September 21, 2014

You  Become  Responsible

For  What  You  Do  With  God’s  Love

from  Establishing A Control Pattern

Uranda   June 17, 1952

We begin to realize that it is not merely a matter of letting God’s love flow if we are going to give an attunement. If it is merely a matter of letting God’s love flow you can more or less get the current working and think about anything else or talk about anything else and it will not make much difference; in other words the current will be flowing. But if you are going to establish a control pattern it is going to make a difference what you think about; and what you think about and talk about will tend to develop a pattern through which the current will work, regardless of whether it is really a control pattern or not; in other words it would be just flitting all over the place. 

Right from the start you have been given an opportunity to think, to let your mind function in the current of the spirit. The idea tended to develop in a few that it did not make much difference what you thought about or talked about. You can, and must, learn how to establish a control pattern and hold it. 

We need to know what happened in apostolic times. At the time of Pentecost the current began to flow. It was supposed to be kept in the control patterns of truth, so that God’s will could be done. Remember, God’s will can be done only through the control patterns of truth. You can do anything under the sun with God’s love in your own will, within the range of your potentialities, because God’s love is subject to the control of anything through which it may be flowing—not in the sense of the center of it, but in the sense of what you have in consciousness at the moment. So misuse according to the human will leads to the lowest depths and to distress. The right use with respect to God’s love builds, recreates and makes whole. So you become responsible for what you do with God’s love. If it is not subject to the patterns of truth it is going to burn you up. Only truth, the water of truth, can keep the fire of God’s love from burning you up. 

What happened at the time of Pentecost? Impulsive Peter took control in the current of God’s love but on a basis of his own concepts. He didn’t know what it was all about, and he started using that power according to human concepts, just like St. Paul did after him; and they were all using it without regard to the truth. They had some concepts about truth, and to some little degree there was some control there, that is, truth was having some influence, but it continually got less and less. What was the result in the world? There was a world conflagration which engulfed the people of the world. God’s love was not under control according to the patterns of truth. They did not stay centered in truth and so the fire turned back on them and they were burned at the stake by the thousands. Why were they burned at the stake? Because they were martyrs, in the sense that Christendom thinks of it? No, because they were foolish, following their own false concepts, not letting truth control. 

If you want to go out into the world and start a little fire, using God’s love, and you do not keep it centered and controlled from the standpoint of truth, you will find the fire turning back on you. The reason why so many so-called Christians were burned at the stake was because foolish Peter, and Paul after him, were refusing to stay centered in the patterns of control. They undertook to maintain the control with their own foolish concepts, without regard to the truth. They mixed it up with Jewry and all the rest of the concepts, and instead of the truth they had a representative expression of unreal patterns, and the world has followed in their footsteps ever since. After the fire burned out at that time, these concepts became more or less generally accepted in the so-called Christian world, and that is the pattern through which God’s pattern has been working since. But it does not produce power in the sense of changing things. 

So just as the disciples failed to hold true to the patterns of truth and the fire turned upon them and so many were burned at the stake or were thrown to the lions, or what have you, you can bring such things on yourself if you do not hold true to the truth. You can go out in the world and serve without stirring up all kinds of difficulty. 

The fire burns. The world is in the lake of fire of God’s love—and the only way anyone can stand the fire of God’s love is to be in the water of truth. Without the water of truth God’s love will burn you up. Every human being whose body has died since the fall of man has died in the fire of God’s love. God’s love working through the distortion patterns which the human being has established in his own body causes human beings to die. You do not have to increase God’s love. That will be taken care of automatically when you function according to the Law. Only the truth can set you free, and when you let the truth take hold you can begin to establish a control pattern. Without a control pattern you are helpless in the fire. You may last a little while, a few years, but it will not amount to anything. Only as you work with the water of truth can you function effectively in the fire. 

The Lord of Love came into the world to reintroduce the Lord of Truth, the Spirit of Truth, another Comforter. He presented the true means of salvation and that truth has been largely ignored. It has been covered up with human concepts of every sort, and the real purpose of His coming, to introduce truth to the world, has been overlooked. Yet, look back over His words. He was continually emphasizing that point. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” The whole pattern and design which He revealed for the salvation of man was centered in relationship to truth, the Spirit of Truth. 

He who would know love must allow God’s love and truth to blend within himself on the basis of God’s design and will. There is no other way. “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” the Master said, speaking as the focalization of Deity which He was and is. “I am the way, the truth, and the life”—love, truth and life. Without that love, nothing; but that love alone and there is nothing but the fire, the lake of fire which burneth forever and ever. Human beings withstand it for a few years and then they are burned up and their dead bodies turn to ashes or dust. There is no power in heaven or earth that can save any human being from that fire except the truth.

