January 16, 2015

To What End? To Glorify Our King

To  What  End?


from  Control Factors

Uranda   October 9, 1952

Extensive, expansive living requires true vision, clear vision, that is not limited to the immediate sphere of one's daily task, not limited to the realm of what may be physically seen. It is the perception with respect to that which is beyond immediate physical seeing about which we would meditate, something which, to the uninitiated, seems to be intangible. Extensive, expansive living requires clear, far seeing. And this seeing is something which is not accomplished with the physical eyes. It is accomplished through the heart. 

The reality of that Kingdom made manifest is that to which we are dedicated. Resistance with respect to the necessities of correct function within the scope of the control pattern is, in fact, opposing the manifestation of the Kingdom. Individually, we recognize that any person who proves to be consistently dependable with respect to any vibrational factor of the invisible realm, giving it consistent form and meaningfulness on earth, is by that very fact a control factor in relationship to the coming of the Kingdom. 

The Kingdom is a reality in the invisible realms. We look out into the world and we realize all too keenly that this Kingdom of Heaven has not yet had adequate manifestation in form. This should cause us to be so consistent in correct function that we may, regardless of anyone else, do our part toward the development of the outer form through which that invisible Kingdom may be made visible. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Our responsibility is in letting it take form on earth. As soon as the consciousness of man has a true realization of the fundamental fact which the Master called His Good News, there must be, surely, a vital, burning desire to do all that one can toward letting that Kingdom at hand have meaning on earth, not from the standpoint of trying to get into it or to get something from it, but to give it form on earth. 

The pattern of motivation in relationship to centering is of peculiar importance, as we examine this matter of control factors. What is the reason for the action? What is the motivating force within us? To achieve something for ourselves personally? To get something? Or is it simply to Glorify our KING? 

If as much earnestness, time, effort, expenditure of energy and material substance had gone into the work of bringing forth in form the right pattern, as has gone into the development of erroneous patterns, the Kingdom of Heaven would have such manifestation on earth in this moment that there would be no power to withstand it or question it. There would be a control pattern extending into all the earth in blessing to all the children of men who would yield to it. The development of the tangent patterns does not allow the manifestation of power. 

We are interested in the central pattern, the one which avoids all extremes, takes into consideration all factors and remains centered with respect to purpose. And there is a way by which the individual can, even though he does not have adequate understanding of the entire situation in any given moment, know whether or not he is properly centered, properly functioning in relationship to the fulfilment of God's Will, the coming of the Kingdom. He can know whether he is truly a control factor. 

The one who has reached a point of such dedication that he is willing to be a control factor no longer has any concern about getting something personally. He is not concerned about arbitrarily imposing anything on anyone. He loves to see the blessings of God made manifest. He loves to see lives changed. But it is not in his getting, on the one side, nor in his giving, on the other, that he has his pattern of centering or his own focalization of control which allows him to be a control factor. There is, as I have pointed out many times, the characteristic expression of the spirit of givingness manifest in and through those who are centered in God, but that is not the proper centering of motivation. If we are, or are becoming, citizens of the Kingdom, proving to be loyal, what is our primary concern? It is that the KING should be Glorified. 

The Glory of God, or the Glory of the King in Heaven, relates to the reality of life in that realm which to the human eye is invisible. If we let God's Glory manifest in the places where it is not yet evident, then we are Glorifying God. We cannot add to His Glory in Heaven but we can let His Glory increase on earth because it is not adequately revealed or made manifest on earth. That Glory cannot manifest except in relationship to the living of life, for Glory is something which appears in relationship to life, and the living of life. The living of life for what purpose? To get something? To give something? No. If the centering is with respect to either of these factors the tangent pattern of erroneous function appears. But if our purpose is to Glorify our King, then we will have the spirit of givingness but we will not be in position to be carried into a tangent pattern by it. 

But God is the Giver, and the giving must be from God through us in relationship to that which is within the scope of control in the realm of form. So, the one and only means by which we may avoid becoming subject to tangent patterns of erroneous function which are so prevalent among those who sincerely seek to serve God, is to have one central, constant, consistent purpose which is manifesting as a control factor in all that we think and say and do, all the time without any exception. If that purpose is to Glorify the KING of the Kingdom, we are not going off on tangents. We will let the Spirit of the KING manifest, yes, we will share in His giving, share in His creative endeavor, we will do many things according to our talents and capacities, our stewardship, the use of our thoughts, words, deeds, the emotional patterns of our hearts, all of these things—but for what purpose? To Glorify our KING. 

