August 06, 2021

Resonating With The Radiance Of Love

Resonating  With  The  Radiance  Of  Love

Martin Exeter   May 24, 1987 a.m.

“And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.” These could be valuable words in our own present experience. It is presumed that these words, or similar ones in the Aramaic tongue, were spoken long ago by the One we know as our King. They are the words of the Son of God, the words of the Father, brought to focus and expressed by the Son. There is necessarily a point of focus through which these words may be articulated. Mention is made of the only begotten Son. There is one Son, not a proliferation of sons engendering a cacophony of sound which could be classified as noise. There is a great deal of noise by reason of human beings on earth, virtually no evidence of the only begotten Son, the one Son.

Necessarily, for the fact of oneness to be known there must be a point of focus, but the Son is certainly not just one person. We are aware of this in some measure by reason of our own experience. There are the sons and daughters of God who participate in the reality of the Son of God, so that the radiation of the love of the Father may occur within the body of mankind. It did occur, evidently, by reason of this One long ago, but the assumption of responsibility is still present, available for those who awaken to the fact that they have been with that focus point of the Son of God from the beginning. “What beginning?” one might ask. One can easily recognize certain beginning points of various kinds. There was the beginning point of the creation of this earth, there was a beginning point of man on earth, there was the beginning point of the fall of man from his high estate. There are indeed many beginning points; we have one now in this moment. It is always a beginning point.

Steadfastly throughout the whole history of mankind there has been present the One who provides a focus for the Son of God, and there have also been present those who share the responsibility of this focus with Him. This fact is made apparent on earth when there are those human forms who will accommodate the expression of the truth. This brings something to the remembrance of the minds and the hearts of those human forms. There is a sensing of the fact, in the mind and the heart in question, that there is present One who has been with the Supreme One from the beginning. This is emerging in an intensified way in these days. Just as there is something emerging through the consciousness of the whole body of mankind of a different nature than has been experienced heretofore, now in these days, there is at the same time a particular focus of this which has activated those hearts and minds associated with incarnate ones who have been present with the King from the beginning. This comes as a sort of memory in the human experience of those concerned. Most of you know something of this. It certainly is not brought forth by any human effort, by any human trying, no matter how seemingly worthy that might be. It is only as that has ceased that the remembrance begins to come. So, in whatever measure, we and others have shared in this remembrance.

“And ye also shall bear witness.” The witness might be said to be the speaking of the Word and the sounding of the Tone in living. The witness is certainly not telling someone else about it, but simply being it. The speaking of the Word and the sounding of the Tone can be described as the radiation of love, the power of the creative process. This power becomes a known reality when there is that radiation. Human beings are inclined to imagine that nothing exists unless they themselves either have the experience or know about it. If such a stance is taken it is a very arrogant one. What exists to human beings is mostly fantasy, and even if there was the experience of the reality in heart and mind it would be the minutest fraction of all that exists. Yet the arrogant human intellect seems to deem it possible eventually to encompass everything. All it encompasses on its own is a state of imagination and fantasy.

It is assumed these days that there is a greater understanding of the universe on the part of the human mind than heretofore. The universe which the human mind considers and interprets is the mind's own creation; it has little real bearing upon what the actual truth is. We are aware that, as human beings, we live in a world which has been humanly created. The human mind tries to grasp and comprehend what it is able to observe. The very attitude of trying to grasp something, whether mentally or physically, will remove it from its setting in the whole. In other terms, we would say it will remove it from the creative process, not in fact but in the experience of human beings. Human beings cannot change in any way the creative process or the truth itself, the way things are. They can only extract what they are able to grasp from that beautiful whole and from the creative process, in order to bring it under the control of the human mind and heart so that it may serve human beings, presumably oneself in particular, but others if possible. It is the total attitude of mankind that everything should serve mankind. We have been aware of this, and we have been aware of the fact that it has been our own modus operandi. Gradually there has been a relinquishing of this attitude and approach, because something else began to reverberate within the range of our own consciousness.

We speak of the One Law and the way things work: radiation, response, attraction, union, unified radiation—words. Because we think we understand the words, we think we understand what the process is. Well I suppose we have some experience of it. There is radiation, regardless of the behavior of human beings. The focus point of the Son of God is present, as well as all those associated with that focus point in active radiation, the radiation of love, which is contained within the creative process. As soon as anything is abstracted from that creative process the extent of love begins to diminish, until finally it vanishes away altogether. There is radiation and there is response. But what is response?

