October 12, 2024

The Temple Of Light Is Here

The  Temple  Of  Light  Is  Here

David Barnes   February 5, 2021   Salmon Arm, BC

“In Realization the Blessed One is fully aware that all things necessary to the outworking of the Perfect Plan are already provided in every detail. All the Wisdom required by the Blessed One now is, and is instantly available from within. So also, all Power now is; all Knowledge now is; all Substance now is; all required things now are; for all things are provided already from the foundation of the world, and there never was a time since the world began when they were not. In Realization is the absolute awareness of the Presence of the Wonderful One within.” So writes Uranda in Step Three of Seven Steps To The Temple Of Light, published in 1936. [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2014/05/sevensteps-to-temple-of-light-uranda.html] This little booklet covers everything essential to discovering attunement with the Wonderful One within, oneness with the Master of the Temple, and allowing transmutation of the individual and collective body Temple into the Temple of Light. Let's consider the fact that everything necessary is provided, and the truth that the Temple of Light is a reality here and now.

Each individual God Being is part of the Body of God for this world—and all power, all knowledge, all substance, all required things, everything necessary to the outworking of the Perfect Plan of God for the restoration of this world is already provided in every detail, as it is needed in every cycle and, as such, everything needed is provided by the God Beings who form the Archangelic Body, or the Temple of Light, for this whole realm. Each angel incarnate in each little human form provides everything necessary for each individual human life span, and all human lives fused together in each generation, and in each age or cycle or phase of need. All power and all substance, all wisdom and knowledge, is brought by each incarnate angel in any cycle of time in order to meet every need, and it is available to be drawn into manifestation in harmony with the Perfect Plan. If this is so—and it is—then why has this reality not been made more evident in the lives of human beings over the ages?

We must consider carefully, and realize that the LORD of Lords provides everything necessary, all the time, without question and without doubt. In every age, in every cycle, through every generation, the LORD through His Lords, male and female, provides everything necessary to the achievement of what is actually possible in the very moment of every creative cycle—the provision is there. In every cycle of time and need, the LORD sends His angels into the earth, incarnate in a host of human forms, and each one is prepared to deliver into expression every aspect of leadership and government, of education and healing, that is required in each phase of each specific world need. The only thing preventing the deep and clear awareness of this wonderful heavenly fact is the veil which clouds human consciousness—the clouded substance of the human heart and mind. The LORD sends every one and every thing necessary into the earth at all times, ready, available and capable of filling every actual need.

Consider the fact that the LORD of Lords sent me and you into the world, and here we are right now as angels, ready to provide the spiritual influences necessary to the cleansing and healing of the substance composing our own hearts and minds and bodies, and thus the healing of the consciousness of the whole body of mankind. This is now taking place, right now, whether we feel it and know it or not in human consciousness—and whether we cooperate with it or not as human beings, it is a fact. Both the spiritual influence and the consequent inevitable changes are at hand, and it would be wise for each of us to wake up and cooperate with the inevitable. It is going to happen with us or without us, humanly speaking, so we best relax, feel assured, and let go to this wonderful thing emerging.

Consider the fact that the LORD of Lords not only sent you and me into the world, but He also sent Himself into the world approximately 2021 years ago when He incarnated as Jesus. He did not ask anything of us that He Himself was not completely willing to do as well, and the spiritual evidence shows clearly that he did just that. He came—He incarnated to open the Way. Consider as well, that when the LORD of Lords incarnated, He also sent a great many angels into the world during that same period of time. In the few hundred years before His coming, and at the same time as He Himself incarnated, He sent His angels to prepare the Way, and to do what they could to make a success of His and their commission. His coming was well prepared in advance; it was not unheralded. Prophets before Him had foretold of His coming. We remember the stories of the wise men and the shepherds. How did they know? Who told them that He was coming? Preparation had been abundantly made. In the centuries before His incarnation, the whole world was being prepared for Him and for the opening of the Second Sacred School, and the approach which He made for restoration of the consciousness of mankind—we call it the mental plane approach.

