February 10, 2022

Continuum—Vibrational Arc

excerpts from

Continuum — Vibrational Arc

Millicent Holiday  and  Bill Bahan

January 23, 2022   Atlanta, Georgia

from Temple  of  Light  Service


Within the womb of winter

In the deep quiet of a yielded heart

Substance begins to be drawn

By the indomitable power of Love

Heart quickens, mind awakens

And physical substance leaps to greet

The dawning of this New Day

What grand opportunity awaits us

as the sun rises to its zenith

Here, clothed in the radiance of this Awesome Power 

We stand.

Not timid or faint hearted

But strong and assured

Knowing full well that whatever is asked of us 

we are capable of actualizing

And as the peace of evening

blazes forth in fiery glory

We come again with yielded hearts 

And offer our worlds to Thee, our Holy King.

poem by Millicent Holliday

Millicent Holliday — I have chosen to share excerpts from a presentation given by Grace Van Duzen on November 13, 1988 [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/search?q=a+story+in+stone] entitled A Story in Stone. Grace and Lillian to me personified divine womanhood. Their agreement, not only with Uranda and Martin, but with one another as well, has provides much (I am certain) of the firm foundation upon which we now stand. Here are some of Grace’s words:

“I have had a story in my mind and heart for many months. This is a story in stone. There is established in the earth, and has been for many millennia, a symbol in stone. This symbol, as I am sure you have guessed by now, is the Great Pyramid, and that Great Pyramid has a name. It is spelled G-i-z-e-h, but it is pronounced “jee-za,” and it is a symbol of the LORD of Lords. Being a symbol of the Lord, it is also a symbol of His body. In the beginning this monument was like a gem; it was a shining, radiant light. Pyramid means light. So, we have a connection, a point of union between heaven and earth, where light entered the world. This was a specific physical thing that happened, but it was also a symbol of the entrance of light into this world through man, Divine being brought to focus in the LORD of Lords.

“If there has been anything on earth, it has been a persistence in the mind of man, of failure, absolute failure. “What can we do? Look how everybody failed back there.” But I see in this a continuum of what was initiated from the very beginning. If we look at it, this is quite a picture, this monument, first of divine man. But then if we see what happened to it, it is a picture of the body in the human state today. First the apex disappeared; and now it has come to the point, where nothing can be seen outwardly but a hulk. If you have ever seen the Pyramid today, it is a hulk, and it is not pretty. I think it is an accurate picture of the body of mankind separating itself from that which is above. Regardless of appearances however the power is still in the body, part of a continuum.

“The first one who appeared to let the focus of a body of God come again on earth was Abraham, he was the pioneer. He came out of Babylon, just as surely as we have, and he was aware of a great promise. Next, we come to Jacob, he had twelve sons. We can see through such stories a beautiful victory over human-nature patterns. That is what has allowed this story to continue. It was not some airy-fairy thing. There was victory every step of the way in what we might call little things. What else is there but little things? We wouldn’t go out and commit murder or rob a bank, but what about those little niggling things that obstruct the full flow of the spirit? That is where the victory was established every step of the way in these stories. If you look at the story of Joseph, there is a key to what came later in the movement from twelve men to twelve tribes. There would have been nothing for Moses to work with in the way of a body if it hadn’t been for Joseph and his marvelous story. It wasn’t just: Get twelve sons and there you have it, and they reproduce and reproduce, and you have Twelve Tribes: and that is the body. What was the quality of this body? We found in the story of Joseph that, having been treated terribly, according to any human concept, by his brothers, he wound up in Egypt and functioned perfectly, until in season the only place to buy food was Egypt. Because of his presence the food was there. So, his brothers came down into Egypt. If you remember the story, they did not know him, but he knew them, and he made them prove themselves. He tested them within an inch of their lives to see whether they had changed. Otherwise, there would have been no basis for the emergence of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They proved that they had indeed changed. They would not sell their youngest brother as they had Joseph. They offered themselves instead of him, if he was to be put in prison. The reason was that they could not hurt their father. So, it was the love for the father that brought the love for each other—the two great commandments—and the proof that they had changed. There was a solid foundation, and Joseph was aware of all this.

“In the unfolding process of history, we have the coming of the Master and all that He brought, and the magnificent opportunity for mankind then. Jesus brought the mighty truths again. In His personal victory He made it possible for the body to continue. There was failure then, but something carried through. John, His most beloved disciple, on the Isle of Patmos, knowing full well that the end would be execution, dwelt in an ecstatic state where the reality was revealed to him. Here again was a wonderful continuing.

