August 12, 2018

The One Language


 The  One  Language

Martin Cecil  March 21, 1982

We might well be reminded of some very familiar words, cast however in the present tense: “In the beginning,” this beginning, the beginning of each moment, “is the Word,” the expression of Being, “and the Word is with God,” with Being, “and the Word is God”; the expression of Being is inseparable from Being.

We have experience of something of the transcendent state of affairs; but there is always more to be experienced and it is our concern that that more which is fitting in this hour should be known. It can only be known because we all provide what we are here to provide according to our several fields of responsibility. I certainly can’t do it all; I can extend the welcome but you have to receive it and to offer, therefore, what is natural in the place and setting into which you come. We would share this, and what I have to provide I will provide according to what you provide. Being, and the expression of Being, are rightly inseparable. It is the human habit to impose, as a rule. I have nothing to impose upon you; I have no desire to impose anything. But there is something which we may all share which may be allowed to find expression in this hour. I have a certain responsibility to give it expression but the expression is not mine alone; it depends upon what is moving in everyone who is here present as to what it is that is brought forth. So we have the opportunity of sharing this bringing forth this morning—not only in this group of human beings here present but in those who are present in the other places, but nevertheless have the connection in spirit.

In the beginning, indeed, is the Word, is the expression of Being, in all of us. It is present in all of us. It may have been brought forth in our own experience in rather limited ways, but latterly I’m sure that there has been the increase, and something clearer and more pure begins to emerge into expression in our living and consequently in our experience. It is this that is of vital consequence insofar as the world as a whole is concerned. It all originates in the same source: In the beginning is the Word, and the Word is with God, and the Word is God. All things were made, are made, by the Word: and without the Word, without this expression of Being, nothing at all is. If there is anything it is because of this. We have some perspective which includes an understanding, somewhat, of these things: that there is something occurring in the world which transcends the human experience which is, and has been, known in the world. It is affecting everything and everyone. It is affecting everything because it is affecting everyone...

In the world these days, a lot of people are learning English as a second language. If one is a native of some particular country which speaks a certain language and then undertakes to learn English as a second language, one’s original language is always the first language. Right? One is trying to acquire a second language. I would suggest that our concern is to relinquish what we have thought of as our first language. I am using this as a symbol of something. I am not really talking about language as such but the character of our experience heretofore. This is obviously conditioned and colored by all sorts of background factors: personal ones, hereditary ones in the personal sense, hereditary ones in the larger national sense perhaps, and finally hereditary ones in the race sense. Well this is our language. It’s a very confused language. Scarcely anyone understands anybody else on the basis of this sort of a language. Occasionally we may think we have a mutual understanding; then we find out that we didn’t have it at all.

There is the need to awaken to our First Language. Most people want to learn the truth on the basis of their already existing language. It can’t be done. The already existing state of affairs must be relinquished in order for one to awaken to an awareness of the fact that one already has a Language; it’s already there; and all these other human languages can then be understood for what they are. But no one speaking those languages can understand this First Language. Here is a Language that is not understood by anyone who doesn't speak it. It can't be learned as a second language, which is what most people attempt to do. They’re going to stay in their own language but they want to learn about this other Language. It can’t be done.

Some have thought they had a very good understanding of things and could write all about it, but anyone who knows this One Language immediately sees that what is being said is not true. Nobody who does not have this Language as a First Language can understand it. This seems to those who do not have it as a First Language to be an insuperable barrier, which it is as long as they insist upon their present language. As I say, one can’t learn this Language—the Language of the Kingdom—one can’t learn this Language and then transfer over into it as a first language—“I’ll stay with my present language until I’ve learned this new language, and then I’ll step over into the new language.” It can't be done, because one can never experience this new Language as long as one is centered in the old language. One will be seeing everything with the consciousness of the old language and interpreting everything on that basis.

There is a new Language, the Language of the Kingdom, and we awaken to it. We awaken to the fact that we already know it. I’m sure you have had the experience of articulating something to someone who is in the process of awakening and they have said, “Yes, that’s right. I always knew that to be so but I’ve never been able thus far to articulate it.” In other words they didn’t know the Language yet; now at last it’s beginning to come out and they’re able to articulate it. So our concern is to provide what is possible to assist people to awaken to this One Language—to the First Language. Human beings have all these languages now and they've lost the First Language, the Language which makes possible mutual understanding; there isn’t any other language that does. The only way one can have understanding is to awaken to this One Language. Then you can look at everybody else, no matter what language they speak, and you can comprehend; you can see what the state of affairs really is. But they, looking at you, can’t understand anything. They translate what they think they see in terms of their own language, which is not the truth at all and we shouldn’t expect it to be the truth. If that happens it is what will inevitably happen; we can’t make it be any other way. All we can do is to provide what is possible by our own expression of the Word, this One Language, to assist others who are ready to awaken to it to become aware of the fact that they already really know it.

There are those who have shopped here and shopped there and never found what they were looking for, because of course it’s not there. It can’t be found in any of the languages that human beings have produced. Those languages include national states, they include religious states, philosophical approaches, all the various ways and techniques that have been developed to expand consciousness or do whatever they are supposed to do. And all that is included in this mass, this confusion of tongues. But there is the One Language—and there is no way of getting it. One can't be taught it as a second language—one only knows it as a First Language. When it becomes one’s own First Language, then you know it. If it isn’t your own First Language you don’t know it. The tremendous thing is that when it is your own First Language then you understand all that is present in this confusion of tongues—you understand people.

So I rejoice that we have had this time together to share something in this transcendent place and setting. It’s really there; we really shared something: the truth. The truth makes free. As individually we continue in the Word, then we play our part in providing the invitation to people everywhere to awaken; and in their awakening the world keeps changing. We find that the elements of true value begin to stick out more and more because we are no longer giving value and weight to the things that have no value and weight. And behold all things are indeed made new. I rejoice with you as we allow this to happen, not only in this hour but in the continuing hours which are to come in our individual fields of responsibility. Then we find that they are not merely individual; they are part of a great whole, a whole which is much greater than the human world of imagination.

For this purpose we came on earth, no other purpose. It simplifies things, doesn’t it? Oh we have many fields of activity in which to move but there is only One Purpose, which makes possible the right use of whatever it is that comes to us in our fields of responsibility. Friendship and love, a fulfilling sense of satisfaction, comfort, is so freely available in the experience of all who are willing to awaken and discover the reality that is truth. The reality is discovered in one’s own living experience.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

1 comment:

Lucille Goossens said...

I know I've experienced something of the transcendent state of affairs; I also know that there is always more to be experienced as this character, so familiar to me, is relinquished moment by moment. My concern is to continue in the Truth, the Truth that makes free---not bound by any of the languages of the world---to reveal this beautiful Truth in my living. Having come to the point of knowing this gives me opportunity to provide what is possible to assist anyone in my creative field, to awaken them to the First Language---words may not always be necessary but Presence is! A bit of wisdom is useful because much talk about the First Language will not initially be understood by those seeking to know the One Language.

There are definitely those with whom I have contact have their own language and they stand by it and are happy in it, so I don't impose the First Language or preach to them, but I Am free to express the Word, and free to not agree with their language. Knowing my First Language, I understand what is present in this confusion of tongues and in people, but the invitation to them is still provided that they may awaken. I rejoice to let this happen, not only as I read these words now but in the continuing hours of my individual responsibility which is a part of the great whole!

How wonderful it is to know the Language of the Kingdom! And wonderful it is to be close in spirit, doing what we came on earth to do which is our only One Purpose---in friendship and in Love for our King!