I wonder if we could bring into our awareness once again something which we have presumably known about for a long time. We talk about substance, and we imagine, I suppose, that we know what substance is. Let us see this in terms of what we might describe as vibration. What is it, if there is vibration, that vibrates? Whatever it is that vibrates we could call substance. We are very familiar with vibration in a multitude of different forms. In fact our own physical body is composed of it. We think of this in terms of flesh and bones and blood, etc., but when we get right down to it, it is all simply vibration; something is vibrating. That something, of which we are aware because it is vibrating, is present even if it is not vibrating; in other words there is what might be called vibrationless substance. Here we find ourselves related to the infinite, something that the human mind is not equipped to encompass, strangely enough! []

So there is this vibrationless substance. Of course that is something of a contradiction in terms, because the substance only becomes substance when it is vibrating. But one has to use words to describe things for the benefit of this oh-so-wise human intellect. So there is an infinite quantity of vibrationless substance. How you can quantify something that isn't substance I'm not sure, but the human mind likes to do that. By reason of radiation from a source which transcends the vibrationless substance, this radiation sets up vibration, so that what was not substance becomes substance when certain ranges of vibration are established. This is all more or less theoretical in our consideration of it now, but it gives us some clues as to how this matter of radiation, response, attraction, unified radiation, works. The radiation from the source, which transcends the vibrationless substance, sets up the essential vibration according to the design established in that vibrationless substance, so that it is no longer vibrationless substance—or some of it isn't. Of course we use these relative terms; they don't really mean very much. But the creation emerges through what is now substance, because it is vibrational and there is a design in it. The human mind couldn't possibly understand very much about that design, or what it is for, or why it is established. The human mind thinks in linear fashion, but this isn't one-dimensional; this is a multidimensional state of affairs. There is substance now because there is vibration present in it, and there is a design, there are different levels of vibration. That is reflected somewhat in the vibrational range of which human beings are aware, and in which light covers a very small range.

Radiation, then, while the word light may be used to describe it, is not necessarily what is thought of as light according to the interpretation of human minds by reason of the range of sensitivity of the eye. Nowadays people are increasingly aware that there is a vast range of vibratory radiation, and light is a very small part of that spectrum—light as human beings think of it. But in describing the creative process, for instance, as it was articulated in the Book of Genesis, light is mentioned as the first occurrence. Of course there was the necessity of radiation, and the radiation activated this previously unactivated substance, establishing the vast range of vibration, of which human beings know precious little. What they think they know, coming within the range of their perception by reason of various instruments and so on, is a minute part of the total spectrum. Therefore to try to determine how things really are on the basis of this minute part is quite ridiculous; it doesn't tell human beings anything. Yet the human intellect deems itself to be so wise.

So there is radiation, and there is response which is the activation of this substance, whatever substance is available. We are thinking of it from the standpoint of the substance of our own minds and hearts. That is activated substance, and there is radiation into that activated substance, the radiation of love. We are well aware that this activated substance of human minds and hearts has been removed from the creative process. Consequently it diminishes and diminishes, until again there is nothing. It isn't really nothing; it becomes once again unactivated substanceSo if we speak of radiation, the radiation of love because of the focus of the Son of God, and that focus being brought to point at the level of effects—the level of effects relates to the activated substance—then the response to it is in fact resonance, resonance being set up in the activated substance. And that resonance participates in the radiation, one could say—and here is another seeming contradiction in terms: responsive radiation. As there is this combination of radiant radiation and responsive radiation, there is what is spoken of as light, which isn't just the visible spectrum; it is the total spectrum.

In our own experience we had some ready-made substance of heart and mind already activated but not resonating with the radiance of love to any great extent. A self had been created by this activated substance of heart and mind which, as we know, is really a fantasy. And yet it is what human beings know: the human person, me. This is, we might say, stolen activated substance, combined in such a way that it produces the sense of self. If there is present in this stolen substance some which is still free enough to begin to resonate with the radiation of love when it puts in an appearance at the level of that substance, then response is engendered. But this response is simply resonance with the radiation of love, and what resonates with that radiation also radiates. On that basis there begins to be light. In other words there begins to be a new understanding appearing within the range of this stolen substance. Human beings even speak about seeing the light, maybe with respect to some most insignificant thing, but sometimes it relates to what people deem to be conversion to some religion or perhaps being born again or something of this nature. There is a resonation occurring in the substance of consciousness which was not particularly present, consequent upon the radiation of love.

This is occurring because it is brought to focus at the level where this substance is. There has always been radiation from the level of the Father, but the Son has been absent—absent without leave, incidentally. But as the focus of the Son begins to appear again at the level where this substance of mind and heart is, then there is radiation which can induce, evoke, resonance. We call that response. Something begins to resonate with the radiation. And human beings, being very self-centered, say, “Oh, I'm responding now.” Well the fact of the matter is they couldn't help it. The resonation was set up. But the claim is made, because they are used to stealing everything, and they say, “Well this is my response.” But it is only there because of the radiation. It relates to the radiation, not to anything of the human state, except for that little bit of substance which is free enough to be able to resonate.

We see, in the general pattern of things, that thus far apparently there has not been all that much free substance. That it should happen to be present with respect to some, possibly us as well as others, is not any reason for taking credit. Perhaps it is present in greater freedom in those who are primarily responsible for having been with the King from the beginning. That is no credit to the human being, but there is an angelic presence, and the resonance begins to be established. That is describable as radiant response, and it produces light. It produces first what one might call invisible light, outside of the seeing spectrum, subconsciously in other words. But the radiation is there, or nothing would happen. So the words “Let there be light” don't indicate there is then a blinding flash of some kind. It simply indicates that the vibration is being set up in response to the radiation within the substance of consciousness of the person.

