January 10, 2025

Archangelic Consciousness And Body

Archangelic  Consciousness  And  Body

David Barnes  January 9, 2025

Within the development of the Spiritual Body as it now is, people are born, they live, they serve, and at some point they die and are here on earth no more. Cells come into the Spiritual Body and cells leave the Spiritual Body, but the Spiritual Body remains. As this occurs, there is a changeover that must happen, without losing continuity of Angelic and Archangelic identity and function in the Body. One primary and crucial changeover relates to focalization factors in the Spiritual Body. When primary points of focalization leave the Body there must be those who have been prepared by Spirit to be the new cells in the various focal formations, allowing the focus of continuity of conscious identity and function to be sustained.

Specific angels incarnate into the Spiritual Body to be present, to be educated, prepared and guided to be in place. This is one of the primary responsibilities of the True Priesthoodto make certain that there is a focus of spirit present and functioning through the Body, with which substance can resonate and move in ascension; or move in the descending cycle in more elegant ways than have been present heretofore. Continuity of spiritual focus and function in the Body must be sustained, so that integrity in the processes of ascension, transformation and restoration proceed.

As Michael’s angels, it is important to recognize and acknowledge specific qualities of character and distinct functions that we each are here to provide, knowing that a very specific design is required if the Archangelic Body is to stand and Walk with God, and speak the Word of God on earth as it is in heaven, with the outer Body walking in oneness with the inner Body—One Body being reestablished. We have some work to do to let the medium of connection between inner and outer be refined and enlarged, and become whole—so that this Body and its consciousness may be taken up completely.

Shekinah, the angel, is the focus of spirit on earth, and we together are part of the expanding focus in this Shekinah Body of our King, which emerges, not by appointment, not by election, but because what must happen is allowed to happen spiritually, and one can’t do anything else but be the focus that I am in this Body. So this Body stands and Walks with God, and in the unfolding cycles this Body is taken higher and higher by the One Who Dwells. That can't happen if the accuser of our brethren blocks the way. How grand to recognize each other in this developing Body, and know that the essential focus of consciousness in this Body is being restored in spirit and in flesh once again—and so let it happen.

Spiritual consciousness and function must be restored to the Head of the Body, so that it knows and knows that it knows; so that Head and Body are functioning in oneness according to the patterns of truth and love and life, so that the Word may be spoken through the whole Body. These things can only be shared as the accuser no longer exists in the consciousness of what should be the Christ Body. Even as Michael and his angels ejected the fallen ones from the Triune Heaven long ago, now Michael’s incarnate angels are being restored to consciousness and the accuser is being cast out of the Triune Earth. This is an important part of our job, and this is happening.

These things become apparent to us because we are members of the Christ Body emerging once again, the Body of the Archangel composed of three primary Beings and their representatives, releasing the spirits of love and truth and life through the awakening consciousness of the Body of the One Who Dwells. The evidence of the Presence of the One Who Dwells is Shekinah. It is me, it is you, it is us and others that we know, and it is evident in people that we see and hear and feel every day. These are spiritual things and they are spiritually discerned and allowed to come forth.


Dr Steve said...

I am humbled to hear and understand the clarity of your words, David.

We must come to focus relative to the reason for our being to really know what our life on earth is really all about."

My ears and body tingles as I acknowledge your words:

"Spiritual consciousness and function must be restored to the Head of the Body, so that it knows and knows that it knows; so that Head and Body are functioning in oneness according to the patterns of truth and love and life, so that the Word may be spoken through the whole Body."

As we so yield to be in place letting our hearts be made pure looking upward in establishing our true polarity we increasingly know our reason for being and the continuity thereby to extend through us.

I acknowledge my responsibility as a Conscious Elder in this regard and am filled with PRAISE to do so!!!!

Carol Travis said...

Thank you for your vision regarding this real necessity in the ongoing processes of restoration, David.

I am very aware that the continuation of focal leadership in/for the priesthood of the Spirit of Truth on earth is not just a matter of happenstance. I believe it will require our consistent collective agreement and radiant generation to nurture ongoing growth in the Lord’s Body.

Logically, this would attract a vast array of many unique and beautiful aspects of spirit, revealed through those on earth who will show up to provide increasingly substantial flesh for His Body…especially those who are/will be in position to provide accurate, ongoing conscious leadership. AND I happily remember how this is accomplished…

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saint the Lord of hosts.”

So, ultimately, although I know some specific steps will need to be taken along the way, I rest in the assurance that Spirit will open the way before us, as we play our individual, radiant parts, day by day.