May 05, 2019

Holy Ground—Burning Bush

Holy  Ground  —  Burning  Bush

from  Dietetic Patterns

Uranda  May 7, 1953  Class

The endocrine glands provide the outer form of manifestation of the Seven Spirits, the seven aspects of spirit in your own body in relationship to the physical functions of your own Being. We have considered something of the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God. The Focalization of the Seven Spirits through your own body provides the opportunity for a basic control pattern—attunement with the Divine Source and function. As long as the blood sugar level is not correct the endocrine system is not going to be functioning correctly, and the Life Force is not going to be manifesting correctly through you—the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God are not adequately active in the earth of your own body. Until that is taken care of, at least to a degree in relationship to yourself, you cannot inspire others to do likewise.

Until we recognize that the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God are necessary from the standpoint of the individual and from the standpoint of the group, from the standpoint of the whole Christ Body and the whole of humanity, we are not going to make very much progress, no matter how much knowledge or information one may store within oneself. We remember in the story of Moses that when Moses fled from Egypt and went to the land of Midian, through an outworking in events he became acquainted with the seven daughters of the priest of Midian and so, finally, that priest himself, Jethro. Here we have the same pattern of vibrational factors. Whether we consider the Creative Triangle in the Universe, which provides the base for our function, and provided the base for the creation of this world, from Orion to the Pleiades, or whether we consider the story here at the time of Moses—whether we see the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades or the seven sisters, the daughters of Jethro, whether we see the seven days of the week in the pattern of creation or the seven days of the week as we commemorate those factors now, wherever we turn we see evidences of this basic seven, the seven that find focalization in your own body in the endocrine system.

Every body that is to have any meaning in life, and force, must have the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God. That is true of a group as much as it is of an individual; for anyone who does not understand these basic patterns and ignores them, attempting to develop and formulate a true group on earth, will never succeed. It cannot be done. Humanity has for so long mistaken knowledge, or information, for functional realization. The individual who undertakes to achieve some great purpose by gathering information to himself, getting knowledge—he is going to accomplish something—never succeeds, because he does not share effectively and properly in the current of God's giving. It is only as we recognize the principle of the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God, the principle of Focalization of those spirits, the principle of Focalization in the whole pattern of Being, that we can begin to consider these things and develop a conscious awareness of them in a manner which will allow us to intelligently perceive the working of the spirit of God.

Getting the knowledge as such is not the goal or the purpose here, or anywhere. There has to be the establishment of a certain awareness of certain fundamental facts and truths of Being, information, but if it stops there it accomplishes nothing, whether it is information I present to you or someone else. It has to be a means by which your consciousness becomes aware in realization of the working of the spirit of God, so that you can comprehend that spirit, comprehend and correctly interpret the influences of the spirit, because impulses are going to be interpreted on the basis of the individual concepts, and when the individual concepts are not shaped to the truth, the personal response to the impulse of the spirit of God will cause that person to do the wrong thing. Once you see that you will understand why the world is in the state it is and why human beings have failed for so long to have any real outworking of the spiritual life. Until you have an awareness of the truth as such, and a consciousness which can begin to comprehend the significance and the meaning of the spirit of God, you have no way of translating the impulses of the spirit of God into the right pattern of action. So we have training periods and class periods for that purpose. There have been plenty of opportunities in the past; but we are dealing in the present now. As long as there are false beliefs in your consciousness and in your heart, no matter how sincerely held, the spirit of God working through you will cause you to do the wrong thing. And millions of earnest, sincere people are caught in that trap. That is why the Master emphasized the point, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” for until your awareness, your consciousness, is patterned in truth, regardless of anything else, the impulse of the spirit cannot cause you to do the right thing, and until we do do the right thing we are not going to be accomplishing that to which we are called.

And so this point of Jethro's seven daughters has particularized significance in relationship to the endocrine system of your own body, or the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God at any level of outworking, formation or focalization, because the principles apply at every level, with respect to every formation where there is a pattern of self-consciousness. We need to remember that. Until we know that truth, we will try to ignore some aspect or other and say, “Well it doesn't make any difference.” But it does. We cannot violate the basic laws of God without paying the price, no matter who it is.

And then we recognized in our pattern of consideration that Moses was being called by God, and in that process of being called he saw what is called the burning bush—the burning bush that was not consumed. What is this burning bush? It is your own body. The burning bush is your own body. What is it that gives you the possibility of action, energy, expression? The burning of what? The energy substances in your body. Why are we concerned about blood sugar level? So that the burning of the fires in your own body will not consume your body and destroy you. Moses saw the burning bush that was not consumed and he said, “I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.” That is the opportunity that is being given to you today—to turn aside from the ordinary patterns of life and begin to see why the bush is not burnt when we function correctly, when we have so become attuned to the laws of God and the principles of life that the blood sugar level is where it should be. And if that blood sugar level is not right, the bush, the body, your body or any body, is going to be consumed and will begin to show all of the signs of weakness and decrepitude and illness, and what have you, that indicate that the body is burning up and the fires are not functioning correctly in the body.

Human beings have been afraid of the fire of God's Love for so long. In a consideration of what might be called the mystical, or the symbolical portrayals of truth, you come across the idea that the human being must reach a point where he is able to enter the fire and not be burned. We have the outstanding illustration of this in relationship to the experience of those who were working with Daniel—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego—how they were cast, bound, into the burning fiery furnace. Well now, those who enter the fire on the basis of correct response to God are not burned, but those who try to function in relationship to the fire without that correct polarity, they are going to get burned.

