Negative Aspect Of The Silver Cord
Negative Aspect of the Silver Cord
Kathy Meeker
Special Focalization Session
Uranda March 2, 1948 p.m.
Gabilan Ranch, Salinas, California
As I was resting this evening, I was meditating on many things. There are so many things that have already been said, that it is not so much a matter of my undertaking to say something new as it is a matter of helping you to a deeper realization and a more complete feeling recognition of things that you have already begun to know.
The primary phase of my work on earth in this cycle of outworking is the formation of the One Christ Body, that it may be a Reality, that through the Body made manifest, the works and the Greater Works may be done. Sometimes individuals imagine that they should, more or less by and of themselves, reach a point where individually they could do the Greater Works; but that is not the Goal; that is not what we are undertaking to accomplish. The Greater Works must be done through the Unit as a whole. Individual members may take primary focus of activity in varying phases of those Works, but it is not that any individual, working on a more or less segregated vibration, should accomplish the Works that are necessary in the earth. It is that the Unit should be the channel through which the LORD of Lords may do the Works.
I was considering the formation of this Unit, or Body, the way it is manifesting, the steps of its growth. Not all of those who live on earth, or who continue to live on earth, will be actually in that Body in the sense of its focalization of the world-body. The 144,000 spoken of in Revelation relates to the formation of the Body, but all people on earth are eventually to be either in the Body or related thereto in coordination—but the Christ Body on earth, the Unit, is the focus of manifestation in its present form. It needs to grow and increase, and then it will, in one sense, be the Head of the world-body, that all the earth may be coordinated in the vibrations of Reality in season. With respect to the formation of this Body as it is now made manifest, I was considering the manner in which it has been brought forth. I was considering the way in which you all had a part, coordinated; but I think tonight my attention focused more fully on the part that Kathy has played in this regard.
I know that all of you have always had a high regard for her. I feel that, in some respects, it is increased in this Special Focalization Session; and as I was considering it, I was thinking how it is that she has been, and is now, as it were, the Pineal Gland in this Body made manifest; how, at least insofar as my function in that Body is concerned, her stable vibration has provided always a Silver Cord, as it were, between myself and that Body that is coming into manifestation. I think you all recognize that she has, also, a very wonderful attunement in the Current of that Love that flows forth from the LORD of Lords, and as I was resting there my heart was full of an overwhelming spirit of thanksgiving, of gratitude and praise to God for her ministry at my side by which so many things have been accomplished in such a wonderful way. I am considering this tonight, not so much to draw attention to Kathy, and I know that in her heart she does not seek or desire any special approbation, and she did not know what I was going to talk about tonight—but because it seemed to me that in this there are many things that are of value to you, not just in the fact of the stable vibration of that Silver Cord that I mentioned, but also with respect to the basis of effective service in the Unit. She has not claimed any great knowledge; she has not tried to understand a lot of mysteries; she has not let herself be bothered with questions that were too much beyond the range of her immediate vision; and when there has been a need for her to see or comprehend more fully some point, she has always brought it to me on a basis that allowed it to be a sensible, straightforward consideration.
As a person, she is a jewel among women because she does not try to govern or control me through emotional upheavals or reactions of some sort or other. In fact, she does not try to control me at all. We see the manifestation and operation of the Law here, because the fact of her love, coupled with a common sense vision and deep stability, have allowed the cycles to work out gradually and surely. In the outworking I have not had to worry about whether or not she would be on the vibration. I have not had to be constantly straightening her out, so to speak, and, whatever the necessities of my Ministry, in periods of time and under conditions that conformity to the female patterns of this world would have made her feel that I was neglecting her in some fashion, she has held true to that expression of Divine Womanhood by reason of which I have always found in her a stable, unwavering, dependable vibration. When I have had to face difficulties that pertained particularly to myself, which would, from the ordinary standpoint, have given her excuse for emotional upheaval, she held steady, and gave me that vibration necessary to the outworking of the Father's Will on earth; and when there has been turmoil manifest in the hearts and lives of others, she has held steady.

