October 10, 2020

The Process of Purification

The  Process  of  Purification

Martin Exeter  November 9, 1986

We carry the whole focus of responsibility. Our responsibility is within the body of which we are a part. The pulsations of spirit move through this body in the creative process of purifying the bloodstream, not only of this conscious body but of the whole body of mankind. We have seen this in terms of breathing: breathing out in repentance and in radiance of spirit—breathing in that quality of spirit which permits repentance and the breathing out of its radiance. This is indeed a very personal matter. Each one breathes for him- or herself. As there is the true spirit of agreement in what the purpose of the breathing is, then this conscious focus, at point here now but extending farther afield, provides a basis for the cleansing of the life stream circulating through the whole body of mankind. If it does not happen in those who have a conscious understanding of these things it does not happen anywhere.

The bloodstream of the body of mankind comes to us in a great variety of ways. It moves through us in the purifying process in our own personal repentance of the moment, to flow forth again through all of this conscious body and into the unconscious body of mankind. The cycle is constantly being completed on the basis of this pulsation of breathing, using that analogy. Here the essences of purification take place in each individually. Here is the filter by which the bloodstream of mankind can be purified. It might be said to be heavenly magic, but on the other hand it isn't magic at all—it's a natural process for which as individuals we take responsibility. It only happens as the individual takes responsibility, so that what presents itself for repentance to us may provide the way by which repentance happens—one's own personal repentance.

And so the whole bloodstream is purified. It isn't merely an earthly process; it isn't as though there was a closed circuit. There is the heavenly aspect of what is happening. The creative cycle flows out of heaven through each one in the outpouring through repentance and through the radiant expression of that spirit. It is the outpouring of life, the life stream, the bloodstream, which circulates through the whole body of mankind and returns. It is received again to be purified, but coming back in the ascending process there is a movement which carries this current of pulsation into the invisible realms, which we may speak of as heaven, where it moves in the heavenly sense to return to be released in the same current as had occurred before in the circulation of the life stream through the whole body of mankind.

The cleansing takes place, the purifying takes place, in the heaven, so that on the returning pulsation the pure expression of spirit may appear. The pure bloodstream—what Christians have with complete uncomprehendingness called the blood of Jesus—is the purified life stream made available to the whole body of mankind, that circulating through that body the purification may take place. What occurs by reason of that purification must be allowed to occur without human interference. If we do provide a proper point of spiritual focus in this process we rightly have no compulsion at all to interfere with what happens in the body of mankind.

Human beings are inclined to become involved in what is happening in the body of mankind one way or another. There is a great deal of emotion engendered in this regard in many areas where it is imagined that people know how things should be. They are going to bring pressure to bear one way or another to make them be the way they think they ought to be. They don't know how they ought to be in the first place. We see this happening in all directions, but from our own standpoint we may see it as happening much closer to ourselves than out there in the world. People are very much inclined to project things away from themselves. This is a very self-righteous stance which assumes that it knows how things should be somewhere else in someone else, in the experiences that are going on in the world.

But the cleansing process, while it will properly take place out there, has its point of initiation right where one is, and it is in dealing with what is brought to one in one's immediate circumstance and experience that may, if it is handled correctly in repentance, release the pure stream of life into what is occurring out there farther afield. But if it is not allowed to be purified where one is, there is nothing pure to be extended into what is out there. The life stream proceeds, through those who are merely concerned with what is going on out there, in a polluted way, because it has never been allowed to be cleansed in relationship to one's own personal experience right where one is. There is where the cleansing takes place, where the purification may be a fact. It can't be a fact anywhere else until it is a fact there. So the futility of all this effort that is put into trying to make the world a better place is clearly seen. This is a way of avoiding personal responsibility.

