February 25, 2022

The Focus of Enlightenment #2

The  Focus  Of  Enlightenment #2

Martin Cecil   September 9, 1979  p.m.

Holiness to the Lord. Let His holiness, His wholeness, be made known because we live on earth.

The real state of man is the enlightened state. This was referred to as the garden experience of consciousness. This is the true state of man’s consciousness. According to his state of consciousness so is the reflection in form. This is so whether man’s experience is that of the true state or the false state. The garden state of consciousness has been lost to human experience. We called that this morning the darkened state. [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2019/02/from-honorable-remnant-from-focus-of.html] In order for a change of consciousness to come a focus of the enlightened state of consciousness must emerge into expression within the darkened state of consciousness. “Let there be light.” The darkness comprehends not the light, but the light is quite aware of the darkness.

This focus of enlightened consciousness emerging into the darkened state of human consciousness initiates the creative cycle by which it may be said that all things are made new. Here is something new present within the range of that darkened state that wasn’t there before. The only way by which this focus of enlightened consciousness can so emerge is through what has before been described as the veil. The veil relates to the cherubim with the flaming sword which keeps the way of the tree of life in the garden state of consciousness. This veil has been thick darkness, establishing the darkened state of human consciousness. These clouds have been formed by reason of the impure heart. The heart of man is impure because human emotion has been subject to the earth and what have been designated in this darkened state of consciousness as the treasures of the earth. Human beings lay up for themselves treasures on earth, material treasures in the physical sense, and also of course in the mental sense. There are many human values in the darkened state which engender emotional experience in human hearts. The veil is firmly in place by reason of this. As long as this is the case there is no facility in human experience by which enlightened consciousness can be received. Human experience in the darkened state is this side of the veil, the earthly side of the veil. Enlightened consciousness is on the heavenly side of the veil.

If that enlightened consciousness is to be experienced by human beings on the earthly side of the veil it must come through the veil. The One who exemplified these things said of Himself, “I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world.” The focus of enlightened consciousness comes forth into the world, but the only means of coming forth is through that veil. If the veil is maintained, thick, dense, black, there is no such coming forth. Because there was no such coming forth human beings have attempted to generate illumination in the darkness. In the comment period this morning Bill Bahan described this as “dazzling darkness”. This endeavor on the part of the human intellect is like striking a match in the dark. If you are very close to the match there is a little bit of illumination. There have been various matches illuminated in the state of human darkness, and this has been considered to be great achievement. But let us compare a match shining in the darkness to the rising of the sun on a clear day. Is there really any comparison? If you are right close to the match I guess you could still see it, but at any distance at all you wouldn’t see it; and obviously there would be no need for the match as a form of illumination.

There is a vast difference between the true state of enlightened consciousness and the little attempts in the darkened state to produce light, to make some dazzle in the darkness. Here is an indication of the real quality of stature that is present by reason of the focus of enlightened consciousness. If thick clouds are maintained, a state of darkened human consciousness remains, and while there may be an enlightened state of consciousness the other side of the clouds, there is very little awareness of what the quality of that light would be. The darkness comprehends not the light. It is only when all the clouds are dissipated that the enlightened state of consciousness can occupy the human capacity which had previously only known the darkened state.

The light comes into the world, within the range of the darkened human state of consciousness, from above. There is no way by which it may be produced from below, which is the effort that has been made in this darkened condition of human experience. “Let us generate some dazzling darkness”—what futility! If there seems to be the ability to make this attempt it is merely because a faint glow has filtered through the thick clouds from above, so that those concerned are acquainted with the possibility of light. It is still only a potential, so the human intellect gets busy and creates a match — a great and glorious achievement. “Now we’ll have light!” Of course the idea is to have such a blaze of matches, or candles, or whatever, that it can be said, “There is no need for the sun. We have defeated God, produced this blaze of light under the clouds, and we don’t need the sun.”

People who live principally without benefit of sunshine are not usually very healthy; they are pretty pale; inclined to wilt after a little while; they lose their backbone; they become soft and flabby — because dependence is being placed upon the artificial generation of a little light and there is virtually no experience of the sunshine. The efforts of the human mind may well be compared to this business of making and striking matches. How much easier it would be to let the clouds dissolve and the sun shine so that we could put away the toys and begin to live in the enlightened state of consciousness on earth.