Sometimes when there was too much of it, sometimes when the supporting vibrations that should have been closely coordinated with her were not, I have seen her reach a point where there was too much tension, but even under that terrific pressure she held steady—and always the Lord worked it out so that the supporting cycles cleared in one manner or another to relieve the pressures in time. If I had not had this dependable vibrational contact and cycle, holding steady in what we might call the negative aspect of the Silver Cord, by which the Life Forces were reaching the Body, or the Unit, we would not have been able to reach this point and place, this cycle of outworking. This is not just a tribute to her—although I gladly recognize that it is a tribute—more than that, it is a tribute to the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, by Whose Grace and through Whose Love, this and all the other factors necessary to the accomplishment of what has been done, has been made manifest. More than that, it stands as an example of the application of Law and Principle, as they are taught in the Third Sacred School, so that it is not a theory only, but a proven fact. All of you have various evidences from your own experience, so that for you also in various ways, it is proven fact, and you share in the formation of this Unit, so that you have evidences therein also.
But reaching down into the feeling realm, not limiting ourselves to the realm of intellectual perception, acceptance and belief, we need to feel and know and recognize all of those things by which the absolute conviction of the outworking of the Law in Reality may be an abiding thing in our hearts and lives, so that no Member of the Body should think or say or do anything that would constitute a denial of our recognition of the operation of the Law and the fulfilment of the Promise of God in the outworking of that in which we share. One of the reasons I wish to emphasize this tonight is this. The focalized manifestation of Divine Manhood, as it finds expression in the Unit of the One Christ Body, has its sphere of function in relationship to the feeling or emotional realm; but it is in the female aspect of that Body, that which is becoming the focalization of Divine Womanhood on earth, that we have the primary concern with respect to the feeling realm, the clearing of the emotional currents.
Women, being conformed to the outer-world patterns of function, have, through the ages, sought, by all kinds of emotional processes, to control their men-folk, and the list of those things which are to be found in their bag of tricks is exceedingly long. By that means women have maintained control of the men, and to a high degree made the men what they are in the world. We can say the men ought to have been strong enough to overcome, but I think that is rather a ridiculous approach to the matter. Men have not known how to function, that is true enough; but women have had the advantage because they started from the cradle, and taught men that they should be thus and so toward women; so by the time the boy has reached the point where he is very much influenced from the standpoint of men, the men he has contacted have been taught and trained in the school of women, and it is pretty well ingrained, and so on it goes. I am not condoning anything wrong in the men; I am not condoning their weakness—we are going to change that too, by the way. But all of this in the emotional realm must be eradicated. It has to be eliminated utterly and completely and cleansed away; it is something that has absolutely no part or place in Divine Womanhood or in the expression of the One Christ Body on earth.
Of all the things necessary to the development of the One Christ Body on earth, after I began to get the initial factors worked out, the one that caused me the most difficulty, and the one that required the most faith, was the idea that there would manifest somewhere, somehow, a focalization of Divine Womanhood that would be sufficiently free of all of these things to allow the beginnings of the outworking of the Will of God on earth. Finally, in an extremity, a critical point of my Ministry, the Lord provided for me such a woman, and I praise God. There is not anything that brings a current of thanksgiving to my heart more frequently than the abiding realization of that; and, to varying degrees, I have seen movement toward that ideal in various ones of the ladies who are letting themselves become members of the One Body on earth; but it is a phase of the development of the One Body where there is need for considerable progress. There has been progress, and certain ones have been doing outstandingly well, but it is not enough that there should be just a few.

In order to become absolute Members of the Unit, fully and finally, the hearts of women must be cleansed and purified—the emotional realm must come under control. The woman is likely to get so emotional that she feels that the cleansing of her own emotional realm is an impossible business, or she is likely to get so indignant that she claims that it does not need cleansing; but sometimes there are those women who face these things in tranquility of spirit, knowing that they could not possibly cleanse their own hearts if they could live for ten thousand years trying to do so. So, there are those who face these things in tranquil spirit, calmly, not struggling, not trying, and not being indignant, not being resentful, willing to accept the changes, willing to cease being conformed to the world, that they may be transformed and made whole. The women who function according to the world pattern of emotionalism do not have pure hearts.
