other planets will have a part to play.
And there was a period during Old Testament history even when certain of the planets, Mars and Venus in the different cycles, were actually so close to the earth that they had the appearance of being much larger than our moon — and there was fire, the gravitational pulls involved between the two, electrical discharges manifesting between the two, and it is no wonder that the people then looked up in the sky and saw this great fiery monster as it appeared to them, and worshipped it. It was not in its present place in the solar system. Now if you have never heard anything like that before, it may sound a little fantastic to begin with, but we can look into it, we can examine it, because what I am talking about is a scientific fact — and there is a physical factor in relationship to all of these things.
For instance, you go back and consider some of the things that are spoken of in the Old Testament, and people will say, “Well, that is just a physical impossibility, the earth standing still, or this happening or that happening.” What was it that produced the peculiar conditions during the time when the Children of Israel were wandering in the wilderness? What was the manna from heaven? All right. The manna from heaven was something that was peculiar to that particular time and period when there had been a near collision between our earth and another planet, and there was a period of about forty years when they did not see the sun — the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. Is this just something fantastic that someone dreamed up, or is it something supernatural? No, there are sound, scientific, physical facts in relationship to every one of these incidents, and they are not just something imaginary or something achieved by some peculiar mystic means.When we begin to realize that there is a basic, scientific, physical fact back of every one of these outworkings, we will begin to see that we are not trying to do something that cannot be done; because whatever we do here, we are working on the basis of those scientific facts — not to try to achieve the impossible — out to set up vibratory conditions which will make it possible for us to utilize certain physical facts which are yet in the future. And if we are not ready when they come, it will be just too bad. So we intend to be ready. And all of these things are basic, and once you begin to see them — I think maybe I will have to take a little time, from the nature of the vibratory pattern here this morning, I think maybe I am going to have to take a little time to really study some of these things with you, just enough at least to let you see what I am talking about. But all of these things were working out during the period of the time of the Children of Israel; that is, certain of these things were, and some of them back beyond that.
But now I want to bring into focus one other point for you, to see what happened, because as I indicated the other day with respect to the graph of life, man went through a process of devolution or descending before he began to come back up to the level where he now is. He did not come out of oblivion, developing out of an amoeba or something. Man as a Divine Being was. Man fell. The graph of life went down very rapidly after the submersion of Atlantis, the continent that was on the earth's surface where the Atlantic Ocean now is. I might mention that the story of driving man out of the Garden of Eden, as it is touched on so briefly in the Bible, is the story of the submersion of Lemuria. And about a thousand years later there was the submersion of Atlantis, and that story is the same as the story of the flood in the Bible —the same story as the submersion of Atlantis. Driving man, as it is pictured here, out of the Garden of Eden — the submersion of Lemuria or the Motherland. And about a thousand years later, Atlantis went down.
We have recognized that at that time, or during those periods, there were vast portions of this continent under water. Plenty of geological evidence of it. You can find something that belonged at the bottom of the sea on top of our highest mountains.How did it happen? Well, I can tell you how it happened. Because until you begin to see how this old earth has been pushed and pulled and jammed and shoved around, you cannot understand it. And it did not take millions of years as some have thought, because those who developed those fantastic concepts — that is what they are actually — did not have any idea of what the physical factors back of all of this were, and so we will take a little look at it.
When the submersion of Atlantis took place — during that thousand years there was quite a development. Atlantis became the centering of world government after it was lost from Lemuria, and civilization began to pick up again — a thousand years. How long have we been on this continent? When was it that Columbus sailed the ocean blue? 1492. About five hundred years, would you say? And all of this, all of our great cities, all of the things we have done, our railroads, everything — in five hundred years we have accomplished all of this. Now, of course they were in much better position to accomplish things in the days of Atlantis, and they had a thousand years. Stop and look at it that way and you will begin to see something. Because in five hundred years, look what we have done in this day and age. Handicapped as we were, using ox-carts and all the rest of it, and look what we have done in this period of time. They had a thousand years in Atlantis. So when I say there was a considerable period of development, you should begin to understand that there was something really far superior to anything that we have today, even under that regime. But it was not what it should have been; and various factors worked out, and Atlantis went down.
Then there were so many changes in the earth's surface at that time, so many changes in climate, in atmospheric conditions. There were just a few people comparatively speaking, scattered, isolated. The sudden changes produced what we have called the Ice Age, because that water froze suddenly. We have plenty of scientific proof of that, have we not? — that that water became frozen very suddenly. How did it happen? Because of the fact that the earth was reeling to-and-fro like a drunken man, the wobble was terrific, the climatic conditions changed, and what was a comparatively lovely climate became extremely severe, much more severe than we have at the present time, in fact. And these people were isolated.
Suppose you — it is not a very nice thing to imagine — but suppose there were enough atomic bombs fell right here on the earth, on our country, to absolutely wipe out our cities, wreck our communication systems, and have just two or three people here, maybe three or four over there, hiding in the mountains, living in caves, no resources as we think of them today, no cars, no airplanes, nothing; just civilization wiped out and a few scattered, actually maybe over the whole earth, maybe a few thousand people. Of course, it is pictured here in the story of the flood, just as Noah and his family. Well, allegorically that is true, but there were several thousand people in different parts of the earth who were saved.
Noah is the story given allegorically with respect to one family, but there were other families who were saved. The point is that these people did not know whether anyone else lived on the face of the earth or not. They had no means of communication. The second and third generation — and generations would become very short there, would they not? — you would have to be using clubs to kill some animals to get some food. The earth itself was covered with a density of clouds and dust and so on until you could not see the Sun. You could not tell what the directions were. For a long time they did not know what was north or south, they could not see the stars, they could not see the Sun or the moon, and it was cold, bitter cold. They were living in caves, trying to find some wild animals, get their skins to clothe themselves and so on. Oh, there was a cave-man age sure enough, but it came on so suddenly.