The vast majority of the substance of consciousness, so called—substance of mind and heart, perhaps, is better—is subconscious. So it isn't visible light. It may be interpreted that way a little in the initial impact when a person becomes aware that there is resonance. And then of course the individual is inclined to think, oh well, he knows it all now, he has been converted, has been born again, whatever. All that has happened is that there is a wee little extent of resonance set up within the range of that substance which is free enough to move—just a starting point, because light, as it really is, only becomes visible by reason of the atmosphere. This is demonstrated in the earth. Because the earth has an atmosphere, there is what we know as light on earth. It is within the atmosphere that the climate is established. It is all accurately portrayed in the Book of Genesis when the second creative day allows for the emergence of the firmament, as it was called. That is the atmosphere, the atmosphere in which the visible light that we know, based in the radiation of love, can put in an appearance. When you get out into space it is different. So-called space, mind you, is full of substance—full of substance, some of it activated, the vast majority of it not, because there is an infinite amount of unactivated substance. Creation is not going to run out somewhere along the way. There is a cycle, anyway, involved in this, a raising up and a setting down.

Here is the fact relative to this matter of radiation, response, attraction. What is attraction? Attraction is simply the intensification of the resonance, until it finally reaches a point where there is a balance between the resonance and the radiation. That is union, that is the point of union. Then there is unified radiation; I suppose you could say enhanced radiation. I don't know whether you can use mathematics in that; I doubt if it is merely double the radiation, but there is an increase, an increase of the radiation of love, and it will, one might almost say, ferret out free substance available to resonate. And that is what is happening in the world as a whole. There are those who find themselves unwittingly beginning to resonate with the radiation of love. On the other hand we are well aware that there are others, having no free substance, who find that their state of experience is cracking up. The radiation, the vibration of love, becomes more intense, and when it hits something to which there is no give, it will crack it up, it will dissolve it. And it's a painful business humanly speaking, a painful business which human beings have chosen for themselves.

So perhaps, in considering this matter of being with the focus point of the Son of God from the beginning, we may find an increased resonance in our own hearts and minds relative to that fact, because it is the fact. We have been indulging ourselves in a great deal of fancy, doing what we want to do and following out our own whims and fancies, trying to get our own way, do the thing we want to do, ignoring the creative process, rejecting the creative process. Well the time comes when the radiation is sufficiently intense that those who are righteous are righteous still and those who are filthy are filthy still. There are the two possibilities: either sharing in the radiation, or being dissolved by the radiation. What all that means we will find out as we go along. We can observe it now by what is happening, both in our own experience and in the experience of others, and in the world as a whole.

But here is something that is totally beyond any consideration in the field of human leadership, for instance. Who knows anything about it? There is all the struggling with this realm of effects, trying to get things to come together, when they won't. They won't. What comes together is what resonates with the radiation of love. Then it comes together. If it doesn't it falls apart. Very simple, really. But it is our responsibility, recognized I'm sure, that we are here to allow this responsive radiation to be intensified, the resonance intensified to the point where the balance is established. Then we are home, it might be said. Then we are where we belong, and we can participate then simply in the radiation of love in the creative process, and there is no more going forth.

I rejoice that we may allow something of this to begin to percolate within the range of our awareness so that maybe we can be a little more sensible about how we behave and we do not any longer yank ourselves out of the creative process periodically—and this has sundry effects in our experience. Some people imagine somehow that they are subject to somebody else who is going to say they should do this or do that, or not be here or go there. It's never that, at least not from the standpoint of the radiation of love. One determines for oneself what happens, absolutely. It never involves anybody else, just oneself, according to one's ability to permit the radiant response to reach a point where it is unified radiation because it is in balance with the love that is already pouring forth.

So we share this process. It is the creative process, in this instance recreative, so that there may be the restoration of man, male and female, participating easily and naturally in what is freely available by reason of the radiation of love. I thank God that we may share this process. It is a delightful one when we let it work. We find cause for complaint when we don't let it work. And that's very revealing, isn't it? If you feel like complaining today you know why: you are not letting it work! Come into line. Free up the substance of consciousness and let it vibrate on the basis of the radiation of love, let it resonate with that. And behold, everything is made new in consequence. It's good to participate in this creative process here where we are, and in company with others wherever they are. It's all one. There is one Son of God, the only begotten. That's relative to what the responsibility is here with respect to what we think of now as this planet. I suspect that we may think differently later.

© emissaries of divine light


Anne Blaney said...

This is a superlative service. Through the exquisiteness of this spiritual RAIN, answers come, and the mind's partiality transforms and resonates with its Source. All this clarification takes place within a moving, resounding call to angelic memory. What a gift of words borne by Spirit and experience, heard by spirit and the increasing experience of resonating substance that is available NOW. What a humble joy to be here, now.

Geoff said...

What can I say? - keep the faith, keep shining the light. Naked and unashamed.