Facing these things in tranquility of spirit, willing to let the cleansing take place, is so important. It is important for the men too. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” That applies to men and women alike, but tonight I am thinking more about the ladies—but the ladies must reach a point where there is one thing, morning, noon and night, sixty seconds in every minute, sixty minutes in every hour, and twenty-four hours in every day, day-in and day-out that is most important, and that is the doing of the Father's Will, not getting their own way, not satisfying their own vanity, not building up their own pride in some fashion—the simple reality of the Father's Will, regardless of any inclination to pull any tricks out of the bag.
From the standpoint of the precedents in this world, that was the most improbable phase of my whole undertaking, that any woman would ever reach a point where she would provide evidence that it could be so. The rest of it is comparatively simple. The most improbable part was that a woman would let that be true; because when it comes to the point of doing the Father's Will, the woman will accept the idea as long as it does not touch her own emotional realm in any way that limits her control. But that does not make her a Spiritual person by a long ways. Emotional tricks of various kinds must be removed. The heart of woman must be purified. I have seen this purifying process going on in many ladies in the Service. Some are reaching a high degree of that purity; but one of the things that has caused me to marvel day by day, one of the things that has caused me joy unspeakable, and encouraged me beyond measure, is the fact that in my wife I find a wonderful focalization of that purity of heart in Divine Womanhood on earth.
I am not saying this to satisfy her vanity in some way, or her pride, or just because it is nice for a husband to talk about his wife that way. No. If I thought for a minute it was going to be satisfying any human pride on her part, I would never say it. No. But this is the point. This outworking to this point, as it is seen within the scope of the Unit as it now stands, provides factors which to me are very encouraging—very encouraging from the standpoint of the men, and very encouraging from the standpoint of the progress of the women. But the job is not done, and I do not know any better way to set the stage for letting that process be increased and carried forward effectively in the weeks and months to come, than to say to you what I have been saying tonight, that we might review the fundamental facts involved.
It is no longer just a matter of blind faith on the basis of the outer in relationship to laws and principles. We have reached a point where there is evidence; it is not just a theory, it is a fact. We knew that, theoretically; but it is being proven now, and that is important. And since it can be done, there is not any more excuse for it not being done, and that is important. For a long time the women could advance the idea that, after all, they just could not help feeling the way they do; they just could not help having that kind of reaction; they just could not help getting upset, etc. I knew that there was no truth in the arguments advanced, and I kept pointing to the Law. But it has finally been proven—and so, since it can be done, there is not any excuse remaining for its not being done. Now, that is important. Women themselves must begin to realize that point. As long as they think they have excuse for not doing it, they will not do it. It is just that way. As long as they can convince themselves, and those around them, that they are a little bit different, so it is unreasonable to expect it of them—you see where you get!
But now we come to the point where the women, facing themselves—whether they like it or not—have to recognize and come to the point of acknowledging that it does not have to be that way. Because man could not pin it down to any logic or reason, he thought he could not understand women. Of course that was foolish on the part of men to get taken in, but the point is that we have come to a time and place in the outworking of things where we can take a look at these things and see them for what they are. A man can understand a woman. There are precious few women who even have a glimmering of understanding of themselves. A lot of men just pamper their wives and sweethearts because it is easier to get along with the women, with them deluded by their own delusion. I would not say that, except from the standpoint of reality here. But it is true. A lot of men know it is true. A man has to acknowledge that he cannot understand nonsense that has no basis of understanding. So, men have used that as a means of sort of smoothing things out and accepting the childish nonsense that the women have insisted on maintaining through their so-called years of maturity.
There are very few mature women—very few. From my own standpoint, I would say my wife comes nearer being a mature woman than any woman I have ever met, but there are a few who come pretty close along the line with her. Age does not mature women. It does not mature men. So, as we have looked at these things and considered them, we are touching upon one of the reasons why no movement of the past, at any time, has ever succeeded in carrying through to that point which we envision as the Goal, whether it is because there was not any leadership able to penetrate that realm adequately enough, and inspire response enough, to carry through to a point of facing the facts, we do not need to argue—it does not make much difference now—but the point is that this is the thing that has prevented the outworking all the way through, the thing which always before has stopped every movement upward.

