Bright and Morning Star
Bright and Morning Star
Dawn of 1938 Under the Star
Uranda December 28, 1937
Beloved of the Lord
We, individually and collectively, being conscious of the transformation that is taking place in the world, are functioning as the Focal Point of the World Response to the Light of the LORD of Lords—and in this we recognize our great opportunity and Responsibility of Service to our Brother Man. Our primary interest is in Letting the Cosmic Plan manifest in and through us here and now. In Spirit I call to you, and in Spirit I come to you through these words, that we may commune in the Vibrations of the Christ Love—that a new vision may be established unto you in the Central Way.
This Service does not deal in the platitudes that are so widely recognized and utilized in the lower cycles of consciousness. Most have been so filled with platitudes that every experience of their lives draws forth the listless expression of some platitude, rather than that vital function in Love response to the Father within which allows every life experience to draw forth a vivid realization through which a still greater release of Reality is made manifest. When the process of casting out the platitudes, which are pollutions, from the Court of the Temple, begins, there is a tendency to feel naked—undressed and unprotected—for a time, and there is the tendency to run back into one's platitudes in order to find again the old sense of safety, even though it has been proven to be false. As you face the Dawn you are facing that point in Eternity where you will either let go of your platitudes, and let them fall from you, or you will fall with them as they are cast from the outer courts of the Great Temple which the world is.
This Service does not as yet appeal to the masses of humanity for many reasons which are obvious. We place utterly no faith or significance in numbers as proof of value—in fact, the wider appeal any teaching has in the present state of the world consciousness, the more it is proven to be filled with the limited concepts and wrong ideas of the world, else it could not appeal to the masses in the present state. Most people who give any thought to the Spiritual realities of Life are looking for something which they can take hold of and use according to their own human wills, even though they may say all the while that they wish God's Will to be done. Many people have complained that in this Service they can find nothing to take hold of, for they are still functioning in the possessive attitude of the world, and wish to possess themselves of Truth that they may use it to their own ends. We rejoice that there is nothing in this Service which any can take hold of in the possessive attitude, for thereby is the Perfection of its Function proven. The great Cosmic reason that this is true is realized by the Responding Ones who walk in the Central Way—you cannot get, or hold, the Truth of this Service any more than you could get, hold, and carry away the Pacific Ocean. When you are ready, and you truly respond to your Father’s Perfect Will, you find that this Service gets and holds you, and carries you away from the limitations of the world into the Glorious Expression of Heaven here and now. Did you ever try to carry away a handful of the ocean? Did you ever think that you could control the mighty, rhythmic motion of the vast Pacific Ocean? Just so is it with the Truth and Reality of Being, both in yourself, and in all.
Facing the Dawn, you begin to realize what it means to Walk under the Star. All through the expression of this Service you have been directed into the realization of Perfect Function in Oneness with your Father within you through your Love Response to Him, that the Reality of the Christ Light, Love and Life might be revealed in and through you, thereby transforming you into a Living Bible which might be known and read of all men who understand the Heavenly language of Love.
In this Service there is never, under any circumstances, or in any of its Functions, anything which might violate the right of free choice in each and every person. The purpose is not to control you or limit you in any way—it is to assist you in facing yourself that you may see yourself as you are; that you may find out what you actually know, which you may not know that you know; that you may find out what you do not know, which you may think that you know; that you may be drawn by the Christ Love more quickly into your Appointed Place in the Cosmic Plan; that being drawn into your Place, you may quickly grow into the full stature of your Place and begin to render that Service in the Temple of Light to which you are called; that you may Walk Under the Star, knowing the Way in which you go.
Our whole Function is to reveal the Truth to the World as rapidly as possible in the most effective manner—the Formation and Function is dedicated to the unveiling of all secrets and the revealing of all Truth, in and to and for the world as a whole—and its Service is offered fully and freely without price to all who will receive. The method by which new realizations of Reality are drawn forth from within the Responding One is more direct in the Inner Cycles of The Third Sacred School, than is possible in the outer cycles thereof. Most people do not like to face themselves as they are. They would rather live in a state of self-delusion, than to know themselves. However, it is only as the individual becomes willing to let his Father’s Will be done that the true and full release becomes possible.
