May 14, 2021

Motherland Tongue And Chant

Motherland  Tongue  And  Chant

YouTube Audio

Uranda   June 1, 1953  Class

I'd like to sound the vowels On Tone in conjunction with the processes of radiation in the vibratory sense utilizing words that are really adapting of the Motherland Tongue. We do not have the right vibratory field as yet to permit the use of the Motherland Tongue's pure or complete expression, but we do have enough of a vibratory field to use some adaptions, some of the principles involved. And if I undertake to utilize a little of this principle this morning for you, it's not so much to cause you to be concerned about the words that are used or the combinations of sound, as it is to emphasize the importance of tonal quality. Now, you may notice that I am inclined to disregard some of the—what I conceive to be—limitations of the musical scale as ordinarily used. And so, if some of you imagine that it should be exactly on some note or other instead of where it is, please don't lose the blessing that is possible to you, because I don't use that scale as it is ordinarily used. I use a different principle—the same basic principle but it manifests a different principle of application.

And so, my primary concern is to help you realize in our special exercise—not that you'll be attempting to do it—the factors that can actually, even in its present limited level of consciousness and vibratory perception, it can actually be conveyed. It is still more limited in the realm of ordinary speaking, it's true, and we experience something of this in true singing—I’m not suggesting that I'm going to sing. It isn't in the ordinary sense, singing. But it is expression On Tone in the sense of vibratory radiation. Its primary purpose is that radiation so that you can have an opportunity to practice letting go to the currents that are in radiation with the help of auditory perception.

Now it's one thing for us to have the currents working just silently without anything to particularly center your attention. Your minds, if I were to stand here and work in the current of radiation without making any sound, without doing anything, your minds would tend to get involved in your own thought processes. You might even start thinking about the baby making the little sounds. The baby is perfectly all right and you don't need to pay any attention to the baby. A thousand and one things might tend to intrude upon your consciousness or you might let your mind slip over to, well, wherever minds slip to.

One of the basic things that we are here to learn is to get your scattered pieces back together. How often do you find yourself in a position where your body is in one place, your heart is in another place, and your mind is still in another place? If you had more parts you'd be more widely scattered. The principle of getting body and mind and heart together, in one place, in agreement, in alignment, is of vital importance. You cannot have your body in one place, and your mind in another, and your heart in another, and be a complete human being. You will find that you do not have to scatter yourself in order to include all that belongs to your vibratory pattern. I'll just touch on this point, briefly, at the moment, to help you have a clear realization of the principle, but I cannot expect you to understand the deeper aspects of it until you have made a considerable degree of progress from the point where you are.

However if you remember the illustration I gave the other day with respect to the tent, and you in the tent. Now, if you are there, that means the whole soul is there: your body, your mind, your heart—you. It doesn't mean that your heart is going on a trip to Timbuktu, or that your mind is playing around in Shanghai, China, and your body just happens to be geographically on Sunrise Ranch. We are undertaking to produce a situation wherein you, the whole you, are at one point, at one time. Now, how much of the time of your existence do you suppose you have that actual state?—precious little, actually, if you stop to think about it—the whole you at any one point at one time. It doesn't tend to be so. Why do people undertake to drown their sorrows with the liqueurs that destroy spiritual sensitivity? Because they are not whole persons, part of them got away somewhere, stuck over yonder. They don't know where, or perhaps they think they know where, and they undertake to drink something that will give them a few moments of peace—it's gold-brick peace made out of lead; it's no good.

But the point is that these patterns of insecurity and uncertainty which beset the world and which destroy so much potentiality of happiness and success derive from a state of scattered personality. The scattered soul is an ineffectual soul. Remember that! When you are dealing with others in helping them along the way, you may not mention this particular point right to start with, but you must somehow begin to inspire human beings to come to point in relationship to themselves, their scattered soul, their ineffectual soul. Their bodies are ill, their minds are in turmoil, their hearts are places of discord and conflict and uncertainly, insecurity. You cannot be of any real service to anyone until you begin to deliberately and with understanding, with wisdom, having the sense of the fitness of things, to deliberately begin to inspire the individual to become a whole person in a sense of his own factors. You cannot cause a body as such to become whole, that is, in a true sense of healing, while the individual himself is so out of alignment that his mind is in one place, where it's flitting hither and yon, his heart is in another place and his body just happens to be where it's plunked down.

