January 15, 2025

The Expanded Focus Of Spirit

The  Expanded  Focus  Of  Spirit

Martin Exeter   May 18, 1986

The body of mankind is rightly the body of the Son of God. The body of the Son of God, in the person of Jesus, was crucified. What was done to Him established what should occur in the larger sense. “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” They do not realize that they are setting the stage for the crucifixion of the whole body of mankind. And so the crucifixion of the body of mankind occurs, brought to pass in a variety of ways. Certainly there is need for forgiveness for the abysmal ignorance of clever human intellects. There can be no forgiveness without repentance. It seems as though there is as yet little inclination to repent: “Let us further develop what is possible to the human intellect”—no recognition of the need for forgiveness and therefore the essential requirement of repentance.

You are aware that there is a focus of spirit present on earth. [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/the-radiant-focus-of-spirit-on-earth.html] This is the base for whatever may occur to permit this focus of spirit to be expanded so as to provide what is necessary to the whole body of mankind. What is necessary in that regard becomes known to this expanded focus of spirit which we may refer to as our Body. The Body of the KING may become a reality to the extent that those concerned have the experience of how it works; not the theory of how it works, not a belief in some principle or other, but the actual experience of the working. This actual experience of the working comes because there is a focus of spirit within the Body which is to provide the expanded focus of spirit for the body of mankind.

The rising tide of spirit has brought forth a focus of spirit in a very specific way. I would acknowledge that as having been so in Uranda. Here was one who provided a specific focus of spirit, a focus that I personally, amongst others, acknowledged and accepted. Also, by reason of the rising tide of spirit continuing in its natural movement and unfoldment, this same focus of spirit came to point in my own experience and has subsequently been offered to you and to others, to those who have been in position to acknowledge and to accept it. As there have been those who were, then there has been a basis for the development of the experience of the way the creative process works, so that those who did acknowledge and accept—and any others who may do so in the future—are in position to assume the responsibility for the larger provision of the expanded focus of spirit for the world. No doubt there is still something to be learned, something to be more fully experienced of the way the creative process works. Because there is this focus of spirit, there is a point of origination for whatever it is that needs to be differentiated within this body which is to provide the expanded focus of spirit.

There are external things which need to be handled, and everybody has these things. But far more important to me than all of this, which has its own importance, is what is going on from the standpoint of the creative process. It relates to everything that is happening. The creative process is all-important, and nobody could ever say, “Well I am too busy to pay attention to it.” That’s a cop-out, because what you are doing is of no value at all, what you are doing in the external sense, unless it is associated with the creative process.

The point of origination for the movement of the creative process is in the spiritual focus. It takes the expression of spirit moving in the creative cycle to bring forth what is needed, and what is needed at that point is perfect. It might not be perfect at some other point but it’s perfect then. There must be a connection with the focus of spirit from which the creative process proceeds. If there isn’t that, there is no creative process embodied in expression on earth. So I draw this to your attention and, through being able to do this with you, draw it to the attention of many others besides.

How easy it is to move with the spirit that is brought to focus in each moment. It’s only when we disassociate ourselves from that that we find confusion, turmoil and pain putting in an appearance. We all participate in the expression of this One Spirit. It is done in particular ways by each person, but as long as it is in fact a differentiation of that One Spirit there is the basis for agreement, there is the basis for authority and for power, the power of action, the power of radiation. And isn’t that all that’s needed?

If we think of the creative process once again: radiation—that is the first necessity—to which there is response on the one hand and reaction on the other. We are concerned with the response. The reaction will either turn to response or take care of its own disintegration. But the response allows for the attraction which permits the experience of union, union with this One Spirit within this One Body. And participating in this One Body there is unified radiation. And so the cycle continues and builds. But it doesn’t do so because of the individual in some sort of separate endeavor. It does so because the individual is participating in the Body, and the Body is permitting the expression of that One Spirit, the spirit of the King, to radiate into the consciousness of mankind. We all have our associations in a direct sense with that consciousness and also in an indirect sense with that consciousness. We are all connected subconsciously. And so what finds release in radiation through this Body penetrates into the consciousness of the body of mankind, which is not separate from us.

