June 04, 2018

Tremendous  Changes  in  the  Offing

from  The  Coming  of  Christ

Martin Cecil  July 3, 1965

There is indication brought to us through our Master's words that there should come a time when the fulfilment of Divine Purpose on earth would be experienced—the Divine Purpose in this instance relating to what we have called the restoration, what has been spoken of as the second coming of Christ. It is necessary that there should be a recognition of the foolishness of some of the human views regarding the second coming, however this should not exclude the awareness that there is such a point which could be so designated. We have some awareness with respect to the truth back of this idea of the second coming of Christ, but so often it seems to be unrelated to actual experience beyond the individual outworking. We are here to let the spirit of God find expression. When it does, this is the coming of Christ. All who yield in response to God are in position to let the Christ take form in thought and word and deed, but what happens when this occurs? If we think of it merely as something which is a more or less humdrum experience of daily living only, we are liable to overlook the actual world-shaking event which is consequent upon the coming of the Christ.

Emphasis has been placed upon the importance of practical daily function in our environment the way it is, without trying to change anything, so that we are able effectively to deal with those things which come within the range of our responsibility; and this is required certainly. But if we imagine that when we let this happen, so that the Christ is in expression, it will merely be a continuation of things the way they were since the fathers fell asleep, we would be deluding ourselves. We have come along a little way and we have learned something; we pat ourselves on the back sometimes and say we have carried through to this point and we don't react the way we used to, at least not so frequently. And this is progress, but it isn't the second coming of Christ. There has been no world-shattering event consequent upon anything we have done so far. But there is something that really happens when the experience of the second coming of Christ is a reality. Thus far, such as we have known has been rather insignificant, really, just a faint touching of something.

We can see, when we look around in the world, even in our close environment, that things are somehow on the move. There are many things transpiring here and everywhere on a quickening basis. We have a great increase in population the world over. Of course the real increase in this regard is not here, although we are sometimes rather amazed to see the number of people that there are around in this part of the world compared to what it was a few years back. The main increase in population, however, is not here. There has been a falling off in the birthrate in North America. The increase is in other parts, as we have noted, first of all in Asia, so that very shortly there will be a very serious state of starvation appearing; and this will occur in the Far East first, and then it is likely to move to Africa and then South America. Everything is on such a vast scale compared to what has been known in the past. Never in the known history of man has there been such a multitude of people on earth, and this multitude of people is increasing by leaps and bounds. What will happen? We may look for some very serious and disastrous outworkings.

We become accustomed to some of these things over the years, so that perhaps we do not recognize their significance entirely. We have taken note of this buildup of events as we have come along; it keeps moving. Where is it going to end? Now these things which are occurring, which are observable all around us, look like disastrous things, and they are, in one sense at least; but they also relate to the second coming of Christ. There are many people in the world who have some sort of an awareness of this; they are rather anticipating that Jesus will be arriving any day. However this is not exactly what we properly anticipate, but there is something coming, certainly. I wonder to what extent there is the awareness on the part of those who have had the opportunity to associate with this ministry for any length of time, that that which comes in this regard, while the repercussions of it can be seen in many places, comes through those who are in position to let it come? And would we not be inclined to accept some responsibility in this regard? There are tremendous changes in the offing.

As individuals we have had a little experience of personal change. We have a tendency to drag our feet in this regard: “Not too fast, please, in case I lose my balance or lose control of the situation.” It needs to pass out of the hands of the human ego into the hands of the Lord, and when this occurs it is the second coming of Christ, and it produces what we might call a shock in the world. Today was a hot day. The sun was shining brightly, and if you were out in the sun you know it was hot. When the conditions are as they were today, so that the heat of the sun comes through, we know it. There is no question about it. We don't delude ourselves that it is midwinter. And when the facilities are on hand by which the Christ comes, it is known; there is no question about it.

I wish to emphasize that if our association with this ministry has had any meaning whatsoever, it relates to the fact that we are amongst those who will either let it come or will prevent it from coming. We carry this responsibility, and it does not relate only to the little environment in which we find ourselves. This little environment has its importance, and we must be right in our expression in it, otherwise the Christ cannot come through us, obviously. If we're just imagining something and trying to believe in something it is all just a fancy; nothing has really happened. If, however, we are functioning effectively in our immediate environment, so that there is an expression of the Christ appearing, then that which appears does not only relate to the immediate environment around us; it goes much further, and because it goes much further, those who are letting it appear have an awareness of the fact that that which is moving through them does go much further. We begin to come out of this restricted, little, petty, puny environment which is immediately around us, as though that was the beginning and ending of everything, as though this was such a terrific thing. It isn't.

When we begin to function in this environment as we should, immediately the doors and the windows are flung open and we begin to see that it relates to the whole world. If we don't see that it relates to the whole world, certainly there is precious little of the Christ manifesting through us. And the little thing that we handle in our environment is certainly the means by which we grasp the whole world. It is just a little handle, that is all. If we magnify it into such a terrific thing—“Oh my! Awful responsibility I carry!”—we shrivel and shrink and become little tiny creatures, ants, and we feel like that too: insignificant, incapable, weak, miserable. That is just the reverse of what is required. That is squeezing out the Christ so He can't come into the world.