We need to be whole in the sense of our parts before our parts can be whole in the sense of the entire being. So, bringing you into alignment, into position, is of vital importance. We have noted that the process by which we attain the state of the single eye is involved in this. If mind and heart are just a little out of alignment you will not have a clear focus. A little out of alignment and you can't see with the eye that is more important than your physical eye. And have you any more priceless possessions in the physical sense than the physical eye? They are priceless. All right. That single eye is still more important, but while your eye is double your whole body is full of darkness. Why? Because there is no way for the light to get in, no way for you to see.

So, with mind and heart out of alignment you need to realize that you cannot see. If you do see it will be with a blur and things will not look right. I think you probably heard the story by now (I gave at the previous class) about the time I went up the dark canyon and thought I saw a bear. It turned out to be a stump. Well, if you haven't heard, you probably will. In any case, walking along that path, it looked like a bear and I knew there were bears in the head of that canyon. I had seen them. I had had trouble handling horses up there, and there isn't anything a horse is more deathly afraid of than a bear. And so, down there, it looked like a bear and I had to go on up the canyon to get the cows. It wasn't a bear. I finally experimented, got close enough to satisfy myself of what it really was, and went on. But it looked like a bear and it made me feel like it was a bear. Now, my feeling, my state of inside, was exactly the same as if it had been a bear, even though it was but a stump. Usually like the things that look like bears turn out to be stumps, and yet you feel as if they were the things you think they are, when in actual fact, they are not. I wonder.

So we begin to realize that there must be alignment; there must be alignment of the eye, so that the eye of the heart and the eye of the mind are one and the same. And then it's a comparatively simple process to continue on until your physical seeing, your mental seeing, and your heart seeing are all one. And while this process is going on, there is an inner hearing, not in the sense of hearing physical sound, but an inner perception of hearing which begins to come into alignment so that you can more readily perceive.

So we are going through a process of bringing you together into one thing so that you may be a whole soul, without your parts being scattered about willy-nilly. And, in this you are learning how to let your mind come under control. As I started to point out a little while ago, if I were to stand here and undertake to give radiation without any sound, any action, it's questionable as to how many of you would actually perceive it, or if you perceived it, how well you would receive it, how well you would let yourself come to point, how soon your minds would waver and go flitting where minds flit to.

So we must use some kind of a device to establish vibratory focalization. The device I use is primarily with respect to the sound of my voice, when I'm talking to you. Sometimes, I use a gesture or two, something to add to the perception through the eye, but at this moment we have to depend primarily upon hearing. Once you begin to let yourself come to point and learn to relax at point, you are in a process of coming into attunement within yourself, that is, coming together. Gradually your heart is drawn into position, gradually your mind is caused to be still, to relax into its proper position, in you, so that you begin to be a being. And then, you begin to be more effective. Then the healing power, the working power of God, can begin to manifest through you. But if your parts are not in alignment you are not a channel in a real sense. If your parts are not in alignment you are not in a real sense a channel.

And so we get back to this point of expression On Tone. Do not try to understand with the mind. If understanding is to come it must not be by intellectual means in this; it must be by means of the heart—being and relaxing into it. I don't think there is any reason for anyone to fear it, hesitate, just to relax into it. And if it be unfamiliar in some of its factors don't try to figure it out—what difference does it make? We can begin to establish a vibratory current through which your own instrument of being can be more readily brought into alignment and into attunement; and you will have emphasized for you, at the same time, the vital importance of the vowels from the standpoint of that which you would convey.

It might be that you could enjoy it more fully if you would close your eyes. If not, you may watch but whichever is most natural to you. [Uranda chants in an adaptation of the Motherland Tongue, and then chants words in English.]

                     There is a Land of the Living, a land, a Land of the Living

                     O come, O come and dwell

                     O come and dwell, in the Land of the Living

                     O come and serve, O come and serve, the God of the Living

                     The God of the Living

                     There is a Land of Light, there is a Land of Light

                     O come and dwell in the Land of the Light

                     O come ... O come ... O come

And as you begin to feel something of that which can be conveyed through radiation On Tone, you can begin to recognize the healing qualities. It is not something that we can use regularly—in fact, as a Class, this is the first time you have heard me touch upon this point. But I wish for you to begin to understand why the vowels are so important in relationship to the reality of radiation, and how you can begin—as you learn how to express in the current of the Spirit—begin to let the tensions relax, begin to establish a sense of being enfolded in the Cloud of Peace, begin to establish a realization that you are not separate and apart—that is, establish that realization in each hearer—and you begin to know that there is a power which is well able to produce the adjustments in your body, in your mind and heart, which may be necessary to the achievement of your Divine Purpose on earth.

