June 18, 2021

Lucifer in Heaven

Lucifer  In  Heaven

Let  The  King  Of  Glory  Come  In

Martin Exeter  October 25, 1987 am & pm

The greatest blessing that can be brought into the world by those of us who are present on earth is the King, the Supreme One, who provides the point of focus for all of us, for the heaven and the earth. The life of any human being has meaning only to the extent that there is participation in bringing this blessing on earth. Presumably most of us have had an awareness of this for some time and have undertaken to offer ourselves in the process of losing our human lives to find the life of the King on earth. For the King to be on earth He must have a body, a form in which to incarnate. All of us have physical forms available for angelic incarnation. We are aware of this truth and are responsible consequently for letting it be revealed—so we delight to participate in the coming of the King.

Consciously there has been something of an awakening for many of us to an awareness of the truth. So we are present on earth with the opportunity to have that known experience. We have shared somewhat in letting it occur. The conscious awareness of the truth has been referred to by the use of the word Lucifer. “Lucifer,” the word itself, means “daystar” or “morning star” and actually may be seen as relating to the conscious mind of man. Lucifer belongs in heaven. Very clearly, the conscious mind of man has not stayed in heaven. The conscious mind of man is very much involved with the earth. There is a pertinent passage in the Book of Isaiah referring to this matter: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground…”

What is the nature of human thought? It relates to what may well be described as the ground, to the manifest external world. The conscious mind of man is not in heaven—it is, rather, in the earth. But the place for that conscious mind is heaven. When Lucifer fell from heaven into the earth, Lucifer obviously changed character. The conscious mind no longer had the experience of heaven, but only of the earth. The changed character is called satan. This is a designation of the conscious mind of human beings the way they now exist. Satan is not merely the conscious mind alone; there is included also the realm of the unconscious—the unholy ghost. So “satan” may be recognized as a useful word to describe the whole range of human consciousness as it presently is. There are other words too: “the devil, that old serpent.” It is not really a matter of words; it is a matter of fact. The fact is the state which human beings have known, and still do.

We have all been involved in this, and still are to varying degrees, but at least now we know better. When we say we know better, that's a matter of no excuse, isn't it? Those who know better have no excuse for remaining in the satanic condition. Satan is certainly expert in producing hell on earth, hell which is characterized by conflict, suffering, tribulation—all these things which are common to the human state, all self-produced, all produced by this character whom we refer to by our human names, our little separate human names. I am me and you are you, temporarily at least. It doesn't last, does it?

Awakening to the truth, there is the recognition that the conscious mind of man belongs in heaven, in which case thought would be heavenly thought. Having sunk into the earth, thought is earthly thought, and while each individual claims this thought as his or her own, it is quite clearly a composite thing—shared thought. It is produced en masse, because Lucifer fell into the earth and became satan, and is controlled by what happens in the earth. Virtually all human thought relates to this, doesn't it? “What's going on around? How can I take advantage of it? How can I protect myself?” All this sort of thinking relates to the earth—the earth is supreme. How are we going to survive? “Man shall not live by bread alone.” By bread alone he dies pretty fast.

There is the availability of heaven, where the conscious mind belongs. In such case the conscious mind can well be named Lucifer—the daystar, the morning star. Morning indicates the beginning of something, where the creative process first emerges to be conveyed in blessing into the earth. In our own experience we have known satan, very little of Lucifer. But to the extent that Lucifer is known, because consciously, deliberately, we stay in heaven, then blessing may be conveyed into the earth. The earth naturally—it was created this way—responds to heaven, because heaven and earth are one. There is a unity here, actually inseparable except in human consciousness, from the standpoint of satan.

Because satan has been rampant in the earth, the conscious minds of human beings trying to dictate and control everything, mostly based in fear and greed, the reality of Lucifer has almost entirely vanished from human awareness. But as there are those who remember something of the truth, then there is a beginning point for transformation, a transformation which is in fact occurring on earth. The very fact that it is occurring on earth, and is capable of being seen as occurring on earth, indicates that Lucifer again may be present—the conscious mind of at least some human beings in heaven, ungoverned, unaffected, unmoved by what is going on in the earth. Over the years there has been provided an understanding of this.

The true experience of man is life. The true experience of man is heaven. The fact that man also lives in the earth brings heaven into the earth then. We are very much aware that heaven has been excluded in a general sense all down through the ages. We are also aware of the fact, if we are honest, that we ourselves individually have excluded it from our own experience. If anyone has anything to complain about, heaven is being excluded from experience. The very fact that there can be complaint is a revelation that heaven is absent to that extent. So if you find yourself identified from time to time with the complainer, it's not surprising that it seems as though heaven is absent. If it didn't seem that way you would have nothing to complain about, would you?

It is impossible to dwell consciously in heaven as long as the unholy ghost is hanging around. The unholy ghost relates to all the factors in human experience and heredity which have been dominant in the control of human behavior. So people behave in hellish ways, imagining that they are well justified in doing so because of all those bad people out there, whoever they are. I find difficulty in locating bad people. Are there any bad people here this morning? “Well of course not! We are all good people.” Satan has two faces—he's two-faced—a good one and a bad one. He tends to see the bad face in his neighbor and the good face in his mirror. It ain't so! The whole human state is rotten. There are those who are very self-righteous about their rottenness, claiming that it isn't; but it is.

Because satan prevails, the truth is absent. Consciously human beings do not dwell in heaven. They dwell in hell and complain about it. I suppose one is welcome to stay in it, but there is no need, because heaven is present. However for the conscious mind to begin to be aware of that fact there must be a willingness no longer to be controlled by the unholy ghost, which is the unconscious aspect of the mind polarized in the earth. Each individual inherits most of this, but assiduously adds to it during the course of his existence, so that a more intensified state of affairs is handed on to the next generation. It's all beginning to come to a point of issue and climax now in the world as a whole.

