August 22, 2021

Vibrational Substance Of The Ark

Vibrational  Substance

Of  The  Ark

YouTube  Video

Martin Exeter   August 16, 1987

“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,

and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

“And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart …

“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord …

“Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.”

We share these moments now, letting a certain quietness be our experience, stillness perhaps, because this is natural in the sanctuary. Noah built an ark. This was presumably supposed to have been in the form of a boat. We are not interested in what happened then but in what is happening now, because there certainly is something to be created. We could call it an ark, if we don't think of that as a boat, and if we don't think of it in terms of form. There is something to be created, and we ourselves have found ourselves being drawn together to participate, as we claim, in a creative process. Something is to be created. Why? Most people think of it simply as a body of people who get along together. There may be a body of people who get along better than most, but that is not the end and aim of things. There is something to be created. I suppose we might call it a vibrational ark, a sanctuary. I have spoken of this Dome as being the setting for a sanctuary, but the sanctuary is here only because we bring it, if we bring it. So it is something not quite so tangible as this Dome, for instance.

It is necessary that there should be a flesh body of people drawn together, in order that there might be generated, by reason of that fact, the vibrational substance of the ark. The ark is not a physical form, insofar as the present experience is concerned. It may have been in the past; we don't really know that. They try to dig it up out of Mount Ararat. But if that has any meaning at all it is because it is applicable now in relationship to present experience. I just used the words which I read because there is the application immediately. We are well aware of the violence and corruption, the destructiveness, that is present all around. Why? Because of the evil imaginations of men's hearts, that's all. That's what produced it. It's not going to go away without the evil imaginations of men's hearts going away. That seems obvious. Scarcely anyone has looked at it, apparently. We are going to manipulate forms, and that will fix everything up, without letting any change come in human experience.

We are concerned to let the change come in ourselves. We can't let it come in somebody else. You can't even make it come in somebody else. Did you ever try? It's a lost cause. Even if you succeeded, how awful that would be: someone made in your image and likeness. Ugh! No, there is a vibrational form, if you can put it that way, a body, to be generated. In order for it to be, it must have the vibrational substance to be, and that vibrational substance can only be generated through the flesh bodies of human beings. Human beings are useful in that regard. They are not useful in all the things they think they are useful about, but in the generation of this substance. We call this substance vibrational substance. You can't get your hands on it, you can't manipulate it, but it will take form according to the design that is present in that level of being into which the substance is generated. It takes spiritual form, I suppose you could say, if you want to describe it. We have to use words out of our language in order to describe things. It is difficult, because there haven't been any words to do it because it hasn't been done. Nobody knows what it is, so there are no words for it. We have to use analogies, in one way or another, to begin to be acquainted with what it is that happens.

There is an ark, a vibrational ark, taking form, generated because there are those who have been drawn together by spirit to participate in the process. The process involves changes occurring in one's own human nature, and as those changes occur vibrational substance is generated. And that vibrational substance accommodates the design in spirit.

There is something recorded, as I remember it, in Matthew, in connection with the gathering of the elect from one end of the heaven to the other. It doesn't say from one end of the earth to the other, but from one end of the heaven to the other—that is, in the field of this vibrational substance. If there has been a generation of this substance it is because it has been resonant to the radiation of the focus of the spirit of God on earth. As that has been present, there has been the radiation. And wherever there was substance in anyone which would resonate with that, they have been drawn. If you have genuinely been drawn here it is because of that. It is not because, "Well I decided to come." That's the sort of attitude people take, because they want to preserve their own supposed freedom, as they think of it. "I decided to come, so that's why I am here. Big me! I am capable of doing this." A little humility would help.

No, if there is a genuine coming together it is not because anyone decided to do it. It is because there was substance present in one's own makeup which resonated with the radiation proceeding from the focus of spirit on earth. When there is that, something begins to be drawn together. It may seem to be a slow, tedious process; I know over the years I have thought that from time to time. But it is the only way to go; nothing else works. So stay with it! Be consistent, not just for a week: "Well I'll see if it works"—it won't on that basis—but because one couldn't do anything else. One holds that consistency over the years, for however long is necessary. And, behold, there is substance present in some human beings which begins to resonate with that radiation. The substance begins to come home. That doesn't necessarily mean that a person in Brazil jumps on an aircraft and comes to Sunrise Ranch. The substance comes home wherever the person is. He doesn't really have to move. He may find that, in the process of that substance coming home, the flesh has to move a bit too. Evidently quite a bit of flesh was moved to be here today, not only in the Dome but in other locations as well, connected by telephone.

But if it is a genuine coming, it is because of that resonance and not because the individual imagines that he decided he would come. Ultimately we discover that one can't stay away—and, again, I am not talking necessarily about physical location, but stay away from the focus of spirit on earth through which that radiation comes. Then we find a relatedness to that which is natural to each one. But it only happens because there is this substance already present to start with, and because there is subsequent increase of the generation. And that is the building of the ark. That is where we live and move and have our being, and we are no longer so concerned about external form. That's what most people fuss about, isn't it? "I don't get along with so-and-so." Why? "Because they rub me the wrong way"—the external form of things. But you come back to spirit, and the substance that is resonating, and we discover that we all fit together. We are not all the same but we all fit together. There is a design. There is an ark, in other words. There is an ark created of this vibrational substance, which is where we belong.