We begin to realize that only as we let ourselves come into agreement, the different parts of you into agreement in relationship to your own Being, you in agreement with your higher point of Focalization, so that you can inspire someone else to come into agreement with you, only so do you begin to be an integral part of the Whole, a cell in the manifest Body of God where you become a living soul and not, as so many in the world are, a dying soul—and you become a living soul. And through you, the reality of life is extended to others so that the promise of life upon your lips is not a vain thing, so that the power of God flowing through you can achieve that which is necessary from the pattern of your service, if there is the response thereto. But response to God and the things of God makes possible the manifestation. Without response the things of God cannot appear; through response they do appear. Shall we share the Victory and truly serve our LORD and KING? That is our purpose here. Class dismissed.

© emissaries of divine light


Laurel said...

Aloha David,
Thank you so much for sending the tone of Life that the depths of care of the upward ascending unity womb of Truth is eternally broadcasting to humanity always.Just when I may wonder in my mind is there any way through this miasma we have created the piecing alignment penetrates each cell into the vertical command All is contained and well.
Blessings to us All,
In friendship,Laurel

suzc said...

Chanting is unique and often I think uncomfortable; it is unfamiliar and that is often defined as uncomfortable. Uranda said he would "sound the vowels On Tone in conjunction with the processes of radiation in the vibratory sense." Yesterday I watched Jaeyoung Lee's service where he did a similar thing, explaining the vowels of Jehovah in depth and leading a chant with them all: ee-eh-o-ou-ah, done almost as a mantra. And then there is Uranda's Names of Deity. These chants are all so sacred, so powerful, so "in tune."

It is easier for me to relax into the current of a Jesu or Jehovah or Aum chant than to a passage like Uranda's Motherland tongue adaptation "Land of the Living." But it all resonates deep within my capacities -- and lifts them up, focuses them perhaps is one way to put it. Lillian and G.Hanson wrote a short chant, Benison, which ends on E above Middle C with Je- ho- vah (e-o-a). And the magical Creation Cycle of G. Diggins and Betsy H. is done "chantlike" and leaves me breathless. Chant and Music are kissing cousins, though on differing frequencies. But I am finding chant brings one to point whereas music can uplift or rouse or soothe or probably even enrage; it moves the emotions while chant stills them. Maybe that's too simplistic or even inaccurate. There is much to be known. For now, I simply embrace and enfold what moves in these particular currents in these particular moments -- and as always with deep and abiding thankfulness to those who provide them and all who participate in sounding this Tone of Life and Light.

Laura Fisher said...

Uranda said "And so, my primary concern is to help you realize in our special exercise—not that you'll be attempting to do it—the factors that can actually, even in its present limited level of consciousness and vibratory perception, it can actually be conveyed."

The posting of this service at this time is brilliant. It appears, at this time of our history, as if the world is totally finished. Yet, we are listening to this Motherland tongue. We know something of the reality of Uranda. There are a few, very peculiar people that recognize the importance of letting this vibration open our facilities of worship. This tiny drop of pure magic is held and released so that slowly and surely there can be world wide radiation of healing. No human being can hide from this vibration. It either destroys or makes possible the reality of restoration into a pure state. There is a "land of the living" we are well able to live in. We hear the sound, our bodies and minds and hearts come into agreement, and the world becomes whole again.
This is the sweetest medicine for our fractured world. The relaxed state filled with tones from Uranda brings a level of understanding that is not possible any other way.
Finally, there is something that is wholly effective and protected by man's inability to 'think it through.' These sounds can relax us enough to provide the sweet relief of a softened flesh that joyously receives the peace of Oneness.

My experience is that the sounds penetrated my cells.
I feel the dance excitement as I receive the vibration. The depths of my body and mind rejoiced. It is a 'coming home' to myself.
The brilliance of this experience is that my mind cannot understand it so it cannot dilute it.

There must be on earth, at this time, some human beings that allow this.
If we are listening to this, we know we can count ourselves among a privileged few. A powerful few.
Such glory, such assurance is known.
Blessings abound as we relax into the power of this experience. We rest in an active prayer of glorifying our Lord and King! Agreement comes between us and therefore to the world.