The Prophet Of The Lord #1
The Body of the Collective Prophet
from The Prophet of the Lord #1
Martin Cecil October 30, 1979
We are here this morning as a
company of people to worship God. It is natural to man, male and female, to
worship God. It seems that human beings have forgotten what this means. They
are familiar with what it means to worship each other but the idea of
worshiping God has tended to be rather stereotyped. As a body of people here
this morning we worship God in the spirit of love and humility by offering Him
a body of flesh with a quiet mind and a yielded heart for His use. If we have
any expectations in this regard as human beings they need to be relinquished so
that there may be freedom for right use to be made of the facilities we are
here to provide. The Lord is quite capable of utilizing whatever may be
provided, in the right way. Righteousness is not an imposition upon human
beings but whatever is available, whatever comes to point, may easily be used
rightly under the hand of the Lord when there is a facility available to make
such use possible. We are here to offer that facility.
We are aware, in theory at
least, that the central purpose of the right use of all things is to make
possible the restoration of the world. The world that is to
be saved and restored includes mankind but it certainly is not restricted to
mankind. The world is a far greater place than human beings suspect. The world
for which man is responsible is vast. It encompasses much more than what may be
present on the surface of this planet. The only way man’s responsibilities can
be handled correctly is by reason of the creative action of the Lord, and so
this action emerges when there is a mean's for its emergence; otherwise it is obstructed
and prevented. The results of that obstruction and prevention are obvious
enough on earth, where there is much
tribulation, much violence, and no
apparent solution.
Many of you have heard of
a columnist by the name of Sidney Harris. Recently one of his articles
came to my hand and I thought it might be profitable to read it this morning.
“People keep saying, ‘We need
a leader’ or ‘We need better leadership,’ but that is not what they really
mean. What most of them are looking for is not a leader, but a Messiah. They
want someone who will give them the Word. And the Word would be one that is
agreeable to them, that appeals to their preferences and prejudices, so that
they can follow it whole heartedly. But this is not what a true leader does—a
leader tells people hard truths, gives them a difficult path to follow, calls
upon their highest qualities, not their basest instincts. A true leader does
not tell us what we want to hear, but what we ought to hear.
“Indeed, this is the
difference between a false Messiah and a true one. A false Messiah—such as a
Hitler, in our time—caters to and inflames the fears, hates, angers and
resentments of his people, and drives them to destruction rather than to
salvation or self-realization. A true Messiah—such as Jesus, even taken on the
worldly plane—rebukes his people, shows them their errors, makes them want to
be better, not stronger or richer, and asks them to make sacrifices for the
common good and for the good of their own souls. He is never followed by very
many, usually killed by the majority, and venerated only when he is safely dead
and need not be taken seriously.
“What we are looking for, I am
afraid, is neither a true leader nor a true Messiah, but a false Messiah—a man
who will give us oversimplified answers, who will justify our ways, who will
castigate our enemies, who will vindicate our selfishness as a way of life and
make us comfortable within our prejudices and preconceptions. We are seeking
for leadership that will reconcile the irreconcilable, moralize the immoral,
rationalize the unreasonable and promise us a society where we can continue to
be as narrow and envious and shortsighted as we would like to be without
suffering the consequences. In short, we are invoking magic,” [black, I might
say] “we are praying for the coming of the Wizard. But there is no Wizard.
There are only false prophets—and they come equally from left, right, center
and below. Wherever they come from, no matter how they differ, they can all be
distinguished by the same sign: those we like make us feel better, instead of
making us feel worse. We want to follow them because they ‘understand’ us.
“But all the true prophets,
from the Old Testament through Jesus, made us feel worse. They knew, and said,
that the trouble wasn’t with our enemies, but with ourselves. They demanded
that we shed our old skin and become New Men. And this is the last thing we
want to do. What we are looking for is a leader who will show us how to be the
same old men [or women] only more successfully—and his ancient name is Satan.”
It may be that this man has
certain limitations in his outlook but he lays something on the line here that
is very true. Perhaps he doesn’t see what the answer is but then, in the world
of mankind, who does? He at least speaks from the standpoint of his highest
vision, which is in many respects a clear vision. We find ourselves in position
to agree. I do not imagine that it is his intention to try to save the
world. But clearly, something needs to happen on earth which is not caused to
happen by what the high vision of human beings is capable of accomplishing.
