February 03, 2019

Creative Power and Cohesive Power

He  and  She

Don Hynes  February 2, 2019

The stone does not move

nor the wave break,

the earth quiet;

no trembling

in the bare branches

or nested roots.

Wolf stands watch,

whale pauses in the deep

and into the heart

comes the still presence

of the long forgotten.

Strangers among the people,

wanderers without home

yet in this aura of silence

he and she are come.

Creative  Power  and  Cohesive  Power

Martin Cecil   July 1948

A balanced Response in the Triune Ray draws the individual into that point of focus through which the outpouring of the Holy Spirit may be experienced. The primary necessity is, of course, Love Response to the LORD of Love, succeeded by attunement, on the Current of Love, in and with the Spirit of Truth. As these two are drawn to a focus in the individual, he may begin to experience the “resurrection”, which enables him to participate, on the Current of Love, in and with the Spirit of Life. The Triune Ray is One Ray. The Spirit of the Living God is One Spirit. But this is only truly experienced and realized as the individual rests at the point of focus where the three phases are blended in one, and it is his balanced response in the Triune Current that actually holds him there.

I have spoken above of the individual, but from our standpoint the individual involved is the One Christ Body, the manifest formation of which is drawn into, and held at, the point of focus, just to the degree that the members thereof let it be so for themselves. That which we may speak of as the Cohesive Power of the Spirit must be allowed to operate in the Body, on a balanced and steadfast basis, before the Creative Power of the Spirit can be safely released. Creative and Cohesive Power correlate respectively with the Positive and the Negative phases of the One Spirit, and consequently operate, from the Unit standpoint, through the Positive and Negative Aspects of the One Body.

Seeing that the Cohesive Power is of primary importance in holding the One Body at the point of focus, whereat the outpouring of the Holy Spirit can alone be experienced — it is the “one place”. The vital requirements with respect to the Negative Aspect are again emphasized. The Negative Aspect is supposed to provide the focalization of the Cohesive Power of unification in Love, whereby the Body may be held steadfastly at the point of focus, so that the Positive Aspect, focalizing the Creative Power, may be enabled to function freely in the Creative Current.

For instance, it should not be necessary for the Positive Aspect, particularly the focalizations of the Positive Aspect, to be overly concerned about maintaining the Body at the point of focus. That is primarily the sphere and responsibility of the Negative Aspect. Such concern on the part of the Positive naturally detracts from the Creative activity which otherwise might be forthcoming, and in our present consideration, recognizing the absolute necessity for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit if we are to fulfill our commission, is seen to be a prime factor in determining when the Body as a whole will reach the point of initial fulfillment.


Laurel said...

As coming back into the best as is possible for me as a woman the attunement blessing I these days am left in profound gratitude for the presence of men who have filled out their blueprint in the Lord of Lords.While visiting a friend last month I made it known that I now feel this power holding me in the most sacred of ways.
Having the job of feeling I have to provide a way of being that is indeed not truly in the wholeness of the Design can be a substitution of necessity at times in this world as it is.
We as men and women have much to lovingly rewrite with only the Spirit of no condemnation can I know we are One and let our unified Radiation reclaim what may have been thought to be mission impossible.
Thank you all for your caring roles in this grand time we are in.

Lucille Goossens said...

Beautiful Spirit expressed in poetry by Don Hines---each line conveying experiences at the three levels of being to the still presence of the long forgotten,.and in that moment of silence he and she are come---home to stay!

And as Martin said, "A balanced Response in the Triune Ray draws the individual into that point of focus through which the outpouring of the Holy Spirit may be experienced." I know from experience that it is the Truth of Love response to the LORD of Love that it was possible to experience resurrection, and this continues to be so as I participate on the current of Love in and with the Spirit of Life---moment by moment. External events, internal feelings, or human ideas, cannot and will not stand in the way of my Love response to the LORD of Love and KING of Truth. My main interest is the One Christ Body in which I am involved and nothing supersedes this because I realize that I am not here for selfish purposes. I am here, one out of many from the Unit standpoint, to allow the Creative and the Cohesive Power to correlate respectively with the Positive and Negative phases of the One Spirit and let it operate through the Positive and Negative Aspects of the One Body.

I do recognize the absolute necessity of our commission to be a Prime Factor in determining when the Body as a whole will reach the point of initial fulfillment---and my part in this Whole is as vital as each one is in the Body.