Silence Christ Beauty Love
Silence Christ Beauty Love
from Steps to Mastership
Uranda 1936
And now let us consider the Silence. Learn what the Silence is, that through a true knowledge and understanding of it you may attain to that vibration of Peace where you enter into direct cognition of all knowledge and wisdom. Without entering into the Silence you cannot attain to true harmonization with God. In the Silence you become charged with that perfect Light which you wish to shed upon the paths of others. Through the Silence you are enabled to meet all the circumstances of life with the Divine Assurance that “All is well.” Divine Assurance may be obtained only through the payment of drafts drawn upon the Cosmic Bank, and these are issued in the Hour of Silence. Man works long and hard to obtain the money with which to pay for the passing security of earthly insurance, but few are willing to devote an hour a day to the endeavor which provides the lasting, eternal security of Divine Assurance.
The Silence is so easy to enter, and yet it is so hard—easy to those who have found “the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” but hard to those who cling to the unstable things of the world, as a drowning man clings to a straw. Until you fill your mind with the Spiritual, you cannot receive from the Silence that which the Silence has to give you. The Silence of the Inner Self is always vibrant with the strength and knowledge which you need; but until you establish Silence in the outer nature, that the Silence of the outer may blend with the Silence of the Inner, you cannot obtain the Inner Knowledge. The Silence in the outer nature must become so perfect that the Silence of the Inner Self is allowed to radiate outward till it appears in your whole being and fills your mind, your body, and all your affairs—otherwise you will never know the true joy of Spiritual Union in the Silence. The silencing of your mind and outer nature does not create power; it only opens the channel whereby the Silence which is within may radiate outward into the affairs of your life and give you poise and power. When you are always poised, it shows that the Silence of the Inner Self fills your whole being, and to that extent you have become One with God. Poise brings power—power is a natural result of the Silence.
All power, God's power, already is; therefore you cannot create it. All that is good has existed throughout eternity. All that is required of you is that you still the outer mind and nature, in order that that which already is may, of its own power and volition, flow out through you. All good is seeking a channel through which it may express. When you make of yourself a fit channel, you will find that abundant good flows through you without effort on your part to make it manifest. Your effort must be directed toward a control of those things which clog the channel. If refuse has clogged a drain ditch, you do not try to push the water over the refuse. No, you remove the refuse and let the water flow of its own accord. So it is with all that God has offered mankind. An effort to push that which God has already given is vain. All we need to do is to remove the refuse from the channel of our lives, and the good that God has so freely given will flow through of its own accord. Therefore the secret of the Silence is to let, not to make. God is no respecter of persons. One is as worthy as another; but God forces good upon no one. You must ask before you can receive. You must knock before the door of understanding will be opened. (STM 1:2)

The Christ Vibration of Cosmic Love is the connecting link, or blending point, between the material and spiritual planes. When the Christ Child is born in the heart of the individual, the Light, Love and Life of the spiritual planes begins to shine forth into the material planes, and this is Mastership.The Christ which the Master Jesus made manifest was not born of an earthly father, for the Christ is the only begotten Son of God. Yet the Man Jesus was born of earthly parents, just as you and I are, for all of God's works are brought to fruition in accordance with fixed Law. There are no miracles, though there may seem to be, to those who do not understand the Law. There are super-normal events which the uninitiated cannot explain, but all such events are the result of natural Laws. The blending of the seed of the male with the seed of the female cannot of itself cause conception. It is the concentrated Point of Life resulting from the contracted, or focused, Light Body of the Master-Self, or Soul, present at the proper time which causes conception. Without this focalized force of the Soul, conception is impossible. Thus, the true Father of every individual born into the world is God individualized as the Soul. With the understanding of these facts, you behold the revelation that all people are born of the Immaculate Conception, just as Jesus was. It is true that the channel of creation is not always as perfect as it was in Mary, the Mother of Jesus, but One and All are nevertheless children of the Immaculate Conception
Jesus is our perfect Example. He could not be an Example for us if He was something which we are not. As our Example He portrayed what we truly are, as well as what we shall be. Jesus was a Man who expressed His Divine Birthright fully—that is, the full expression of God from within Him—“The Father and I are One.” You may also be One with the Father within. Jesus, manifesting the perfection of the Christ in man, was spoken of as the only begotten Son of God. Even so, you have the privilege of blending with God through the Christ, that you may become One with the Father and thereby become the only begotten Son of God. You have the same potential powers and abilities which Jesus had. He had entered into the Christ. The Christ is the only begotten Son of God. And after Jesus had reached the Christ Degree of Mastership He said, “I am the Vine, ye are the branches.” If you become a branch of the One Vine, you do thereby become the only begotten Son of God.
