October 01, 2024

Ark Of The Agreement

Ark  Of  The  Agreement

Uranda   June 17, 1953

There must be the beginning and the realization of the reality of the Holy Place. And the Holy Place, once it is made manifest—what did I say a while ago?—the only entrance into the Holy of Holies is through the Holy Place. You hope to find the Holy of Holies? You must let the Holy Place take form in you. You must be true to the Holy Place within yourself and function correctly in relationship to it in body and mind and heart before you can hope to pass through the Holy Place to the Holy of Holies in the outworking of your own experience, your own individual illumination, your own awareness of relationship with God, or Deity.

Some there are who say, “Well I want to function in relationship to the body, physical things out here. I'm perfectly willing to learn things, gain knowledge. I would like very much to visit the Holy of Holies, but I'm not going to stay steady enough, I'm not going to be true enough, I'm not going to be honest enough, I'm not going to be centered in God enough, to allow the development of a Holy Place within myself. But please take me to the Holy of Holies. I'd like to visit there at least once. I'd like to know what it is to see the Ark of the Covenant, to rest before it, to commune with the One Who Dwells. I would like that very much. But I don't have time, or inclination, or steadiness, or all the other things necessary to the development of a Holy Place.”

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Without a Holy Place you will never see the Holy of Holies, never. The Holy Place must take form in you and be a reality in you before you can pass through the veil. What is the veil in the Temple? Solomon's Temple or the Tabernacle, they were both made on the same basic design, the same principles revealed. And it was said that the veil of the Temple was rent in twain. Yes, the veil of the Temple. Until our Master came and revealed Deity, for a long time no one had entered, in any true sense—I am not talking about Solomon's Temple—no one had entered that which was symbolized by the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle or the Temple. They had not passed through the veil. But how many have done it since? Precious few. They have not been willing to have a Holy Place, so that they would have an avenue of approach to the Holy of Holies, and you will never find the passage into the Holy of Holies unless you have a Holy Place through which you can move to find and know the Holy of Holies.

You must be a Whole Tabernacle, a Whole Temple, with a Holy Priesthood and a High Priest, individually. It is you. Male or female, it makes no difference. And it is not a question of whether you are married or not, whether you have a mate or not; it is a matter of whether you are willing to let the Holy Place become a reality within you, so that you can have an avenue of approach, a Way, that leads to the veil that is rent asunder, that you may pass through that veil in your appointed season. I don't mean to die, now. I'm not talking about dying; I'm talking about living. But you can pass through that veil into the Holy of Holies right here on earth, and see and know the Ark of the Covenant.

I told you last evening, the Ark of the Covenant is right here. But try to find it without a Holy Place! Man has been trying to do it for a good many centuries and no one has succeeded. There is only One Way. God's Way—only One Way. Our Master revealed it on earth. Until we begin to recognize the magic of being, the magic of living, which He offered to us, until we are ready to accept and to follow in the Way, the Truth and the Life, and yield to the Shekinah Pattern of Being, we will never know.

The Shekinah Pattern of Being must begin to work through you while you are still in the Outer Court. If you see the Cloud of Glory, does that mean you are in the Holy Place? Not at all. It does not even necessarily mean that you are in the Outer Court. “The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle and shone round about.” You can see the Glory without getting that far. But you have to pass through the Outer Court to get to the Holy Place; there is no other way in. It must be through the Outer Court. And then there must be a Holy Place, functioning correctly, before you can reach the Holy of Holies and come at last to see the evidence of the Presence of the One Who Dwells, above the Mercy Seat, between the Cherubims, where you know the wonder and the beauty and the reality of the Ark of the Covenant. The Master talks a good deal about the Ark of the Covenant. He talked about agreement on earth as touching these things. What things? The things of heaven. Not the things of human imagination. The things of heaven on earth. “If two or three of you shall agree on earth as touching these things, it shall be done of my Father which is in heaven.”

Agreement, covenant, the same thing;

a covenant is an agreement,

an agreement is a covenant,

the Ark of the Agreement,

the Ark of the Covenant,

the Center of the Covenant,

the Center of the Agreement,

the Place of Agreement,

the Place of Meeting.

The place where Heaven and Earth are One,

that is in the Holy of Holies,

but you must reach it through the Holy Place

© emissaries of divine light


Don Hynes said...

Epitaph of Kindness

Filtered light beneath autumn clouds,
the sea calm under scant breezes.
Trees begin their descent to winter root
as I keep communion with the broad heaven.

Friends come and go, years dissolve and pass,
yet the great reward is out in plain sight,
painted on the sea and sky
and tender canvas of the open heart.

I write my epitaph in words of kindness,
reaching out to you this fine morning,
to forgive and forget and shine with the love
we’ve known since the beginning.

Anonymous said...

As I dwell in the spirit of these words stilled in heart and mind I open to the awareness of the Ark of the Covenant. Letting the Word go forth through the emanation of my human capacities acknowledging my agreement with those so inclined. Here is my reason for being.

Jerry Bimka said...

WOW !!! The Simple Truth made so plain. Let it be so in my living,

Susannah Light said...

This Beautiful distillation of Truth, the pure Holiness of these Words, flow into and around me this morning as liquid Gold. I bow in gratitude, and I rise up, we rise up, to enter this agreement on earth as touching these matters of heaven, "the things of heaven on earth." Yes, for this cause have we come.

Robert Merriman said...

It is an actual living garden in me where the grounds and walls are purely composed of the Holy essence of praise and thanksgiving in motion, ascending to Lord of Lords in, from, for, and to His great glory - always. Thank you, Uranda, and all who have been willing to evoke sacred lore in living.