January 17, 2022

The Essential Core Of Unified Radiation


The  Essential  Core  of  Unified  Radiation

Martin Exeter   November 22, 1981

Many people have been conned into believing that some sort of a Messiah will be putting in an appearance sometime to solve all problems which assail the children of men. I looked up the word Messiah in the dictionary. There were three definitions. The first two relate to Messiah spelled with a capital “M.” Number one was associated with Judaism: “The anticipated deliverer and King of the Jews.” The second was “Jesus Christ.” The third, with a small “m,” was almost anyone who might put in an appearance to offer some sort of leadership in the processes of salvation.

The only reason why anyone would anticipate a Messiah as a deliverer would obviously be consequent upon failure. One had gotten oneself in such a terrible state and condition that the only way out seemed to be to have someone from somewhere else put in an appearance and provide the essential delivery. If this is a factor insofar as those associated with Judaism are concerned, it is indeed a recognition of failure: something went wrong with this glorious Israelite potential; now we are in a mess and need a deliverer. Of course there is in fact a recognition here of the need for an individual precedent to be set. The Messiah should come and set the individual precedent, seeing that the collective failure had occurred. And this is exactly what happened. The Messiah in this sense, the Anointed One, came and established an individual precedent of victory.

We might take a look for a moment at what is meant by the word victory. There are those who would be inclined to think of the victory experienced by Jesus as relating to His resurrection, but there would have been no resurrection if there had not already been victory. The victory is simply the consistent expression of the creative spirit of the living God in all aspects of one’s living. That’s all. Simple. This was proven out certainly by Jesus. The victory was established long before His crucifixion. So One came as the Messiah and established exactly what was necessary to provide the precedent of individual victory, the precedent which was then available to be accepted by anyone, anywhere, in any generation subsequently.

This having been done there is no need for a Messiah, is there? The concept of the Messiah putting in an appearance, either for the first time or again, is in each case quite unnecessary. He was here already, and why would that need to be done again? It’s been done. Human beings have a habit of looking for their salvation from somewhere else. Someone else is going to assume the responsibility of saving “me.” Why is “me” as important as all that? No, we have seen clearly enough that the individual opportunity for victory has been provided and is available to be accepted. Nothing else needs to be done in that regard. It has all been done. But we are aware of what yet needs to be done, and that is to establish the precedent of collective victory.

There is at the moment a gap between the individual victory, the precedent for which has been set, and the restoration of mankind to the true state. The restoration of mankind to the true state is a collective matter. The individual precedent has been set, the restoration needs to take place; therefore the gap in between the individual precedent and the restoration must be filled. Mankind as a whole may be restored collectively only when the collective precedent is set. Now we see this in terms of our own responsibility, recognizing that it is first an individual matter. Clearly, then, this collective precedent certainly does not include the whole body of mankind. It includes certain ones—those who have been brought to the point where there is the capacity to accept the precedent of individual victory. I can say this to you because you have some understanding of what it is that I am saying. The vast majority of human beings wouldn’t have a clue. If you have some understanding then you are the ones, so that the restoration of mankind is very specifically in your individual hands. It comes because there is this, not a collective Messiah but a Collective King. In other words, the government by which restoration is made possible is the responsibility of those who are included in the precedent-setting collective pattern of victory, because they individually have assumed the responsibility for the individual victory.

We have spoken of this as being the Priesthood. The Priesthood certainly doesn’t include everyone on earth. It doesn’t include very many. I think the way by which these things can find fulfilment is relatively simple. At no time has the LORD expected the impossible. He knows very well that it would be impossible to anticipate that each individual on the face of the earth would prove the victory for him- or herself as an individual. That would never happen, so He doesn’t expect it. But He does expect it from those who are in position to compose the collective body by which the precedent of victory may be set. And that is us, and others of course as well: the ones who know, the ones who understand, the ones who have had the opportunity to gain a large spiritual perspective.

I don’t think you are quite ready to do it all, but you are in position to set a precedent. What is to happen beyond that in the restoration of mankind is achieved by reason of the creative spirit of God. Human beings have always been inclined to imagine that by their own view of things, the way they think it should all happen, what is necessary will be achieved. But I’m sure that all of you have reached a point where you just don’t know—you plain don’t know. I hope you’ve reached that point, because if you think you do know what is necessary, I can assure you that it is wrong. There are those associated with our program in one way or another who at times get ideas that they know how the thing should be worked out, what people should be doing. There is need for more vision. We are aware of the fact, if not as yet understanding it fully, that this is a vibrational ministry. There must be a Vibrational Core. It must be present. It must be consistent. It must constantly be there. Some may say, “Well the Core isn’t a place.” I beg to differ! It is associated with places. It would be impossible to have a true Core without such association. There is a Core in this ministry. It has been sustained and is being sustained and will be sustained.

You may recall the story contained at the beginning of the Book of Acts when there were a number of people gathered in an upper room in Jerusalem. They had been there for a while. Because of the circumstances and because of the fact that they were there for a while, something began to emerge in their experience. It was called the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. They had been instructed to tarry in Jerusalem, but they thought this was it. They were really becoming potent spiritual people now and should carry this to everybody round about, which they proceeded to do; and the Core was dissipated. It was gone. And what they undertook to do in their roamings around brought unutterable suffering to immense numbers of people. It was not what was required at all. And yet human beings think they know what is required and try to make it work out that way. It won’t work out that way. That will reestablish the failure. It will work out in the only way it can work out: on the basis of the establishment of the precedent of collective victory because those who make that possible have proven out individual victory. The individual victory wouldn’t try to reestablish patterns of human activity that lead to failure. There is the necessity for those who compose the Core of the precedent of victory to sustain that Core.