Consider something of the global regeneration of human consciousness which was set in motion at the completion of one great Universal Age, and during the 500 years before the incarnation of the LORD of Lords in the body of Jesus. Many of the Greek philosophers began to ascend in prominence—Thales and Anaximander around 600 B.C. Lao Tzu was in China in 600 B.C. Hebrew prophets Daniel and Ezekiel refocused the Word of the LORD of Israel around 570 B.C. Gautama Buddha was in India and Confucius in China in 550 B.C. Empedocles and Heraclitus were both in Greece in 540 B.C. Here is evidence of the incarnation of the energies of a transforming consciousness, wisdom flooding human consciousness in one massive and well-synchronized wave. In 580 BC, with the Hebrew people captive in Babylon, the prophet Daniel was a significant presence during a desolate period. Have we known any periods of desolation in our lives? This was a desolate time. His wisdom was compelling and his counsel was invited; in captivity he served four kings, exercising secular authority and spiritual influence which moved nations into greater alignment with the creative cycle. His work served as a vibrational influence catalyzing a transformation of the human spirit, and specifically for a future generation of Hebrew prophets in their determination to prepare a setting for the coming of the LORD. It is no coincidence that all these leaders were incarnate during the closing phase of one Universal Age and the opening of another.

In 538 B.C. a remnant of Judah returned from captivity to Jerusalem to rebuild the great Temple, and begin a restoration which would prepare the way for the coming of the LORD. A global regeneration of the human mind and heart was underway in the Mediterranean and throughout the eastern world; and we have evidence of significant intellectual, spiritual and material development in the Americas and in Africa—certainly long established in Egypt, and extending from Atlantis. Solon was in Greece in 600 B.C. Pythagoras in 570, Socrates in 470, Hippocrates in 460, Plato in 437, and Aristotle in 384. In 458 B.C. in Jerusalem the prophet Ezra began the work of compiling the Torah, the basis of the Old Testament of the Bible. Hebrew prophets now in Israel were preparing a receptive spiritual nucleus for the coming of the LORD of Hosts. Here are pertinent words from Malachi [500 B.C.]:

“Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts. But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness... I will come near to you… fear not me, saith the Lord of hosts. For I am the Lord… Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts... Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it… And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts… For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings… Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.”

Many angels incarnated in many places in order to be on earth while He was on earth, to provide points of receptive agreement and radiant action. A significant number incarnated in the region around Jerusalem to be more directly with Him. And certain angels, key focalizations ordained to function in the Core of His Archangelic Body incarnated to be with Him specifically, and form the body of government and education and healing in what was expected to be victorious outworking in the development of the Second Sacred School. It was anticipated that at a certain point leadership would move into the Third Sacred School under the direction of the disciple John, while the Master Himself would have to return to the inner realms, to His natural place and position, to guide things from that apex point. It was anticipated that with the success of the Second Sacred School and movement into the Third, He would have to ascend to the positive heaven, His natural domain, after He accomplished the forming of His Core Body—with no crucifixion needed whatsoever. The idea was that John would carry it forward from the Third into the Fourth Sacred School, and then it would move forward until the restoration was complete—no crucifixion required, no big failure patterns. Of course, that never happened as planned, and so the plan was adjusted to allow for the impositions which brought about the failure of the Second Sacred School for humanity—but not for Him.

During His thirty-three years on earth, the Master Jesus drew together a Body that included more men and women than just the Core of 12 male disciples. We might imagine that some of these 12 disciples had women partners who were responsive to the Master. There would be four-and-twenty elders represented somewhere in the design of His close-in Core and growing congregation. John the Baptist [foretold by Malachi as the coming again of the Prophet Elijah] was present at the beginning too; and John’s parents, who were of the Levite Priesthood; and the Baptist’s mother was a relative of Mary, the mother of Jesus. It must have been a great blow to the Master’s ministry when John the Baptist was executed—John had been close throughout His life. We see that Mary’s family would have been present; and Joseph’s too. Jesus had relatives, brothers, and they were likely a close-knit Jewish family. He was charismatic, and the refined spiritual nature of the maturing Jesus would have been closely observed by those who knew Him and watched Him develop into manhood.