We see the desirability of this and we also see our own responsibility with respect to it, because a focus of enlightened consciousness must be allowed to emerge through the veil into the darkened state of human consciousness as it is presently known. For this to happen there must be some hearts which are sufficiently purified to let it occur, some human hearts in living human beings here on earth. This is what occurred insofar as the heart of the individual Jesus was concerned. Here was a pure heart, and the enlightened state of consciousness in focus came forth by reason of His presence on earth. Very few were aware of it. Why? Because of their own impure hearts, because of the cloud that was maintained between that light shining on earth and the consciousness of those concerned. There was something there. A lot of people recognized that there was something there, but those who really saw what was there, at least even to a small extent, could probably be counted on the fingers of one hand. Regardless of all this, the focus of enlightenment came forth and was present within the scope of the consciousness of mankind. It was isolated there pretty well, but there was established a basis for what should occur somewhere, sometime, in the days to come. A door had been opened, a door through one single person who had actually demonstrated that what was necessary to human experience could be known on earth. The door was opened. It was also made plain that what actually was required was not that this should merely occur through one person but that it should occur through a number, through what may be referred to as a body of people, so that the focus of enlightened consciousness might come forth from the Father and come into the world in this fashion.

This coming forth was actually something that could be said to be inevitable by reason of what was done through this one man. We are associated with that inevitability. Some of you know something about it; some of you know that there is really no choice insofar as you are concerned. There are those who may still imagine that they have some sort of choice and try to exercise it, but I thank God that there are those present here this evening, and in other places, who have discovered for themselves as individuals the inevitability of what is happening, what is happening in their own experience. It simply cannot be any other way; we have no choice. As was said long ago by the One who brought that focus of enlightenment into the world, “I am the way.” There is only one way. We do not know what that way is until we reach a point where we discover that there is no alternative. “I am the way.” The individual himself is the way, and you can’t slip out from yourself. Only when you do not know that do you imagine that there are alternatives.

Here is the enlightened state of consciousness beginning to come into the world. It isn’t produced by anything that human beings can do in the darkened state. It comes down from God out of heaven; it comes from above. Again, as the Master put it, “I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world.” This is the way it happens. It doesn’t happen because human beings try to be good, try to conform to some code of ethics, try to fulfil the rules and regulations drawn up by some religious or political body. Here is something that is coming into the world that was not in the world before it came in, and it comes into the world because there are those who are in position to let their hearts be purified sufficiently so that it happens. The purification of the heart relates to the fact that the heart can no longer control what it is that finds expression in the individual’s living. The spirit of God controls, rightly, and it can do so only when the heart is pure, only when the emotions are not governing the individual’s behavior. There are those who have supposed that if emotion were not governing one’s behavior there would simply be a cold and calculating state of affairs. Is it to be imagined that the spirit of God is cold and calculating? I heard tell that it was really the spirit of love.

So when the heart is pure the spirit is known, the state of enlightenment begins to emerge in the darkness. That state of enlightenment is then present in the darkness. The light shines in the darkness but the darkness comprehendeth it not. We find this to be very largely the case. But our concern is to let this enlightened state, in its focused essences, emerge into the level of earthly consciousness, into the level where heretofore it has been dark. This emergence is as the sun shining in his strength. There is no comparison possible between the little matches struck by the human intellect and the shining of the sun. Here is the real stature, dwarfing into nothingness all the efforts, all the supposed dazzling brilliance of the human intellect and its great achievements. How many would be willing to acknowledge this as being so? Precious few.

We become aware of the nature of the responsibility which we carry and of the stature which is known as we carry that responsibility. Jesus knew what He was talking about. He knew far more than He was able to say. He could have provided all that was necessary to permit the enlightened state of consciousness to be restored on earth if He had been allowed to do it. He had the stature. He had the ability — but this is something that could not be imposed upon human beings, and yet it set the stage for the inevitable fulfilment with which we are now associated. It is now absolutely inevitable, and it may be said that human beings, all, must reach a point where they either take it or leave it. That much choice is still there. But what is to happen will happen, whether anyone likes it or not, and we find ourselves in our own experience increasingly associated with this sense of inevitability.