The personal responsibility is not primarily out there. It is right where one is, right in one's own polluted heart where the repentance can have meaning. No one can repent for what is going on out there, but one has the opportunity of repenting for what is happening in one's own heart and for allowing the pollution to be swept out of one's own heart in the outgoing breath, the outgoing pulsation. Then that breath, that outgoing pulsation, will have its effect in the larger world round about. And so there may be a sharing in the natural creative process by which the bloodstream of mankind is cleansed.

There has never yet been an adequate facility for this to happen. Perhaps I should modify that statement a little, because there was an adequate facility in one man two thousand years ago, so that there was an initiation of this aspect of the creative cycle, the initiation of a process in which we have the opportunity of sharing now. It is no use looking back and saying, "Well why didn't people share in it before?'' The point is: What are we going to do now? It's the only time we have, after all. You can't change the past; whatever happened happened. But it brought everything to this point where we are now and where we may provide this focus for the purification of the bloodstream of the body of mankind. Is that a large task? I would think so. But it is the only way it can happen, as there are those who take the responsibility.

Partly because of blindness, ignorance, heretofore there was no adequate responsibility taken for this process to operate effectively. But the time has come. It either operates effectively now or there is no way by which it can operate anymore. And if we have some awareness of this ourselves, then we are immediately acquainted with our own responsibility in the matter. If the vast majority of people on earth have no such awareness they have no such responsibility, at least not in the direct sense.

There must be a point of focus connecting the invisible heavenly aspect of the creative cycle with the earthly aspect of it, and I think we should have reached the point where we are quite capable of saying individually, “I am it.” We do not suffer from the disease of false humility in this regard, which is in fact a way by which those who know better find excuse for not doing better. It requires humility to accept responsibility. If there is an attempt to accept the responsibility in a spirit of arrogance the responsibility will not be accepted. It requires humility, a willingness to relinquish one's own self-determinations in favor of providing a point through which the creative process may work to purify one's own heart. As that is made pure, or to the extent it is made pure, the onflow of the current of life carries it into the whole body of mankind. So in this process of cleansing, which we have correlated with the matter of breathing, purification of human hearts may take place. This is what is going on.

There is something that works, has been working all along, and yet human beings imagine that they have to make something work. This very attitude is an indication that there is no awareness, no understanding, of the way things are working already. So there has been this superimposition of human designs upon the way things actually work. The way things actually work may be described by the words, as we noted before: the way, the truth, and the life. That is the way things actually work. That is what is actually happening. But human beings apparently prefer to live in their world of fantasy, which completely ignores the way things actually work and tries to establish the way human beings imagine things should work. And look at the confusion, because there are as many ways in this regard as there are people on earth. It could hardly be surprising that there is confusion, chaos, conflict. Of course, naturally, that's what should be. That is the result of this jerry-built house. But there is what may be described as the house of the Lord, the real house, the way things are now really working. Why hide one's face from that? But people have a thick veil over their faces.

We only come to the real world through the purification of our own hearts, not because something is going to happen in somebody else. It is entirely a matter in relationship to oneself. We know this. One can't repent for somebody else. If I don't do it nobody does it, because I have no responsibility for anybody else—just what happens in me. And what happens in me then has an effect upon everybody else. If nothing happens in me then that has an effect on everybody else; and probably everybody else goes along the same course, letting nothing happen in them. The starting point is always with one person, oneself. There is the door of heaven if this truth is accepted for oneself: the way, the truth and the life, the way things really work. I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the door by which heaven comes into the earth or, by the same token, I am the shut door preventing heaven from coming into the earth. Prove it.

Prove it by letting heaven come into the earth through yourself. Then there it is for you, and it opens the door for anybody else. But each individual must let it happen for himself. This is exactly what the Master did on earth. He opened the door for everybody. Now all that has happened, as we recognize, is that human beings have worshipped the door, and the door has remained closed because of that. So here we are to let this door be opened individually, and if each one takes responsibility for letting it happen in him- or herself, then it is done collectively. And we find that this is a pretty good door. It has been a narrow way, a strait gate heretofore. You couldn't find the door! As long as one is looking for the door someplace else, even in Jesus, he will never find it, because the door is always right here in oneself. So we awaken to the fact that I am the door, as He said. He said it for Himself, “I am the door. I am the way, the truth and the life. I accept that responsibility. What about you?” The humble and the contrite heart may open up and understand and repent. When this is factually done, then the process of purification of the life experience of the whole body of mankind is set in motion. It was set in motion by the One called Jesus. But who has shared in that? I trust we are sufficiently humble to accept the responsibility ourselves now and to continue in movement with that creative process, which is the way things really work.