“To say that things cannot change is a lie. It doesn’t matter who did what. We lay down our lives in living for our friends, for this whole body. As Martin put it, the pollution in the heaven must be dissolved. The old heaven and the old earth are passing away. The positive thing that allows this to happen, is love. That’s all. God is love. It is that positive force which is still in the body of humanity. It cannot be defeated. We can talk about failure all the way through, but there is a continuum of victory that says: Oh yes it can be done; it is being done. The victory is much more real, surely, than any failure. There is a tendency to put the emphasis on failure, past or present, and maybe even in the future, but that is saying that the devil is stronger than the Lord, that you can defeat the power of God. It is not possible!”

Millicent Holliday — What I specifically love about these beautiful words of Grace’s, is her emphasis on “the continuum”. On the fact that there actually is a far greater precedent of success than there is of failure. It is so easy to delude ourselves that this is not the case. Incarnate man without the awareness of Angelic Identity has such limited vision.

Something I feel that is relevant relative to the larger picture is the fact that mankind lived in the divine state prior to the fall of man for 155,000 years. One hundred and fifty-five thousand years! The fall of man occurred roughly 20,000 years ago. ONLY 20,000 years ago, not even one creative day. Uranda in his timeline outlined that one Creative day was 25,872 years. That means that timewise, we have not even been in this fallen condition for a whole creative day. We fell between the twelfth and thirteenth days. It’s the 13th day now, which I believe is … lucky for some! Hopefully for the body of mankind.

The Lord (prior to the fall of man) when he came walking in the garden in the cool of the day, instructed man that, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” He did not say in the days, plural, he said in the day, singular. To me this emphasizes that there would be a finite time, the fall would not be a continuous state, something that would be allowed to go on indefinitely. We are still in that day, time wise, we still have time to stop eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in our momentary living, in “the little things”. And as we each do this and establish patterns of victory personally day by day, then we do it collectively, and we establish a vibrational ark, and this is how the “Greater Works” are done, and the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of Jehovah, His Body, restored.

Bill Bahan — Thank you Milly. It’s good to know the spirit of victory. We can certainly appreciate the great spiritual leaders throughout the Story of Man who fulfilled their commission and we know that it requires a collective body to do what needs to be done now. I’d like to share an excerpt with you from a service given by Martin in August 1987 that was titled The Vibrational Ark. I’m sure we’ll find that these words are as true today [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2017/09/from-martin-exeter-16-1987-individually.html] as when they were spoken by Martin 35 years ago. And here are Martin’s words:                                                

“There is a vibrational form, if you can put it that way, a body, to be generated.  In order for it to be, it must have the vibrational substance to be, and that vibrational substance can only be generated through the flesh bodies of human beings. Human beings are useful in that regard. They are not useful in all the things they think they are useful about, but in the generation of this substance. There is an ark, a vibrational ark, taking form, generated because there are those who have been drawn together by spirit to participate in the process. The process involves changes occurring in one's own human nature, and as those changes occur vibrational substance is generated. And that vibrational substance accommodates the design in spirit.

“Something begins to be drawn together. It may seem to be a slow, tedious process; I know over the years I have thought that from time to time. But it is the only way to go; nothing else works. So stay with it! Be consistent, not just for a week: "Well I'll see if it works"—it won't on that basis—but because one couldn't do anything else. One holds that consistency over the years, for however long is necessary. And, behold, there is substance present in some human beings which begins to resonate with that radiation. The substance begins to come home. The substance comes home wherever the person is. He doesn't really have to move.

“Ultimately we discover that one can't stay away—and, again, I am not talking necessarily about physical location, but stay away from the focus of spirit on earth through which that radiation comes. Then we find a relatedness to that, which is natural to each one. But it only happens because there is this substance already present to start with, and because there is subsequent increase of the generation. And that is the building of the ark. That is where we live and move and have our being, and we are no longer so concerned about external form. That's what most people fuss about, isn't it? “I don't get along with so-and-so.” Why? “Because they rub me the wrong way”—the external form of things. But you come back to spirit, and the substance that is resonating, and we discover that we all fit together. We are not all the same but we all fit together. There is a design. There is an ark, in other words. There is an ark created of this vibrational substance, which is where we belong.

“Do you think anything is going to be preserved in the realm of form as we know it now? If you're stuck in the realm of form you are stuck in something that is not going to be preserved. There is no safe place in the realm of form. People are beginning to see that this planet is shot. It is not going to be able to support human beings, in the way they are accustomed to, anymore. At least that point is in the offing, not very far away. One could compare that to the Flood, I suppose: no place of safety, except in the ark. Of course that's an analogy. But this is the reality now. This is the ark now which is being generated, or the substance for it is being generated, that the design of it may appear. We find ourselves in certain relationships because of that, because of the vibrational design, not because of physical form. If we cling to physical form we will find that we pass away. If we are at home in the vibrational ark, that does not pass away.