There have been many human beings on earth who have had high vision and
who have proclaimed their vision in various ways but the state of the world
remains as it was, as it now is, and as it is presumed ever shall be.
Disaster tends to creep up on us.
We take for granted things that are happening in the world now that would
have shocked us to the heels of our boots not many years ago. Human beings seem
capable of adjusting to almost anything. This may be a valuable trait in some
ways but it also tends to lull people into a sense of complacency. It is quite
obvious that there are immense so-called problems in the world as we know it,
apparently without solution. It seems it is a simple
matter these days to define the problem. Everybody can see clearly what it is
that is coming upon the earth, but because it is not quite here yet we’ll eat,
drink and be merry even if tomorrow we die! Of course the human outlook is
fundamentally self-centered. Apparently there is very little awareness on the part
of anyone that there might be a purpose for human beings on earth other than to
enjoy and satisfy themselves. We have come to recognize that it is in the
ignoring of that purpose that the troubles proliferate, and as long as the
purpose is ignored there is no solution. A multitude of solutions have been
proposed but even if some of them found extensive application, which never
seems to happen anyway, they would not prove to be solutions. We have come to be aware that
it is what is present in people that needs to change, not merely for the sake
of handling the impending disasters but for the sake of being what we really
are, for the sake of revealing the fact of real worth. We can look at the state
of affairs in the world and we could well understand if the Lord should become
a little impatient. Here is His earth being destroyed by human beings who are
also intent consequently upon destroying themselves. So the very proposal of
solutions is part of the state which needs to change in human beings. Whether there
is an ignoring of approaching disaster or a desperate endeavor to find
solutions, it is all part of the same state of human consciousness which
continues to multiply the troubles.
Worship God! That instruction
would mean very little to most people; what it actually means has escaped the awareness of human beings for a very
long time. When we begin to accept alignment with the attitude of
the Lord, who has clear vision, we may share that vision. Incidentally if we
actually do we share His action as well. You cannot have true vision without
participating at the same time in true action. Only an angel has true vision on earth,
and an angel doesn’t just sit around having his vision. The vision is
inseparable from his action. It’s a part of his angelic expression. If he has
the vision he also has the action. So
where there is vision there is always action. Where there is no vision
the people perish from lack of true action. They may act in various
ways, proposing and trying to initiate solutions to the apparent problems, but
that’s not true action and it multiplies the problems anyway.
We recognize that something
must be brought to bear by the Lord in the situation, and only as this is the
case can there be any fundamental change at all. But that action, that vision,
requires a facility for its appearance on earth. We have been invited to share
that facility, to share the vision and the action. Sidney Harris makes mention
of New Men—new men and women. That’s
right, not made-over people but new people. Self-centered human nature will pass away. It’s been doing so for a
long time in the individual sense, generation after generation, but
self-centered human nature as it is present in the whole body of mankind must
pass away. It can be easily seen that this could spell the doom of the human
race. In actual fact we are observing the process by which self-centered human
nature is passing away. This human evil is destroying itself. It is not a very
pleasing sight but it is happening. These things have been
portrayed for us in various ways, that we might wake up from our stupor. When
there are troubles and somehow or other those troubles are contained so that
things begin to settle back to normal, as it might be said, people heave a sigh
of relief and say, “Well we took care of that.” But here is self-delusion. The
more troubles we have the better off we are. This is not a popular view, but as
long as there are troubles we are temporarily no longer being fooled into the
idea that the human mind is capable of handling anything that arises. If by
some great effort whatever-it-is is handled that way for the moment then we are
fortified in the idea that the human mind can handle anything, and so the
plagues come thick and fast.
A portrayal of this was in
that story of the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Before that
contest was initiated something occurred between Elijah and Ahab the king.
Kings, in the Biblical record, represent the human mind. Ahab was
rather a weak king, dominated by his wife Jezebel, the
queen, who more or less called the shots—not an uncommon situation!
Art thou he that troubleth Israel?
“And it came to pass, when
Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel?”
