Your Job And Mine
Your Job And Mine
Martin Cecil February 19, 1984
Everything always comes to focus in the present moment. This is the present moment. This is the point of fulfilment when the fire from heaven is differentiated into the earth. How is it to happen now? We can think up analogies and have some ideas about it, which indeed may be helpful at times, assisting in the opening of the door by which the fire may fall and actually be known by each one in the present moment. We use words such as “fire,” even “love,” which only describe something which must actually happen in experience to be known. We do not know it merely by the use of words.
Our concern has been, in particular my concern has been over the years, to allow the creative working of spirit to bring forth a unified Body of individuals which would be capable of letting the fire fall from heaven—one way of describing it—of participating directly and immediately in the creative process which is and always has been operating. This Body comes into alignment, rightly, with the working of that creative process so that the experience of that working can be known. As we have all realized, if we stand a little off to one side all we can have are some ideas about it. If we are fairly close they may be good ideas, I suppose, but still only imagination. Only as the alignment is absolute can the truth be known. If the light emanates from you there are no shadows to be seen. The shadows are only there when one is apart from the light, separate from it; then there are shadows all around and there is wondering about them. We let ourselves come into alignment. As I say, my principal reason for being present with you and others is to fulfil a commission or a responsibility which is mine: to permit this unified form composed of individual people to come into alignment with the creative process. Down along the way over many, many years there has been a good deal of fussing this way and that, people struggling with all kinds of things, overlooking the one purpose for which anyone is on earth. And there is still a certain amount of fussing going on, a certain amount of trying to understand and not understanding, when all that has ever been necessary has been to come into alignment, as a person individually, with the already existing and working creative process. If you do that you know it. If you don’t do it you don’t know it, and you wonder what all the talk is about.
This unified, fused Body which has been in the process of taking form over a long time—or a short time, depending what time frame you are putting it in—has been for the sole purpose of assuming responsibility for the creative process on earth. We have called it administering the creative process, which doesn’t really describe what is required, but indicates at least something. This is the responsibility of those individuals who compose this Body—not my responsibility. My responsibility is to do what I might to allow the Body to take form. That is my reason for being present on earth. Whether I have succeeded or not still remains to be seen. But that has very little to do with the responsibility which rests upon the individuals who compose the Body, for what is to happen is their responsibility—not mine. It is absolutely in the hands of each one.
I have sought to discharge my own responsibility the best I knew how over the years. I have you to show for it! There are some others as well. But I have not really done my job that well if you, individually speaking, do not assume the responsibility of alignment with the creative process. That implies that you are no longer trying to work things out yourself. To most people, not trying to work things out yourself leaves a blank. To the extent that I have done my job well it doesn't leave a blank insofar as you are concerned; it leaves you in position to do what you are here to do. But remember, it's not what I’m here to do. No use looking to me to get your job done—I’m not here to do that. I was here and have been here to do something else. I suppose if I’ve done a good job there comes a point when I am not necessary anymore. That’s all right with me; I trust it’s all right with you too. We are quite willing to let things work the way they work. But I am making this distinction this evening principally to bring a little greater intensity perhaps to your responsibility, because you can’t look to anyone else to do it—least of all me. This is not the reason for my presence on earth [] but it is the reason for yours, and we are not very useful unless we acknowledge the reason for our presence.
So the fire falls from heaven if you give it focus, individually speaking, in your particular creative field. That means the place where you are and with respect to the circumstances in that place, whatever they may be in a given moment, and with respect to the people who are present with you in that place. And so the creative expression of your living comes into alignment with the creative process as a whole to the extent that you actually do bring to focus what is falling from heaven in your dealings with your circumstances and with the people immediately around you. Do you have an understanding respect, for instance, for other people? This should be very easy for those who are participating in this creative process. Are you going to look at your fellow and say: “I’m participating in this more than you are”—really? How do you know? Why not have respect for yourself and for everybody else too, so that you treat others with care and with understanding?—not so much because they might have the opportunity of feeling that they are being understood, as to reveal what it means to understand, something which may be shared by anyone.
We have talked a lot in times past about self-centeredness. It is the human state. Is it transcended in our own experience? We come to know whether it is or not by the way we handle each other, our affairs, with love, thoughtfulness, respect. We have a base to stand on, after all. Let’s stand on it then, and stay on it, so that what needs to happen may do so. And we’ll find out what that is because there is factually spiritual expression, which is love in expression at whatever level may be fitting in the moment. Sometimes that love finds expression without any particular form. That might be called atmosphere. You have substance in which to enfold another person. Maybe that is all that is necessary. Sometimes when others seem to get a little uppity, maybe that’s all that’s necessary. You don't need to feel, “Well I’ve got to put that person in his place.” Perhaps there are occasions when one may need to do something directly, but how much can be achieved in the atmosphere of love! You don’t need to tell anyone how to behave or what to do, because you don’t know. You are in the process of finding out how you should behave and what you should do—that’s all that’s necessary. And if what finds expression through you is what it should be, that is a very effective influence with respect to other people. You don’t have to whip anyone into line—into what line?

