Noxious Brew And The Kingdom
We Share the Voice and Speak the Word
from Noxious Brew and the Kingdom
Martin Cecil October 7, 1979 a.m.
I have the responsibility to speak to you in the name of the Lord. If I do fulfil this responsibility I do not speak merely to those of you who are here gathered in the Chapel but necessarily to all people everywhere. There are those who share my voice. There are those who hear my voice. The vast majority remain consciously unaware of it. I speak with those who share my voice, and they with me. I speak with those who share my voice to those who hear my voice. Those who share my voice speak of and in the kingdom. Those who hear my voice still speak of and in the human world. Those who speak of and in the human world maintain the life of the human world. The human world remains in existence because of this.
Each one may consider the nature of his or her speaking. How much of what is said during a day is of and in the human world? All of us have awakened to the reality of the kingdom present with us now, and therefore have some awareness of a distinction between the kingdom state and the human state in and of the world as we know it. Because of this it seems reasonable to be able to talk about the state of the human world, particularly as this state relates to our own personal experience, with the idea that such conversation and such consideration may enable those who indulge in them the opportunity of emerging out of the human world. The fact of the matter is that as long as such conversation and consideration are paramount the individual could never emerge out of the human world; he must remain a part of what it is that inevitably passes away.
The existence of this human world the way it is is sustained because the life force of human beings is poured into it. One of the peculiarities of the human race, distinguishing it somewhat from the animal kingdom, is the ability to speak. My, how human beings speak! Talk, talk, talk. The world is full of the noise of it. Such talk is of and in this human world, giving indication of the interest and the concern of human beings with this human world, giving evidence that they are indeed pouring their life force into it to maintain it. To the extent that we have actually become aware of the reality of the kingdom we’re also aware that the human world must inevitably pass away. Consequently the business of those who do have some awareness in this regard should be to play their parts in the dissolution of that human world, letting it pass away. How much do we insist upon maintaining it? Our talk will give evidence of the extent to which we dedicate our lives to maintaining the human world.
When there is an attitude of true thankfulness in and for all things this obviates a lot of talk. Where there is a very great deal of talk it shortly becomes clear enough that the spirit of thankfulness is largely absent. Being thankful we need not talk about all the things for which we are not thankful. I suspect that about ninety percent of the conversation would immediately cease. As it does cease and our life force is no longer being squandered in such riotous living, which sustains the unhappy human world, then insofar as we are concerned that human world begins to dissolve. Where there is much complaint about the world in which human beings dwell, it is obvious that thankfulness is not being experienced. The very state about which human beings do complain is thereby maintained by all concerned. This is rather a ridiculous state of affairs. There is no reason why anyone should continue to subscribe to it.
Any form in which life force ceases to find expression passes away. The passing of the human world is in fact quite a simple matter to the extent that there are those who are willing that it should pass. On the face of the earth there are apparently very few of these. Most people are endeavoring to sustain their worlds and make them better, but the world as a whole is a very chaotic, confused and unhappy place. Even where it is supposed that the best experience is known to human beings there is no lack of complaint. Prosperity multiplies opportunities for complaint, and human beings everywhere indulge in this to the fullest possible extent. Those who share my voice speak of and in the kingdom. If speaking of and in the human world creates and maintains the human world, speaking of and in the kingdom will likewise create and maintain the kingdom state. This is the way it happens, or the way it doesn’t happen.
There are many events occurring in the world, of which we are all made aware, chiefly by reason of the news media. Some of these events are looked upon as being significant, first of all in the eyes of the news media and then later in the eyes of those who read or observe the news. Where there is true vision there is a recognition that none of these things that are so reported have any particular significance, other than to indicate that there is a creative spirit at work below the surface of things; and the results appear on the surface of things according to the attitudes, the states of consciousness, of human beings. There are many events occurring the world around, some of them seen as being reasonably good events; others not so good, or definitely evil. Let us not imagine that there is any greater significance to one classification than to another. Here is the surface appearance of things.
The world itself might be described, rather accurately, as a noxious brew. It’s full of stuff. Evidently there is something working in this stuff. Like stew, if heat is applied there is increased working and movement. It may be said that heat is being applied to this noxious brew of the human world. Things stir around in the human world in consequence. There is a surface to the brew. As the heat increases, the movement becomes more intense and occasionally a bubble forms at the surface; something rises up and becomes prominent for the moment. Human beings with surface vision look at this and say, “Here’s an event of great significance,” but it is merely an effect of the application of heat to this noxious brew. It isn’t the cause of anything. As long as vision is limited to the surface evidence provided by events nothing of real significance could be seen, regardless of the spectacular nature sometimes of these events.
