Delivered From Evil
Delivered From Evil
Martin Cecil April 21, 1974 a.m.
Resurrection relates to the ascending aspect of the creative cycle. There is also a descending aspect of the creative cycle. We may see these two aspects in terms of what are called good and evil. Good and evil in the true sense apply to these two aspects of the creative cycle: the ascending one good, the descending one evil. There wouldn't be the good aspect if it wasn't for the evil, and there wouldn't be the evil aspect if it wasn't for the good, and there wouldn't be either if it wasn't for God. Looking at it in this light we see that there is nothing wrong with evil; it only seems as though there is something wrong with evil when human beings are attuned to the descending aspect of the creative cycle. Proper attunement is with the ascending aspect of the creative cycle. The word “attunement” is very close to the word “atonement”. In the world the way it is, human beings everywhere are almost totally attuned to the descending aspect of the creative cycle.
This was rather graphically portrayed at the time of the deluge. “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” This is a description of the state of human experience when attunement is with the descending aspect of the creative cycle: “only evil continually.” A little further on in this same passage this statement is made: “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.” This statement could well have been made yesterday!
Corruption relates to disintegration; again, to the descending aspect of the creative cycle. “All flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.” His way had become the descending way—the True Way is the Ascending Way. Human beings are supposed to be attuned with this ascending aspect, which relates to resurrection. Because man has not been attuned with the ascending aspect there is the need for resurrection, the need for again becoming attuned with that aspect of the creative cycle.
“Deliver us from evil.” This statement occurs in the “Lord's Prayer”, as it has been called. Deliver us from the descending aspect of the creative cycle—deliver us from evil. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Temptation is the drawing that is felt when there is attunement with the descending aspect of the creative cycle. When we stand upon the top floor of a high building and look out the window at the street below, we may sense a drawing power. Some people just can't stand to do that. First of all, our business is not to look down. Looking down is indication of attunement with the evil. Here is the indication of reversed polarity again; human beings are polarized with respect to what is below them, or what should be below them. Of course, they rush down to what is below them, so it isn't any longer below them.
The true state of man is in attunement with what is above him. To reestablish that attunement he must look up. [] Of course, once the attunement is reestablished and there is correct polarity it becomes possible to look down without being tempted, without being drawn to move with the evil. From the position of right attunement, or right polarity, one may observe both the descending and the ascending aspects of the creative cycle and there is no thought that one is better than the other, because if it wasn't for the descending cycle there wouldn't be any ascending cycle. And if it wasn't for the ascending, there wouldn't be any descending; so it's all part of the same thing. But to reach a point where one may be in position to observe this without becoming involved in it requires resurrection, and we can't be resurrected without looking up. We need to look up because we have been, with human beings everywhere, polarized in the descending cycle and it requires a reversal of attitude to become polarized in the ascending cycle. That reversal of attitude is called repentance.
It may easily be seen how practical and sensible it all is. These things are not dependent upon some whimsical God who would just like human beings to love Him; He feels badly because they don't. No, what nonsense! Here is a very exact and specific process which may be described as Law. If you look down and respond in that direction, you will go down; if you look up and respond in that direction, you will go up. Human beings have been encouraged in every conceivable way to look down; they look down, both from the standpoint of what is observable in the present moment and they look down from the standpoint of what is observable out of the past. It is scientifically indicated these days that we stem from the hereditary past, and all the things that come to us out of that hereditary past are considered to be inevitable and therefore we cannot help but be subject to such things. This is in fact saying, “Look down. Be polarized in the past. Be polarized in the descending aspect of the creative cycle.” And so most people obediently look down. On the basis of being so polarized, they feel that they have every excuse for explaining their failures, every excuse for explaining their rotten behavior; but the excuse only seems to be valid to a person who is attuned with the evil aspect of the creative cycle; it is not at all valid from the standpoint of someone who is attuned with the good aspect of the creative cycle.
I am not suggesting that one should begin to judge between good and evil, because certainly one can get into a lot of trouble on that basis. Who knows what is good and what is evil, from the standpoint of human judgment? But there are these two aspects of the creative cycle, and we may either look up or look down. Our business is looking up, that the true polarity may be reestablished. When it is reestablished we are free to look in whatever direction is necessary, but as long as it isn't established we need to be very careful about looking down. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Look up, for human beings are accustomed to responding in the direction in which they look.
