January 21, 2016

Our Commission Before the LORD of Lords

Our  Commission  Before  the  LORD  of  Lords

from  Secrets of the Sacred School

Uranda   November 25, 1936

Unto the Blessed Ones, who now let go in the Oneness of the Christ Spirit, I write from within the Sacred Place of the Temple, that greater understanding and harmonization may now be released into the world consciousness, for it is ordained of the LORD of Lords that every limitation of the world consciousness shall be redirected according to its Cosmic purpose, that perfect harmony may be established in the fully manifestation of the Cosmic All That Is. In the consciousness of man there abides a many-pointed and scattered concept of God, and the Cosmic point in Eternity is present when mankind shall know that, in the harmonization of his scattered points of understanding and in the unlimited expanse of his recognition of God, the full release of God Being is made possible through man into the earth. Man in the beginning was created to be a channel for the expression of God Being in the material planes, but man chose to act in an expression of himself rather than to be an expression of God Being and as a result man's manifestation has largely been limited to that which man of himself is; and the full manifestation of God Being in the earth has been unknown, with the exception of those ordained instances wherein the perfect manifestation was revealed to man, the outstanding instance of which, insofar as the present world consciousness is concerned, is that which was revealed in and through our beloved Master, the LORD of Lords, at the time of His manifestation as Jesus.

Recognizing the great necessity of that unification and release in the human consciousness which will allow a Release of the Divine Consciousness into the activities of the earth, we would first consider the point of world consciousness and recognition in which we now find ourselves, that, knowing where we are in the outer manifestation in relationship to the Inner Reality, we may the better, in unified activity, proceed in the unification of the two, that the outer manifestation may receive the full perfection of the Inner Reality. The human mind of every clime, people and country has been greatly impressed by every manifestation of power which was unlimited by the human limits of human concepts, and the manifestation of such power has directed the human attention toward methods of practice designed to allow the individual to participate in such power and the results which might thereby be achieved. This has led to a blind worship of those who have been the great channels for the release of God Consciousness into the earth and to a world-wide tendency to center attention upon the actions of the great ones, which were not understood, rather than upon the teachings and Truths which were thereby released. This has been true of every so-called great teacher that the world has known in any time or place since the fall of man. Only the few have been able to perceive and recognize that greater Something which was released through the works that were performed, for the works of themselves were nothing, but, as doors whereby the Blessed One might enter into the fullness of Reality, the works had their appointed place.

The human consciousness still looks for the phenomenal manifestation of the works, saying that to the degree of the works, belief is engendered. Attention to the works engenders only belief and that leads to nothingness. Attention to that which is released through the works leads to a knowing, that is the absolute assurance of true Faith, and in this is the Allness available. According to the Faith of each one, so is it established in that one, and it cannot be otherwise. This distinction between belief by works and Faith through works is one which has not been recognized since the days of the Illumined Ones who walked in the Way with the Great Master.

Insofar as the Blessed Ones who abide in the Light are concerned, we are not interested in works, excepting as they may be used as channels through which a Realization of Reality is released into the world consciousness. Because of the fickleness of the human mind and of the inability of the human being to center his attention one-pointedly, it is necessary that we, for the time being, refrain from the utilization of what might be considered great works, because these would engender a world reaction directly contrary to that which is necessary to the world consciousness at the present time; therefore we function in our ministry in the Realization that time places no limit upon Actuality, and, therefore, the great works which have been done, and especially those which were performed by the Great Master, are the perfect channels or doorways through which we may establish a recognition of Reality in and for those Blessed Ones who are ready and willing to let go of their human concepts and preconceived ideas concerning individual harmonization and affinity in the outmanifestation of life. All who cling to the idea of the value of works, no matter by whom performed, are limited, and one in such a state cannot truly enter in. That Blessed One who begins to realize that the works of themselves are nothing, whether performed by the Great Master or by his own humble self, is ready to begin to receive understanding of that which is released through the works. This release is the out-manifestation of Reality, that the fullness of God-Consciousness may be known in the outer creation.