If we think of the Christ, surely we see something gigantic. We might see a figure striding across the face of the earth—no barrier capable of preventing that movement. We have to partake of this spirit. Are we so weak and petty that not only can we not see beyond the immediate environment but the immediate environment looks colossal to us? If it does, what are we doing? Are we world servers? Hardly.

When our Master was on earth He spoke of the outworking of things, and He indicated that there would be what He called the coming of the Son of man. We can see something in this regard relating to the Son of man coming into his own, and that would include all of us, all people on the face of the earth. Instead of being such little creatures, subject to the circumstances round about, we come into our own so that we can handle things. But in this regard He indicated how blind human beings were. He pointed to the outworking which occurred at the time of what is called the flood. Before the flood came people were carrying on in their usual ways, wrapped up in their petty concerns, which He described in words having reference to eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. Now these are very important in the eyes of most people. Eating and drinking includes more than just participation in the process of chewing and swallowing; marrying and giving in marriage  is the beginning and ending of all things for many people—this looms so largebut it is the Divine Design that is the important thing. There is virtually no consideration given at all as to what is right from the standpoint of the Divine Purpose—and the fulfilment of the Divine Purpose is made possible by reason of the second coming of Christ.

Human beings claim that they long for a new world, but would they do anything to promote the coming of the kingdom? Not if it interferes with their own desires very much—eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage—all this stuff in the human pattern of things. And they didn't know anything until the flood came and it was too late. Of course Noah was on hand, and he entered into the ark. Something came through. He was paying attention to the more important things, the fulfilment of Divine Purpose. There was a great disaster, and most of the population of the earth was annihilated. It wasn't just a local flood, like the occurrence not so long ago—it didn't amount to very much from the worldwide standpoint. There are some things coming which will amount to very much from the worldwide standpoint.

We have had the opportunity of training, the opportunity of understanding, to play our part in letting the Christ come with impact, with power, in the fulfilment of Divine Purpose. If we are just fiddling around with our little affairs and thinking they are so vast, we are not in position to participate in very much but the disaster aspect of it. How much vision do we have, individually speaking? Do you, as an individual, recognize that it is your responsibility to let the Christ come through you, not just in relationship to your little daily affairs but with respect to the whole world? How far do you see? If all we can see is what is immediately in front of us, of what more value are we than other people on earth who see no further?

Yes, we use our environment. It is a handle; we can take hold of something with it. But if we think that is all there is to it, the handle is everything, we are thoroughly deluded. What are we going to handle with the handle? And if the handle is too heavy for us, what about all that is attached to the handle? Can we emerge into the broad expanse where the Christ power is flowing full and free? If we're trying to handle it in human strength we can't do it; it is impossible—not only impossible but it will crush the individual down, and if you find yourself getting into a state where you think you are being crushed down you may know why. Human strength is totally inadequate. But how are we going to find out what it means to let the Christ power come? Are we going to hang on to our human strength to the last ditch? Well that will be the last ditch. Or are we going to let go one day and begin to become aware that the Christ power is present, so that we stop attempting to do what we have to do in human strength, with human vision? How broad is our vision really, from the standpoint of practical function? Our breadth of vision will be in proportion to the extent of power that is moving through us, and if we begin to open up so that the power moves and we're not afraid, we're not afraid of every shadow, then we begin to find that the shadows vanish away, the vision broadens, and we see that what we do has far more meaning and far more effect than the immediate environment.

We have an immediate environment that needs taking care of, yes. We all have that. I don't know how you would get rid of it. Some people want to get rid of the environment that they have and pick up another one that they think would be better. Why would it be better if we can't handle the one that we have got? Let us be assured of the power of God instead of afraid—of what? “Oh, disaster is just around the corner. I can see it coming.” Well yes, maybe. Maybe it is coming. But disaster for whom? For God? Is it going to be disastrous for God? Poor God is getting Himself into a corner? I don't think so. The universe is still functioning all right; the world is still spinning on its axis; the sun is in place. Where is our identity? Where is our identity? Is it with God, or are we cowering, timorous creatures?

The power of God is present, certainly, but if we try to squeeze it into the little thimble of what we imagine our human capacities are we won't get very far—but we may begin to let it be used through us without establishing any limits to it, so that we're not fearful. “O ye of little faith? Fear not.” We go down to defeat in human strength for sure; people have been doing it for ages past; but the victory is sure with God. Let us find some identity with God, so that we function in an attitude of strength, in an attitude of assurance, in an attitude of victory, not weeping and wailing and gnashing our teeth because of all the awful things that are happening and are just around the corner. In what do we have faith? If we have faith in those things, well according to response so is it established. That's it. But if we begin to identify ourselves with God, what happens? Do we go down to defeat? We begin to let the Christ come. We begin to be capable of handling our affairs effectively: we have them in hand and everything is under control.

