December 25, 2023

The Pattern Of His Appearing—Light Of Shekinah

The  Pattern  Of  His  Appearing

YouTube  Audio

Uranda  June 22, 1953

The Shekinah at any level of its manifestation is a revelation of the evidence of the Presence of the One Who Dwells, and the One Who Dwells is always the point of focalization at that particular level in relationship to that particular pattern. It could relate to any God Being anywhere; but generally speaking it relates to primary points of focalization.

So we see the Shekinah. We can see—some of you have already seen—the reality of Shekinah and, having seen, you could not say this is not God, but if you spoke of it as if that were all of God you would be wrong. This Pattern of Distinction is something that the human mind has not been able to comprehend in its self-activity. Until you begin to understand the principles, and see with the eye of the spirit, see with the eye of the heart as well as with the mind, so that you have a single eye, you cannot understand it. But it becomes very simple and very plain once there is a true pattern of comprehension.

You do not expect, then, to ever see, insofar as, well, the fallen world is concerned—certainly not until after the restoration has been completed—you do not ever expect to see the whole form of the Primary Focalization of Deity in relationship to ourselves, except through the reality of Shekinah.

As Shekinah is made manifest increasingly through human beings, the reality of the Pattern is established and the time approaches when He may be seen in the Center of the Fire. But there must be a great deal of purification take place first, and ultimately, when that is about to manifest in relationship to the world—if you want to know something about the so-called Second Coming of our LORD—it will not be until after the world has been cleansed of all evil. It will not be until all of those who remain on the face of the earth are a part of this Divine Pattern.

And a great conclave of those then living, men and women who have become Divine Men and Women, will be gathered at the appointed place and the appointed time to receive the KING into this part of His Kingdom. And under the circumstances which will be developed on the basis of these laws and principles, there will be first the manifestation of the Cloud, in the Pattern of the Circle—and within the Circle there will be the Square and the Triangle. But in any case, after the vibrational factors have been properly set up to receive the KING—and consider how much human beings do for an earthly king or queen, how much more will we do for our Heavenly.

Having so established the Pattern to receive Him properly into this part of His Kingdom, so that it may be turned over to Him in the proper ceremony, there will first be the manifestation of the Cloud. And then those present, those seeing, will begin to see the glowing of the Light, or the Light that Glows within the Cloud. And the Cloud as such will begin to dissipate, insofar as seeing is concerned—not actually; you simply become attuned to something inside of the Cloud so you cease to see the Cloud.

You see first the Cloud, then as you become attuned to that which is inside of the Cloud you can see through the Cloud, and the Cloud is still there but you do not see it. And then as you become aware of the Light that Glows you see only the Light that Glows. But finally, you become aware of something inside of the Light that Glows, and the Fire begins to be that which you see. And so you can see through the Light that Glows, to the Fire. And at first all you will see is the Fire, and then you will become aware of something inside of the Fire, and you will be enabled to see through the Fire. And within the Fire you will begin to see the form of the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings.

But this is the Pattern of His Appearing, and the time of His Appearing shall be when we are ready to turn this earth, this world, over to Him as a part of His already established Kingdom. Not that He shall have to come and try to take it, but it will be prepared for Him—everything ready, and every human being living on the face of the earth at that time will be a citizen of that Kingdom. And it will be a great and glorious ceremony—yes, more than that—to receive our KING back into the realm from whence He was banished, by the self-activity of man. And that is the Pattern of His Appearing.

But you need not try to understand all of that at the present time, although you see that it does work and will work on the basis of Shekinah, and until you understand Shekinah you cannot understand His Appearing.

Let us then begin to realize that the evidence of the Presence of the One Who Dwells can manifest in relationship to any God Being—in relationship to your God Being. That will manifest in one of two ways. It must manifest in only one of those two ways first, or it cannot manifest in the second way. The Pattern of Shekinah must manifest in relationship to your higher point of focalization first.

If I, speaking from an outer standpoint, had not responded to the inner factor of Being, in relationship to myself, in such a way that I allowed the establishment of Shekinah between myself and the LORD of Lords, at the time of the beginning of my official ministry, I would not have been in position to so function as to allow the Shekinah Pattern to manifest between you and me. And if at any moment I were to violate that Pattern, and cause it to cease to be, it would be utterly impossible for me to establish the Shekinah Pattern between you and me. The only reason that I can establish the Shekinah Pattern between you as individuals, or as a group, and myself, is because there is a Shekinah Pattern established between me and the LORD of Lords.