Over and over again I have stressed the Truth that each must depend on the Father within, and that for each one his Father Within is the One Source of all that is required in his Life. The purpose of this Service, in all of its Functions, is, first, to assist the individual in letting go to his Father through a Love Response by reason of the fact that the expression of this Service is in perfect harmony with the Father Within each and all, so that each daily experience is caused to draw forth more of the Inner Reality than could otherwise be possible; and, second, to assist the Earnest One in letting that radiance of the Father's Light, Love and Life come forth into manifest expression in true Service and blessing to our Brother Man. It is true that your all comes from your Father within you. I have never offered to give you anything which was supposed to take the place of your Father within you; but all that I have given you has been of possible value to you in directing your response to your Father so that His Reality might quickly come forth in and through you. There is an individual Father within each one, and each is to fully depend on his own Father for all. Of what value, then, is any teacher, and why did God send our Beloved Master into the world? Why do not all people take advantage of the help of the Lord that is already in them? Those who hesitate to come to me because they feel that they must depend upon the Father within have my blessing; but it is not necessary that they take the slow, hard way unless they so choose.
I AM sent of the LORD of Lords to all the people of the earth, and by the Authority of the KING of Kings I AM the Representative of the God-Self, or Father, or Lord, within every person on the face of the earth. He who receives me, receives Him Who sent me, and in receiving Him Who sent me he receives his own Father within himself. He who receives me not, receives not Him Who sent me, and neither does such an one receive his own Lord within himself. Unto each it shall be established according to his own choice. That which any does unto another is done unto me, and unto Him Who sent me, even as it is done unto his own Lord within himself.
In me is the promise fulfilled, according to the Word of our Great Master, the LORD of Lords, as recorded in John 16:12-15—“I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all Truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He will glorify Me: for he shall receive of Mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are Mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of Mine, and shall shew it unto you.”

I AM the Spirit of Truth, and my Spirit is in all men, even as I AM in my Father, and in the Christ Love is my Father directed of the LORD of Lords. The LORD of Lords, Who manifested as our Beloved Master Jesus, is and was the Spirit of Love, even the Christ Love—and since the time of His Ascension as Jesus the Christ he has not appeared in the earth in human form, nor will He ever again appear in human form to any person or persons upon the face of the earth. Those imposters who claim to be God, or Christ, or the personification of Christ, the Spirit of Love, are all classified under the Master's Words as recorded in Matthew 24:23-26—“Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.” One, and One Only, is our LORD of Lords, and He is not seen nor known with the human vision, nor does He appear at any time as a human being, or in human form. Rejoice that this is so!
As I AM come unto you, and as I AM the Spirit of Truth personified in the earth, according to the promise, so do I come to lead you into all Truth, and the Truth shall set you free. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. I AM come to lead you out of the Egyptian darkness that covers the world, into the Promised Land of Light. Blessed are they who hear my Call, for I Call in the Holy Name of the LORD of Lords, and all they who are His shall surely hear my Voice, and they shall Respond in Love, and ascend with me into the New Heaven and the New Earth.
It is not now required that the masses of humanity should understand these things. Of the cells of your body in which Consciousness is focalized, there are only a very few—yet your whole body moves in accordance with the Consciousness of the few. So it is with the world. The focal points of world consciousness have for many thousands of years been controlled by the spirit of darkness, which the carnal mind is. The evil focal points of consciousness which have controlled the masses of humanity are now rapidly beginning to destroy themselves—we need not fight against them, nor fear them, for they are fighting against themselves, and will surely destroy themselves according to the Word of the LORD of Lords. Because the focal points of evil consciousness are now destroying themselves, the Day of Deliverance is at hand, and I AM come unto you, that I may receive all those who have chosen our Beloved LORD or Lords and KING of Kings, even as He has first chosen them, and has sent me unto them. The few who are now ready, and who hear my Call, so that they Respond in Love, are they who will now begin to understand, for they shall know the Truth—and these are they who are now being formed into a Focal Point of Cosmic Consciousness with a full Response to the LORD of Lords, that we who function in this all-powerful Focal Point of Consciousness may take over the controlling influence over the masses of humanity as rapidly as the evil focal points destroy themselves. As the world mass is released from the grip of evil, it will gladly Harmonize in the Formation and Function of the New Earth State—and so shall every Earnest One of all nations be received into the fullness of that Expression which is now typified by the Formation and Function of The New Naacal Norm.
I AM the Spirit of Truth, come unto you by decree of the LORD of Lords Who is the Spirit of Love, and as I stand in the earth as a Light unto all men, so do the Blessed Ones respond to me, that I may form them into the Focal Point of Cosmic Consciousness which shall shortly take over control of the whole earth—not by force, nor by governments of men, nor by any of the means known to men, but by the Love of the LORD of Lords. The full expression of these things will be made known to those who Harmonize—for only they who so Respond will be able to understand at this time. All other Earnest Ones shall know in due season if they waver not—but woe unto those who excuse themselves for not responding to the Truth by saying that they are waiting for the Truth to appear.