Do you think anything is going to be preserved in the realm of form as we know it now? If you're stuck in the realm of form you are stuck in something that is not going to be preserved. There is no safe place in the realm of form. This has been true all along actually, but, in the past at least, it seemed as though one could dig a hole in the ground and hide oneself for a while. But we are discovering now that the fact is there is no safe place in the realm of form. That puts everybody on the spot, because if you imagine the only safety is in the realm of form you're sunk! The safe place is the ark, and the ark is a vibrational ark. When we are familiar in our living with this vibrational ark, there we are. There we are, even though we may still at the moment be in form.

People are beginning to see that this planet is shot. It is not going to be able to support human beings, in the way they are accustomed to, anymore. At least that point is in the offing, not very far away. One could compare that to the flood, I suppose: no place of safety, except in the ark. Of course that's an analogy. But this is the reality now. This is the ark now which is being generated, or the substance for it is being generated, that the design of it may appear. We find ourselves in certain relationships because of that, because of the vibrational design, not because of physical form. If we cling to physical form we will find that we pass away. If we are at home in the vibrational ark, that does not pass away.

This relates to this matter of what they call—today, I believe, isn't it?—harmonic convergence. There must be a place to converge, and that place doesn't exist because of something occurring in the galaxy. There obviously are things occurring in the galaxy, things occurring in the solar system, things occurring all over; but the place of convergence only exists when there are those present on earth now, in physical form but at the same time in vibrational form, so that there is a place of convergence. It is nothing new, the idea of harmonic convergence, is it? We have discovered ourselves being drawn in various ways into various configurations of people who don't usually get along too well, to start with at least. But to the extent that they are not so hooked on form they begin to find that they do have a natural association, they do blend together, they are part of one thing, one thing which already exists, but which hasn't been known because there has been no vibrational substance to accommodate it. In generating that vibrational substance we begin to accommodate it, but if we keep reverting back into this business of reaction to what's happening in form, then out we go, we're overboard, we're no longer in the ark. The ark is a vibrational ark, composed of vibrational substance, and we find that it has a very specific design, just as apparently that old wooden ark had back there.

So we share this opportunity in this moment to be together in the sanctuary which we ourselves bring, where this vibrational substance is present and spirit reigns supreme.

Michael Burghley — Martin, it is a pure delight to be here in this place with you this morning, to have converged here, as we all have. We all have come a considerable distance, whether just now or at some point earlier, because we could do nothing else. And that is a joy. The midnight express of the human state roars noisily, and with increasing speed, down a track to disaster. But we have a chance to share with you in the focus of spirit, in the rhythm, the natural and easy rhythm of spirit, here, now, and to know the ease and the safety of that, and the purposefulness of that. And it is pure joy to be with you in that.

Martin Exeter — I rejoice in your words. It needs to be remembered that our purpose is not to stop the train. If you try to stop the train you’ll be squashed. Let the train go where it’s going; it’s going there anyway. But let the ark be present, so that there is space on earth in this vibrational substance where life is, where the truth is, where the reality of love is. And we have been in the process of discovering that this is all true.

© emissaries of divine light


Geoff said...

The word made flesh.
Flesh filled with spirit, spirit of life.
Thank you David for sending this excellent piece.

Laura Fisher said...

As Geoff says, Your choice of this service at this time is excellent, David. To have Chief Oren Lyons drive the point home makes it undeniable at the level of the flesh.

This heavenly current signals the next step of all who read these services.

At this time, we come together naturally and potently as we honor the focus of spirit. The vibrational substance of truth allows this convergence, seemingly without effort.

We know that we have all worked consistently for years to ensure that our consciousness is a suitable container in which divine creation can occur. A Home where God can rest!

What Martin speaks of has happened. The train is quickly headed toward the brick wall. Nothing will stop that. Any reaction to the external form is not a good idea. It is increasingly not safe there.

Is it not pure pleasure to know these truths that Martin speaks? Is it not even a greater pleasure to do as he suggests? When we do, we are made free to be our true selves.

True people come together because we cannot do anything else. Allowing this collective 'made without hands' is the most beneficial tool possible for the easing of the terror in the world. The new world comes into view as our clear consciousness comes into view. As we come together more cleansing is needed, a deeper commitment to the reality of changing current times. We must take our human tendencies in hand and insist that they do not dictate our movement. I do not want the sun to set on my physical life until I have done all that is possible to let this happen.

Convergence: when two or more things come together to form a new whole.

We know this truth in our bones, we can do nothing but this. God's design is the assurance any human mind needs to safely yield to the binding of themselves to this heavenly task.

There is not a better day to do this than this bright day. There is no new or better instruction than what we have just been given. The victory is assured.

The Great Cosmic Story said...

This is the piece that Laura referenced in her Comments, a video of Chief Oren Lyons, recently posted to Newly Dawning Day: