Oneness — God Being — Human Being
Oneness — God Being — Human Being
from Comments On
The Way #1
November 16, 1946
There are certain indications that some Students in
the School have an incomplete understanding about the Teaching of the School
with respect to the Lord within, which has tended to hinder easy transition
from the cycles of segregated individual expression to the cycle of
coordination in the Unit. In order to focalize and clarify vision in this
matter for all the Earnest Ones let us examine briefly the Truth of the matter.
Let it be remembered that the primary purpose of
this outline is to show that the consistent Student in the Third Sacred School
should not be any more concerned about his own Lord within himself as if he
thought his Father within were separate from himself. Only as the individual
lets himself be reborn, so that he worships God in Spirit and in Truth, can he
know the actuality of these things, and bring forth the fruit that is properly
made manifest through the branches of the one Vine. Let all of these things be
considered from the standpoint of a vivid Realization of the actualized
operation of the One Law.
Upon entrance into the Third Sacred School, one of
the first great revelations of Truth which is essential to individual progress
is the fact of the presence of the individual Lord within the body temple,
coupled with a recognition of the perfection of the individual God Being. However, the Student is immediately advised that the outer mind, or temple consciousness,
is supposed to become one with the Mind of the Father within—the Mind that was In Christ Jesus should be in each one. Emphasis was and
is immediately placed upon the fact that the outer and the Inner should be one,
and that progress in the School is in fact movement toward that oneness in the individual. If, in any instance, the Student continues to
imagine that as he comes closer into the Unit there will be an increasing
awareness in the outer consciousness of direction from the Lord within, he will
hinder his progress, for he thereby proves that he has failed to grasp the
significance of the Teaching as it relates to the essential oneness of the Inner
and the outer.
To the degree that there is true awareness of the LORD of Love and the Lord of
Truth there is, automatically, oneness between the temple consciousness and the
Lord within, and the outer consciousness ceases to be concerned about trying to
get into oneness with the Father within—because it is already in oneness and
has no need to get into that state—or to try to receive direction from the
Father within as if there were a continuation of the state of separation
between the Inner and the outer.
The progressive instruction in the Third Sacred
School has been designed to establish a consciousness of the fact of the Father
within, and then to inspire the expression, in life, of the Divine qualities of
nobility of Being which are characteristic of the Father within, so that the
Inner and the outer should in fact be one—whereupon the continuing instruction,
emphasizing the necessity of that oneness, began to develop a consciousness of
the Unit of the One Christ Body, wherein the many members of the Body began to
have a true and vivid consciousness of the LORD of Love and the Lord of Truth.
As an actualized feeling consciousness of the LORD of Love and the Lord of
Truth began to permeate the individual members of the Body, they were treated,
individually and collectively, on the basis of the actuality of the oneness of
the Inner and outer, even though the perfection of the Father was not in all
respects in absolute manifestation. Therefore, if the Student, to any degree,
continues to think and act from the standpoint of a separation between his
outer consciousness and his Father within, imagining that he should try to get
direction from his Father within, he hinders his individual movement into the
actual unification of the One Body.
It was not and is not intended that any individual
should undertake to delude himself into thinking that he is completely one with
his Lord, but it was emphasized that since the Father within each one is
perfectly coordinated with the LORD of Love and the Lord of Truth it was made
obvious that any deviation, in principle or function in Reality, from the
expression of the LORD of Love and the Lord of Truth would certainly be out of
harmony with the true expression of the Father within, therefore, each Student
was provided with an absolute means of checking the course of his forward,
movement without being concerned about possible distinctions between the Inner
and outer in his own individual expression of Life.