The LORD of Lords is the STAR of Stars, even the Bright and Morning Star. Your Lord within you, in His Radiance of Light, Love and Life, is your Star. I AM come as a Star, sent of the STAR of Stars, to draw forth your Star from within you, that you may Walk under your Star. The moment you deviate from the Way of the Star you will begin to feel fearful, uneasy, uncertain, and torn by turmoil—and so it is that you are privileged to turn from the vibrations of the world destruction, and look to your Star, that Love and Peace and Truth may shine through you; and then shall you be at peace, both with your Lord and with the world. So shall you ever Walk under the Star.
It is not for you to attempt to fully understand the Cosmic Plan. Each phase and function will be revealed to you in due season if you waver not, but stand upon the Rock. If you fully understood the fullness of Truth, there would be no need for me to come unto you. It is for you to receive that which is provided for you; for it is not seemly for you to demand that the whole meal be placed before you before you will begin to eat. Your Place awaits your response. With rejoicing in Heaven and in earth you will be received into your Place according to your response. That does not mean that you are ready to fill your Place when you are received into it. Be not puffed up at any time, lest you be suddenly deflated. When you are received into your Place, you are given every opportunity to grow into the full Stature of your Place, that you may fill it in fullness. If you refuse to respond until you feel that you are ready to fill your Place, you will wait in vain. There is only One Way, even the Way which I AM come to reveal unto you, that you may walk therein.
In response is Release. So it is that you are offered the opportunity of frequent and full Response through your letters to us. I would request that you consider this paper prayerfully—and then write to me of your Response thereto. Hesitate not to write to me of your Response to these words. This is very important.
Blessing you in the Holy Name of our Beloved Master
the LORD of the Sacred Seven, I AM Uranda
Fourth Anniversary
This Is My Body
Martin Exeter July 27, 1986
“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.”
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord,
which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”
Coming in the name of the Lord I speak the word of the Lord: I am present on earth through My flesh body. I am present in fact, not merely in symbol. This is My body. This is My blood of the new creation, pulsing through My flesh body as the sound of many waters. Through My word I make all things new. Through My word I make all things. Without My word is nothing made that is made. All that is present in My body, all that is present in the whole universe, is made by My word. Should My word ever cease to be spoken—which would never happen—there would be nothing. By My word all things are made, all things are sustained. Let My word always be spoken through My flesh body on earth. Then, behold, I make all things new. In this hour My word is spoken through My flesh body on earth. All the structures of form throughout the whole universe exist because of My word. Present with all the structures of form is My spiritual substance which permeates the forms and which accommodates My spirit and My word. The structures in the coarsest levels of form throughout the whole universe are living structures because of the spiritual substance which permeates them, thereby maintaining the sound of My voice in the speaking of My word.
One of the structures designed to contain this essential spiritual substance in its finest manifestation is the consciousness of Man. This spiritual substance we have referred to by using the word pneumaplasm. Let us not imagine that mentally there is understanding of what this word really means. Insofar as the mind is concerned it has a concept, probably a variety of concepts according to the number of people who hold them. The concept is never the truth; it is a human invention. But it certainly is easily sensed that there is this connecting substance between spirit and form, the many structures of form.
The most obvious structures of form are the structures composed of what we would refer to as physical substance, but there are structures other than that. In human experience there are what might be referred to as organizational structures, structures which can be identified mentally within the range of human affairs. These are all structures of form. In view of the fact that these structures do not permit the Word to be spoken with clarity and authority, there are indeed many aberrant effects in the world which is humanly known and which has been humanly created. The forms of this world, the structures that are present there, utilize physical substance. Cities are built, for instance; concrete is laid across the land. But in addition there are the structures of organization—local structures, national structures, international structures of all kinds.
Human flesh bodies with their consciousness have been fed into these structures generation after generation, so that the structures have grown and multiplied; but these are not living structures. They are, in every case, dying structures. As has been noted in times past, anything that human beings produce, even of their own kind, dies, disintegrates. “Behold, I make all things new”—new structures, but living structures rather than dying structures. Mentally speaking we have an awareness that everything that human beings do disintegrates. There may be a recognition that disintegration is included in the creative process, very fortunately so insofar as mankind is concerned, because it makes it possible for the rubbish to be swept out. But the primary purpose of speaking My word is to establish the dominion of integration, the dominion of life, which was and is and is to come. Life has always been present throughout the past; it is present now, and will still be present in the days and years to come. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord.” Mine is the creative process which shall always prevail. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord.” My creative cycles prevail in spite of all the arrogant antics of human minds.
