August 23, 2022

Beloved Temple Home

Beloved  Temple  Home

Yujin Pak  January 30, 2000

Where is home? Deepest home. A place where innocence is and human self-activity is not. A place where sacred things are protected and nurtured and cynicism set aside—a setting prepared for words of Love and Truth to be spoken day in, day out, where that living Word is carried forth into the works and joys of each day.

In the womb of earth's silence stands, finished,

a fused new holy temple

...delicate and shimmering, of the living Word,

born of the fresh winds of creation.

True home is present, has always been. Prepared by a God of love out of the indestructible substance of the inner heavens, it has been present and awaiting the return of human hearts, minds and bodies. No matter the madness and destructiveness of human foibles and ways, no matter the faltering of the best of human love, God's Love has not faltered or gone away. God's Home for mankind is present—a Temple prepared and shimmering in the fine substance of heaven that even now surrounds the earth. 

The human heart has believed this sacred home lost and gone forever. Especially when sacred home was experienced for a time and was lost again, individually or collectively throughout history, the sense of loss seemed unassuageable and permanent. Yet, Home is present, hovering, awaiting release. It never went away. Never could go away. Only human minds and hearts went away—not knowing initially that they were going away—until the experience of emptiness told them that they were far from home and night was falling. Night has been falling for a long time for individuals and mankind. And in the midst of this night, there are those who are willing to return home, and prepare the home for more that are coming home.

The Temple Home that God has prepared for mankind is more enduring than the fickleness or despair of the human heart. That Home is out of reach of human grasping or human despair. It is inviolate and inviolable, finished and ready in heaven, awaiting the new availability, humility and willingness of human hearts to give it birth. Who is willing? Who is ready? Many are. Those who touched something of the experience of Temple Home once in their lives and then saw it go away can be slow to open their hearts again. What remains to dawn for them is that life's power is greater than their despair and that God’s provision never went away.

The return to, and the return of, the Temple Home carries with it a risk. That risk is the risk of surrender of lonely isolation and independence. It is the risk of returning truly to life, to innocence and trust. Human egos in their isolation wish to be "somebody," the better human egos, a "spiritual" somebody. The ego wishes to at least eke out some semblance of security. The price of returning home is to give up the tattered coat of ego's false sense of security and independence. It's really not much of a price. To be again genuine, innocent and willing. To come Home again. This is choosing life.

On crystal-fused edges of temple steps

fall the first dew drops of a sacred new earth;

and holy nectared flowers unseen by earthly man

bloom in the temple's sunlit court.

Home, sacred Home, is present, ready to take form on earth. Many of yesterday's pioneers are no longer here. A new generation of pioneers is being summoned today—sacred Temple builders, men and women of strong hearts and minds, willing, able. This is God's summons on this fresh new day. Somewhere on earth there must be a place—ultimately many places—where the shimmering cornerstones of a new earth may take living form. Such are Temple homes from which the intensified radiation of God's Love may extend into the earth, places that can be living demonstrations of divine union and radiation, greenhouses for the growth of newly awakening men and women. A radiant Temple Home, a centering place of a new heaven and a new earth.

What is needed to give form and flesh to this, our Temple Home? One thing and one thing mainly: innocence of love shared upward. Something as innocuous and all-powerful as that. This was the inmost spirit of Eden, of the original Garden Home of Man on earth. This spirit of love was the hidden, tender, inner flame of Eden—hidden to all who are strangers to that spirit. This inner ascending flame of innocence and yielding love for the LORD of All was the secret of the Garden of Eden. It was also its power and majesty, for that flame of innocence upward was the sacred atmosphere of Eden through which the will of cosmic intelligence was perceived and brought into form. 

How far have I or we strayed from the spirit of this, our inmost Garden Home, our most sacred innocence? The roughness of our own hearts and the arrogance of our own minds might like to bulldoze over such tender and seemingly frail thoughts, but such is the voice of our own Garden Home—our own true innocence—crying in the wilderness of our hearts and minds. Who will heed it and make the path straight, make it room—as room might be made in a barn for a Christ child?

In the Emissary body, over the last decade, large steps of maturing and learning were taken by many individuals. Also, as poignantly acknowledged during the last Congress, the experience of loss of a shared heaven of extraordinarily fine substance—of holiness, majesty and innocence, of knowing a Temple Home together (regardless of immaturities present)—was an experience that deeply impacted many people. With the loss of layers of fine atmosphere, of spirit substance, some could no longer understand or remember what was once so intimately felt and known of purpose—noble purpose—which was knowable within that atmosphere. With the thinning of layers of that fine substance, substitute ways and forms of doing things were developed to seek to operate in the absence of that substance. Some rationalized the thinning; others, confused or heartbroken, went away to lick their wounds, bury their grief, or bravely seek to find new ways. Still others sought to offer what they could that might stabilize things or continue to generate fine substance.