“We have discovered ourselves being drawn in various ways into various configurations of people who don't usually get along too well, to start with at least. But to the extent that they are not so hooked on form they begin to find that they do have a natural association, they do blend together, they are part of one thing, one thing which already exists, but which hasn't been known because there has been no vibrational substance to accommodate it.

“In generating that vibrational substance we begin to accommodate it, but if we keep reverting back into this business of reaction to what's happening in form, then out we go, we're overboard, we're no longer in the ark. The ark is a vibrational ark, composed of vibrational substance, and we find that it has a very specific design, just as apparently that old wooden ark had back there (at the time of Noah). So we share this opportunity in this moment to be together in the sanctuary which we ourselves bring, where this vibrational substance is present and spirit reigns supreme.”

Bill Bahan — That which Martin has described is exactly what we find occurring in our own experience now. We’ve all been drawn together by spirit to be the means by which the substance of the vibrational ark is generated and maintained.

In the past few weeks I’ve been thinking about what happened at the day of Pentecost and I see a service by Martin on The Great Cosmic Story website this past week [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2022/01/the-essential-core-of-unified-radiation.html] titled The Essential Core Of Unified Radiation, where he speaks about the day of Pentecost. It must have been a profound experience for those who were gathered in the Upper Room with the disciples after the Master’s ascension. The “Upper Room” is very symbolic isn’t it—indicating that there was a certain level of spiritual consciousness that was shared by those who were gathered. There was obviously a tremendous compulsion of spirit that brought them all together—about 120 people it says. I don’t think they had Zoom back then so they were all gathered in one physical location. It’s quite poetic the way it describes their experience in the Book of Acts. Let us consider these words in light of our own experience now: “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.”

That’s quite an image. Here was the initial development of a core body of individuals who could have provided a focus of spirit for the body of mankind after the Master’s departure. However, they didn’t sustain what had been generated and were scattered abroad—so the whole opportunity was lost.  The Master had told them to, “Tarry in the city of Jerusalem until they were imbued with power from on high.” In other words, remain in the holy place in a state of spiritual consciousness until the holy ghost has fully come and your vison has been clarified.

We know something about the rich generation of heavenly substance when we come together for our Temple of Light services or the Tone of Life conference calls. We can easily relate to what happened in the experience of those who gathered at the day of Pentecost in what could be described as a “generating chamber.” In a sense we could say that this cycle of time in which we’ve been drawn together to generate the substance of the vibrational ark is our day of Pentecost.  

Martin mentioned in the excerpt I read that we find ourselves being drawn together into various configurations of people and we know this to be true. I just mentioned two examples of our regular Zoom gatherings. No one told us that we should be participating in these activities but there is the compulsion of spirit at work that has brought us together to experience what it means to be with one accord in one place, the place of heaven—the vibrational ark. No doubt we each participate in numerous other configurations of people in which there is the opportunity for a greater generation of the substance of heaven, the substance of love. By reason of this substance there is a blending together, the experience of communion and unified radiation, the radiation of love. Isn’t this the experience that many people in the world are longing for? Those who have generated an adequate amount of spiritual substance in their living will resonate with this radiation and find themselves playing their part in the building of the vibrational ark in one way or another. We welcome and enfold all who are drawn in this way.

We see how essential it is that there be a stable core body of individuals who can be counted upon to let the generation of spiritual substance continue and be maintained so that the focus of spirit is always present within the body of mankind. As we know only a collective body can do what needs to be done in these days. I’m very grateful for the awareness that we have of what is coming together now so that we can let the building of the vibrational ark continue.

Millicent Holliday — Well, this is indeed the treasure that moth and rust cannot corrupt. I am so aware that these words today have been like “a bride adorned for her husband”. That beautiful, exquisite, responsive substance that is offered to our Lord. And as the body of the bride becomes more evident, and this is our responsibility, to be the bride. Then she is revealed, and the earth is once again restored, because it is a place where both Father and Mother rightly should abide in union. Then there is safety for every other creature, or creation. I have so loved sharing this time with all of you and thank you all for the beauty which you have offered.

1 comment:

Anthony Palombo said...

This is so very beautiful an offering, rich in generation of fresh pneumaplasm. Seeds planted, nurtured and abundantly watered by many over the years coming to fruition and bearing sweet fruits. The LORD is greatly blessed. Thank you for taking up the torch of the truth of love and shedding this ancient Light once again. I am deeply thankful to be here and to see this Day of completed victory of our Lord and King.
With you in the Way of victory,