Now, of course, there have been people over the ages who have endeavored to look up and, individually speaking, perhaps some changes worked out with respect to the polarity of their consciousness, but it is quite obvious that nothing has ever worked out from the standpoint of humanity as a whole. Whatever may have occurred in individual lives, the state of human beings on earth has really changed very little; in other words, the total state of affairs is attunement with the descending aspect of the creative cycle. In fact, such attunement is considered to be natural and even inevitable; we all go down. The flesh has been corrupted because the attunement of consciousness has been with the descending aspect of the cycle. The evidence of that corruption is violence in various ways. Here is the force, the disintegrating force, at work, and if human beings are attuned to it they become violent.
We see violence as being a way of life for virtually everyone. Some people may say they don't like violence, but nevertheless the idea of violence seems to be justified, even though it may be modified somewhat to relate, for instance, to something like a peaceful protest. But the very fact of protest is indication of violence; it's indication of disintegration, a tearing-down thing. “Now, there's something wrong over there, so we've got to disintegrate it.” If we had some instrument which would enable us to disintegrate what we thought was evil, I am sure most people would be happy to disintegrate what they thought was evil. Of course, when that happens we have nuclear war and total disintegration—total disintegration by reason of the fact that the human race as such is attuned with the descending aspect of the creative cycle, therefore if you disintegrate evil you disintegrate humanity.
Ah, but there are so many good people! Really? Where? The evidence of goodness, in the true sense, is attunement with the ascending aspect of the creative cycle, and who is so attuned? Now, whatever may have occurred in individual lives—and human beings have always been interested in this sort of thing; there are biographies and books about all this, and each person is inclined to be very interested in his own experience—no matter, with respect to all this, the world remains attuned in the descending aspect of the cycle. So something more is needed. There must be a means of orienting in the ascending aspect of the cycle on a collective basis. If it just happens to some extent with this person here and that person there, as it has been doing over the centuries, nothing really has happened. Of course, from the standpoint of the individuals concerned, it might seem that something had happened for them, but here again we have the self-centered condition, don't we, when everybody is interested in what's going to happen to “me.” That is attunement with the descending aspect of the cycle; self-centeredness is the evidence of this. And there is no doubt that human beings are self-centered. We know it very well with respect to the other fellow, but it's true all the way through.
Repent. Look up to what is higher. Now, what does it mean to look up? Most people when they fold their hands in prayer look down. Some may gaze steadfastly into the heavens, as they think of it, but see precious little except, on a fine day, a blue sky. Some try to gaze steadfastly within, imagining that that would be looking up. Do you really think so? What's inside you? “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh,” the tone of life is set—and it's not a very healthy tone as a rule. And the evidence of that unhealthiness is in the corrupt flesh, the disintegrating flesh. We need to be concerned with what is true, with what is higher than we are. What is the quality of whatever it is that is higher? We may call that which is higher “God.” What is the quality of God, then? Now, of course, human beings have had some pretty strange ideas on this score and they have seen God pretty much in the image and likeness of themselves—corrupt, and corruptible apparently: if you cajole Him sufficiently He is going to change His mind to agree with the human view, which is the corrupt view, the view of one who is attuned in the descending aspect of the creative cycle. If we give consideration to what is true of the character of God, we may be reminded of such qualities as integrity—incidentally, that relates to the integrating aspect of the creative cycle—incorruptibility.
We have a high vision to which we may pay attention, a high vision of true character in this regard. We don't need to ignore it and be led into temptation, that is, move in the descending way. Recently we have been speaking of the True Tone, [] the True Tone which issues forth from what is higher than the present human experience. And I am sure that none of you here present would be so self-righteous as to imagine that you are a true representation of even your highest vision, let alone the vision which is really available to be seen. Whatever your highest vision is of the true character of a man or a woman on earth, is that really the constant tone of your living? Very few people are true to the truth which they now know, let alone the truth which is yet beyond their vision. What would be the point of seeing anything more if we're not true to what we now know? And being true to what we now know, is looking up, is the means by which we begin to participate in the resurrection, a return to the state of attunement with the ascending aspect of the creative cycle.