There are focus points which put in an appearance because of what is moving underneath, and what is moving underneath is consequent upon the heat that is being applied. What breaks surface is simply an evidence of what has been moving underneath—an ultimate effect rather than any sort of cause; yet generally speaking these events are looked upon as being causes. These events do have a subterranean connection because they’re all part of this noxious brew; and the bubbles break surface here or there, seemingly by chance, although there are those who try to make a science out of such events, endeavoring to predict what’s going to happen, where the bubble is going to break next. This is gambling. So it is in this human world. There are all kinds of systems designed to beat the house, the house which is the total of this noxious brew.
The application of heat brings things more and more toward the boiling point, and something does rise up out of the noxious brew so that it emerges beyond it—with boiling water we call it steam. This is no longer then a part of the body of water which is boiling and no longer a part of the noxious brew. So there is indeed something rising up, that it may come clear of the noxious brew. We ourselves have had a little experience of this. We have an awareness of the kingdom state. The kingdom state is not the state of the human world but it is in the space occupied by the state of the human world. As the application of heat becomes more intense there is greater activity on the surface of this noxious brew; there are more and more significant events occurring in the view of human beings—more and more events with less and less ability to handle them effectively, and human beings cry out for leadership. The noxious brew is composed of all that is present in the human world. Whether it is considered to be of a religious nature or of a secular nature, it is all part of the same brew, composed of human beings who function on the same basis.

But there is a new state, the kingdom state, which may be known on earth to the extent that the noxious brew evaporates, is dissolved, because no more life is being given to it. This is an individual matter. It’s not something that’s going to happen collectively unless it happens individually. Human beings are always waiting for something to occur in the large sense, a mass movement of some kind. There is no mass movement of any kind except on the basis of individual movement. The mass movement in the noxious brew of the human world is consequent upon this application of heat and all that is going on in the brew by reason of that. It goes around and around; the currents are moving this way and that way, and occasionally they break surface. When they break surface there is a focus point—usually of an individual, sometimes of a group of people—observable; and human beings look at that focus point and say, “Ah at last here is some sort of significant leadership arising, which is going to lead us to safety.” But surely we see now very clearly that what is arising is an effect, not a cause. It is one of the heads of the dragon. The dragon would be another name for this noxious brew. The heads pop up here and there. When they pop up there are those who think the pop-up is good and should be supported. There are others who think it’s bad and should be torn down. Regardless of the attitudes that are taken, whatever pops up will burst and collapse sooner or later. What futility then to skid around on the surface of this brew, looking for the pop-ups as though they were leaders, when they are only the result of what has been happening in the experience of human beings underneath. There is no leadership on this basis of any real value or meaning.
There may be the evidence in some individual of certain qualities and characteristics that are commendable. But here is something that has to do with what it is that is applying the heat to the brew. We speak of that in terms of the spirit of God, and the spirit of God may be evident to some extent in this person or that person. However it does not mean all that much as long as those who provide that evidence are still included in the noxious brew. “Come out of her, my people.” Heat usually makes people uncomfortable. The world is becoming a more and more uncomfortable place in consequence. But a flame does not burn itself. To be identified with the flame is to be identified with the heat. The noxious brew is being raised to that same heat and what emerges out of it, beyond it, into a gaseous state is invisible; and yet it will have the same heat as the flame.
We have all found a quality of consciousness emerging into our experience which is clear and disassociated with the human world—the consciousness which is natural in the kingdom. If we speak in and of the world we remain embedded in the noxious brew—very uncomfortable there. If we speak in and of the kingdom we are associated with what has emerged out of the noxious brew. We actually find that we participate to the extent of our emergence in the heating process. Those who share my voice, speaking of and in the kingdom—which probably will not involve a very great deal of conversation—participate in the application of heat to this human world. The application of heat does things in the brew. We’re not going to try to analyze what’s happening in the brew. All that needs to happen is to apply the heat, and whatever should occur will occur. There will be the internal movement within the brew and there will be that which is on the surface and which breaks surface. We may observe these world events and recognize that this is consequent upon the heating of the brew. We’re not trying to find some particular significance in world events. There isn’t any, other than the fact that the brew is being heated.