Are you the one who is causing all these troubles? This is the usual approach in
human nature, isn’t it? Someone else is the trouble. In this case the troubles
were being pinned on Elijah, the one who represented the Lord. Ahab represented human nature, and Elijah represented the
divine nature of the Lord. The usual view is that the Lord stirs up all the trouble. God made the
trouble by creating human beings. When a person begins to be convinced of this
sufficiently, the only thing to do is to eliminate the human being. That eliminates
the trouble supposedly but ignores the fact that human beings were created for
a purpose, and the purpose certainly wasn’t to multiply trouble. So Elijah met the issue with
Ahab and said, “All right, let’s prove it out. Let’s see where the trouble
really is.” So there was the gathering of the prophets of Baal, quite a lot of
them, but only one prophet of the Lord. They worked out a certain format for
the contest, which involved building an altar and putting a sacrifice on it,
etc. The prophets of Baal came first. They were right there on the job, and
that is very much the case in our present experience.
“And Elijah came unto all the
people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God,
follow him: but if Baal then follow him. And the people answered him not a
word.” They were being put on the spot, and usually when that happens there is
a deadly silence. So they went ahead with this undertaking, and having done
everything according to the rules they “called on the name of Baal from morning
even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that
answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made.” Where is the voice that gives
the answer to the problems of the world on the basis of an approach where the
worship is of Baal? that is, where the
human mind is expected to find the solution. No matter what is said or done, no
solution appears. “And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and
said, Cry aloud: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or
he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.” There is a right use of anything,
including sarcasm. I poke a little fun sometimes at some human nature states. There are some who have objected to that, thought I wasn’t
being nice or kind. “And they cried aloud, and cut
themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed
out upon them.” They were very enthusiastic. They really put themselves into
what they were doing. “And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they
prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there
was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded.” That’s the way it is in the world. What hopelessness! How pathetic!
“And Elijah said unto all the
people, Come near unto me.” Look up. Let go of all your human goals. Let go of
all human attempts to solve the problems that are the natural result of countless centuries of the expression of human nature.
That cause generates effects: and here they are, more widespread on earth than
ever before because certainly there are more people than ever before. We are
all so accustomed to this. We take it for granted. How is the change going to
be wrought? Certainly not by worshiping Baal but because there are some
who worship God, who respond to the invitation, “Come near unto me.” Forget the
claims that have been made by human nature in general that the answer comes from manipulation, from even endeavoring to
get people to change. It does not come that way. It doesn’t come by anything
that human beings can do. It comes because there are those who take
responsibility for coming near and providing the
Lord with the means of His action on earth, because it is the action of the
Lord that gets the job done. And the job is the dissolution of human nature, whether
anyone likes it or not.
Human nature will be
dissolved, one way or another. There may seem to be alternatives from the
standpoint of the way it is dissolved, but it will be dissolved. It can be
dissolved in a creative way because the true nature of man is accepted. The
only way by which the true nature of man will be accepted on earth is because
there are those present who have accepted it. The
evidence of acceptance must be there, and it is because of that that the
creative power of the Lord is present and functional in relationship to mankind,
and something happens. The happening is not only the dissolution
of human nature but the resurrection of divine nature, angelic nature. There
are those who do draw near. If we have the responsibility for extending the
invitation, “Draw near unto me,” we need to make very sure that what those who
accept the invitation draw near to is the truth and not another false prophet. As you know, to the extent
that you have been willing to relinquish your ties with human nature you feel a
lot better; neither do you find it necessary to make sacrifices. The
Lord doesn’t require anyone to sacrifice anything. The evidence of our living
rightly extends this invitation, “Come near unto me.” We are not anxious to see
human nature take everybody out of the picture. We may suspect that it will
take some. You know what happened to the prophets of Baal after this exercise
described here was complete. They were disposed of. “Fear not” is included with the words, “Come near unto me.” Let us indeed be
true to the truth in the angelic expression of vision and of action. We are in position to stand still, and see the
salvation of the Lord. There
is action, but the action comes because of the vision. The primary nature of
that action is describable as spiritual expression.