As the principles and Truths relating to the Unit
have been expounded it was made evident that the whole process was designed to
establish a consciousness of oneness—not just between the outer of the individual
and his Lord within, but a oneness of all the members of the Body in a
consciousness of Body, or Unit, and oneness with the LORD of Love and the Lord
of Truth. Thus it is seen that the individual recognition, in a true, vital
feeling sense, of the LORD of Love and the Lord of Truth indicates in an
absolute sense the exact ratio of the individual function in oneness with his
Lord within. However, the individual concept of this recognition is without
weight except as function in that recognition has allowed the Spirit to bring
forth the true fruits of the Christ Life in and through the individual members
of the One Body. To this end the Way, the Truth and the Life, as actually made
manifest in the One Body, has been clearly revealed through instruction and
brought into manifestation through training, so that the individual
consciousness might easily blend into the Unit consciousness in a Realization
of the Divine function of the Unit as One Body, through which the Greater
Works, of which Jesus Christ spoke, might be effectively made manifest.
Manifestation of the Individuality of the God Being
Special Session at Riverside, California
Uranda March
24, 1947
Is it not the desire of all to give up human individuality, so that the individuality of the Lord may manifest? To re-emphasize one point here:
"Emphasis was and is immediately placed
upon the fact that the outer and the Inner should be
one, and that progress in the School is in fact
movement toward that oneness in the individual. If,
in any instance, the Student continues to imagine that as he comes closer into the Unit there will be an increasing
awareness in the outer consciousness of direction
from the Lord within, he will hinder his progress."
Let us consider that for a moment, because if the individual is
still concerned about his outer receiving direction
from his Lord within, that very attitude brings
about a separation between the two, because if they are one, the outer
is not concerned about trying to get direction from
the Inner, because they are then one, and if
they are one, then they are in harmony with the Divinely focalized Plan.
It is evident that there are three points of
test: First — If
the individual thinks there is oneness and he is
still concerned in the outer mind about getting direction from the Lord within, that brings separation because it is an
acknowledgment of twoness and not oneness; and Second
— If there is oneness there will be a
recognition of the Lord of Love and the Lord
of Truth; and Third — If
there is oneness there will be a bringing
forth of the fruits of the Spirit as members
of the One Body or branches of the One Vine. There
are points of test clearly outlined here, so I
see no reason for any excuse for confusion.
Human beings imagine that they will lose their
individuality when they become members of the one
body. That means they want to be scattered entities and not unified entities, but unless there is co-ordination
between the Inner and the outer, there cannot
be a manifestation of the individuality of the God-Being. There is a manifestation of the human personality,
and if there is oneness in the individual, then there
is automatically oneness in the Unit, because the One God is made up of one Unit of God-Beings.
The world of man is supposed to reveal the world of
God. The One God is the unification of all
God-Beings focalized in the LORD of Lords. When
Heaven and earth are one, the manifestation through man on earth must be
the expression of the Unit, so that the Unit of Divine men and women is
revealing the Unit of God-Being on earth.
Inner and Outer Focalizations
from Seven Spirits — Mind
June 10, 1953 Class
One of the factors which we might inject
at this point, in order to be sure that the opportunity of comprehension is
clear, is this: Some people assume that the God Being as such, the inner point
of being, is supposed as such to take care of every little detail of everyday
life. Now, that is not the case. In other words the outer aspect of
consciousness, being one with the inner aspect of consciousness, is supposed to
take care of a multitude of details, the things that are worked out more or
less automatically. As soon as there is a recognition in outer consciousness,
so functioning, that something is getting out of pattern, something needs to be
adjusted, there is an internal process by which the focalization of
consciousness in inner deity is allowed to come into play to take care of that.