There is only one way by which this deplorable state can be handled, and that is to let the King come into the world. This requires that Lucifer be in heaven, available for the heavenly thoughts—the King's thoughts. Humanly speaking we have no more right to think our own human thoughts. The human mind belongs in heaven. It doesn't belong to satan. It belongs to Lucifer, who belongs to the King. Here is the King's Mind—the King's Mind differentiated in remarkable ways through all those who participate in that differentiation. It doesn't eliminate individuality, but it does eliminate self-centeredness, where the individual says, “I am going to think my own thought”—human thought, satanic thought. Satanic thought produces satanic results, and we have a satanic world in consequence.

Lucifer may be known again in heaven. The human mind may ascend into heaven. In heaven the conscious mind begins to know the King. Let the King of Glory come in. Is silence a discomfort or a delight? To angels incarnate on earth it surely is a delight! To the extent that it is no longer a discomfort to us, in this setting for instance, there is some evidence of the presence of angels conscious in human form on earth. It evokes a memory which might be articulated by the words, “I have not, for so long, seen and known you on earth,” this articulation relating to each other. But as Lucifer comes again to heaven in oneself, then we begin to know each other in an entirely different way.

Do you think the heavenly machine, if we can call it that, operates because of computers? Is the universe governed in this way? Do the other planets in the solar system have to be instructed in this fashion to stay in orbit? Obviously the universal government springs out of a different realm. It isn’t an external government. It isn’t a government of imposition. There is no great figure who pushes things around with his finger so that they stay in place. Yet everything stays in place, except in the affairs of human beings where it is deemed that force of some kind—mental, emotional and physical force—must be applied to keep things moving. The whole of our world is governed in this way by human effort, and it leads to disintegration. The true government is found emergent in heaven. If there is no one in heaven to receive what it is that is emerging, then the true government remains unknown on earth. Heaven and earth are one.

“Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in.” This relates to human beings, to this earth, this planet, and the government thereof. The human mind and heart in particular can well be described as gates and doors. This is the nature of their function, a far cry from the way human beings use mind and heart now. “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors.” Be present in heaven. And then the King of Glory shall come into the earth.

That state where mind and heart are available to the King of Glory obviously is an absolute experience. It isn’t a ten percent experience. It isn’t a matter of providing a little crack in the door, and the gate slightly ajar, so that ten percent of the King can come in. Do you think He comes in on that basis? Factually, it’s all or nothing. We do receive encouragement along the way, and we experience various things which indicate an increased expression of spirit, but this is a far cry from what it is that is required. Now we find ourselves in position to experience something absolute, where you cannot think, feel or do anything else but what is present and ready to come forth in heaven.

As angels we incarnated on earth to restore everything to the King. Individually we have no life of our own. If we think we have, we will discover that it isn’t so, sooner or later. We will discover that such an attitude is theft. And the thief receives his just desserts. There is only one life; that’s the life of the King. There isn’t any other. We either accept that or we have no life. We are given a little period when we may have the opportunity of accepting or rejecting, but there isn’t any other life than the life of the King. That is something absolute.

It is necessary that our minds and our hearts should reach a point of absoluteness where they are incapable of doing anything else than what is required by reason of the life of the King. There is still a good deal of uncertainty in the minds and the hearts of some of those who have been associated with this ministry—double-mindedness, because if the life of the King is actually accepted, there is no question. One cannot help but do what one is doing. There is no alternative. It’s absolute! And when there is this absoluteness the King of Glory can come in. But He is not really going to come in twenty percent. What would that be? We may have a little leeway—we certainly have had a lot of leeway over the years, when we were approaching the point of absoluteness. But one can go on approaching that point as long as a trickle of life remains, but never come to it. I can see no point to just approaching it. Why not come to it? Then there is something whole present. The King is whole. Reaching that point of absoluteness, it is such a relief. We cannot do anything other than what we are doing.

I have found over the years that one experiences a very great deal that one certainly would not have experienced on any other basis. As the absoluteness comes, as mind and heart are willing to let themselves be lifted into heaven once again, then the gates and the doors open and the King of Glory comes in. This spiritual body is the Body of the King. It is equipped with all that is necessary for the King of Glory to come in. There is a mind and a heart, there is even a physical form. Let it come together in absoluteness so that there is no other life for any individual than the life of the King—the life of the King through His Body on earth. There have been many prayers, pleading for the coming of the Lord, but thus far there has been no adequate body on earth to let it happen. The true prayer is to accept the responsibility which each one has with respect to this One Body. That is the prayer—to do it. One only can do it for oneself. If one is letting it happen one has no time to fuss about what one imagines someone else should be doing or isn’t doing.

I am very grateful for the fact that I have never done very much fussing about that. I well know that I cannot do what you must do. I can only do what I must do; and I seek to do this as consistently as may be, trusting that there will be those minds and hearts which awaken to the presence of the angel who is already in agreement with me in this matter. Awakening to that, there is no problem. Here we are, all together to provide that essential facility for the King of Glory, to let Him come in. This is rightly all we know. We cannot indulge ourselves anymore in these ridiculous human fantasies, but be present together in love, in heaven—same thing—unjudging, but absolute. And the King of Glory comes in.

© emissaries of divine light

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi David, the absoluteness of the job of the awakened one was but a somewhat distant vision to me in 1987. At last there is the capacity to put fussing aside and live the life of the King. Hallelujah.