There are heavenly things to be understood and accepted into experience, but first of all there must be an understanding of earthly things in the sense of seeing them in the context of the creative process. We have begun to see this, that there is a creative process at work. There is something of spirit moving through human beings everywhere and it is producing certain effects. We begin to see that. We don't see the world in the terms that the world sees the world. People are fussing about all these political questions. It has nothing to do with the fact of the matter, but it is in people's consciousness anyway. All this is completely beside the point but seems so very important to human beings, because they are going to manipulate the thing and get it in order. But if one reaches a point finally of seeing the impossibility of that, then attention may be paid to the way things really work, and the awareness of the creative process comes and we see what is happening. All these conflicting things and chaotic patterns in the world merely reflect the movement of the creative process, that's all. While human beings think all this is very important, doing this and manipulating that, it really isn't what is happening at all. They are like puppets on this make-believe stage. Everybody imagines how important they are if there is going to be peace. Do you think that would produce peace? It would produce another particular kind of hell on earth.

No, those things are not what is happening. They are merely the result of what is really happening. Human beings find themselves being pushed this way and that; and then, being arrogant, they assume that their great intelligence has produced whatever happens. Oh no, it had nothing to do with intelligence in the human sense, because there isn't any! It has to do with intelligence in the Divine sense, because the creative process is working, whether anyone likes it or not, and it is bringing everything to issue. Finally. It has taken quite a time to do it. But I think it has taken quite a time so as to give human beings an opportunity to repent if they will, but they never have so far. Perhaps there are a few who are willing to understand what it means to repent and actually do it. Amazing, miraculous!

When that happens the creative process begins to come out into the open, come out of heaven into the earth, revealing the fulfilment of the purposes of God as they relate to this little collection of human flesh here on earth. When the human flesh on earth is restored to its proper state then everything else is taken care of, because man is important. He doesn't look very important right now—well he isn't man, that's why—but he is important when he is man to provide the connection between heaven and earth. Then he may be in position to dress and to keep the garden, as it was originally described—that is, to give form to what is present in the heaven and to keep it in manifestation, to let it all unfold according to the creative process and not according to the mental designs of men's minds and hearts.

Behold, I make all things new. That is what happens. The old is passing. Everybody seems to be afraid of death. Well let death pass away. Why block its passing? Is that a mystery, or is there understanding? Let us share the understanding, so that we can participate not only in earthly things but in heavenly things, and in heavenly things first in actual fact so that the earthly things may reflect the heavenly things.

© emissaries of divine light

1 comment:

suzc said...

“I am it!” I am not all of it. I have siblings – sons and daughters of our King. “In our Father’s house are many mansions.” That is one of the joys of it. But I am part of it, the conscious point of focus of connection between heaven and earth. And I am well and truly it for centering of my world, my differentiation, my role.

“I am the door.” I can choose to be an open door, or a closed or locked door. I may see myself as a screen door or solid oak, sturdily made or weak and bent, the door to a secret garden or to a storm cellar. But I am a door. I can choose to move with the creative process, and I do.

Sometimes a service seems to “go over my head”; sometimes my heart rises up instantly to meet it. It has occurred to me that when my first response is “What a brilliant service!” what I am really saying is “I just saw something more, something new, something I had not seen before.” This is one of those services for me: so in the processes of purification I can see and say, “I am it; I am the door; I am an open door.” Moment by moment by moment.

I am humbled and deeply thankful it is so.