And how rapidly under those conditions, when every resource had to be given to the preservation of physical life, how rapidly would the consciousness of things gone by disappear. A grandparent talking to his grandson, trying to tell him something of what was before, he would have nothing to go by; the child could not see it, it would sound like, “Grandpa is a little nutty, you know. He is a little cracked. He talks about such things as that. Why, we all know that such a thing could not be.” Grandpa saw it and grandson did not, and how quickly it is all turned legend and myth. Do you see what I mean? And in a few years, fifty years even, suppose our civilization was wiped out and there were only three or four hundred people left, scattered all over, they did not know that anyone else was left; perhaps they were the only survivors, each one thinking that, how long would it take? And, if going through the woods, Grandpa and grandson stumbled on something peculiar, grandson does not know what it is. “What is that Grandfather?” “That is what we used to call a railroad track. Here is a little part that did not get covered up, some old rusty rails shining through the weeds and the undergrowth. I will try to tell you what a railroad was like. Now let us see, how can I tell you what a railroad was like?” — a railroad engine, no way of telling; a railroad train, no way of telling. “Pieces of metal there,” and Grandpa gets dreamy and he tries to tell grandson about it, and grandson shakes his head. “Grandpa is sure just about gone.” Can you see the picture?
Well, that is what happened then after the submersion of Atlantis, and the earth was plunged into that particular state and man forgot all about everything except trying to survive in a few very widely scattered points, and he was living in caves. How quickly does he revert to primarily an animal pattern under those circumstances. He has no means but his own wit and strength and a club to kill wild animals to get something to eat, and skins to clothe himself. And so when I say in five hundred years — remember we accomplished all this building up in five hundred years — does it sound so fantastic then when I say five hundred years from the time of the submersion of Atlantis there were just a few scattered tribes, a few cave-men here, a few nomads there, and civilization as it had been known was gone; those tribes were in most cases enemies to each other; they did not trust each other, and so on. And there you see the picture of the low point to which man went down.
And gradually he began to come up out of that, and finally in the early dawn of history we see Egypt appearing on the horizon. We begin to see the Near East. We begin to see something of that development working out in the Oriental pattern, and going back we can see something with respect to what was the fact down here in Central America, what we call Mexico now, and on down into South America, the Aztecs, etc. — and all that you can do is go back five or six thousand B. C. in history.
So man was emerging for several thousand years to get up to the point where he reached a state of civilization that allowed him to begin to make a record of his doings. Is that not what we call civilization? — man reaching a point where he starts making a record of what he does, so you have history. He begins to have an organized society. And that was the dawn of history as we know it. But I have given you just a tiny glimpse of the history that went before it so that you can begin to see something of the influences, and we have not been on a long journey up from the state of an amoeba. We have the background of Divine Man, the fall of man, this plunge into the cave-man stage and the Ice Age, and so on.
Why did the great layers of ice come plowing down across the earth’s surface as they did? If I take you up I can show you territory right out here on our plains where you can see the edge of where a great glacier came plowing along, pushing earth in front of it, and then it got that far and melted. The edge of it is right out here. I have flown over it many, many times. Oh yes, glacial action and all the rest of it, things that geology has not been able to comprehend except to know that there had to be an Ice Age — and because they did not know about this sudden shifting on the earth's axis and all of these other things, they imagine it had to creep down there and take millions of years. “Glaciers travel so fast, do they not? Why it would take so many million years for that glacier to reach from the North Pole to right out there.” Presto-change-o, you have the millions of years of evolution. But that is not the case at all.
You begin to see how and why these things happened. And you begin to understand the sound, scientific facts back of them. And remember that only as we are scientific and fundamental in relationship to these things, can we cause spiritual understanding to have any real value in living.
Thank you so much, David, for posting this particular Meditation. It was a delight to read and re-read Uranda's clear message and articulation of past events, and to realize in this present time on earth the absoluteness of maintaining the right pattern in each moment, especially when pressures come on, because at that point a decision might be made that it's okay not to---but how infantile that is! As Uranda pointed out regarding a wrong pattern: "See, we are doing as we please and the ill results which were suggested simply have not appeared." They're not always immediate but they do come. Where there is no vision, the people perish---it's been happening and will continue to until the right pattern is maintained in me as one person and others as well at this time on earth. So, how large is my vision? I trust it is large enough and clear enough to maintain a right pattern. It takes all of me to be part of, and do my part in, this great work, and be in position to continue in the outworking of His plan...that His Will may be done as it is intended!
Continuing on with Uranda's message, his spirit touched the very core of my being having a deeper understanding of how and why these things happened over the millennia, and what is now seriously required at this time.
1 comment:
Thank you so much, David, for posting this particular Meditation. It was a delight to read and re-read Uranda's clear message and articulation of past events, and to realize in this present time on earth the absoluteness of maintaining the right pattern in each moment, especially when pressures come on, because at that point a decision might be made that it's okay not to---but how infantile that is! As Uranda pointed out regarding a wrong pattern: "See, we are doing as we please and the ill results which were suggested simply have not appeared." They're not always immediate but they do come. Where there is no vision, the people perish---it's been happening and will continue to until the right pattern is maintained in me as one person and others as well at this time on earth. So, how large is my vision? I trust it is large enough and clear enough to maintain a right pattern. It takes all of me to be part of, and do my part in, this great work, and be in position to continue in the outworking of His plan...that His Will may be done as it is intended!
Continuing on with Uranda's message, his spirit touched the very core of my being having a deeper understanding of how and why these things happened over the millennia, and what is now seriously required at this time.
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