January 13, 2015

Universal  She

Jean Hammond   April 22, 1989

I was thinking that one way that our purpose as women could be described is: to manifest in the world again the living presence of what could be called the Universal She. We could each say "I am this She. I am here to reveal Her." The Universal She focuses that part of the creative force which we could call the feminine. She possesses and reveals a strong conscious focus. She knows who She is, why She does what She does, what's really going on, and also has a deep intuitive side. She is a huge flexible Being, able to operate in countless ways, doing whatever is most useful. As we have each undergone the process of awakening, remembering who we are, we start to recall Her characteristics and know them as our own. We each then deeply know that we are differentiations in fact of this huge focus of femaleness. 

She is artistic. An aspect of artistry in which women are naturally gifted is the ability to provide the blending point for things, the receiving point for even apparently disparate factors in the moment. There is the artistry of right containment—a huge art form—and in Her artistry there is always finesse. 

She is generous. In all of our circumstances, the people next to us probably automatically evoke what is needed. And I was thinking that sometimes it is good not to think too much, but simply do the obvious thing generously in the moment. 

She easily forgives and forgets and is not very interested in ghosts, or residues that can accumulate unfinished business. She easily releases things in a current of honesty that just washes them away forever. 

She has accurate intuition, perception that is at work all the time. This is an area for deeper consideration by all of us. How accurate are our sensings, our intuitions, our perceptions?

She loves to consciously keep space open in which the very newest things can emerge. I have thought a lot lately about the fact that there are a lot of new things to be thought and felt and said and done that require a new kind of open space, so that they can easily manifest. Maybe sometimes we have been caught in thinking "Well, what do I have to think about or do, because this situation or this person is impinging?" Maybe there is another kind of experience to open more for all of us, where the question really is "What should I be thinking about or doing, that Source would love to find a window for on earth?" 

I have been thinking also about how amazing women are as generating plants and the need for right perception so that individually and together we do not overgenerate or undergenerate, but generate exactly what is needed next. 

Another quality of the great beautiful Universal She is that She is unafraid to deal in absolutes. When a straight line is needed that says "That's enough," She will happily draw it firmly, and that is that! This could be with respect to Herself, an immediate situation, or inherent in a current of radiation extended beyond. 

She matures gracefully at all levels. Perhaps you have felt from time to time, as I have, that new windows should open for new functions as our female forms grow older, not the other way around,. We have the challenge of constantly finding what the new rhythms are, whatever our age. Just a little parenthetical thought here—we have moved in our awareness to become somewhat aware of the sixth sense or the seventh sense, but I wonder how many other senses there are: eight? nine? twelve? Maybe hundreds of senses, of capabilities yet to open as we participate correctly in the true maturing processes. 

Another quality that She enjoys is discipline. Probably some of us from time to time feel aspects of trauma that are going on in the planet's earth, and at other levels too. This may register quite acutely in our own facilities sometimes. Lillian mentioned something about moving into doing the greater works now. I thought that maybe the doing of the greater works requires deeper awareness of life's tone as it comes from Source. Deeper levels of this knowing requires deeper levels of discipline in our outer capacities. When some of these things, such as the earth traumas, are felt in our own flesh from time to time, we may know that such intensity is not us personally but that we are in fact feeling something beyond our own facilities. A well disciplined facility knows how to handle those stronger elements, and in such moments we may know that there is no earth current that can sweep us away or in any way impinge inappropriately upon our own awareness of who we are and the nature of our Source. 

Another beautiful quality of this wonderful She is contentment. In these days with all that the earth and humanity is undergoing, I have been aware in my own consciousness, over and over again, of the fact that if any are bound, none are free. And so to know a true current of contentment, something that is genuine and authentic in the midst of much that is under way, provides a radiant, useful stance. 

So I feel with you today a great current of celebration in the awareness of the fact that we are indeed each here to do very distinct things individually as aspects of this Universal She, as is being acknowledged this evening. And yet, we have to do it together. 

We need to find the ways of sharing more of who we really are in the world. This becomes very natural as we stay where we belong, doing what we always knew we came to do. We came—fired from above—to burn brightly wherever we are and to focus a refreshing current on and in the earth. 

Having recently read the Bhagavad-Gita, the Song Celestial, I thought of sharing a portion with you tonight from the Eleventh Chapter of this story. There is a little section here where Krishna, who symbolizes male God, speaks of himself. As I read what he says of himself, I thought how equally true it was of female God, and so would love to share these few lines as an expression of the truth of female God, of Universal She, of Her character. Following that there is a portion where the servant in this story speaks, and in the original he describes male God. I have taken the liberty in that section of changing a word or two to denote female God. We will begin with Krishna; here is a description of Universal She:

I manifest for thee
Those hundred thousand thousand shapes that clothe my Mystery:
I show thee all my semblances, infinite, rich, divine,

My changeful hues, my countless forms. See! in this face of mine,
Wonders unnumbered …

That statement is rightly ours into the world. And now the servant speaks, describing female God:

… Displaying
All the splendour, wonder, dread
Of Her vast Almighty-head.
Out of countless eyes beholding,
Out of countless mouths commanding,
Countless mystic forms enfolding
In one Form: supremely standing
Countless radiant glories wearing,
Countless heavenly weapons bearing,
Crowned with garlands of star-clusters,
Robed in garb of woven lustres,
Breathing from Her perfect Presence
Breaths of every subtle essence
Of all heavenly odours; shedding
Blinding brilliance; overspreading—
Boundless, beautiful—all spaces
With Her all-regarding faces;
So She showed! If there should rise
Suddenly with the skies
Sunburst of a thousand suns
Flooding earth with beams undeemed-of
Then might be that Holy One's
Majesty and radiance dreamed of!

Perhaps in these words we feel Her nature, Her beauty, Her uncluttered and unencumbered presence, Her vastness, Her power, Her positiveness, Her yieldedness, Her "everythingness!" It is this spirit that we came to exemplify and bring again on earth, in the situation the way it is now. 

I bring you my love and deep honor for your interest in this, for your willingness to come again to the true place of being, from which these things may easily manifest again on earth.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

1 comment:

Lucille said...

I very much appreciate Jean's Spirit and her words here. I am very glad to be on earth to manifest in the world the living presence of Universal She, I am here to reveal her, as I have no other purpose than this and I know it absolutely, Jean brought out many qualities pertaining to Universal She, and I would say that most are not foreign to me. I like the part she says, "When a straight line is needed that says "That's enough," She will happily draw it firmly, and that is that! I've had that experience and it's great!. Universal She can do anything because She gives no thought about the "doing"; She simply does what needs doing. As an individual aspect of Universal She, I recognize and realize I am on earth to do some very distinct things and I'm content to do that.