The creative process proceeds apace, and we rejoice to be together in that process, which is one of joy. We may know pretty well when we are participating in that by the level of joy, or lack of it, that we are personally experiencing. The Master spoke of His joy, the joy that He left to be shared by any who are willing. And our willingness has become greater presumably as time went on, and consequently our experience of joy is naturally greater.

Expanding Light — Increasing Intensity

Martin Cecil  February 18, 1973

We all have our roles to play; because we love the Lord, it delights us to do so. We have a constant consciousness of the reality of a Living Body in which we play particular parts. Being conscious of these things and aware of the reality of the spirit of God, our part relates more particularly to what we have called spiritual expression.

There are many responding ones in the world, many people of integrity, who unknowingly compose this Living Body which has long been unconscious of itself. The dawn of consciousness as this relates to that Body comes through a few to start with. You and others are included in this few, but because there are but a few, relatively speaking, whose behavior begins to let them share the vision does not mean in any way that the Body is very small. The returning consciousness of that Body is perhaps a small thing at the moment but the Body itself is far-reaching; it is present throughout what we call mankind.

The returning consciousness of that Body is a little thing to start with, a small point which may, if allowed to do so, expand and, like the rising of the sun, push the darkness back so that the darkness begins to retreat out of the Body as more light appears. This light of course originates in the Lord, in the point which has position but no magnitude. It must take its magnitude through the dimensions of human beings and this it is proceeding to do. In those wherein the sun rises “with healing in his wings” the darkness must retreat first. It is an inevitable thing that is taking place, just as inevitable as what is portrayed by the rising of the sun in the morning; no man can stop it. If we go very fast we may be able to keep ourselves in the darkness, but this is a little bit tiring. How much better to yield to the expanding light so that the darkness which may remain in us as individuals can be pushed out, that there may be light and no darkness at all. The expanding light will push the darkness out; that is the inevitable part of it. The question arises as to whether it pushes us out because we cling to the darkness or whether, relinquishing the darkness, we delight in de light!

Those who tend to find themselves involved with the darkness—and that is most people—see the turmoil, see the darkness. If identity is with that, there is no comprehension of the light: the darkness comprehendeth not the light and consequently the appearance of things becomes increasingly desperate. But if there is an awareness of the light there is an understanding of what it is that is happening. It might be said that the darkness is being compressed into a smaller volume on the periphery of things; it does not remain anymore at any very great depth but it is all coming to the surface. And there is only so much surface area, and whatever depth of darkness still remains, to accommodate all the darkness. The darkness which before was much more widespread in depth is being pushed to the surface, that it may be pushed out. Those who love darkness rather than light must of course be pushed out with it. But becoming increasingly aware of the reality of the light because we love it, we find that the greater volume of experience, because we live in depth, is of light rather than darkness. The darkness is at the surface of things. Of course if we still have some addictions in that realm of darkness we may find ourselves involved at times with the surface of things and then it is rough going. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the darkness is at the surface of things but there is something wrong if we continue to play around at that surface.

Relinquishing addiction to the darkness with all its vast variety of aspects, we may welcome the light and abide in the light. In this we begin to experience what life is. Human beings in the world have had very little experience of life; their major experience has been of death, death in varying degrees, percentages of death, until it reaches one hundred percent. But now there is life emerging because of the expansion of the light.

I have been speaking of the expanding light, pushing the darkness back. The purpose is to push the darkness out of this Living Body of which we have become aware—we have spoken of it as the Body of the Son of God—that there may be no darkness present in it at all. Now it doesn't all happen in a blaze of glory. The restoration of consciousness comes—this is the consciousness of true being—from a point which has position but no magnitude through a point which has position and magnitude, so that it may expand in the Body of the Son of God. And that is what is called the resurrection. We have become aware of the part which we may play in this by reason of the fact of the expansion of light from within ourselves, so that we become aware, in whatever measure at this point, of what is written in the Book of Life in this present moment, within us in this present moment. As that light expands we read more clearly.

