November 01, 2022

The Collective Body

The  Collective  Body

Uranda   September 14, 1952

So often human beings seem to imagine that they can somehow individually respond to something vague and ambiguous in some high heaven or some other sphere, and that is all that is needed. It isn't, because until there is a form on earth which corresponds with the form in heaven, that which is in heaven cannot manifest on earth, and the will of God cannot be done on earth except as the beings on earth conform with the patterns which are established with respect to the Beings in heaven.

The Master instructed that we should pray, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [in exactly the same manner] it is in heaven.” The manifestation of the inner, then, through the outer is important. It is not that the outer should somehow get up to the inner. Many human beings have been side-tracked into various delusions which make it seem important that either man as such, or some spirit of man, should get out of earth into some heaven or other and do some growing or developing, that that was the goal somehow. No, it isn't true. The goal is for the invisible realm of heaven to have a means of manifestation here on earth, here and now—not for us to get out of the earth into some heaven, but for heaven to come into the earth and express through the forms of our bodies, our circumstances, our patterns of life.

When we recognize that there must be an organization from the standpoint of the God Beings, or angels in heaven, that there is a coordination, a harmony, a purpose, a design—and we recognize that God's will is done in heaven, that the Divine Pattern is fulfilled there, within the scope of that arrangement, and it is to be exactly the same on earth—then that same design, that same pattern, must be meaningful in relationship to our lives. []

We cannot hope to accomplish something without the machinery of accomplishment. It is utterly unreasonable to think that scattered human beings, disorganized, without coordination and centering and unification, can do something which the angels of heaven cannot do on any such basis. If it is to be done here we must do it on exactly the same basis as that which holds in the inner realm, or heaven. And that means organization. That means that, as there is a head in heaven, there must be a manifestation of that head and form in earth.

If there is to be a body there must be all the members of the body. If you have a complete physical body, in the sense of physical anatomy, and you have never had any of it cut away, you presumably have two feet, two arms, two ears, two eyes, two nostrils and a mouth, and all of these things are essential. You would not want to part with any member of your body if it could be helped. If it meant the loss of the whole body, better to part with a member than to have the whole body lost. But the normal design of the body is this, and all the members are important to the body as a whole. That body is not just a torso with legs and arms. It includes the head. The head makes the body meaningful; the body makes the head meaningful. Either one without the other is no good. In the head we have the various means of perception, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, even touch or feeling, although that extends to the rest of the body also.

If this inner design is to manifest on earth according to the Plan of God we must have a body of many members, coordinated, centered. There must be the form of the head, as well as of the torso. And the Divine Design for man as an individual is the same as the Divine Design for man as humanity. With respect to man we have the record: “Let us”—note the plural—“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness,” and it was done. The plural is an absolute necessity in this particular statement from the Divine record, and it is the plural which is the reality in you, the plural of the members, of the parts, individually or collectively. And that design which is used in you as a human being, individually, carries the same principles as are used in the development of the body of humanity, as that body is drawn into the form, the pattern, the design, which God intended.

© emissaries of divine light

1 comment:

Gary Courtland-Miles said...

Thank you for posting this timely piece, David.

I am Glad to Serve with all the Blessed Ones wheresoever they may be,
as we Let the Kingdom of Heaven be made manifest on earth exactly where we are!

Here is our creative work, and I can think of nothing else so important and vital to this planet!

Let us serve with passion and clarity, and dare to express the truth of who we really are.