What is necessary is to establish the victory for oneself. That’s the only thing that has any real value. After all, there have been people going around trying to stir up spiritual interest here or there, anticipating that great things will be achieved thereby. There have been some of you, I’m sure, who have felt that somehow or other you should be able to do this, but it isn’t the way. That’s a concept of the mind. It doesn’t work that way. It works because the creative spirit of the living God is in action individually and therefore collectively. It has been recognized that God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform, and human minds can’t figure it out. Well let’s let God move in mysterious ways, then, His wonders to perform and not try to corral Him into our human concepts. That’s where the corral is. The corral is not by reason of association in a group. The corral is maintained by the concepts of human minds which think they know when they don’t. It is not that there are not those who naturally move around here and there associating with people. Well we all associate with people one way or another, but unless the Core is in place and those who move around are centered in the Core without judgment of the Core, nothing can be achieved. What they are doing will be found to be worthless. The truth is true, and all is well because the truth is true. The ideas and concepts and beliefs of human minds are false.

So we share the responsibility of establishing the collective precedent of victory, so that the creative power of God can work under the hand of God as it is designed to work, and there is no human mind who knows what that is. It will prove itself out to the extent that we permit that collective precedent of victory to be established, and that only comes on the basis of the individual precedent of victory. We don’t need to look at anyone else.

We have a mission as emissaries which is absolute. We certainly are not interested in amending the mission so as to conform with the concepts of men. When it is in the hands of the Lord it works. When it is in the hands of human beings it never works. So there is a Core, and this Core we see in terms now of what is required to establish the precedent of collective victory, the government of God, which is not in any way the same as the government of man, at least not fallen man. It is not done by trying to manipulate people. It is done on the basis of the Law, and we know something about that. As the collective precedent of victory is established, there is unified radiation. We all heard of that. We all know something about it. That unified radiation at the level where human beings are is what in fact gets the job done. In association with that radiation there will doubtless be some movement of human beings here and there, at least of those who are a part of the collective pattern of victory; and it will be very clear, moving out from the Core, as to what it is that that movement should be.

We share the responsibility of providing this unified radiation, because individually our living reveals the victory. Then there is something to be unified, there is individual radiation to be unified, but the individual radiation must be there first if there is anything to be unified. There can’t be collective unified radiation if there are no individuals in whom that radiation is a fact. So the radiation is an individual matter and it is unified because there is a Core. It is not as though individual radiation, if it is genuine, would scatter people abroad. It doesn’t. It unifies them into the state of unified radiation. It doesn’t mean that they are scattered all over creation trying to do things the way human beings have tried to do things over the ages and failed. This unified radiation is something of which human beings have precious little awareness. We begin to have some awareness and we begin to observe what happens because of it. Things happen without participating in a coffee break. Things may happen because we do participate in a coffee break, that’s true, but only if we participate in that coffee break for a purpose. If it is just to sink back into our usual stupor then it is a waste of time, obviously. But if there is a specific reason for it we do it. If there is a specific reason for anything discerned spiritually we do what is necessary, and that is association with the radiation of the creative spirit of God.

I’m sure we are all interested in letting something be done because of us rather than in spite of us. The Lord has worked miracles in spite of us. Let’s give Him a break that He may have the chance to do something because of us! In spite of all our strange ideas, all the Emissary concepts and beliefs, much has been achieved, but how much more if we were on the ball, if that creative expression of spirit were consistently known in unified radiation. And the unified radiation doesn’t spring forth without having a focus. The individual focus is essential. We’re not going to do away with that, at least we’re not going to do it if we expect victory.

So the Core must be in place, and presumably those who are most capable, most mature spiritually speaking, are the only ones who will consistently be in position to provide what is necessary at that Core. Who else is going to do it? If the idea is that one must go out and whisper in the ears of all the population of the earth in order to persuade them to turn in the right direction, we might as well quit right now. It isn’t done that way—can’t be done that way. It is done because there is this creative radiation of spirit factually in action. That creative radiation of spirit is only factually in action on a unified basis when there is a means of unification, and the means of unification relates to those who are capable of providing it. They are doing that, they have been doing it for some time, and because they have been doing it many things have been happening in the world. The least of that happening is what occurs because somebody goes out and talks to people. That may be fitting on occasion but it is not the way that the job is going to get done. Very fortunately it is done, one might say, in an invisible way. That’s a much safer way of doing it; the devil can’t find anything to take hold of. It seems so innocuous but it is creatively potent.

So we have this vision and increasing understanding of the way things actually work. What is to happen in that working and what the effects will be we are interested in finding out. We don’t know; we don’t know ahead of time. We will find out. We trust the Lord and participate in unified radiation with power and great glory. Here is the way, the truth and the life, which makes possible the restoration of mankind, and that’s the only reason we are present on earth. We are not here to maintain the human state or to imagine that anything creative can be done by the good efforts of human beings separate from the experience of unified radiation.

“Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors.” Let the level of consciousness rise up out of that morass of human belief. Let go of that arrogance and yield easily and naturally to the creative spirit of the living God, that there may be participation in the establishment of the collective precedent of victory. That is the establishment of the government of God on earth. 

© emissaries of divine light



Geoff said...

Oh yes, I know this, this is why I am here.

Geoff Tisch
New Zealand

Millicent Holliday said...

What a wonderful consideration this is David. Thank you for posting it. I particularly appreciated Martins reference to the fact that the human mind cannot think it knows how things should be. Who should or shouldn’t be doing what or where. This learning to Let is so critical to our day to day function. Letting go of the arrogance and judgement of human nature, and providing the Lord with that refined core substance upon which He can work. How wonderful it is to do this work in conjunction with others who comprise His core body.

Jeongsun kim said...

Thank you🌺