Love one another. That has very practical meaning. We find that out when we do it, when that is our natural expression, spiritual expression—the spirit of blessing, the spirit of the single eye, the spirit of the new earth. Is that your spirit in each circumstance with respect to each person? This isn’t a sort of schedule that you get set up, so the same thing comes out of you for everybody: you deem this to be the spirit of blessing and the spirit of the single eye and the spirit of new earth. No. It is said of Solomon that he was wise. He evidently had a sense of the fitness of things, which is natural to one who has an understanding heart. One begins to discern, to perceive what is necessary without judgment, because here is something coming down from God out of heaven into the situation. You are responsible for putting it there. You are not responsible for trying to manipulate the situation to suit some idea you may have in mind. Get it out of your mind. Let your eye be single and your whole body is full of light—no shadows.
Shadows in the physical form of course relate to what human beings call illness or disease, troubles of various sorts physically speaking. Where there is a single eye one necessarily handles one’s physical form as it should be handled. You don’t let it handle you. A lot of people do. Physical form gets upset and that determines the individual's expression, the type of spirit that is going to be expressed, very often. Our behavior is not rightly determined by the way we feel, either physically or because of some emotional upset or some mental problem. We don’t need to define it as a problem, in which case it would be less troublesome at least. We have all these things that we have been accustomed to, and most people are desirous of living the way to which they are accustomed. The way people are accustomed to living—or to dying, would be a more accurate statement—is the way they behave because of their physical, mental and emotional states. These have ruled, telling everyone how to behave; “Not feeling so good today; you can’t expect me to be nice. I am going to be venomous today because something is troubling me.” That’s self-centeredness, isn’t it? I don’t suppose there is anyone sitting here now who is not aware of troublesome things at times. That is part of our business—we are supposed to be living on earth for the purpose of bringing heaven on earth and not of emphasizing the eruptions of hell. So we have our affairs, individually speaking.
And now we let the fire fall from heaven deliberately, consistently, steadily, because we are stable in the matter; and what needs to happen happens. We don’t really know what needs to happen. There is a movement toward an increasing change in the state of human affairs, in the state of human hearts. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. There are these changes coming all the time, but we can only live in the present and let what needs to happen in the present happen. What happens in the next moment is, in that sense, coming out of the future, but it happens in the moment, then it’s in the past. You can’t stop it. It’s a very wonderful, flowing movement, isn’t it? Lots of people try to stop what is moving in its tracks, particularly if there’s something they like; something they don’t like, they want to hurry it along a bit. But the flow is even. The trouble is, we are sometimes not, and we get out of sync then with the natural flow. We are quite content to let it be what it is.
The Master said something about this with respect to the true state of man on earth, where the troubles are dissolved, the veil is dissolved, everything is realized in experience as being One. That isn’t the experience now, so evidently there is creative movement leading toward that experience increasingly. We know that because we have the increasing experience ourselves. But the day and the hour is not known to anyone when this fulfilment should be. It is not even known to the incarnate angels in heaven. There is no necessity to know. After all, you could only deal with the present moment. In the larger sense it is known, in the sense that all that is present has to be brought back into a state of coordination. We are speaking about human beings here—the rest of the cosmos is quite all right—human beings being brought back into line. Of course nobody can tell, because nobody knows what it is that is required, when and how and where. All these bright ideas that people have had, ourselves included, as to what should happen now, are just so much nonsense; they don’t mean a thing. Let’s find out what is happening—certainly not what we think ought to happen but what is actually happening—and stay with it so that we are always in place and there is consequently the flow of this creative process present on earth because we are present on earth.
This relates to your very special, individual fields of responsibility. It relates to mine too but in a somewhat different way, because my concerns have been somewhat unique, one might say. It hasn’t been quite the same for anyone else during the time that I have had this responsibility. But the Body is taking form. There are individuals who are in position to accept responsibility for that flow, not trying to figure it out, not trying to make it into anything, but just letting it be and being aware of what it is in the moment. It has nothing to do with all the airy-fairy, fancy ideas that people have had about this and that—all kinds of things developed in human consciousness over the ages that are available to people; and they take advantage of that availability to fill themselves up with a lot of gook. Let it go, so that there is room for the creative cycle to move. One is quite happy to be ignorant and to admit: “I had a lot of stuff in my consciousness before, that I thought was useful, but I am finding out that it isn’t.” There is utterly no value whatsoever because there is need for space for the creative process. And we are here to give that space.