Let us concern ourselves with the responsibility of speaking in the name of the Lord, of applying the heat; and whatever results from that application we are most thankful that it is resulting. We wouldn’t judge what is happening, even if it happens within the range of our own immediate experience, which it will. We’re not aloof from the world. It may happen in our own physical bodies—let it happen. I think probably our physical bodies, our minds, our emotional realms, are associated somewhat with this noxious brew; but there may be an emergence of what should emerge out of these aspects of our earthly beings by reason of the application of heat. This is the way it happens; and who with their minds can say, “This should happen, but that shouldn’t”? Let happen whatever will happen. It is easy to do this if one is associated with the heat and not with the results of it. Being identified with the results of it there is a suffering accordingly.
There must be those who share this voice, speaking of and in the kingdom in daily experience. Speaking of and in the kingdom it is very natural to be thankful. There must be those who hear that voice, those who delight to hear it, to turn in the direction of their hearing, and thereby to allow the creative evidence of the heat to be experienced. That experience is summarized by the words, “Come out of her, my people.” There is a rising up in consciousness beyond the surface of the brew, so that there is no longer a looking up to the surface of the brew but a looking down on it from above. There are those who hear. “My sheep hear my voice.” There are those who should hear, who must hear—but they don’t remain merely hearers of the Word forever. They rise up beyond the surface of the brew because they are doers of the Word. They no longer imagine that much talk is going to get rid of those noxious characteristics of the human brew. They are never gotten rid of by talking about them. As long as you are talking about them they can never be left behind. It is only when they are ignored, because all attention is being paid to the things that should be here in the kingdom and of the kingdom, that life is withdrawn from the things that should pass away, and they simply pass away. That’s the way it happens. It could never happen by paying attention to the things that should pass away.
The things that gain attention in human experience generally relate to this surface of the brew, what’s coming out on the surface. If we do look at the news or consider some aspect of the news, let us look at it from above, seeing that here is an eruption of something that was working underneath. And the more violent the eruption, the more heat there is, and therefore the more is being achieved in the creative process by which this noxious brew is dissolved. A very great deal of human effort is given to trying to smooth the surface, to hold down the eruptions. Well the pressure builds up underneath, and it’s going to break loose sooner or later. Let us not be concerned with trying to figure out what is happening in the world. Let us recognize that all that is happening in the world is that the temperature is being raised, and we observe the consequences of it. But it is the very fact that this temperature is being raised that permits the transformation of the world from the state of the noxious brew to the state of the kingdom. For this to happen there must already be those who, regardless of the noxious brew, are already in and of the kingdom, so the heat is increased and the purposes of God are fulfilled.
Let us not decide to contend with the Lord because as human beings we think we know better what should happen in the world. We leave it in the hands of the Lord. You may have had the experience of leaving something in the hands of the Lord, as you thought of it. But the fact of the matter is that the person who is on hand needs to speak in the name of the Lord, needs to be the one by reason of whom the situation is clarified, because he functions from the standpoint of this voice. There is a speaking in the name of the Lord. It is because a person is on hand that something can happen. The Lord may be a reality, and surely is, but His only means of action still remains human beings—at least this is so on earth. And we can be very thankful that it is so on earth; otherwise I doubt if we would be sitting here this morning. If we had no potential use, why would we continue to exist? So we let the real use be known: right use, righteousness, be known in our living, because we share the voice of the Lord.
We speak the Word of the Lord
We are the Action of the Lord
This is the means by which heat is applied. It is applied relative to our immediate circumstance and to the people in it; not because we are trying to set things to rights, because we don’t know what rights would be, but because we are willing to share this voice and speak the Word of the Lord. To the extent that there are those who do this then there certainly will be others who hear as they should hear. There will be many more who do not hear, at least consciously, but who are affected by the heat, and some of those—most of them perhaps, who knows?—resist what is happening, reject what is happening, and increase the intensity of their suffering. But here what may be seen as the human problem is in the process of being solved. Human beings have been the problem and they must cease to exist in the state which they have known, because the state which they have known must pass away. It is passing away, and those who are embedded in it must pass away with it. “Come out of her, my people.” As this Word is spoken in momentary living there are those who hear and respond and rise up, come out of the human world into the kingdom which those who share this voice have the responsibility of representing on earth.
© emissaries of divine light
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