But the process of taking care of all
the little details of life, of deliberately determining that now is the time to
put on your shoes, or now is the time to take them off, or a thousand and one
other things that you do in daily life, does not have any direct relationship
to the focalization of inner deity within you, because the outer aspect of
consciousness is supposed to be able to take care of those things without
interfering with the vibrational factors of the inner. As long as the outer
aspect of consciousness, functioning in actual fact at one with the inner,
takes care of these things without trying to assume control, on a basis that is
harmonious to the One Law, harmonious to the divine purpose, etc., the God
Being simply leaves it to what we might call the human being, without in actual
fact establishing any differentiation between them. But there is a point where,
under pressure, or because of some factor getting out of hand, the movement
back into the inner point of control takes place and it is a direct expression
from the inner to the outer. So you cannot actually divide the two at any
point. But it is not, with respect to a lot of things that your outer mind is
supposed to know, actually a movement of the inner point of reality out through
the consciousness as a particularized expression; only a general pattern, so
that the mind can function on a basis of intelligence.
Now if you expected the God Being to
take care of every little detail, there would be no need of your having, in the
outer sense, self-awareness, self-consciousness, would there? You are supposed
to be the outer manifestation of the inner, functioning on a basis of oneness.
But suppose the central focalization of deity, which we speak of as the Lord of
Love, or the LORD of Lords, were to particularly delegate to you some
responsibility. You have some job to do from the standpoint of inner being and
outer being. Well then, does that mean that every time you are to determine
whether you should pick up a glass or set down a book, or do something else, so
to speak, that you are to run to the Lord of Love and say, "Well now,
Lord, what would you have me do about this matter? Really, I ... I want to just
obey you. I want to do just what you want me to do, dear Lord. What would you
have me do?" And so the great King stops to consider all of these little
matters and He tells you just what to do and how to do it, in every sphere of
function. Why? It would be easier for Him to go and do it Himself and there
would be no need of you. No. When He delegates responsibility He expects you to
do a job in harmony with the laws of His Kingdom, period. There may conceivably
be some point at which you might need to have a consciousness established, particularly
of—what shall we say—vibratory interchange with that focalization of deity. But
you were delegated to do a job, and if He expected to do everything, make every
decision, work out every little detail, He would have gone and done it Himself.
It would have been much easier.
So this works in exactly the same way—just
as the inner point of focalization of deity in you, functioning with the
oneness, or full response, of the outer aspect of you, proceeds to do a job
within the pattern of the Law, and unless something gets out of hand beyond the
range of your proper responsibility, you do not refer back to center. You go
and do a job. But you do it within the vibratory field, you do it within the
Law, you do it within the patterns of the kingdom. And so you, as a
focalization, may have the privilege of providing centering for the factors of
others. If you expect to go out and tell them how to think every thought and
speak every word, and so on, it will not work. Well the same principle carries
on out to you, the focalization of deity within and the outer manifestation of
Now human beings, tending to recognize
the fact that there is a God Being within, start out to try to work in the
field of magic; but it is the outer phase of the mind tending to direct and to
determine; it is not the outer phase of the mind working within the laws and principles
of the kingdom. Here we begin to have the difference between so-called white
and black magic. And as soon as you, in outer consciousness, have accepted
identity in and with inner consciousness, anything that is beyond the range of
your true ability automatically begins to flow out from the inner point of
being and will be met in the pattern of divine magic. But if this outer
consciousness denies relatedness with the inner identity, it will try to do
something which it is not equipped to do, and then there will be futility and
There is a point, however, in every
individual where the pattern of particularized action is more or less automatically
established on the basis of the outer aspect of the one consciousness and it
does not even enter into, or concern, the inner aspect of the one
consciousness, so that you go ahead and do; you function without having the
inner aspect of consciousness be under the necessity of particularly
determining when you will put on your glasses and take off your glasses, and
when you will put on your shoes, and when you will eat and when you will drink,
and a thousand and one other things through the day. That is the right and
normal pattern of living in the divine state. But the easy flow, back and
forth. When the pressures increase, instead of the outer aspect of
consciousness breaking and becoming subject to the outer and trying to do
something of itself, it just lets the pressure increase; it holds steady, it
gets connected up with the inner. The inner comes into play and moves out
through the outer, and it is all done—beautiful, wonderful, glorious, the
working of heavenly magic.
© emissaries of divine light
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