This relates to an attitude principally, because obviously there are those things which are useful. Our knowledge of the English language we have indicated is a useful tool, and we are not going to forget that, just yet anyway. There may come a time, mind you. And there are other things we know. In any case we are here to let things work in the creative way, and there is joy and relaxation in doing it. We don’t have to find times to relax—we learn how to relax and live because the process of living includes relaxation. Human beings try to live at high intensity, as they think of it, and they burn themselves out; but to let oneself be aligned with the creative process allows the creative process to do the work. We delight in the evidence of the work being done, and it gives a good feeling of fulfilment when we learn to let it happen. But we don’t know anything about that until we learn to let it happen. Perhaps you know something about it because you have learned to let it happen.
Life isn’t such a stressful occupation, after all. The fire falls from heaven. It is an easy process. The yoke is easy, the burden light. This is what we are all here for, but you in a particular way and a particular sense—and me in a particular way and a particular sense too, but yours is special. And it doesn't need me at all to do your job.
And it doesn’t need me at all to do your job
© emissaries of divine light
This is a clear and present instruction of my/our job. Those who heard Martin's words are the privileged people on earth. We have a clear and practical job description written out in full detail.
The Body was formed within the sound of Martin's voice and now it is our turn to reconnect and re-member Us!
I observe that conscious and unconscious parts of that Body are finding each other again rapidly now. Not a moment too soon!
Our job is to let the Body that was formed under Martin's care fully engage in the next steps of restoration.
This requires a consciousness that is filled with purpose and direction, a consciousness that is free of opinion or fear.
While that clarity and passion may be only in our consciousness at this time, it is cosmic law that it will appear on the earth at God's appointed time. We are the money in God's bank account. We have been paid well and have much to give!
The joy in the relishing of what is coming together consciously provides the atmosphere to let more substance appear on earth. That substance has a place to come Home to because we are present and know our job.
We individually came Home to the Body that was forming when Martin was alive on earth. Now we get to prove how much we were paying attention.
It is a profound act to 'hold steady' in this time of disintegration. We are well versed in this ability because we did it internally in other days. Within the supportive care of Martin's living words spoken consistently we were understood and loved in the highest reality. Now we can now provide that substance for our worlds and beyond. We know how to do this!
The job of letting 'the fire fall' requires the absence of fear. All that is happening is actually encompassed because only love is present in us.
Our individual response once demanded that we draw near to learn of these things. We did learn and now, together, we have the strength and clarity required to 'let the fire fall.' This is the time; this is the day for our job to be fully done.
The flesh that is now present on earth that had the fine training provided by Martin's words is perfectly trained to finish the job in this generation.
We are in love, in the fire, together. This will get our job done.
We leave the details of this reckoning to God's greater wisdom!
David, your perception and knowledge of the services is astounding. Thank you for the guidance provided in these services.
Love to all, Laura
What a wonderful presentation this is David. Martin certainly did his job immaculately, and pasted the mantel to us so that we in our living can allow the fire to fall from heaven. This is not something that can be accomplished through mental gymnastics, but occurs only when there is sufficient yieldedness of heart to the Spirts of Truth. How utterly blessed we are in these days to have such a wellspring to draw from, bathing ourselves in the purifying flow of this living water, we surely will never thirst again. Thank you for this provision.
What a joy it was to read Martin's words in the same spirit he spoke them - so beautiful and so perfectly articulated. He said he had a particular job to do on earth and he definitely carried through with it. I have a jog too and here to carry through without hesitation, questioning, or wondering about this and that. There's no need of that nonsense: Just do it! Simple enough! I know the Joy of the ONE Who is Supreme to me as I continue in His Way of Love and the Beauty of Truth. I cannot, will not, fail Him by being irresponsible for my actions, feelings, thoughts or words. My love for the Word keeps me Centered in HIM. Wonderful to be on earth in these days of on-going world crises but to never fear them because there is an understanding as to why these things are happening - and we stay centered in the Truth.
Thank you David for posting this piece from Martin.
The command "Stand to!" comes to mind. A term common in military combat, a terse military command given to disciplined soldiers when coming under attack - no time to mess around! "Stand To!" - be ready to receive what is coming.
That term - Stand to! Be alert, awake, present in the name of the Lord, everready to express His love in every circumstance, situation, in the field of creation - NOW.
I am most thankful for the training I have had to prepare me for this. And seek to convey with understanding compassion the same care for others less fortunate.
All to the glory of the One.
Geoff Tisch
New Zealand.
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