That fire of God's Love is here in relationship to every human being, and we see human beings being burned up all around us, burned up in that fire. Human beings are afraid of it because their bodies are being burned up in it. In Revelation it is called “the lake of fire and brimstone which burneth for ever and ever.” And you are in it. It is not something that is going to come someday, somewhere. This lake of fire and brimstone is on earth now and you are in it, whether you know it or not, and that is the thing that is tormenting human beings all over the world. Until we learn how to walk into the flame without fear, and work in the fire, we cannot accomplish that to which we are called. I don't care what the human being tries to achieve by himself and of himself, it will not work. If we are going to achieve our purpose, accomplish our goal, we must reach a point where we turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt; for here you have the revelation of the same truth that comes out later in relationship to Daniel—in other points in the Bible too; we see it in the Book of Revelation, “the lake of fire and brimstone which burneth for ever and ever.” And it is here—that fire is the fire of God's Love, which torments those who fight against it but is cooling and soothing and gloriously beautiful for those who yield to it.

What did the Lord tell Moses? “Do not get too close; your body is not ready yet to walk into the flame. You can look at it a bit, but,” He said, “take off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the ground whereon thou standest is holy ground.” Holy Ground. When you begin to realize that the ground where the fire burns is holy ground—you realize it, you begin to know it, you recognize the sacredness—you take your shoes from off your feet. What does that signify? In preparation for the Lord's Supper the Master washed the feet of the disciples. All the way through the Biblical pattern of portrayal the feet have been utilized as signifying the individual's basic understanding. The Master washed their feet with water, water the symbol of truth, the feet made bare, removing the shoes—the mental concepts, the ideas, the beliefs, the crystallized convictions of the human mind. And the Master washed their feet with water so that their understanding might be cleansed and made pure, that they might indeed partake of the Lord's Supper with a realization of the basic principles of Being.

But it did not start there. Back here at the time of Moses we have a recognition that the Lord said to Moses, “Take off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the ground whereon thou standest is holy ground.” We have holy ground here because the fire is burning here, but some people do not realize it and they do not take their shoes from off their feet. Their pattern of understanding is covered with the fixed crystallizations of their own beliefs. But once you realize that the ground whereon thou standest is holy ground, you have no fear about taking off the shoes—the symbol of human beliefs and patterns—removing them so that you can come in direct contact with the holy ground and realize that, coming to know the truth, your understanding will be clothed with the truth and not with crystallized concepts that have insulated you from the real or true living of life from the standpoint of understanding. You begin to truly understand yourself and those round about you, so that you may serve God and man.

YouTube  Audio

You begin to see as Moses saw: “I will turn aside and see this great sight.” Why are you here? Because of that one thing. You perceived in the wilderness—you did not understand it perhaps, you did not see it in the full sense—but you began to perceive that there was a Burning Bush in the wilderness and the bush was not burned. And it was because you followed the pattern established by Moses and said, “I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt,” that is why you are here.

© emissaries of divine light


Leia Meryt said...

Dear David Barnes:
Thank you! Just keep it coming! The Spirit of Truth is washing us clean, enabling astounding Righteousness. Yes, we are indeed standing IN it and ON Holy Ground. Being the Comforter is not always comfortable.
So be it. Selah.

Lucille Goossens said...

Had I thought at any time that just getting some information, or even a lot of information, about what I am here for and to do in the Spirit of our Lord and King but never really KNOW why I am present on earth then all my so-called good intentions would have zero meaning in my lifetime, and I, therefore, would not be accomplishing the true purpose for which I was created in the beginning and called upon to do. I had to come to a realization that what was provided and offered in the Spirit of Truth was, of necessity, that I remain open and yielded to His Spirit so that the works for which I am responsible would easily be accepted and handled in spiritual expression---there was no getting around this, and this is more keenly in my consciousness these days than ever before. Reading Uranda's words regarding the principle of the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God and the Focalization of those spirits are definitely uppermost in consciousness as I continue in the Way of Love, Truth and Life.

My only interest is to comprehend and interpret correctly the impulse of the spirit in each moment, not by whatever concepts that may still be lingering in consciousness from any past misunderstandings. Truth is known in the moment, and knowing this truth, the truth of myself, I am free to accomplish that to which I am called and do!

I so appreciate Uranda's consideration of Moses and the burning bush that was not consumed, which I know is just as relevant and true for me in this day. My main and only interest is to function according to the principles of life Uranda revealed so perfectly---to see and know what is mine to carry through without hesitation in my living. I have no fear of the fire burning; it will not consume me, because my understanding is clothed with the truth and not with crystallized concepts which have insulated me in past life from the standpoint of true understanding.

Therefore, I take my shoes from off my feet that my mental concepts, ideas, beliefs have no sway in my living because my feet have been washed many times that a greater understanding might be cleansed and.made pure; I trust this has happened but it's not the end of a complete cleanse---there's always more to be cleansed and purified in any moment when things show up in consciousness that are not the truth! It is my delight to take part in the Lord's Supper with a deeper realization of the basic principles of Being. Taking off my shoes I stand on holy ground---there is no other ground to stand on. Period!

So, as Moses of long ago, I too turned aside to see this great sight which I perceived in the wilderness and why the bush was not burnt---I am here, and having a true understanding of myself and those round about me, I continue to serve God and man.