August 29, 2024

All The Way Through To The Seventh

All  The  Way  Through  To  The  Seventh

Martin Cecil  1974


I would like to consider for a moment something of what the truth is as it relates to the presence of the LORD on earth nineteen centuries ago. He came to refocalize the truth as it related to the First Sacred School, and out of that to initiate the Second Sacred School. His presence on earth was for this purpose. We need to see that Second Sacred School as relating not just to a few people but to the whole world, the objective being to restore human beings to the state of being MAN on earth. He could well have done this, but He ran into the usual human lethargy, lack of response and, in that connection, a good deal of opposition, so that it became evident rather quickly that those with whom He was dealing were not going to let Him do what He came to do. It is said that He wept — not for Himself but because He saw what human beings were going to do to themselves. However He undertook to do the only thing that was left to do.

He had refocalized the truth of the First Sacred School and initiated the movement of the Second Sacred School. He certainly did not wish to let it go at that, so He accepted the responsibility of Himself representing the Third Sacred School — not only the Third Sacred School but carrying through into the Fourth, and in fact all the way to the Seventh. [] But this He undertook to do alone, because no one was moving with Him in the Second Sacred School. So, proceeding from the point where the Collective Victory in the Second Sacred School had to be abandoned, He took it all into Himself and proceeded in a way that was unbelievably lonely. He was absolutely alone. This was the only way to go. If there had been response to His initiation of the Second Sacred School then there would have been those who were moving with Him and He could have carried forward the Second Sacred School, with those who were with Him, into what was required from the standpoint of the Third Sacred School. But because those who were offered the opportunity didn't accept it He had to go the way alone. What an unbelievable undertaking, and yet He did it, in spite of everything. There was a transition, an uninterrupted and victorious transition, from the Second Sacred School into the Third insofar as He was concerned. There was no break.

Having accepted that responsibility and moved on, He then proceeded through the succeeding Sacred Schools in Victory, moving from one level of consciousness to the next, from the Third to the Fourth to the Fifth to the Sixth to the Seventh — all the way through. So He did set the Precedent of Victory all the way. He established what we have called the True Tone of Life for man, an actual vibratory radiation that has been sounding on earth all down the centuries. It's that Tone which carries all the way through as there are those who give it Body. Presently our concern is to give it Body at the Third Level, the Third Sacred School, that giving it Body here there may be the creative action by which the door is opened to the Fourth Sacred School. The creative action we already recognize as being what is required to purify the heart, but until the heart is pure the Fourth Sacred School remains a dream. However, the Tone has been set at that level as well as this, and beyond. It's complete; it's all been done. There is the precedent of Victory in this sense, something to be accepted and lived. Our concern is with the Victory, with the Tone, with the Breath of Life, with Shekinah, with the Christ, the coming of the Christ in the experience of human beings, the Glory of the LORD shining round about once again.


Angels  Of  Mercy

Don Hynes   Waldron Island Dispatch   August 12, 2024

The pure-in-heart hold fast

in the battle for imagination, refuting

the poison gas of popular belief.

Once surrendered to blind judgment

the mind loses power, its blessed strength

reduced to aberrant violence.

The poets of freedom refrain from bitterness,

their weapon the curative touch of the shepherd’s staff,

guiding their sheep from the approaching abattoir.

Strengthened by morning and starlight,

they call on archangels to support their struggle

and the ancient ones of inner earth.

Only the Creator knows the hour

but surely the tide will shift

and the innocent rediscover the forgotten temples

of the next sacred school.

In that hour the river of truth will flow again 

the broken hearted gathered

with the lions of restoration,

redeemed from struggle

by angels of mercy, bearing the seeds

of the new Project Eden.

1 comment:

Susannah Light said...

Martin's words in All the Way Through To the Seventh, take my breath away in awe of Truth: "Our concern is with the Victory, with the Tone, with the Breath of Life, with Shekinah, with the Christ, the coming of the Christ in the experience of human beings, the Glory of the LORD shining round about once again."

Like brilliant sunbursts of Promise fulfilled, the following words by Don Hynes reflect Reality in Motion.

redeemed from struggle
by angels of mercy, bearing the seeds
of the new Project Eden.