Due to the fact that the attention of even the so-called learned ones of every field of human endeavor has been directed toward an analysis and understanding of the Works, rather than that which was released through the works, the human concept of God Being has been largely evolved around the idea of Mother-God, or as called by some, the Divine Mother. This is true both in the Occident and in the Orient, though the same principle manifests differently. Mother-God is the manifest creation of the Cosmic All That Is, or in other words, the negative aspect of all positive Being. The human consciousness, directing its attention toward works in the various manifestations of creation, has given consideration to nature in her beauty, and because of the physical affinity between the human being and the whole material creation, the outlook of the human being has been from the standpoint of creation, and to the degree that the human being lets go to a blending with the creation he becomes conscious of the functions of creation.

Three Inner Planes

+  Positive Reality — Father God  +


-------  4th Plane   -------

heart realm


Veil  -------------- vibrationless  ---  formless --------------  Veil

upper levels of 3rd Plane

Sea of Glass



-------  3rd Plane  -------

spiritual expression plane



-------  2nd Plane  -------

mental plane


  Negative Reality — Mother God  

Three Outer Planes

The whole limited concept of Reality as manifest in the various spiritual teachings in the earth has arisen from this consideration of the outer creation and man's harmonization therewith. The various practices, both Oriental and Occidental, by which powers of body and mind are developed and by which seemingly great works are accomplished, are simply individual efforts in the direction of a greater harmonization with the outer creation and they do not go beyond that point of blending between the positive Reality and the negative Reality. Functioning from the standpoint of the negative Reality, the so-called adept has harmonized with the Divine Mother phase of God-Consciousness to a point of losing self-consciousness in the whole negative consciousness, and then rising in consciousness to the point where the negative manifestation of form ceases. This point of blending has been looked upon by some of the world's most renowned teachers as pure God-Consciousness and has been described as being formless and vibrationless. In this such teachers have proven the limited scope of their awareness, for until the individual by the proper methods allows his consciousness to be uplifted from a submersion in the creation-consciousness to a point completely passing through or beyond this point of blending wherein the formless nothingness is known, into a recognition of the positive Reality, the Blessed One cannot begin to know the fulness of Being.

The Great Master constantly directed attention to the Father, that in a recognition of the positive Reality the fullness of God Being might be comprehended. So long as the concept of God Being is limited to that of the creation, which is the Mother-God, the true aspect of the Eternal and of the Absolute is unknown.

Functioning from a standpoint of the positive Reality in Father-God Being, our Ministry in the Temple of Light, as released in the earth, is for the purpose of establishing in the world consciousness a recognition of positive God Being which will allow an outmanifestation of Reality in place of the present chaos that is manifest in the world. Our commission before the LORD of Lords is to establish, first, a focal point of absolute and complete recognition of Positive Reality, through which the manifestation of Father-God Being may begin to pour out into the world consciousness. The outpouring and manifestation of positive Reality into the outer world limitation will come about as a natural sequence in unhindered expression as soon as a specific point, through which such a release is possible, is fully established in the world consciousness.

Individually we have heard and responded to the Cosmic Call of the Spirit and have been drawn into this harmonization for the specific purpose of establishing this point of recognition which is even now drawn into the world consciousness and is rapidly receiving a unification through the individual points, whom the Blessed Ones are, that, as we are specifically harmonized in a constant attitude of thanksgiving and praise to the LORD of Lords—Who is the focal point of positive Being in this world—we, in our continued coordination with Him, may behold that glorious transformation which is taking place so easily and quickly as we individually abide in that constant consciousness of positive Reality. In this we begin to enter into a true recognition and understanding of God Being, and in our enlarged concept we are drawn into our appointed places in the Temple of Light where our ministry may be made manifest to all who will receive.

In this entire manifestation and activity we recognize that there is but one true Way, namely, the Way of the Christ Love; for Love is the key which unlocks every mystery and which reveals the Perfect Way here and now; Love to the Father-God that His positive Love may flow through the body-temple in blessing to the whole creation, thereby allowing a full manifestation of the Cosmic union between Father-God and Mother-God, which is the ultimate purpose of all creative activity.

© Emissaries of Divine Light


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