January 20, 2016

A Story In Stone

A  Story  In  Stone

Grace Van Duzen   November 13, 1988

I have had a story in my mind and heart for many months. It is the time to share it. This is a story in stone. There is established in the earth, and has been for many millennia, a symbol in stone. This symbol, as I am sure you have guessed by now, is the Great Pyramid, and that Great Pyramid has a name. It is spelled G-i-z-e-h, but it is pronounced “jee-za,” and it is a symbol of the LORD of Lords. Being a symbol of the Lord, it is also a symbol of His body.

I have no intention of analyzing the Pyramid—looking at the internal measurements and seeing all the related prophecies. But there are some measurements which I have found interesting of the outside of the Pyramid, brought to focus in recent years by John Michell, an English author. The measurements are not at all important. This is a story. It is a symbol and we can see a message.

Obviously this structure was built by MAN—men, who were aware of the Laws of Being. We don’t know the purposes really, but one of them certainly was to convey a message. It would have been established after the fall of man but before the great cataclysm (plural perhaps), which brought about a drastic change in mankind, so that he lost awareness of very much of that with which he was created. The Pyramid was established as a symbol of Divine Man—but not only that. There was awareness in the erection of this edifice of much of the history that would follow. But it began as a symbol of divine man, and there is enough remaining evidence on earth, in records of various kinds, that this was a symbol of man as he was created to be. At the very apex, one point, infinitesimal perhaps, was the connecting point between heaven and earth.

Here, established in this particular part of the world, is an amazing message. The location itself carries a message. It was and is located in the center of Egypt, and measurements have indicated that this particular place is also at the center of the land area of the world. The Pyramid is located at the apex of an inverted triangle. It is a triangle except for the base line, which is an arc. That is what has been called Lower Egypt, even though it is at the northernmost part of Egypt. (The River Nile flows from south to north.) At the exact apex of this triangle is the Pyramid. This area has been called the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel developed.

In the beginning this monument was like a gem; it was a shining, radiant light. Pyramid means light. So we have a connection, a point of union between heaven and earth, where light entered the world. This was a specific physical thing that happened, but it was also a symbol of the entrance of light into this world through man, Divine being brought to focus in the LORD of Lords. There was an apex. Some speculate and say maybe there never was one. However in this symbolism it would indeed have been there, as a symbol of the wholeness of being. The Pyramid was covered with a limestone arris, a pure-white stone which, because of what was inside the Pyramid, a focus of power in fact, was itself luminous. With the sun’s rays it was indeed a living light. This was a picture of Divine Man. No one knows when the apex disappeared. We do know when its robe of radiance was removed, but we will come to that later.

I will mention some of the things which this author brings out in his book. In these measurements, which are not his alone but discerned in agreement with some others, they discovered that there was a very definite ratio as they moved to the different sections of the pyramid. They said there had to be three pyramids in one. The apex, at the top, which is the only true pyramid (the only one with a top), would not occupy that whole missing space that we see there but would have been a small pyramid at the very top. They figure that it had to be gold because the measurements then would fit all the way through. That apex of gold you could hold in your hand, five cubic inches in volume. The proportion then would be such that multiplying that small pyramid by fifty-six you would find a form that would fill in the rest of the apex; and you would then have that missing space filled in.

So we have a golden small pyramid and the rest filled in by multiplying that first one by fifty-six. Multiplying that gold apex by fifty-six twice, you get that huge body of the pyramid. It seems exponential, but the figures are accurate. He didn’t stop his measurements there. Multiplying the gold apex by fifty-six three times, you come to a very accurately measured plateau upon which the Pyramid sits, the Sphinx with it, and a few other pyramids that have been built, but nothing else on that plateau. The Pyramid itself sits on a rock. It seems to be a part of that rock: immovable, as it has proven. The whole plateau is solid rock. We go on and multiply that golden pyramid by fifty-six four times, and guess where we come—to the land of Goshen, perfectly measured, the place where the children of Israel originated as a people and grew into a mighty nation. This man just gave the measurements; I am drawing my own conclusion. But that is what is measured in that step. He didn’t stop there. He measured the golden pyramid, multiplied It by fifty-six, five times, and it comes out exactly to the earth’s circumference. I think this tells a story.

All of this made me think principally of one word: continuum. If there has been anything on earth it has been a persistence in the mind of man of failure, absolute failure. “What can we do? Look how everybody failed back there.” But I see in this a continuum of what was initiated from the very beginning. If we look at it this is quite a picture, this monument, first of divine man. But then if we see what happened to it, it is a picture of the body in the human state today. First the apex disappeared; and now it has come to this point, where nothing can be seen outwardly but a hulk. If you have ever seen the Pyramid today, it is a hulk and it is not pretty. I think it is an accurate picture of the body of mankind separating itself from that which is above—a separation. Here we have this land called the land of Goshen in the Bible, or the place where the children of Israel, the first evidence of a body of God on earth, found its manifest form. This was all foreseen in these outer measurements of the Pyramid. In this land there is this arc, which encompasses seven tributaries of the Nile; this is the delta of the Nile—a very beautiful symbol of something established in the earth according to divine design.