This we may do individually, and there have been human beings on earth who have sought to do this over the ages. Some had higher vision than others. One can only be true to what is highest for oneself. Someone else's expression in this regard may inspire a higher vision, in which case that may become one's own vision and one may be true to that. But the mere fact of seeking to be true in this way has never thus far proven to be adequate; it has never changed anything in the world. The world continues in its old corrupt way. These days there seems to be a greater consciousness of some of the corruption and human beings are inclined to look toward the points of leadership in the world and say they are corrupt. Maybe, but how about the person who is looking? The point is that the corruption is everywhere and it is a means of ducking out if one seeks to pin it “over there” somewhere, as though we can get it over there and say, “Well, all that's corrupt; let's deal with that and we'll get rid of the corruption.” Then the individual doesn't need to see or recognize the corruption in relationship to himself, and this human beings have been doing all down through the ages: get it away from oneself and just see it over there with respect to someone else.
Now, in the world the way it has been and is, there has obviously been the necessity for leadership of some kind, but fundamentally, whatever the leadership is, it is representative of those who are led. If one tries to pin corruption on leadership, maybe seeing it as being justified, one is in fact pinning the same thing on oneself. This is something that most people have not been too honest about. It's interesting how when someone errs in some way everybody seems to be very quick to condemn and everybody seems suddenly to be so righteous. One may well be reminded of the story of the woman who was brought before Jesus, having been taken in adultery, as it was put. Who is going to cast the first stone? Those who were present then were apparently a little bit honest anyway; they slunk out because they were quite aware of the corruption with respect to themselves. In indicating that all the world is corrupt and all the people in the world are corrupt, there need be no condemnation in such an attitude; it is merely a recognition that people are attuned with the descending aspect of the creative cycle. And the descending aspect of the creative cycle is constantly taking the corruption out.
Now, there is what might be called corruption present in the physical sense in our bodies which is relinquished day by day. As long as it's relinquished it's fine, isn't it? Let it go. Who's going to mourn? Do we have a funeral service every time we go to the bathroom? How ridiculous! [] Let the corruption go. The universal tendency to be constipated is some indication of the attunement with the descending aspect of the cycle, so that the whole person is descending, and the corruption that should be moving out of the person doesn't have a chance; the person is going along with it. And finally the whole person goes and then we have a funeral service. But it is exactly the same thing occurring where there is attunement with the descending aspect of the cycle. What needs to disintegrate disintegrates. If we're attuned with that, as human beings have been, then it looks like tragedy. But if we are attuned with the ascending aspect of the cycle, we can see the descending aspect as being part of the creative process. There's nothing wrong with it; it just appears to be wrong to human beings because they are attuned with the descending aspect.
Experiencing the resurrection and coming again into the ascending aspect, all things are restored to balance; we begin to see things as they really are. We may recognize that human beings are not supposed to be attuned to the descending aspect of the cycle, but they have insisted on it for a long time and suffered the consequences and then complained about it, and then imagined that they lived in such a miserable and tragic world. If it is a miserable and tragic world to them it is because they themselves created it that way, not because it really is that way. And it will stay that way, at least as long as human beings exist, if the attunement is with the descending aspect of the creative cycle. And human beings so often glory in the descending aspect of the creative cycle, in the evil, in the rotten state, in the false tone of life. “Well, this is the way we live.”
Now, the good people try very hard to have it some other way. They are not going to drink, they are not going to smoke, they are not going to swear, and they tend to produce a rather insipid state of affairs and nobody's much enamored with the idea of a heaven of this nature. But the point is that these things with which human beings are attuned are evidence of the tone of disintegration. And there are so many people who think they have to be “one of the boys,” you know, doing all of the things that the “boys” do. And even sometimes those who imagine that they are going to serve somebody: “Well, we have to be like the boys or they won't listen to us.” Well, if you have the tone of the boys in that sense, you are listening to them; you are on the way down. We are not interested in maintaining the tone of disintegration but of allowing the Tone of Integration to appear, so that things begin to come together. And when things begin to come together on the right basis people begin to come together.
In the descending experience people are like little isolated cells, always bumping into each other. They are in the process of disintegration; they're falling apart. There's nothing to keep them together because this is the descending aspect of the cycle. People are always losing each other. They thought they had a nice relationship all set up and it goes sour. Or they had a lovely relationship and somebody dies—disintegration, disintegration. And that's what should be taking place in the descending cycle. But we can repent. We don't need to stay in that state, involved in that disgusting tone in the tomb where disintegration takes place. That's certainly not where we belong, and yet how human beings insist on it. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” and that happens immediately we repent, immediately we begin to represent in our living what is true of our highest vision.