We are sharing a vision of these things which relate to the expansion of light—we use the word “light” to describe something indescribable—by which the darkness is dispelled. As the dawn comes the darkness recedes on the surface of the earth from the position where the individual may be standing—the darkness is being pushed back so that the light floods the land.

If there is darkness in you anywhere there is no light there where the darkness is, and so the light cannot be made available as inspiration for another insofar as that point is concerned. How little real trust there has been in the Lord for so long, trust that if as individuals we mind our own business He will get the job done. He doesn't get the job done because we mind other people's business; just our own, our own behavior. In our own behavior we have increasing responsibility, as the light increases, of wisely handling people; not according to the concepts in the realm of darkness, with which most of us are very familiar, but in a new way.

Here is the emerging character of life, and life has never lacked power. We have noted before so many evidences on every hand, even in this little world where we live, of the power of life. We see it exemplified every spring. Immense power, isn't it? We may see it moving in little things, the unfolding of a leaf. “Well there's not much power there!” How many leaves are there? How many trees are there? How much vegetation is there? How many animals and birds are there, and fish and everything else? And even human beings—three and a half billion human beings on earth sustained for a brief moment by life. No lack of power! What will the experience be if, instead of frustrating it, we agree with it? What is the experience in this moment, as we behave rightly in this moment?

Let us remember that behavior is not a vague thing, but a very specific thing, relating to thoughts, feelings, words and actions. All these areas either allow the expression of life or inhibit it; all these areas are included in what we call behavior. When our thoughts and our feelings, our words and our actions, are inspired by life in our own experience we move in the process by which the expansion of light continues. It is this, unknown and unknowable to self-centered man, which achieves the purposes of God. Not by self-centered, self-active efforts, not by good ideas, not by humanly proven methods, is what needs to be done done, but by the spirit of the Living God, which in its release and expansion is the “Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world”; it is present in all. Accomplishment on this basis seems as foolishness to men, but it is indeed the wisdom of God; it's the only way it works.

So, sharing in this vision—based in our behavior—we begin to know what life is all about and we let it be about its business. The world is due for a change, overdue, and while the periphery of events may pose problems, insurmountable problems, to self-centered human beings, they are only the evidence of the darkness being compressed into a decreasing space, that it may eventually pop out altogether. It does this because of the expansion of light, and the expansion of light comes because there are those who come near unto the Lord.

No one can come near unto the Lord and keep the darkness; but coming near unto the Lord, we share in the increased intensity of light, that others also may come near unto the Lord and share likewise. Because they do there is an increased intensity of light: radiation, response, attraction, union, unified radiation, and the unified radiation is more intense than the original radiation. And so it goes, and the job gets done. We begin to understand what the job is and we begin to know how to do it. So in our behavior now, and in the days to come as these in turn become the present moment, we may play our part intelligently, with assurance and with understanding. We develop the ability to handle those who respond to the light and we do not at any time offer anyone darkness. We do not need to fight with darkness, but neither do we need to agree with it. We agree with the light. “Let there be light … Let your light so shine before men.” This is the way we let it intensify now.

© emissaries of divine light



Dr Steve said...

What wonders at hand beholding the LIGHT as it comes through us in blessing our world. For sure it is good to be about the LIGHT work rather than being entwined with the darkness seemingly at hand.

Robert Merriman said...

What an honor and a delight it is to "... participate in the expression of this One Spirit" consciously without ceasing.

Anonymous said...

"The Expanded Focus of Spirit" is a wonderful example of the truth that "My yoke is easy; my burden is light". Perfection poised in my mind in every moment of consciousness -- if I am attentive. I am ever grateful for Martin's keen wisdom.