It is not a matter of what is pleasing or displeasing. From our standpoint, if we associate ourselves with the enlightened state of consciousness, so that the focus of it, in our own experience, may come into the world, all human inclinations cease to have any meaning whatsoever. Of course all these things come out of the hereditary past, and in various ways we are inclined this way and that. If our inclinations are to govern then the heart is impure. I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world to do something. I’m here to do something and what I do has no bearing at all upon what my human inclinations may be. Judge not!

Just provide the focus of enlightenment; then the question is asked, and let everybody answer the question in their own way. This has been my attitude. I have asked the question and I abide by the answers that have been given. Sometimes it takes years for a person to come to the point of really giving an answer, one way or another. There is a good deal of dithering in human nature, you know, and people sit on the fence as long as they can; but that fence gets sharper and sharper, more and more uncomfortable. Praise the Lord! Though people fall off one side or the other it is easier just to climb down. And you do that, really, not of your human volition anymore. You climb down on the right side of the fence. Something compelled, and we may praise God for that compulsion. Here is the evidence of the enlightened state in focus beginning to emerge by reason of you, so that you begin to be aware for yourself: “I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world.”

To come into the world, obviously you had to have some equipment. You had to have a physical body; thank God for your parents! You had to have a mind and a heart; thank God that this is part of the development of the physical organism on earth. All this to provide you with a means for coming into the world, to bring the enlightened state of consciousness into the darkened state of human consciousness. To the extent that we do bring this enlightened state with us it comes into the darkened state because we are not separate from human consciousness — there is a wholeness here. Human consciousness in totality is not really made up of little individual states of consciousness; it is one whole, differentiated into individual experience. Now we begin to have a consciousness of this wholeness, because this is known as there is experience of the enlightened state. The enlightened state knows the truth; the truth is wholeness. If we don’t know the meaning of wholeness in our own experience we don’t know the truth. But the truth is known by reason of this focus of enlightened consciousness which is emerging through the veil into the darkened state of human consciousness the other side of the veil.

We begin to look at things right side up instead of upside down. We’re not looking up to see something coming down to us. We are up and we are coming down into the world to bring that enlightened state of consciousness into the world, and it is this focus which is the essential requirement for the inevitable fulfilment of what it is that is happening on earth. This obviously is something that has never occurred before — it is without precedent. We see little hints in the past, when it could have occurred, but it never did. Now it comes to a point where it inevitably must occur; there is no more time. Time shall be no more; there is a cutoff point. While time periods in the cosmic sense may be seen to be vast, and this time period relative to what has been happening in human experience to be quite short, nevertheless it can’t be allowed to continue forever. There is a cutoff point: thus far and no further. And we approach that cutoff point. If we actually do participate in the focus of enlightened consciousness it is natural for us to rejoice: “Rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them.” But woe unto the earth, woe unto the darkened state, because the darkness is being dissolved. So let the darkness go. The darkness goes automatically, doesn’t it, when the light is brought to be present; and we share this responsibility in these days, and in the days to come. Holiness to the Lord, glory to God. This is the reason for our presence on earth. The light is come. Acknowledge it and let it be so in your momentary experience, to the glory of God.

Behold, the focus of enlightened consciousness is in the world, the shepherd of the sheep is in the world once more; and the sheep hear his voice. And there is a remarkable transformation. Just as you have found yourselves, as sheep, hearing the shepherd's voice, so that you might come to the point of participating in the expression of the shepherd, so also is it with others who may initially think of themselves as sheep but who find, amazingly enough, that they are part of the shepherd. So the voice of the shepherd increases in volume on earth, the sounding of the Tone is loud and clear; and because of that the sheep, the remnant, hear that voice and come home. And behold, as they come home they are transformed also. And the glory of the Lord shines round about in the fulfilment of the purposes of God in the restoration of man to this true state of man. Glory to God in the highest! Holiness to the Lord!

© emissaries of divine light

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