from The Prophet of the Lord #2
As there is the acceptance of the
invitation to draw near unto the Lord the facility begins to be provided by
which the fire falls from heaven. There is an intensification of what we have
referred to as spiritual expression, an increase in the sounding of the Tone. The
fire is present on earth to the extent that there is this means by which it
falls from heaven. If there are those who abide in heavenly orientation and who
actually live from the standpoint of heaven, then the fire falls from them. In
the story of Elijah, finally the
fire falls; it falls from heaven—heaven and earth are one. It is
an emergence into creative expression of that fire by reason of those who dwell
in heaven on earth. Elijah’s invitation to the people was, “Come near unto me.
And all the people came near unto him.” It was because of this that he was able
to do something. The altar of the Lord which had been broken down was rebuilt.
Over the years in this
ministry we have been engaged in letting that altar be rebuilt on earth, the
means by which the Lord may act on earth. There has been a good deal of washing
in the water of truth and an increased yielding to the creative movement of the
spirit of God, to the end that the fire might fall from heaven. It is doing so,
and in doing so it causes a great deal of discomfort in the lives of human
beings everywhere when there is resistance to that movement of the spirit.
Because there is resistance the flames of the fire are felt as flames—yellow
ones to be exact, the ones that burn. This is an uncomfortable experience. The
world is full of discomfort. When people become uncomfortable,
when they find themselves in pain, being hurt in whatever way, the habit is to consider who might be to blame. That habit of blaming others
for one’s own discomfort is universal. We see it happening everywhere every day,
on the large scale and on the small scale. The ones who are uncomfortable
discover some one to blame. The person who is uncomfortable is, in this
situation, the good guy; the one who is supposed to be causing the discomfort
is the bad guy. So lines of various sorts are drawn and confrontations occur in
all directions, but the reason for these confrontations springs from the
attitude of blame. And of course the
looking-for-a-leader syndrome emerges in human consciousness so that someone is
sought who will agree that those concerned are badly done by, that they are not
at fault, somebody else is to blame.
Very often when there is
consideration with respect to the restoration it is thought that somehow God
must get into a battle with the devil. There is a ding-dong battle which has been
going on here for a long time and apparently God has not triumphed yet. The
fact of the matter is that God has never been in a battle with the devil
because He does not particularly see much reason to fight against nothing. It
is only human beings who do this, and because they fight against nothing,
nothing appears to them to be something. It appears to be something because
they have given their life force to nothing and it is their own creation. We can say this in general
terms but it is specifically true for each individual. Human beings make their
own troubles. We are human beings. We have been busy making our own troubles
for an extended period of time. Finally, we thought it wasn’t worth
the candle, so we exhibited some willingness to change our ways, tentatively at
least to stop blaming someone else for our own discomfort. It is not a matter
of God fighting the devil. It is simply a matter of what we have called
spiritual expression, which judges no one but is something very positive in its
own right. It is the expression of the spirit of God in human experience. When
there is spiritual expression the fire falls from heaven. It begins to burn in
the vicinity of the one through whom spiritual expression has appeared. It may
burn some things that are pretty close to that person so that he feels, humanly
speaking, uncomfortable.
The fire transmutes. The fire
as we understand it in the world is a means of changing substance from one
state to another—the fire transmutes so that some substance ascends and some
descends. This is what happens when the fire falls from heaven. It happens in
our own human experience because what we are humanly speaking is closest to us,
but it also extends beyond that. What is closer in the fire is what gets
burned. Only the substance that needs transmutation is burned. The flame itself
is not burned. There is a central core to the fire, portrayed by the blue part
of the flame where it is cool. If we are wise that is where we stay, from
the standpoint of our own attitude. Regardless of what may be burning
round about we may stay in the cool of the flame. And even though humanly speaking
there may still be substance present in us that needs transmutation we are able
to let that transmutation occur to the extent that we stand in the cool part of
the flame—in other words, to the extent that we recognize that it is our
own spiritual expression that brings the fire to bear. If we see this then we don’t
need to blame anybody else. The fire is being hotted up, maybe seven times
hotter than it’s wont to be, and everybody finds himself in the fire in one way
or another. Our concern is to let the fire transmute what we are humanly
speaking so that it may become a valuable means for increased spiritual
expression—in other words for a hotter fire. As it transmutes what is present
in our own human state that human state is clarified and the fire burns with
increased intensity further afield. This fire is burning further afield, burning everywhere on earth. The more it
burns the more people are inclined to find those others amongst their number to
blame for their discomfort. It is a completely false accusation, because it is
the fire emerging through themselves by reason of spiritual expression
appearing in the body of mankind on earth that causes the discomfort with
respect to those things that resist the process of transmutation.