I did see the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and one has a feeling of something grand, but also there is a very profound feeling of sadness at the state of man today. The Pyramid has survived incredible cataclysmic occurrences. We have heard of the extent of these cataclysms. Very little survived, but this edifice has survived, not however without internal damage. It has been reported, and Velikovsky also referred to it, that there are enormous granite beams above the King’s Chamber which protect this very sacred place of the King’s Chamber. They have been wrenched and torn—but not broken: again a picture of man today. All that has happened has not eliminated the body which was established many years ago. It is in a fallen state, yes, but it is still here. I also went inside the Pyramid, which many have. In the King’s Chamber, unexpectedly there was a great feeling of power. Again, here we are with this same experience. Regardless of appearances the power is in the body, part of a continuum.

While this is not a review of the Story of Man, I will look at a few things with you. This monument appeared in the earth and survived many disasters. The first one who appeared to let the focus of a body of God come again on earth was Abraham. Enoch and Noah came before him, but they were the connecting link between what had been and what now is, and we must include Job in that. But considering history as we know it, Abraham was the pioneer. He came out of Babylon, just as surely as we have, and he was aware of a great promise. In the light of these measurements I will share a few words from the Bible.

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And the Lord said, “In blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore…” Here was a great promise that included the whole world. Abraham knew that promise. He was aware of it. He recognized it. His vision was not small. He was aware of the promise that this was the beginning (as a “seed,” he said) of something that would cover the face of the earth, and that is exactly what it was. I have always found it interesting that these great patriarchs, pioneers, always went down into Egypt. Abraham went down into Egypt and came back again after a few experiences. Isaac went down into Egypt and came out. Remember that there was much established there then which has long since disappeared. It was a place where much had been carried over from earlier times, in records and other ways. Next we come to Jacob.

Jacob had twelve sons, quite an achievement, especially with four wives! We can see through such stories a beautiful victory over human-nature patterns. That is what has allowed this story to continue. It was not some airy-fairy thing. There was victory every step of the way in what we might call little things. What else is there but little things? We wouldn’t go out and commit murder or rob a bank, but what about those little niggling things that obstruct the full flow of the spirit? That is where the victory was established every step of the way in these stories. If you look at the story of Joseph there is a key to what came later in the movement from twelve men to twelve tribes. There would have been nothing for Moses to work with in the way of a body if it hadn’t been for Joseph and his marvelous story. It wasn’t just: Get twelve sons and there you have it, and they reproduce and reproduce and you have Twelve Tribes: and that is the body. What was the quality of this? We found in the story of Joseph that, having been treated terribly, according to any human concept, by his brothers, he wound up in Egypt and functioned perfectly, until in season the only place to buy food was Egypt. Because of his presence the food was there. So his brothers came down into Egypt. If you remember the story, they did not know him but he knew them, and he made them prove themselves. He tested them within an inch of their lives to see whether they had changed. Otherwise there would have been no basis for the emergence of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They proved that they had indeed changed. They would not sell their youngest brother as they had Joseph. They offered themselves instead of him if he was to be put in prison. The reason was that they could not hurt their father. So it was the love for the father that brought the love for each other—the two great commandments—and the proof that they had changed. There was a solid foundation, and Joseph was aware of all this.

Many years later the children of Israel developed substantially in that land, so that the Egyptians were afraid they would take over. Moses came into the picture and led this body of people with a strong hand—he brought the Law. We have the pattern of twelve all the way through—the twelve sons, then the twelve tribes. In the story you will find Jacob's blessing of the twelve sons just before he left—a very beautiful expression of identification with the All-That-Is—we might say a cosmic representation of the Twelve. Later on, at the time of the Twelve Tribes, when Moses was leaving he blessed them—a very beautiful expression again, emphasizing the connection between the twelve with the cosmos.

Incidentally we have had the blessing in our time of our twelve units before our beloved's departure. So we have a continuum, a very wonderful continuum. Primary in my consciousness is that this is a continuum of victory and not of failure. We think of the children of Israel: they failed. We think of the disciples at the time of Jesus: they failed. But it wasn't the end. I was thinking of the failure of the First Sacred School at the time of Solomon, and many with him. After him Elijah, a great prophet, let the movement of spirit continue. He came out of the tribes of Israel. Here was something allowing a continuation of victory. And it wasn't just Elijah; there were many who were with the Lord. He thought he was the only one and the Lord said, “Who do you think you are?” He said there were at least seven thousand right there!