The name Christ is used to convey the idea of the Perfect Expression of God's Father-Mother Love. Jesus said, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my Name [the Christ, which is God's Father-Mother-Love], that will I [Christ] do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son [Christ].” Again He said, “He that believeth on Me [Christ], the works that I [Christ] do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I [Jesus as Christ] go unto my Father.” Let go, therefore, and enter into Oneness with God through the Christ, that the Christ Light may shine through you in your works and cause men to glorify your Father. Enter into the Vine, that you may become aware of yourself as the only begotten Son of God in whom He is well pleased to express the fullness of His Creative Love, the Christ. He who enters into the Christ enters also into the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The Christ is with you always, for your Christ is the Radiance of your Father within you. “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” The steps to Mastership are the steps by which you become aware of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This makes clear the fact that the Christ in Jesus was the Son of God the Father, and that Jesus was the son of man. He who would allow the Christ Child to be born in his heart, that He may manifest in his Life, must enter into the impersonal expression of Life. Those who allow the personal mind to control the Life expression find many limitations, sorrows and troubles. Those who allow the Impersonal Mind of the Soul full control of the Life expression find that the unlimited Wisdom, Power and Joy of the Christ shines through them.
The best way to enter into the impersonal expression of Life is found in Beauty. He who looks for beauty in all people and all things soon finds that which he can truly Love. The blending force which draws one into a realization of Oneness is Love, and the presence of Love in people and all creation is discerned through a perception of Beauty. Beauty is not to be confused with surface prettiness. Beauty is that deeper quality which partakes of the Divine. The Inner Being of all things is Beauty. Look for Beauty and you will find it. When you find Beauty, you will have found the key to Love. When you have found Love, you will blend with that in which you find it. Thus is Oneness attained. The impersonal expression of Life depends on the ability to perceive Beauty everywhere. Everywhere present, Beauty will attune you with Love, and Love will blend you with God. Beauty and Truth are One. The Essence of all things is Beauty. The Essence of all things is Truth. Through the Pathway of Beauty, you can ascend to the limitless heights.

— STM 18 —
Set yourself to the pleasure of looking for Beauty. Beauty is Reality. Behold it, and the clouds of darkness and illusion will vanish away. Fill your mind with Beauty and there will be no room for the ugly things of the personal life expression. The Christ is Beauty. The Way of the Christ is Beauty. The Truth of the Christ is Beauty. The Life of the Christ is Beauty. You cannot Love that in which you do not see Beauty. Therefore look for Beauty and you will find Love. Look below the surface in contemplation and you will find Beauty. Beauty often hides beneath a veil of seeming ugliness, that it may remain pure and unsullied from the eyes of vulgarity, lust and passion. Surface seeming blinds unworthy eyes, that they may not behold Beauty. He who hurries sees not Beauty. Only those who linger long before the rose can see its Beauty. Follow Beauty and you will find Love. Enter into Love and you will find God. In God you will find the ALL in All. Remain steadfast in the Way and you will find the Truth by which you may enter into Life. Peace be unto you.
© emissaries of divine light
1 comment:
I love the way Uranda defined Silence; he was explicit in describing the meaning of the word and he says: "Without entering into the Silence you cannot attain to true harmonization with God. In the Silence you become charged with that perfect Light which you wish to shed upon the paths of others. Through the Silence you are enabled to meet all the circumstances of life with the Divine Assurance that , All is Well." YES to all three he mentions here. I was privileged to enter into the Silence---not a privilege granted to me or a few only but to all who seek harmonization with God, and not only for one hour a day but I would say day and night. Silence became very easy to enter because I had found the Way, the Truth and the Life; to find that One Way and to know the One Way there had to be a letting go moment by moment the unstable things of the world. As that began to happen I felt a little Peace but it was only a beginning for something more and greater in experience to be known. Uranda says: "The Silence of the Inner Self is always vibrant with the strength and knowledge which you need; but until you establish Silence in the outer nature, that the Silence of the outer may blend with the Silence of the Inner, you cannot obtain the Inner Knowledge." In those moments of absolute Silence in the outer nature blending with the Inner Self there is much that comes to my awareness that fills my mind, body and my affairs and know the true joy of Spiritual Union in the Silence. I realize that the silencing of my outer mind never creates power; it is only a channel for the radiation outward in the affairs of my life, for God's power already is!
It was thrilling to move in the current of the Spirit as I read Uranda's words - always so perfect and beautiful, which brings to mind: Look for Beauty and you will find Beauty; I was drawn to Beauty in Uranda. I see Beauty in the Truth. Beauty is Reality and I behold it. I see Beauty in people and it includes individuals in my world---in my environment close at hand.
Quoting Uranda: "Follow Beauty and you will find Love. Enter into Love and you will find God. In God you will find the ALL in All. Remain steadfast in the Way and you will find the Truth by which you may enter into Life. Peace be unto you. " What a Beautiful Message of Silence, Christ, Beauty, Love---I Love it All.
Thank you, David, for sharing Uranda's Meditation.
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