This fire is burning everywhere on earth.
We need to see these things
from the standpoint of our own responsibility because we are particularly
responsible individually speaking for our own spiritual expression. This, when
it is all put together with that which is appearing through many others who are
not here present, becomes the spiritual expression of the Body of the
Archangel. And this is the fire that burns, that is falling from heaven into
the experience of human beings everywhere; it is coming forth through the body
of mankind. Here we begin to see that the battle is not between God and the
devil but between the devil and the devil. Human evil destroys itself, and we
may observe this going on in the world. There is something to happen in the
heaven. What is to happen in the heaven happens by reason of
spiritual expression. As there is a happening in the heaven so that it is
clarified in the experience of the individual, then that is reflected on earth
and the fire burns on earth. The fire burning on earth pits human beings
against each other insofar as those who do not respond to spiritual expression
are concerned. You may recall the story of
Gideon and his troop. They didn’t have to do any fighting. There was a swarm of
Midianites in the valley and Gideon had 300 people. But they stood around on
the hills and at the given signal blasted on their trumpets and unveiled their
lights, and this caused so much confusion in the Midianite camp that they began
to fight against each other. It was dark down there; they couldn’t see what was
happening; they thought they were being attacked. Here is an excellent
illustration of the way things work: the trumpet blasts, the lights shine, and the
fire burns. Everyone feels extremely uncomfortable, very much afraid, and in
that state of desperation they lash out at each other. They develop various
supposedly sophisticated methods of lashing out these days.
Gabriel’s trump must be
sounding. The light must be shining in some measure at least and the fire
burning. We begin to have an understanding of what it is that is happening, to
the extent that we are not involved in what is happening. We may
be uncomfortable at times in the human sense but even then, because it happens
to be our own particular discomfort, we know what is happening, and we no
longer feel under any necessity whatsoever to look around and try to find
someone else to blame. I think the attitude would rather be, “Lay on the fire,”
that whatever it is that needs to be transmuted may be transmuted quickly. How long do we as individuals
have to let this transmutation occur? We may recognize that a transmutation
is not merely an individual thing; it involves everyone else also. The more
fire the better. We are certainly no longer interested in trying to “reconcile
the irreconcilable, moralize the immoral, rationalize the unreasonable.” The
point is to stop being unreasonable or immoral or irreconcilable. All this
is present in human nature because of human failure, individual and collective,
to come near unto the Lord.
Of what value would it be for
all of us and many more to spread out in the world and call to human beings,
“Come near unto the Lord”? What does it really mean, “Come near unto the Lord”?
The human mind knows not the Lord, no matter how many fancy beliefs and
concepts it may have about Him. One can come near unto one’s concept, one can
espouse one’s belief, wrap it around one, but that certainly doesn’t bring a
person any closer to the Lord. The belief will stand as a barrier between that
person and the Lord—a substitute for the Lord, for the reality. The only way
the reality can be known is in one’s own expression. A person will not let that
expression appear through himself unless he has found an expression on earth
through another which provides a point of orientation. If there is no point of
orientation on earth, then everybody can have his own idea, his own belief, his
own image of God, and worship that, enthusiastically perhaps as the prophets of
Baal did, but it means nothing. It certainly doesn’t
unify people, does it? It
brings conflict. So there must be a point of orientation on earth if there is
to be a means for anyone to experience the reality rather than merely to become
involved with a substitute. Elijah said, “Come near unto me.” He was in effect
saying, “Come near unto the Lord.” But in saying “Come near unto me,” all the
people had some awareness at least of what he meant. If one says merely, “Come
near unto the Lord,” then the question may be rightly asked, “Well, where is
He? I don’t know where He is.” If a
person is really honest he will have to admit that he doesn’t know the Lord.
When the Lord did come in human form on earth, how many people knew him? “Come
near unto me!” All right, there must be this point of orientation.