There was another time when the experience of a loss of an extraordinary heaven took place: in the experience of the disciples after the departure of Jesus. For a brief time they had shared a Heaven of Glory with their beloved teacher. Then, He was gone, leaving with them a simple instruction: "Tarry in Jerusalem until the power of the holy ghost is fully come." Tarry in heaven, in the holy place; generate spirit substance. Fill in voids and let the fresh generation of fine substance overflow. Tarry in the focus of purpose you already know. You do know! Here is an instruction relevant for today also. Let fine substance increase and overflow.

Innocence of love and passion shared upward is the unifying inner spirit of the body of emissaries of divine light on earth. This ascending flame is its inner responsive name; it is the inner responsive spirit of true Man and of his Garden Home. How true have we been to our true name? Perhaps there is recognition in ourselves of where and how we have tended to deny and shut out this, our deepest essence and Self. Where so, a spirit of repentance may be offered up that cleanses the heart, aligns the mind, and reopens the door of the Temple Home in our individual hearts and in our shared Heart. There is so much seeking to be born in this day of the beauty and richness of our Temple Home.

Our Temple Home did not go away. Only our hearts and minds went away. No matter, here we are—summoned anew. Like clanging cymbals in a garden sanctuary, our undisciplined minds sometimes get agitated. Peace, be still. God is present. Home is. Let the agitated mind be yoked to the true control of Celestial Silence. So let it come in humility before God. Let it share again in a communion of true Sons and Daughters of God. So let the sons and daughters of arrogance be cast out. In the tender updraft of shared love, offered upward, the human ego is melted and cleansed. A womb of substance of shared humility, innocence and willingness is created, and in that womb, nobleness and uprightness arises with innocence and strength. These are the Sons and Daughters of God, so long not seen on earth. Let them arise, stand and express again. Let a new earth begin to take form because the stewards of a new earth are present once again.

On crystal-fused edges of temple steps

fall the dew drops of a sacred new earth.

a new world is born —

Completed is the temple.

And from the core of its silence, its immovable mass,

goes forth an incandescent beam,

a signal from the Lord Most High,

to the waiting flame in the earth's molten core.

Beloved Earth,

Fair Goddess of ancient of days.

Glow again thy passion's sacred flame!

Once again there is, on earth, a holy place,

where Lord meets Lord ... in blended flame.

Here is the invitation extended to all the earth by the Sons and Daughters of God risen in this day. Who of the awakening manhood and womanhood of this planet will accept the responsibility to live and to extend this invitation? Whosoever is willing, let him and her come before the Throne of God in perfect humility. And let their hearts and minds be offered up and be burnt in the fire of God's Love. And let all the earth accept the authority of that purified humility. And let they that are so consecrated establish a new altar of innocent love, offered up. Such is the first need. The Sons and Daughters of God risen in this day share this first task: Build unto God a new altar, a shared new altar, of innocence and humility. All else, much else, will follow. Here is the laying of the cornerstone of our Temple Home in this day. Let all hands and hearts tend to this first.


Don Hynes said...

Beautiful presentation Yujin. Spot on.

Beyond the Carapace

Turning east, sun-fire lights the sky
brightening the mirror of the sea.
The tide, drawn again by the moon,
drains the coves, baring gray rock,
green weed and clinging mussels.
We too can show ourselves,
the bare bones of our hidden selves,
with a few halting steps into light.
We come wounded and afraid,
proud and unbroken,
yet when we arrive
life awaits us with open arms,
spilling joy upon our ragged clothes
in delight of our return.
Drunk with the rising sun,
with power to move the sea,
life will sustain us,
inviting us to the mystery
beyond the carapace,
to let go the dying worm
for the delicate wings
of newborn freedom.

Tony Palombo said...

A passionate articulation of the New Earth born in this day out of the New Heaven. Bless you Yujin.

laurel said...

Words spoken from a sweet and trusty Angel who has and continues to do all homework necessary to build and maintain the substance from which living Magic is conceived and born.
We are with you in this sacred Womb.

Millicent Holliday said...

Yujin, your most precious words spoken 22 years ago are the words of my heart. How grateful I am for there sounding then, for there sounding now. They bring me to my knees in reverent thankfulness. "The lord is in His holy temple: let all the earth keep silent before him."