September 23, 2014

Endure  Unto  The  End

Uranda   September 16, 1942


Let each one remember that there are hundreds of thousands of fine men and women in all walks of life, and in all parts of the world, whose lives are honestly dedicated to the high ideals for which we stand—and that which all of these sincere ones are doing is of vital importance in the fulfilment of the plan of God. It is needful that you always remember this great fact—for we are not alone in our determination to do the will of God.

The noble qualities of divine nature are to be found in people all around us, and you will contact them in the most unexpected ways and places. They are filling their places, doing that which they are supposed to do, to a very high degree. It is not needful that you should try to judge them, or tell them what they should or should not do or believe. It is for you to fill your place by doing that for which you are responsible, thereby letting your Light shine. 

The world is being shaken, as by a mighty wind, and that shaking is causing the real ones to go up and the unreal ones to come down. When you are under pressure you reveal what you are. Sometimes it seems that the pressure lasts a very long time—and with the world as it now is that can be expected. 

Discouragement, a feeling of “what’s the use,” opens the way for failure. We have to keep at it, day in and day out, without let-up, to endure to the end. Evil is so entrenched in the world, and its proponents can dodge the real issue for a time in so many different ways, that it sometimes seems hopeless. As we move forward our problems do not lessen; they increase. Only in the strength of God can any endure unto the end—in meeting your problems day by day.

© emissaries of divine light

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