“Rise up, my love.” Rise up because love raises the mind out of the pit of knowledge. Human minds swell with their own importance when they are stuffed full of knowledge. Knowledge does not give importance; it reveals the fact of rebelliousness toward the Lord God Almighty. These are words, but they refer to something real, something that is present but remains, insofar as the mind is concerned, the unknown God. The heaven of the Almighty cannot be known as long as human beings are trapped in the bottomless pit. “Rise up, my love.” There is love to make it possible for the rising up. No one can scramble up out of the pit by human effort. The only way to emerge out of that condition is to rise up because of the drawing power of love. No one comes to the true experience except the Father, love, draw him. It cannot be done by any effort that the human mind may put forth or by any of the desires of the human heart. Oh to be emptied of all such stuff, that there may be space for love. Love is an unknown quantity. It is necessary to be drawn up out of the pit to know what love is.
Love does the drawing, and does not require any definition by the human mind. We have discovered this to some extent because, becoming a little humble, we may say, “What has happened in my own experience to allow the increase of understanding didn’t come because I tried to get it.” It always comes—if it comes—in spite of the person, not because of the person. If it comes at all it comes in spite of human nature, because there is a crack somewhere through which love may emerge into subconscious experience, raising a person up. There is this resurrecting process by which the consciousness of man sheds its addiction to the bottomless pit and begins to breathe at last the satisfying air of the spirit. We share this process now if we will. We may be filled to overflowing with this spirit, so that the Word is spoken, is brought to focus by reason of the generation of the finest levels of pneumaplasm. This substance of spirit is generated on the basis of one’s own life emerging into expression clear and without distortion. We begin to be honest about these things, and we recognize that all that human beings do in this human nature condition is based on absolute self-centeredness. So we reach a point where we are sick and tired and done with all this fetid stuff of human nature which promotes itself at the expense of other selves.
Rise up, my love, come out of this morass. The word is spoken to mind and heart by one who obviously is not trapped in the bottomless pit. That one is present with each person. Over many, many years I’ve been associated with many, many people, you included, who have been filled with questions: Why? What? How? “There’s this thing in my life; you had better take a good look at this and tell me how it should be straightened out.” Nobody can tell you how it should be straightened out, because it doesn’t need to be straightened out. You need to be straightened out! You produced the trouble; accept that fact. Finally you may emerge, break surface into the state where there are no troubles of this nature. That’s where human minds and hearts belong. They don’t belong in this pit. No, we know the foolishness of all this. But we don’t always behave as though we knew the foolishness of it. That’s right too, isn’t it?

Rise up, my love, and come again to the Garden. It doesn’t say that the Garden was taken away; it merely says that human beings were put out of it, but it’s still here, still available. This search for knowledge is the veil, is that fellow who stands at the Gate of the Garden with the flaming sword. You can’t get by as long as you imagine that your knowledge is going to save you. It isn’t. It doesn’t ever! It ensures the passing of the human flesh.
This is My body through which I speak My word. My word has been spoken this morning by reason of this flesh body. This is My body, this is My blood; this is the way by which I may speak My word on earth, that My Garden may become known again to those who relinquish this useless search for more knowledge. There is the tree of knowledge. It was always there, but it was not fruit to be stolen and used for the supposed benefit of human beings. This is all that knowledge is considered to be useful for, isn’t it? to benefit me, to benefit the human race, to benefit everybody; everybody is going to be blessed. But all that has happened is that everybody has been cursed, based in this one thing: that life should become subject to the concepts and the ideas gleaned from the bottomless pit of knowledge by the human mind. Everybody has been tarred with the same brush.
So we rise up because love calls, and there is sufficient yieldedness of heart to rise up in response and to let go of that hard, harsh arrogance of the human mind which thinks it knows so much, when all its knowledge condemns mankind to oblivion. This is the fact. Rise up, my love, and come away. Let there be a generation of fine spiritual substance, that it may be drawn to focus to receive the focus of spirit, that that spirit moving through that focus point may flood the spiritual substance which has been drawn together. Behold, I make all things new by this, because all things, all structures, when filled with the fine substance of spirit, and therefore by spirit, reveal their true nature.
Firstly it happens in consciousness. That has been pretty rigid in most human beings but it is the area where there is the most potential of flexibility. Let it stir that first, so that human consciousness may come into alignment with the design of spirit which begins to flood the spiritual substance when it is present. Then it moves on out. All substance, whether of a physical nature or whether one might say of an organizational nature, is the way it is because of the nature of the pneumaplasm that is present in human beings, at least insofar as the area of human responsibility is concerned. Because that substance has not been available to spirit, then the forms are dead—they have a little temporary life, some of them.