Anyway, this multiplication table that we have been looking at takes us through that measurement of the land of Goshen, around the world. In the unfolding process of history we have the coming of the Master and all that He brought, and the magnificent opportunity for mankind then. There was failure then, but some thing carried through. John, His most beloved disciple, on the Isle of Patmos, knowing full well that the end would be execution, dwelt in an ecstatic state where the reality was revealed to him. Here was a wonderful continuing. Before all that, there were other prophets: Isaiah, Daniel—mighty ones. Daniel was the one who prepared something in what was called Babylon for the coming of the Master, because it was from that land that a small remnant returned to Palestine, and that is where the Master was born. And so Jesus brought the mighty truths again. In His personal victory He made it possible for the body to continue.

That shining coat on the Pyramid had continued intact for those thousands of years. The building of that pyramid probably goes back at least twenty thousand years. Certainly it was not built in the time of history as we know it. Poor man can’t figure out how in the world it happened! It was not until some centuries after Jesus, seven or eight hundred, that the radiant robe, or covering, was removed. It was there all those years and it was removed after what man did to Him. We can remember that, at the cross, His robe was removed from Him.

Perhaps there is a sensing that after that the state of mankind experienced a great step downward. Here he was, not only separated from the apex in outward form, but the robe of radiance gone; it was stolen. There was an Arab named Al Mamoun who in 800 A.D. came with his gang to force an entrance into the Pyramid because they were sure it was full of treasures; it had to be; and nobody had gotten into it. They forced an entrance, which was a great feat, and it took them a long time. They had an idea, from some old records, of where the door should be. It was on the north side and they were close to it, but they didn’t quite make it. No one knows how that door opens. There is a way. But the opening they forced—which was by sheer force, a cruel destruction of the wall—was below the door.

Our Master had something to say on that score: “He that entereth not by the door ... but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.’’ They found nothing inside to take, but they took the covering from the Pyramid. It took generations to do it. It was very thick blocks of this beautiful white covering; I don’t know how wide—five feet perhaps. It took them a long time to do it, but over in that part of the world you will see white mosques; this is the material which built them. It lost its radiance. The positioning of the Pyramid, with the sun's light and all the rest that went into it, made it a living light and fire. Those mosques are white, but the Master also said something about whited sepulchres which within are full of dead men’s bones. All these things to me are very symbolic of what has happened. Man has stolen, and he thinks he can steal, the substance of God and make his own religions and his own temples. But within them there is nothing. So the Pyramid has been in its present state to this day. Much has happened in the world and there has been quick movement in what has seemed like great progress, and especially in this less than one century when everything exploded, not only people but everything: the industrial revolution and all the subsequent inventions, the car, the airplane, radio, TV, computers, everything.

“But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep… Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep… And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice: and there shall be one fold…” Again, a beautiful vision. Not, “this is the end.” No matter how it looked, there was the absolute conviction that this voice was something to fill the earth, to cover the face of the earth. Indicated in all of this to me is the fact that this is a body we are talking about, and a body is a whole entity. It must be whole, one thing.

A year or two ago I watched, on a TV program, an actual operation on a physical body, and it was traumatic to me to see the inside. It was sheer sacrilege. But the interesting thing was not only seeing the inside parts of a body; it was the fact that everything in there was moving, not just the invisible movement of cells, but everything was moving, pumping and doing all kinds of things. That impression has never left me. All of you are just sitting there, covered over with skin, and I can’t see anything moving inside of you! It is one whole. And I am sure that from out in space this earth is one beautiful entity. The motion was impressive to me. Recently in a gathering on attunements, I thought how simple healing is when it isn’t seen as a fixed thing. Everything is motion, and yet there is a tendency to fix everything. “This is a condition for ever and ever, or maybe just for an hour.” It is that fixation, that stopping of the motion, that doesn’t allow the healing. If we are giving an attunement to motion it seems like a very simple thing.

Something else impressed me with John Michell’s measurements. I am very grateful to him for these thoughts on the measurements of the golden pyramid, then the next step and the next one, and the plateau, and the land of Goshan, and all around the world, because this points to something that has already happened in reality—a body of people, oriented in spirit, which covers the face of the earth. But it began to occur to me, Why stop there? I wonder what the next measurement would be? Now this is safe to say because nobody can measure it— oh, probably some scientists think they could. But what would the next step be, multiplying the circumference of the earth by fifty-six, six times? That would be the seventh entity. Where would it take us, do you suppose? To the sun?

How about what Job said? “Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth?” “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” Can you do this? Can the earth actually be in operation with these constellations? “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?” “Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?” Well, I know the measurement doesn't stop with the earth. That would make this a very self-centered entity, just like the individuals who live on it have been.