What is important? The fulfilment of Divine Purpose, surely. This is our concern. We need to be effective in our environment, yes. We need to have the right spirit. Yes, this is of supreme importance. We might say if the spirit is right a person can get away with a lot of things in external function that may not be quite right. However if the spirit is right those things in external function will become right. To try to make the things in external function right—you're going to have it this way, this way, this way, this way, and forget about the spirit—doesn't work. Let the spirit be right and everything else will follow suit. This is not to say that we are not concerned with right external function. We certainly are, but not above and beyond right spirit, because we know it won't be right function without right spirit. And to have a right spirit we must have an attitude of victory, we must have an attitude of assurance, we must see that we are capable of doing what we are supposed to be doing. We're capable of functioning according to the Design which has been established for us, the reason for which we came into the world. We can get the job done.

Our Master said something about having faith as a grain of mustard seed to move mountains. It is true. With what do you agree? Do you agree with the disaster? Do you agree with weakness? Do you agree with all these things which ensure defeat? Or do you agree with strength and with victory, and with the ability which is inherent in you? When you start agreeing with that, and stay true to it so that on no account will you deny it or betray it because you would be denying and betraying yourself, and the Lord of course, then Christ may come. But He is not going to come through a weak defeatist. How could He? It is not His nature. When we provide Him with the right nature the Christ comes, and the fulfilment is sure; the victory is natural. Let us see this and agree with it. So shall the coming of the Son of man be. That is what we are here for. But that coming is through the individual, each one individually.

“Let it be by my hand!” That is the thing. That is what is required. “Let it be by my hand, regardless of what anyone else does. Let it be by my hand. Let me do it. Let me carry that responsibility. Let me prove the victory out through this. I'll do it.” Then we begin to have something. We begin to have the right spirit. But most people are inclined to wriggle out a little this way or a little that way, just so that they don't have really to face the thing and say, “It is my responsibility,” in the assurance not that you're going to have to carry the whole world on your back but in the assurance of the strength to do your part, and that the Lord will make available that which is necessary to permit the fulfilment to come through many.

If individually we take this attitude it is not ever going to be too much for anyone. Let it be by our hand, individually speaking, “my hand,” and this then will be the second coming of Christ. The Christ can only come through an open channel, through an instrument that is yielded to the Christ, to the Christ attitude, to the Christ spirit, which is the spirit of victory, the spirit of power and strength. “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory.” The coming of the Son of man is with power and great glory. Is that going to come through shrinking violets? It comes through someone who is aligned with it, who has accepted that spirit. Then there it is. Otherwise it isn't—in manifestation at least.

So here we are with an environment. What sort of an environment? Crushingly heavy? Or is the burden light? We have an environment, a wonderful environment because we have a handle by reason of it, and that handle reaches out to the uttermost ends of the earth. We need to see that it does so, and we will have that vision to the extent that we have the attitude of victory, the attitude of strength and power, in the fulfilment of Divine Purpose.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

1 comment:

Lucille Goossens said...

What joy is known as I read Martin's words, being in total agreement with him, knowing that what he speaks of here is definitely beyond anything the human mind all on its own can ever conceive. The human ego is self-centered, selfish and gross, but once there is true complete yielding to Spirit and continuing on in victory one finds that there is truly something much greater and fulfilling than what was known before---and I have to say that it is "Beyond Beliefs."

In my Long-ago-previous religious beliefs there was anticipation of the second coming of Christ. However, having had the privilege of being a student in The Third Sacred School, there was, had to be, a movement away from that belief, and so thankful I am to have come to know the difference in consciousness understanding and living experience. It doesn't happen by just thinking about it; I've come to know what it means when I realized deeply that yielding in love response to God without exception, letting His Spirit be expressed in my living, was and IS the second coming of Christ now! but it is and has to be without effort a continuing delightful experience. True, there are those things from the world---ideals and all sorts of things---that show up now and then to lure one to respond to them but they are nothing in the eyes of the Lord: I Am in charge of right handling them and knowing victory. As far as I know in my heart of love for the Lord our God, to do otherwise is unacceptable!---and woe unto me if I ever lose sight of this!

My environment is a perfect place to handle whatever comes to my hands to do in spiritual expression, realizing that whatever I do here in right spirit will touch someone farther out in the world. It works the other way around also because I can either be a blessing or a curse. I was not called to be a curse to anyone but a blessing to them. I know for certain this starts in my immediate environment and moving beyond it. How thrilling it is to know and understand these things because of first and foremost my deepest Love for our Lord and King.

To my understanding, Martin expressed very clearly what is needed and required of us for the restoration to occur, and that in the meantime we will witness many things happening in many places. Should I/we be fearful about the happenings? Not if we're where we need to be---I don't mean geographically but in Spirit "emerging into the broad expanse where the Christ power is flowing full and free."

What is most important to me is the fulfilment of Divine Purpose, absolutely; it is my only concern. The Lord our God has been very patient over time and through these latter years. And now we see with increase or new vision and we can let it stick: "Let it be my MY hand. Let me do it. Let me carry that responsibility. Let me prove the victory out through this. I'll do it." Martin's words so perfectly expressed in the Spirit of Love, Truth and Life and all are easily received here. So, through to victory it is moment by moment.