So we share these moments, aware of the truth of the word of the One whose body this is: I am present. This is My body, not the body of anyone here. There have been those who have attempted to make this emerging body move in this direction or in that direction, do this or do that; it should be so-and-so, it shouldn't be something else. All this judgment has been spawned, which has simply interfered with the process—not stopped it, but interfered with it. Woe unto those who attempt to distract it or make it work according to some human view. Let it be exactly what it is in design, that it may be brought forth with beauty and wonder and power, that all structures everywhere may be changed in whatever way is necessary. There is no problem to that, no problem at all; only in the human mind which is struggling with these things, trying to make peace, trying to get rid of nuclear arms, trying to do this, trying to do that. All that is so useless.
Let the body come forth according to the true design;
and in the intensity of the outpouring of this spirit,
the speaking of the Word,
all things are made new.
Everything stands up according to the nature of what is present in the pneumaplasm.
Let that change and there’s no problem with respect to physical substance or organizational substance. It all must yield then, but not until the change is the fact in those who provide the flesh for this body. I rejoice that there are those who are willing that this should be so, to whatever extent that may be true at the moment. It might be said: This is my body; it’s all I’ve got! Speaking for this body, I rejoice that there is a quality of resiliency that is becoming more evident than it has been in times past. If there isn’t much resilience everything becomes such hard work, but when the resilience is there it’s easy and fun, enjoyable, fulfilling, just wonderful! So let us share in this wonder in heaven.
© emissaries of divine light
Beloved Uranda, Beloved Martin, and my Noble Loving Brother David (curator and overseer of TGCS),
You are all playing vital roles in bringing The Word of Our Lord to conscious focus, in this time and place, for which I am deeply grateful..... Therefore, I will address these comments of mine here, now to the three of you, knowing, of course, that this venue, by design, is shared by a more public audience, so therefore does not serve the same purpose as, nor substitute for our meeting in private, holy communion.... both are wonderful....
Uranda, You are The Spirit of Truth. You and my Father within are One. LOVE CALLS Behold, I come quickly, let this body awaken, breathe deeply and fill to overflowing, the loving chorus of, not only speaking The Word together, but at all levels, breaking into surrender of fully singing The Word into Responsive Radiation through The Body.....
Martin, You are The Spirit of Life. Beautiful, Sacred Evidence of The Love and Oneness with Truth and Our Lord of Lords, through You, right here; I remember you fiercely present, overflowing with Love, generating Purity and Sanctity in everything you did as you gave Life expression to Love.....
David, You have been stewarding TGCS for the rich blessing of many, with wisdom, artistry and deep Love.....Thank You
Jon's words are a hard act to follow so perfect are they for this moment I will just offer 100 percent agreement .
I very much appreciate all that Uranda, Martin, and David Barnes so beautifully and perfectly expressed in the Spirit of our Lord and King for all to easily understand their message of what is required and most necessary of our presence and true purpose on earth in this particular Cosmic cycle now---barring none. I know that for myself the key point is being about my Father's Business without wavering, letting His Will be done IN me without hesitance---this is most crucial if my body, mind and heart are to be of any value on earth; otherwise there's no reason or purpose for their existence.
So, this is my body through which I express Spirit that I Am. I have a mind to let Truth that I Am shine in my world; I have heart to let Love that I Am radiate to all in my world.
Your words, David, expressed so perfectly regarding the Fourth Anniversary of TGCS, now entering its Fifth, which speaks volume to me. It's been a wonderful provision for all of us of the Third Sacred School to receive these priceless and precious Services. I remember receiving the first transcript with deep joy and it's been that way ever since. And, as you said, David, "nothing is for sale." No price can be put on the Word so freely given and available to anyone open and ready to receive this Priceless Gem. I totally agree with you concerning sacred things being kept sacred---what is kept in mind and heart cannot be bandied about to satisfy human egos' wants or demands. Sacred things are kept in the sacred place of the Holy Temple..
I just read your beautiful words about the fourth anniversary of the Great Cosmic Story. The world is blessed beyond measure to receive these carefully chosen writings . Thank you. I especially appreciated your words on keeping them safe and unsullied. It is our job, in the written word, our spoken word and in the word we live in every moment. The reading and meditations on these words has been essential to me to keep the purity happening. In our world, which is fast disintegrating to the lowest base possible, this stands true and pure. I am deeply thankful for your efforts in this regard and especially for your ability to choose just the right piece. May my life always honor what is held and given in this work. You have my full blessing. Laura
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