September 16, 2019



The Manifestation and Expression of the Third Sacred School,

from an outer standpoint in this present Age, began on September 16, 1932

under the direction of Uranda who was the Central Focal Point  of these activities.

Uranda is the name under which the founder’s Real Self functioned in the Motherland

as Focal Point of the Third Sacred School of Lemuria for many thousands of years

before the submersion of the Continent of Mu,

and this name, or title, which means,

“One who radiates the Harmonizing Ray of the Outer Trinity,”

is used at the present time in accordance with the Cosmic Law:

The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.


Lloyd Arthur Meeker

UR — Relates to the Motherland, (the Land of Mu), in, or during, the Edenic State prior to the Fall of Man, and also to the promised New Earth.

RA — Relates to God, the Creator, Who brought forth the Edenic State for Man, and Who, as the Source of Life, has provided the Way, the Truth and the Life which make it possible for man to be reborn as Man, that Man may return to the Edenic State and permit the manifestation of the New Earth according to the Promise.

ANDA — Relates to the Manifestation of Divine Love as the Creative Force by which man may come to Know the Joy of Being which is known by Man, and through Response thereto may be lifted up and Adopted, or Reborn, back into the Edenic State, thereby sharing in the Greater Works which make possible the manifest Reality of the New Earth.

© Emissaries of Divine Light


Leia Meryt said...

Thank you Uranda for gracing us with your presence and knowledge.
Your strength and courage to bring the Word and be the Word made flesh has
Allowed the greater works of the Christ Body to be made manifest in these days.
How privileged I am to not only witness the manifestation, yet also be within the core
Of Love that allows this super refined substance to go forth once again on our planet home
Which includes the Cosmic Consciousness.
I celebrate with you as I raise my Cup in honor and respect for your crucial and substantial
Offering with and of the Master whose boundless love
Is known as the Restoration occurs.
I am so pleased to be here and know your Spirit in my heart.

Brian said...

What can you say about Uranda ? He came to offer a final chance at redemption to a squalid mankind .He came that mankind would love The Lord as he did. If any doubt the veracity of his words we just have to look at Martin. What a supreme final opportunity offered to mankind.

Lucille said...

Thank you, David, for sharing this magnificent Expression of Uranda's Presence on earth--- Being the Central Focal Point of the Third Sacred School. It is with much Joy I read again the true meaning of his name "Uranda" and all that it represents! So thankful I Am for having met him in Spirit.

In his Ministry of the Spirit of Truth, Uranda revealed unceasingly in his living and in words what was exactly required of each one of us if we were to know the Truth. Having been drawn to Uranda we have been blest in many ways, and then we realized that drawing near only wasn't enough; it had to be more than that. We had to receive, accept. and really know the Truth ourselves by revealing it moment by moment in thought, word and action---spiritual expression just as surely as Uranda had done. Doing this all together in this day goes forth to the four corners of the earth reaching many. This is our work, our goal in this cycle of time; and giving thanks for all that Uranda provided during his ministering time on earth---his Spirit is, however, still with us! Praise be to God the Almighty!

I would also add here that I very much appreciate Leia and Bryant's beautiful spiritual expressions. Again, thank you, David, for this particular Meditation of Uranda.