Jesus sent out His 12 disciples to teach and heal and transform. He drew 5000 for the feast of the loaves and fishes, and some lingered close afterward. Then He took His disciples into the mountain apart, and shared what is called the Sermon on the Mount. Later, He took Peter, James and John up the Mount of Transfiguration, which is the Temple of Light, to unveil core aspects of the Shekinah Pattern, the invisible heavenly focalization of angels who are participating in this Archangelic work. The Master showed the Way up the Mount that He would lead, and all must follow. He ordained and sent out 70 disciples to inspire, teach and heal. Mary, Martha and Lazarus were vitally important within of His Core, and they no doubt had a following that came along to listen and learn, and receive from His hand. Mary Magdalene was a significant presence. He was well known to those who paid attention in those intense and climactic days in that region, and in His final three years in particular. Plenty was gathering around Him. If there had been no crucifixion more people and more substance would have been drawn into focal points of leadership, and a design would have clearly emerged. He drew a significant number of men and women to be a part of His Body during His short ministry. There were at least 120 close followers in the Upper Room several weeks after the crucifixion, on what is called the day of Pentecost. As a magnetic focus point, He was drawing resonant substance and response who would have become disciples, ministers, attunement healers, focal points, educators, those who would have formed communities, homes, classes and healing centers, had it carried through.

Even as Uranda and Martin worked to build a visible collective Body, so did He. He drew significant angels to His Core, those who specifically incarnated to be with Him. It was gathering, and it could have developed into a complete pattern, with restoration accomplished in relatively short order, and without the horrors and the suffering which developed after the failure which lead to the crucifixion and the close of His short life in human form, and then His ascension. He lived on earth for thirty-three years, developed an adequate body of response, even a Core Body, and power began to develop through that Body; but nonetheless He was largely rejected while He was alive as a man. Even so, at the end of His life He said: “I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do.” He was incarnate but a little time and even though so much preparation for His coming was made in the centuries before, there were few who actually, deeply and clearly, realized the import of His Presence, few who clearly understood that the LORD of Hosts was walking the earth in human form, and even fewer who understood and received the purpose for His Presence.

Uranda comments, and asks a few questions: “He accomplished His task. What does the record say for those who followed after? Where are those who have followed Him to the point of completing the task? If all those who follow Him according to their idea of following Him actually finished the work, how could evil withstand such Divine expression on earth? How could there be millions enslaved? How could there be dictatorships? How could there be such poverty and suffering as there is in so many places in our own land?” [Uranda 12-21-49]

Yes, great power was moving through His Body—both His personal body and His responsive collective Body—while He was on earth. But how quickly that power was turned back in self-destruction upon those who used the power unwisely after His crucifixion and ascension. However, His profound influence endures, and 2000 years later here we are with a consciousness of being angels incarnate within His Body—the Archangelic Body, we say. It is a Body of Light, or as stated by Uranda in 1936, a Temple of Light. Jesus told those who were close to Him back then, “Many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.” The same is true of us and of these times in which we now live. We have seen and heard and experienced something similar, so these matters as outlined should be quite familiar to us, and known to be part of all that went before. We have been participating in this new but intimately related development, and we are aware that so very much has gone into the work of preparation for the emergence into visibility of His Temple of Light now.

2000 years of preparation has been made, on many levels of function, for the developments which bring us to this day, stemming from that point where the Master Jesus said, “I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do,” and from that point where He said, “Into thy hands I commend my spirit.” From those hands, and through the action of His Spirit at work in the hearts and minds and bodies of all mankind over these past 2000 years—and long before, as we have seen—we are here, with so much having been carefully and deliberately prepared. Uranda was sent into the world. Martin was sent into the world. We were sent into the world to be with them. They allowed His Temple Body, and we with them, to be birthed in the womb of His world—a collective Body Temple was conceived and born, and came forth from the womb as the beginning manifestation of the Temple of Light. Yes, we too were sent into the world. We are His angels in His Temple of Light on earth. Let that sink in; feel it deeply; feel and know that it is the truth. Here we are, moving from the Third Day to the Fourth Day of that development, where we can clearly see and understand that, “All things necessary to the outworking of the Perfect Plan are already provided in every detail.” And we move, live, from this point in assurance that it is so.

Every thing and every one needed is here. All the human beings that are needed—more than seven billion of us—all the angels needed are incarnate. Every aspect of every detail of the Divine Design for this whole world is present in heaven and on earth. Nothing and no one is missing. It is just that the substance is locked up in humanly devised plans and patterns. If it were possible to throw a switch and turn on all the lights in the Temple of Light, it would be immediately seen and known that every thing and every one, and all substance necessary in this moment, and in every moment to come, is already here and provided in every detail. The whole angelic and Archangelic design in all of its intricacy and subtlety is here, in heaven and on earth, and available from the inner realms of this holy world. But who knows that truth, that fact? Precious few. We begin to know, and while the Wonderful One within has not yet fully come forth, there has been a coming forth to this extent, and His Spirit is moving through the whole, and the provision is adequate in every way, sufficient unto this day. The easy way is the way of letting go of concern for what seems to be missing and letting go to what is right at hand, completely adequate to meet all true needs.