The point of orientation is
not rightly merely one person. It must be one person obviously to start with,
but the Prophet of the Lord is not one person insofar as the present outworking
is concerned. If there is only one person, well a lot of people would be left
out in the cold, wouldn’t they? So the Body of the Prophet of the Lord is
composed of many people, and the Whole Body is required to be present if the Word is to be spoken and the invitation
extended, “Come near unto me.” Only as there is a coming near in this sense can
the altar of the Lord be rebuilt and can the means for the increased expression
of the fire on earth become a reality. Only through the fire does the
transmutation occur, the transmutation which results in the restoration. The
restoration doesn’t result because everybody is re-educated, everybody has the
same mental concept as to what the truth is. That is ridiculous. It would never
happen anyway.

We are concerned with the fire that emerges because of spiritual expression.
The restoration occurs because
the fire transmutes the substance that is present—there is plenty of it around, the world is full of it, human flesh for instance—but if
the substance is to be transmuted there must be the fire. It cannot be
transmuted if there isn’t the fire, so we are concerned with the fire that emerges because of spiritual expression. This fire burns everything, consumes everything; but when the fire burns nothing is lost, is it? What was
present before is changed, that’s all. Nothing is lost. There is no sacrifice.
The fire burns, the transmutation occurs. An aspect of that transmutation is
revealed as what we have called the restoration, but there is also some ash
around. We have this experience day by day. What doesn’t belong in our physical
bodies is cast out. There’s trouble if it isn’t cast
out. What is so tragic then about this larger picture of the rubbish being cast
out of the body of mankind? If it isn’t cast out the body of mankind will die,
and it is cast out by the spirit of the living God. That is our business. It is not going to be very
effective in the larger body of mankind if it is not allowed to work in our own
as individual human beings. To the extent that we begin to share angelic
consciousness we rejoice in the fire and in the effects of the fire. Human beings are inclined to
say, “Oh I’m so uncomfortable. I want to get out of this. I don’t like it.” Who
doesn’t like it? The devil doesn’t like it certainly. What is wrong with discomfort? Are we so pure already, humanly
speaking, that when the fire burns nothing will get singed? I don’t think that
is the case yet for any of us.
So we acknowledge the point of
orientation—we draw near. How do we do that? By pressing in around? Are we
supposed to be like a hive of bees, swarming bees, all pressed together? That
may be all right for bees but it is not the right state for human beings. Of
course there is a sense of emptiness in human beings, so they try to press
around each other to fill the void, but it doesn’t help much. No, it is not
necessarily a physical closeness that is of concern. Come near unto the spirit
of the living God. There is a need for leaders—people who are capable of
leading. Upon reading the article we saw fairly clearly portrayed
what isn’t a leader, but what is a leader? Is a leader someone who is intent
upon making everybody uncomfortable?Perhaps some of you at times may have felt
a little uncomfortable on the basis of what I have offered; but there is a
peculiar thing about it, because at the same time you feel pretty good about
it, at least if you are open and responding. There may be some discomfort, you
may feel a little rueful at times for instance, but it is so very good to come
near unto the Lord. Obviously we cannot come near to the Lord and bring all our
rubbish with us. It needs to be transmuted. Some of it is all right; it is not
rubbish at all; it is a part of what belongs. But some of it doesn’t belong at
all. It needs to be turned to ashes.
We come near unto the Lord to
provide leadership in the true sense. It is said that no one can be a leader
who hasn’t first learned to be a follower. Sometimes we are in one position,
sometimes in another. To come near unto the Lord is to come near to His spirit,
to be included in the creative expression of that spirit. The Lord encompasses
all of us in His spirit. This which He encompasses is His world, but we each
have a world to encompass. We do it the same way, in the same spirit; and on
that basis we are near—we are close. We are part of one thing, One Whole. We
are not segregated, separate, lonely, empty individuals. We begin to be filled
with the spirit of the Lord and, sharing that spirit in expression, the fire
burns. It burns in relationship to whatever may be present in our human
capacities. It doesn’t matter who we are, the same thing is true. And it burns,
as it intensifies, beyond those capacities, so that it is felt by others. Those who are willing to draw
near unto the Lord are most willing to step into that fire. They can’t draw
near on any other basis. If we are resisting it and fighting against it and blaming everybody
else for it, well we end up ashes. I don’t think it is worth it. It is a habit
well worth breaking, the habit of blaming other people. Judge not. Just move
easily in spiritual expression, letting the fire burn in your environment and
encompassing your world in the spirit of the living God so that whoever or
whatever responds may come near and whatever resists may be cast out
of this One Body, the body of man which is being restored on earth.