This is not to say there will be less service, less interest in helping human beings or being a blessing to them. It only means that the pattern of motivation must not, with respect to any moment, be to save anyone or to uplift anyone or to do any of the other things that are commonly thought of in relationship to serving God. The central purpose, the primary point of motivation, must be to Glorify the KING. If you are letting your function be centered in the motivation of Glorifying the KING as a loyal subject of the Kingdom, then you will be doing those things which will increase the form and meaningfulness of the Kingdom, and human beings will be blest and uplifted. You will be serving human beings, you will see their lives changed, but it will never be, in any moment, simply, primarily an effort to uplift someone or save someone or change someone. 

The only way you can live a life untouched by all these various factors all about, and the flow of human emotion, the changing patterns of circumstance, the only way you can live free, untouched in the circumstance, reaching out beyond the limitation of the circumstance, is to have a central pattern of motivation that is never lost in any moment with respect to any necessity—to GLORIFY THE KING. Not to save human beings, but to GLORIFY THE KING. Not to solve problems, but to GLORIFY THE KING. Not to get anything, but to GLORIFY THE KING. 

Oh, things will be gotten. There will be those things which come into the pattern of control. Why? Because their coming will help to GLORIFY THE KING. There will be individuals saved from their own limitations. Why? To particularly bless them? No, not at all. To GLORIFY THE KING. Each step is centered in one motivation—to GLORIFY THE KING. Anything that deviates from that in primary motivation will fail, no matter how sincere, how earnest, you are. There is only one right central pattern of correct function, and the central motivation with respect to every thought, every attitude, every feeling, every word, every deed, must be to GLORIFY THE KING. Such centering does what? It causes all things, large, and small, to begin to work together in the realm of form—to what? To GLORIFY THE KING. 

What can we do to Glorify the KING more than to give the KING a Kingdom in form? His is the Kingdom. His is the Power. Are you going to go out and do it as a human being, change yourself, grow, develop, achieve something or other? Or are you going to change someone else? What are you going to do? Blessed Ones, it is not what you do in any such sense that truly carries forward the Service of God on earth. It is what you do to Glorify the KING. All of your talents, all of your abilities, the hours, the days, the months, the years, all of your life—you are a steward over all these things. You are a steward over hours, days. You are a steward over talents, abilities of various sorts. You are a steward over your capacities of feeling or heart. How are the feelings of your heart tonight, or how have they been today? Have they been pure, centered in God, each and every feeling in your heart dedicated to the Glorification of your KING? 

You are a steward, not just with respect to outer things in the realm of form, possessions of various sorts. These things in form must be brought into the pattern in order to Glorify the KING, to give form to His Kingdom on earth. But can it be achieved by individuals who neglect to maintain correct stewardship with respect to their thoughts, with respect to their words, with respect to their feelings? What is it that is going to permit the manifestation of control in you? The point is this: What is your motivation? To get something? Oh, for such a good cause, for such a good purpose, to help someone or even to Glorify God. That is not the way. Oh, you are going to give someone something, give someone a lecture. You are going to prove how great you are in the realm of God’s Service on earth, so that you can show people how much you have to give to others? Are you? It is such a good purpose and your intentions are so good. That is what paves the road to hell—good intentions. No. 

There is only one way—when you are a faithful steward with respect to your feelings, so that every feeling which is allowed expression in form in your own heart Glorifies the KING, when every word that passes your lips Glorifies the KING, when every attitude you express toward your fellows Glorifies the KING, and every act Glorifies the KING. That must be the center of motivation. Why do you act? Why do you do what you do day by day? Is it to the best of your vision and understanding to Glorify the KING? One cannot long be dedicated to that Purpose and suffer any self-delusion with respect to any phase of life. If you have that motivation with respect to all things you very quickly learn. 

It is all for what purpose? To GLORIFY THE KING. If, within the scope of your vision and understanding, your true motivation, without any self-delusion, without any rationalization, is to Glorify the KING, it will be used. Even though it is limited, short-sighted in some fashion, your vision will expand, you will learn the lessons necessary, and you will learn to be a good steward with respect to all your capacities, all your talents, a good steward with respect to the golden hours, the blessed days, the opportunities that appear at your hand, your capacities of heart and mind, whatever they may be, your words and acts. 