In closing, consider these words from Martin: “We should have a very keen consciousness of what really is back of us. The awareness of God in this regard is based in the fact of the Hosts of Heaven, the focalizations, the angelic focalizations of deity, who are quite adequate to cover the whole range—there are enough to go around, in other words. And it is not a big man trying to rush hither and yon, but there are focalizations of consciousness everywhere, encompassing everything. We will find that, in actual fact, immanent in everything is all that is necessary to allow the manifestation of the Garden of God on earth. We need not think of it solely in terms of animals and vegetation. Everything! The very substance of this structure in which we now are is ready to sing before the Lord; not simply because we sing inside it, but because the composition, the material composition of things, is of a vibratory nature, and when it manifests in the true design, it brings forth something beautiful. In the Psalms, the psalmist talks about the trees clapping their hands. That’s right. There is the release of a vibrancy which occurs when man comes back into his place. It has remained unknown and unknowable as long as he’s been out of it. And he has long forgotten what went before, although there may be some sort of a feeling memory at times. But when there is the true expression of life through human beings, individually and together, that brings things together.” [Martin Cecil 08-29-76]

So there we have it! When there is the true expression of life through human beings, and consequently the generation of the finer qualities of that substance which resonates with the radiance of the Wonderful One, resonates with the angel incarnate, and with the radiance of the Archangel, that brings things together, and that holds all things together in the ongoing development of the Body of the Archangel. It was indicated long ago that all failure comes from within, not from without. During our Master’s final days, the betrayals and denials came from within, not from without. Because of what He did, along with a very few who did not betray or deny, He personally did not allow failure to govern. He finished His part of the work on earth at that time, and He made detailed and completely adequate provision for all that has been unfolding over the past 2000 years, right up to this present hour. Every angel, every human being and every thing necessary to finish the work is and has always been provided in every phase of the cycle of restoration, according to the need, and according to what actually could be accomplished during that cycle. This is as true today as it was at any point in the past.

We are here with opportunity to coordinate in spirit, not lock-step like little robots physically marching along behind a leader, but spiritually coordinate step-by-step in the work of restoration of the fine substance of the Temple of Light in a consciousness of Seven Steps and Seven Days. And here we are, with a dawning awareness of the Sun of righteousness rising on the Fourth Day, and the Fourth Step now being taken, leading onward and upward—Five, Six, Seven. Here we are on the Mount of Transfiguration, moving upward and around the ascending spiral. Vision becomes multi-dimensional, increasingly transparent, and it is possible to see more of what previously was invisible and unknown—present all along, but the Temple was dark and vision was limited. Now we see through the clarifying substance of the Temple of Light. There is much that is yet invisible because it is of a higher vibrational range, but it is present, and as we remain responsive, open and humble we know the Tone of it. We begin to hear and see the overtones of those higher frequencies, and the undertones of His wonderful life are also present—we can hear them sounding down through the ages.

So we recognize and acknowledge that everything has been provided. The angels are here. The human beings are here. The sons and daughters of God are here. The Temple of Light is here. You know that, don't you? We know that! Our work as sons and daughters is to let the glass which composes the Temple be clarified and purified, and transformed like transparent crystal, during our individual period of incarnation. And we may trust that, having commended our Spirit into His hands, and as we complete our individual work, He is taking care of everything necessary at His level of provision, and He will send into the world precisely who and what is needed in all the days to come. So let us wisely use the provision, the opportunity, and the power now gathering. Let us be assured in our realization and experience in the Temple of Light at this point of emergence now.

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. In quietness and in confidence is my strength. The LORD is in His Holy Temple, here and now. Let all the earth keep silence, while the angels and the sons and daughters of God speak their Word. Aumen

© greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com


Gary Courtland-Miles said...

Aum-en !

Dr Steve said...

Here we are in this time letting the Temple of Light shine. I appreciate the outline of time you have provided here David. It brings perspective to our reason for being. Since these words have been spoken much has been transpiring relative to the clarity of our collective coordinating design to truly let the work be finished in each of our lifetimes. As the process continues I give great thanks and praise as I AM.