Now this indeed is a first step, but if it is to happen insofar as mankind is concerned it must be more than an individual thing. The individual change is essential but there must be something more than that. There must be a means of integration here where we are. There is obviously a means of disintegration here where we are and human beings follow the disintegrating way. All flesh has corrupted His way in the earth. People are corrupt, their leadership is corrupt, they follow the leadership in the corrupt way; and then, when they observe that the leadership is corrupt, they blame the leadership. That's dishonesty, because the leadership is simply representative of the corruption in the people.
Now there must somehow emerge on earth that which represents what is highest in people. Human beings orient toward corruption because there is that which represents the corruption in them. And everybody likes to be one of the boys. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” There must emerge on earth what we may call leadership which represents what is true in people. Now, how is that going to be done except by people who are true to what is true in people? If you look at this from your own individual standpoint, recognizing that you have a responsibility to represent what is true in people, do you? Do you represent what is true in people or do you represent what is corrupt in people?
Until there is a means on earth of representing what is true in people there is no means by which any change can come about in the body of humanity, in the kingdoms of this world, in the sense of the nations of this world, the peoples of this world. Human beings have been looking around hopefully for some salvation to come from somewhere, but how is it going to come? Only as there are those on earth who are incorruptible, therefore representing incorruptibility insofar as all the people of the world are concerned. As long as leadership is corrupt, representing what is corrupt in people, people will move in the corrupt direction; that is, in the disintegrating aspect of the cycle. When there is something which is incorruptible, something which represents what is really true in people, then there is a point of orientation, a point of leadership in this sense, which can move people in the right direction, in the ascending aspect of the cycle. That will never happen unless there is some means of representing what is true in people.
Now, you have begun to see these things, but do you actually represent what is incorruptible? Do you represent what is true in people? Here we begin to see again the face of the waters, the representation of what is true in people—water, the symbol of truth; the face, something which comes to the surface. “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light.” God says, “Let there be light.” Here is the ascending aspect, the integrating aspect of the creative cycle, attunement with that, and the creative process proceeds from that point. But there must be that starting point; there must be those who are the face of the waters, who do represent what is true and right and incorruptible in people everywhere. And there is something that is true and right and incorruptible in people, just as there is something that is very corrupt in people.
Because there has been no means of bringing to point, to focus, what is right in people there has been no means by which there could be movement, insofar as humanity was concerned, in the right direction, in the experience of resurrection. The churches, the Christian churches, for instance, have preached what they thought the Gospel was, but among those who take responsibility in such fields, where are the ones who represent consistently and accurately the truth in people? No, everybody slides out from under that one. They say, “Look at Jesus, just look at Jesus.” Where? Where is He to be looked at? He was here, all right, at one time but nobody looked. Nobody looked, and people haven't changed much. Oh, they are willing to look at something that isn't here; that's fine! Then they can stay the way they are. But to accept the responsibility of representing what is true and right in people, because one is true and right according to one's highest vision constantly oneself, is certainly needful. Then the point of orientation may begin to emerge, the evidence of the presence of the truth may begin to be seen; not recognized as such by most, that is true—but the Tone is being set on earth, the Tone is there, the Tone of Integration is present and integration will occur. By the same token, disintegration will also occur, but out of that disintegration, insofar as humanity is concerned, comes the integration.
Once there begins to be the pattern of integration established on earth the disintegration carries away the rubbish and all that is left is the integrated state. That's the way it works. It should be easily understood on this basis, but certainly it requires that that point of integration be an actual fact on earth, not in some imaginary heaven somewhere but right here. The provision in this regard may be spoken of as the Priesthood, for it is through the true Priesthood that the Government of God is available on earth. The priesthood of the Tribe of Levi, in the pattern of the Israelites, represented this to the Twelve Tribes of the children of Israel. The Tribe of Levi was the Thirteenth Tribe—there were Thirteen Tribes of the children of Israel; and they were there to represent the rightness in the people to God, and in so doing they represented God to the people, so that the Government of God could be on earth, the dominion of God could be on earth. In that particular outworking the priesthood evidently didn't do such a good job and the whole pattern disintegrated in consequence.