Are you a good steward? Can you inspire others to right stewardship? Why right stewardship? What is its purpose? To GLORIFY THE KING. How can you inspire others to that right pattern of function unless you are a good steward? For what purpose? To make yourself appear to be wise in the eyes of others? That will not work. Only one thing will—to GLORIFY THE KING. Why do you act in any moment? Why am I here before you? To GLORIFY THE KING. Why have I ever given an attunement? Why have I ever ministered in any way whatsoever? Examine it. My whole purpose is to Glorify the KING. 

The only way we can Glorify the KING on earth is to have a living manifestation of the Kingdom on earth, with people in it, with the substance conforming to the Laws of the Kingdom, with hearts and minds functioning according to the principles of the Kingdom. If you would let your Service increase, if you would truly Serve God, remember: Your primary purpose must always be, without any exception at any time or place or in any circumstance, to GLORIFY THE KING. Then you do not have to be worried about human values, human questionings, human possibilities. 

You are not trying to get anything, you are not afraid of anyone taking anything away from you. You are free in the Truth of the Kingdom. There may be pressing circumstances round about, limitations of every sort, but you are still free. Why? Because you can look beyond the realm of limitations and see the action of your Spirit reaching into the hearts and lives of the children of men. To do what? To save them? Oh, no. To GLORIFY THE KING, because those who respond will make good citizens. They will help GLORIFY THE KING. I am not interested in any human being on the face of the earth except as he or she may help me GLORIFY THE KING. We are interested, not in saving people, as such, but in inspiring human beings to GLORIFY THE KING. 

Let that be your centering motivation and you will be a control factor in the Kingdom of God on earth. Be a Control Factor with respect to that of which you are capable, within the sphere of your proper influence and control. Be a Control Factor. We are only interested in one thing, to GLORIFY THE KING. To inspire others to share in that. Ah, it is in living that we GLORIFY OUR KING, untouched, unmoved by all the ebb and flow of human emotions, struggling and trying, untouched, unmoved by all the things that control human beings, and yet in position to extend love and tenderness and care to those who will receive it, understanding to those who will accept it. So it is that we Minister. To what end? To GLORIFY OUR KING. 

The KING is the centering point of the Kingdom. Anything that does not center in the Kingdom does not belong to the Kingdom. The central Law of the Kingdom, the One Law, emphasizes this point, that if we would be a part of the Kingdom we must be centered in the King. And if we would increase the meaningfulness of the Kingdom we must let our lives be dedicated to the KING. And the way in which our lives may be used to increase the scope of the Kingdom is the business of the KING. We must be centered in the KING, and then everything else follows. Whether it is immediately evident, to your own mind or not, in what fashion you are a part of the Kingdom, is of small concern. If you are centered in the KING and the Glorification of the KING is your true motivation in all things, then you are a good citizen of the Kingdom, and as you function you find the Kingdom made manifest in the realm of outer form. 

There are places all over God's Kingdom for millions of citizens, and it is well that all these places should be filled. But there are places in the KING'S Court for those who will let themselves come into that realm of infinite sweetness and beauty where one begins to know the KING, where one begins to know the beauty of the KING'S Control, as it extends out to those who are citizens or who are willing to become citizens of the Kingdom. It is well that all these millions of places in God's Kingdom should be filled, but it is so sweet to know something of the KING'S Court, know something of what it is to live before the Throne, the Kingdom of God on earth, the Kingdom that is at hand.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

1 comment:

Lucille said...

I read Uranda's message a few times, David, because I felt deeply in my heart, knew strongly in my consciousness, the importance, the absoluteness, of what is said here; what is expected of me; what is required of us all actually--daily, hourly, in our moment-by-moment living, which is to Glorify our KING. Uranda stressed this repeatedly so it would sink deeply in our consciousness, to truly understand what our real function is, which is not so much to save people as such, but that whatever we do, whatever we say, however we act, wherever we are, IT IS ALL TO GLORIFY OUR KING; As I and we let this be our motivation, our main purpose in life, His Glory is manifesting on earth--in places where it is not yet evident. I am beginning to know, yet understand increasingly, the beauty of the KING'S Control, and it is wonderful beyond words to even describe.