Now we come to a time when it ceases to be as it has been in the past. We come to a time when this emotional realm in men and women must be cleansed and purified. It must cease refusing to let the individual do the Will of God. You know, the devil does not care much whether his rule is carried on through the mind, through false concepts; or through the emotional realm, through false reactions of various kinds, when there is not any difference in the net result. So, the individual can believe anything he pleases, actually, no matter how true it is, without ever interfering with the rule of the prince of darkness, as long as it does not reach down into the emotional realm and purify that. But when the mind accepts the Truth and believes it, and the emotional realm is purified and caused to conform with the Truth, then the Truth truly sets that individual free to enter into the glorious liberty of the children of God, and the rule of the prince of this world comes to an end.
That must be done. It is going to be done; and it will be done easily as soon as all the ladies realize that it is no use, that they are not going to interfere with the doing of the Father's Will on earth by getting their own way through emotional upheavals of various sorts, and they realize, to a point of conviction and acceptance, that this can be done, and they stop making excuses for themselves, stop being resentful, stop being disturbed, and begin to be calm, tranquil, serene, trusting the Lord—lo and behold, the operation will be so painless and so easy, comparatively quick, that they will hardly know it happened, and then they will know what it is to abide in Peace, IN the Christ. It is only when the individual struggles over it that it becomes painful. In the outworking thus far I have had to do a great deal of holding back with respect to the ladies in this regard, but we are coming to that time, when, through that one-pointed dedication to the Lord that is in you, we may let these things work out, so that, male and female, we may serve the LORD our GOD to His Glory, that, male and female, we may let His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, so that the One Christ Body may truly be the means by which the Greater Works are accomplished. O LORD, I thank Thee that Thy Word, spoken in the Altar Flame, accomplishes that whereunto It is sent, IN the Christ. Aum-en
Grace Van Duzen — I would like to express thanksgiving to the Lord, and I know I speak for all the women in the Unit, and in the School, in acknowledging the inspiration which Kathy is for all womankind.
Uranda — I praise the Lord for your recognition and acknowledgment, and I praise the Lord also, most deeply, for the part all you lovely ladies are playing with respect to making that focalization have true meaning, for we recognize that Kathy could not do it alone, that it takes all put together, in Oneness, to make it effective and real in the world.
© Emissaries of Divine Light
The Spirit of Uranda's words has touched me at my core once again---many times actually because he speaks the Truth with authority, and it is very easy to move in the current of the Spoken Word. I am here to let That be my Truth in living. I said "my Truth" because it isn't separate from the One Truth---it's just that I Am responsible for revealing the Word in my living. To me, the Truth cannot be revealed if my heart is governed, controlled, by emotions---that is clear enough! My heart realm had to constantly be purified,cleansed, of what was there for years; of course, purification continues to this day, There's always more in the heart realm that needs ongoing purification, and it happens as I delight in letting the heat of the fire---the Fire of God's Love---do its job without interference one way or another! Definitely, there were things to be faced in myself---not in someone else---in tranquility of spirit and very thankful I was for that, just as I am now for what needs to purified. I can't imagine this process being any other way! It is the Truth of Love I've come to know that includes doing the Father's Will which is dear and clear to me, and so simple really!
I so appreciate ALL that Uranda expressed of Kathy as being a true example for the women particularly, but not excluding the men's emotional heart; and also seeing Kathy as a Gift from God to be by his side in what needed to be accomplished through the Third Sacred School in the forming of the One Christ Body on earth---a Divine outworking to be sure! We are present here and now to do our individual work that together we may truly be the means by which the Greater Works are accomplished. I am so blessed to know this Truth and to stay true to It.
In ending my comment I quote Uranda's prayer which is also in my heart of Love for the Word and being with him in spirit: "O LORD, I thank Thee that Thy Word, spoken in the Altar Flame, accomplishes that whereunto It is sent, IN the Christ. Aumen-en
I thank you again, David, for another powerful meditation which cannot to be taken lightly, but to receive it all in love and thanksgiving and: Forever let my light so shine. I am here to serve the LORD our God to His Glory!
I certainly can here and now feel the Godly integrity of the one we knew as Kathy Meeker.The Tone is something I alway know and in these days when so much is longing to find a point to rest in our journey Home I need to at all times honor the Lord of Lords in every thought word and deed.
If an incomplete past rears its head in my collective memory I in silence ask for the rightness of Love to always lead the way so that we can build only eternal bonds to strengthen our new yet ancient and holy Family that moves in the core of my being.
Love to All
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