But exactly the same thing occurred when our Master Himself came on earth. He was the Thirteenth—Twelve disciples and the Master, making Thirteen. He did a good job, but on this occasion the disciples didn't do such a good job; they did not stay true in their own expression of living to what He represented for them. There were two particularly who obviously failed in this regard. One, of course, was Judas and the other was Peter. And what is called Christianity was founded on Peter, for heaven's sake! founded on failure. And all the others of the disciples fled at the critical moment except one, who stood with the Master all the way through, even to the foot of the cross. In both these instances, with the Israelites of old and at the time of Jesus on earth, there was opportunity for the development of the point of orientation; in both cases it was rejected. Human beings have a habit of trying to pick up what they had rejected, afterwards, when they see that it might be worth something; but once it's rejected it's gone. To accept it at the time that is present is the trick; then there may be the beginning point of orientation for the world, orientation in the ascending aspect of the creative cycle. And the process by which that orientation works out is the process of resurrection. It worked out through the flesh body of Jesus because He never represented anything else but what was true in people, remembering that people, human beings, man, was made in the image and likeness of God.
What is true in people must be represented if there is to be orientation for the body of humanity in the integrating aspect of the cycle. If there is no orientation present on earth in the integrating aspect of the cycle insofar as man is concerned, then there must be total disintegration. That's logical, isn't it? It's only when this orientation is properly established that resurrection can occur, and must occur when it is established. There's nothing that can stop it occurring. What will disintegrate will disintegrate, and what is attuned with the life moving in the integrating aspect of the cycle will live. This is the way it works: life or death.
It has been a hazy state of affairs in the experience of human beings for a long time but finally it is beginning to become clear-cut. As the Tone is sounded on earth human beings either yield and respond to the Tone, the Tone of resurrection, or they continue to be involved in the disintegrating noise to which they have been so long accustomed. What human beings are accustomed to seems to them to be the natural, the normal, state of affairs, something that everybody experiences and must experience. Meaningless, of course, unless one has some belief in something or other. But in experience—what? What a pathetic thing! No voice, and none to answer, nothing—disintegration. Surely once these things begin to be touched, the truth begins to be heard in the vibrancy of the Tone which issues forth, we are no longer led into temptation but are delivered from evil and find ourselves restored to the place, to the way, where we really belong.
Our great LORD and KING, we lift our face of response to Thee, accepting the responsibility of exemplifying and representing the truth which is present in people everywhere, that all who will may come again in the cycles of integration to an awareness of that truth in their own expression of life. So do the former things pass away in the disintegrating aspect of the cycle and all things are made new in the integrating aspect, to Thy glory, in the Christ. Aum-en.
As the True Tone becomes loud and clear in your own awareness you cannot really help but be true to it. If it remains but a very small voice, then it seems as though there's quite a bit of leeway and it appears that one can get away with quite a bit. We don't really ever get away with anything. But what beauty there is in the True Tone, what wonder and what glory—the True Tone of living, incorruptible. Let us accept that Tone and live consistently in it.
© emissaries of divine light
I love how Martin makes clear what it takes for humanity to move in the direction of the experience of resurrection.
There must be a body of individuals who are true their highest vision of true character constantly.
As I accept the responsibility of this awareness my soul is stilled in place awakening to a greater sense of responsibility, possibilities and newness.
A newness that Martin's concluding words opens up: "what beauty there is in the True Tone, what wonder and what glory—the True Tone of living, incorruptible. Let us accept that Tone and live consistently in it."
It seems the giving of radical thanks IN all things can be pivotal in staying oriented in the ascending aspect of being. Since I handle lumber for a living, I'm finding the practice of giving thanks right when I receive a splinter (not later) to be excellent training in this regard. There is much room for mastery here! Praise God!
As some 70 million Americans look for 'change' being accomplished by the incoming Administration on Monday Jan. 20th... what a perfect time for each of us to recognize the truth that... "Until there is a means on earth of representing what is true in people there is no means by which any change can come about in the body of humanity, in the kingdoms of this world, in the sense of the nations of this world, the peoples of this world. Human beings have been looking around hopefully for some salvation to come from somewhere, but how is it going to come? Only as there are those on earth who are incorruptible, therefore representing incorruptibility insofar as all the people of the world are concerned. As long as leadership is corrupt, representing what is corrupt in people, people will move in the corrupt direction; that is, in the disintegrating aspect of the cycle. When there is something which is incorruptible, something which represents what is really true in people, then there is a point of orientation, a point of leadership in this sense, which can move people in the right direction, in the ascending aspect of the cycle. That will never happen unless there is some means of representing what is true in people. " Absolutely! It's up to each one of us to provide real leadership, exactly where we are!
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