Immense disaster seems to be
at hand. We understand what that disaster is: the dissolution of human nature.
Thank God for that! Lots of discomfort in the process no doubt for us and
everybody else, but thank God just the same. At last it is being drawn to a
point of issue. The last act of the drama of human failure is coming to a
close, the curtain soon to fall—but while that closes, at the same time
something else opens and we become increasingly aware of what it is that opens.
This is so as what has obscured what is now emerging falls away. The falling
away of the unreality, the destruction of evil by itself, exposes the reality.
Those who look at the destruction with fear and trembling are not inclined to
see what it is that is being revealed, but those who are concerned with what is
being revealed are not particularly concerned with respect to the destruction
because nothing that is of any value can be destroyed, only what doesn’t

The Prophet of the Lord is not one person insofar as the present outworking is concerned.
Again we have had
opportunity of sharing spiritual expression, in the fire,
the fire which has been intensified a little, the fire which extends through
this Body of the Archangel, emerging consequently through the body of mankind,
that all may be transmuted to the glory of God. As angels of the Lord we are
rightly thankful for the opportunity of being present on earth at this time to
share in these things in this present moment and in each succeeding moment as we
move along the way of life.
© wmissaries of divine light
My earthly home clefts in roots of lava fire revisiting what promises to be gathered whole.
Atop the mountain pines growing close in care of lifting what is so natural to the Design.
A welcome of balance is extended to Her world that we may again relish in innocence.
Martin's words from the 1970s and 80s are my words, our words, today. I have been reading an April 1979 service "The Transforming Fire" which is equally intense and full of... guidance, perhaps?... for the priesthood, the collective Body of the Son of God, of the Archangel, of the Prophet, of the Messiah. We are that. I am that I am. It strikes me that if I say "I am the Messiah" and if you say "I am the Messiah" we both speak for self and for the rest of the collective Prophet of the Lord at the same time. And in that sense, I, we, also say, "As I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me." As the collective Body rises up, the fire rains down, and all the earth is drawn near to the purifying fire without any one lifting a metaphoric finger. Holding vibration and radiation steady.
If the fire was extending through this Body "back" then, "emerging consequently through the body of mankind, that all may be transmuted to the glory of God" then, how much moreso is it now. It has been said of our time that these were the days all the prophets wished to be alive. (I suspect some of them are.) I am thankful for that opportunity. As I am thankful for the opportunities provided by this website.
I had typed a comment when this transcript was first posted, however, it came to be such a long comment even though I continually sought to shorten it and come to point in my response, I still kept adding more words, so my thought then was to delete it with the thought that I would do it later---which is now! Martin's words in the first paragraph says it perfectly, which applies to comments as well; therefore, I am here to offer my facility in that way just as I am in offering it completely to the Lord in my living, moment by moment.
It is always a joy to me to read these Services in the present moment because Spirit expressed through these Angels is now, not so long ago as it may seem---what is time anyway? I Am That Spirit in expression which makes possible the restoration of the world which obviously isn't restricted to mankind but something greater---far greater than the human mind can ever conceive on its own.
Politics, governments,religions, science, medical field, anything ruled by the human mind will never solve problems though attempts have been made unceasingly for centuries without any lasting result. So, I do see and know that I can be of value on earth, which certainly isn't by going along with any dictator, some leader or false messiah, and definitely not by having theories about true Purpose. It's only in identity I Am That I Am --- letting all theories and good ideas about this and that, preferences be relinquished, because none of it has any value whatsoever in God's Plan, Design and Purpose! This is my real vision: I know who I Am. These are times of much chaos, much erupting with world issues, and more; there's no need to get emotionally involved with any of it but to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord---the elimination as necessary, and the restoration is happening!
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