It is not your responsibility to establish a Pattern between yourself and the LORD of Lords. You couldn’t do it if you tried. Human beings have tried it and failed; but it doesn’t work that way. But because I let that Pattern be established first, I was in position to so function that a Pattern could be established between you and me—the Shekinah Pattern. And when you begin to let that Shekinah Pattern be established between yourself and me, as the centering here, in outer form, so that you do not violate it, so that you do not cause it to vanish, you do not destroy its manifestation—it is the evidence of the Presence of the One Who Dwells—then you in turn are in position to let a Shekinah Pattern begin to develop between you and those who shall respond to you.

You can work as a teacher, you can do certain things in the world that are good, that are helpful, that may be a blessing to others, without actually establishing, in the real sense, a Shekinah Pattern extending out from you to others. And you may not have the reality of the Shekinah Pattern between yourself and Center, and still do a certain amount of good, but it will be the kind of good that you see accomplished by innumerable good people all over the world, all doing good things—good men, good women. But it doesn’t rise to the point of power. It doesn’t rise to the point of real creative accomplishment.

So, by reason of the fact that there is a Shekinah Pattern established between me and our LORD and KING, I am in position to let a Shekinah Pattern take form between you and myself. And so are the borders of the tent caused to expand, and once you are included in that Pattern of Shekinah that is established through centering in our LORD and KING, you in turn can so function that the Shekinah Pattern may extend through you and be established in relationship to others. And so must it grow and continue, on-and-on until it enfolds the whole earth.

And remember that the Shekinah Pattern, without any exception, manifests in its Trinity—the manifestation of the evidence of the One Who Dwells. There is the Cloud, and to the human eye which does not have any comprehension of the Light, the Cloud seems to be something that isn’t, or it seems to be darkness, and the human being never sees through it. But once you begin to realize something is inside of it, you begin to see what is inside of it, because you can see through it—and your eye is single in such a case.

When you have reached the point of letting your eye be single your whole body is full of Light. Why? Because you begin to comprehend, to see and to receive, the Light that is within the Cloud, and you can see through the Cloud, and you behold the Light. Then, truly perceiving the Light, and functioning according to the Truth, which is the essence of the Light, you can begin to be aware of what is contained within the Light that Glows.

And finally you begin to see the Fire, and seeing the Fire you may think that that is all there is, as so many have. Even reaching that point of spiritual perception and understanding one might simply see the Fire, and assume that that is all. But if you realize there is something inside of the Fire you will be enabled to see through the Fire, and you will be able to walk in the Fire, you will be able to step forth into the Fire and not be burned. There will be no fear there. You will not only be able to see into it, you will be able to walk into it; you will be able to live in it. And walking into the Fire, you will find One like unto the Son of Man; One like unto the Son of God. And the first time you see into the Fire, and walk into the Fire, it will not be our LORD and KING whom you see. It will be One who represents Him.

And so, you begin to realize the working of the Pattern of Shekinah, and you begin to see here that at all levels, with respect to all focalizations, this key works:

In the beginning was the Word. In the beginning was the Shekinah, and the Shekinah was with God, and the Shekinah was God. The same—that is the Shekinah—was in the beginning with God. And without this Pattern there is no creative action, there is no fulfillment, nothing really worthwhile. Without this Pattern we cannot overcome the evil in the world, we cannot accomplish that which is necessary, we cannot restore this world to the Kingdom of our KING.

Remember These Things

All things were made by Shekinah, and without Shekinah was not anything made that was made. In Shekinah was Life; and the Life of Shekinah was the Light of men—and the Life of Shekinah was the Light of men. And what is the Life of Shekinah? The Cloud—the essences of the Cloud. The Life of Shekinah becomes the Light of men. All things were made by Shekinah, and without Shekinah was not anything made that was made. In Shekinah was Life—L-i-f-e—that which makes you live. And the Life of Shekinah was the Light of men. And the Light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.

© emissaries of divine light


Dr Steve said...

Behold the intensity of the Shekinah pattern that is. Here with yielded capacities the fire burns all clean. And the borders of the tent divine tent is expanded on earth extending the invitation to be One in Name forever and ever...

Gary Courtland-Miles said...

Thank you for sharing this David.

Uranda's Word is so clear... so represents the WORD which was 'In the Beginning' and is also 'In this moment of Beginning', and so on, and so on.

The Light of Shekinah is present now and forever.

Let us Let it be made Manifest in and through the Reality of our Divine Being, that the Divine Design may be made manifest and cause all who respond to the Truth of Love to be set free and the earth be Restored to its Divine Estate and Purpose.

Remember... Nothing is Impossible in and through Shekinah and those who Resonate with its Creative Purposes!