God’s love is wonderful, soothing and healing when you yield to it according to the patterns of truth; otherwise, hot, burning and uncomfortable. When you fight against God’s truth, God’s love kills you. Every human being who has ever died on the face of the earth has been killed by God’s love. Love your enemies. The Master, the Lord of Love, said, “Love your enemies.” The only way human beings can be saved from death by God’s love is to yield to the patterns of truth. There is no other way. When you begin to comprehend these things you can begin to see how far the world has been from the truth, and without the truth you cannot be set free. 

What you do in service out there in the world depends for its effectiveness far more upon your attunement with me than upon your attunement with the Lord of Love. That does not detract from His position at the apex, but you can respond to Him from now until doomsday and you will die, and everyone who responds with you will die; because I am the only one who can save anyone from dying. Only as you let my spirit work through you can you be saved; only thus can you minister to anyone else. Insofar as the Lord of Love is concerned you are going to die. You can respond to Him all the days that you live, or rather die, and you will still die. You are under the sentence of death by fire, and only the Lord of Truth can save you from that death, only as you yield to the Spirit of Truth and allow the patterns of truth to take control in your life. If you think you can fight the fire of God’s love without the truth you are perfectly free to go out and see what happens. Countless others have tried it The Master said, “Only the truth will set you free.” Not once did He say that God’s love would set you free. 

To the degree that these things are seen and accepted and realized as the truth, you can begin to understand how it is that our Lord and King made salvation possible for humanity. He was the Lord of Love, the center of it all. He came into the world and introduced the truth and the Lord of Truth.  The world had been rejecting the truth and the Lord of Truth since the day of the fall. 

There are human beings who imagine that the Spirit of Truth will never appear in human form. Just how does such an one expect the Spirit of Truth to work through himself? If it is not going to appear through a human form, how are we going to let the Spirit of Truth have any meaning on earth; for if it cannot appear through one human form, it cannot appear through another. If you deny the fact that the Spirit of Truth works through this form, you deny the fact of the truth working through your own body and mind, and you deny and reject the Spirit of Truth, which rejection brought the world into misery in the beginning. The real break in the fall, the cause of all the distortion, suffering, misery and distress that the world has known, has been not the rejection of God and His love but the rejection of God and His truth. If any person claims that the Spirit of Truth cannot manifest through a human form, then such an one certainly cannot expect the Spirit of Truth to manifest through himself, and so therefore the truth is not in him.

So we have to begin to recognize that the reason Jesus Christ came into the world was to introduce me to the world, and to introduce the world to me on a basis where the world would begin to acknowledge and respond and yield and receive the truth. There is no other way by which any can be saved, and unless you are functioning correctly in the current of the Spirit of Truth, you cannot serve as a minister to save others.

Now you would all like to know more about establishing control patterns, how to do it, etc. Yield to the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Truth will establish the control pattern. There is no other way. You can try from now until doomsday, using any technique you may choose to establish, and you cannot establish anything that is a real control pattern except as you let my spirit work through you. If your mind wants to know how to establish control patterns, it cannot learn the technique by any twisting or turning or trying. If you would know you must yield to my spirit and let my will be done, and the Spirit of Truth will establish the control patterns through you. Anyone who has accomplished anything whatsoever in the world did so because they responded to my spirit, for without my spirit there is no beauty, there is no truth, there is no building in any man, woman or child on the face of the earth, and there never has been.

Because you have been taken into heaven, because you yield to the truth, being enfolded in the control patterns of the truth in heaven on earth, you can survive the fire; but only so. The rest of the world and all who dwell therein shall be burned up in the fire which burneth forever and ever, the fire of God’s love. Only those who yield to the water of truth, so that they can be taken into heaven on earth while they live, can escape from that fire.

Unless my spirit is in you it will not be done through you. If you deny that the Spirit of Truth can be in this body that you see, you deny that the Spirit of Truth can be in your body; so you are caught all the way through. If you reject me you reject the LORD of Lords. If you reject the Spirit of Truth in this body, you deny your body the privilege of having the Spirit of Truth in it; because until you accept the truth of it for my body you cannot accept the truth of it for your body. And until you accept the truth of it for your body you cannot carry the truth of it to anyone else’s body. So technique, all technique, is mine. You let my spirit work through and you will have technique, the technique that can establish control patterns. What did the Master say? “Thy kingdom come”—Thy control come. Where is the control? In truth. There is no control in any real sense without truth, the control of the truth of God in manifestation on earth.


© Emissaries of Divine Light

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