Where do we go from here? The wonderful thing is that we do take the next step; that is the whole point of this substance which surrounds the world, which is gold. We have noted before that we have the twelve represented today as surely as it was there in the land of Goshen or in the disciples with the Master. Here we have the collective twelve—groups of people, each with a single focus. There always has to be a focus or there is no body. We have a collection of bodies, and it certainly doesn’t end there. What multiples of twelve do you suppose there are? One hundred and forty-four thousand is a multiple of twelve. There is no stopping to this creative process. It doesn't come to the state of the world restored, and stop. This point is when the earth may find its real purpose, because mankind would then be in place in relation to all that is, to the cosmos.

There is a reference in the story of Jesus to laying down one’s life for one's friends. This has been interpreted as dying, but to lay down one’s life is to live in the body of a whole without regard to oneself. It is seeing what needs to be done on earth today in the situations which we may think are inevitable, that can't change. To say they cannot change is a lie. We must do these things without regard to “me,” even in self-pity or guilt. It doesn’t matter who did what. It doesn't matter where it is. We lay down our lives in living for our friends, for this whole body. We are here to live and it would matter to me if I didn't do that; and you would all agree—that it must be done.

As Martin put it, the pollution in the heaven must be dissolved. The old heaven and the old earth are passing away, and that is how it is done. The positive thing that allows it to happen is love. That’s all. God is love. It is that positive force which is still in the body of humanity. It cannot be defeated. We can talk about failure all the way through, but there is a continuum of victory that says: Oh yes it can be done; it is being done. That is not a theory; we know it. This is what we came for. It is what Abraham came for and all the rest of them came for. The victory is much more real, surely, than any failure. There is a tendency to put the emphasis on failure, past or present, and maybe even in the future, but that is saying that the devil is stronger than the Lord, that you can defeat the power of God. It is not possible.

Another thing that has been in my consciousness is time. It was said there would be time no more. Does that mean that everything will be blown up or something? I think it has to do with the concept of time, at least for me. Again it refers to the separation which marked everything man did in his fall of consciousness. We separate past, present and future. I was meditating on the present moment. What is it? Everything I just said is in the past. Where is the present moment? It is all one continuum. In the Book of Revelation, which speaks of this time now, there is a key, a motto, you might say, throughout: that “which is, and which was, and which is to come”—in other words it is all one.

The relation between this planet and the other planets has been subject to much disturbance in the design. We have noted that at the time of Moses there was a great cosmic occurrence which involved this planet and it looked like the absolute end of everything. There was a comet involved which became a new planet, Venus. Venus means “new,” by the way. It is a young planet. That was a constructive outcome but I would say only because there was a focus on this planet to allow something constructive to occur. Moses was in place and a body of people was there with him to whatever extent. We can disregard appearances. Sometimes it can look like hell but we know the victory absolutely as long as there is a truer, absolute body in place functioning according to the one law of love. With that in place it is a part of all there is, and there is nothing that can defeat that.

So in fulfillment of what we might call the prophecy of these external measurements, we come to the place where this beautiful planet is seen as complete, whole—golden, we might say, as was the original apex of the Pyramid, the whole thing golden. We have recognized that the circle around the earth now is of the golden substance of love. So a filling-in can take place until this whole planet fulfils the prophecy of this text in Revelation: “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven: a woman clothed With the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.” I used to think that was a very good description of the earth, with the sun up there shining and clothing the earth. But it is only half clothed: part of it is in night! However, clothing is, in that sense, what we are; it goes where we go. The earth is being clothed with the sun. It is sun substance. In this sense the earth is a sun. “And the moon under her feet”—no use for that reflected light anymore. “And upon her head a crown of twelve stars”: here we have a conscious awareness Of Mazzaroth, a conscious awareness of the interrelatedness of the earth with the entire cosmos. That is what mankind is here for He is not limited to fixing up the earth, but once he is restored to his proper place and the Lord can work through him the purpose of the earth can again come into consciousness.

One is reminded vividly of those words in Job; “When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.” Morning is a beginning time. Here was a beginning creation of heavenly bodies. And now there may be the restoration of that—all the harm that has been done in the solar system—through man. What a mighty place we rightly have in the scheme of things. It has been said that the earth is the tabernacle of God.

There are a few words in Revelation I would read to close: “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away…” That is what it is all about, literally a new heaven appearing because of a new earth. We always put it the other way around and that is all right too. But it works together, doesn't it? “And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city … descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal”—a description of this beautiful connection again on earth, here on earth with heaven, the light of heaven shining clearly into the earth. “And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel.”

John brought it all together again. Here he is talking about the culmination—described in Revelation, which, as Uranda said, was the blueprint for today, for this in which we are engaged. John says, here are twelve angels at the twelve gates, but they also have the names of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. It doesn't sound like failure; it sounds like something carried through. Then a little farther: “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” So we have got it all together. I wished to share with you the story that has been with me a great deal, the story in stone. It is what we are all about today.

© emissaries of divine light

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