January 03, 2016

One Absolute Universal Vibration on Earth

One  Absolute  Universal  Vibration  on Earth

from  The Unfolding Divine Plan

Uranda   September 30, 1951

The outworking of a plan always requires that someone understand the plan.

We recognize that the divine pattern for man's salvation is established upon certain fundamental principles. The fundamental plan is never changed; the specific application of that plan has changed several times. When one particular aspect of its application failed, another was inaugurated. We recognize, looking back, that within the scope of our present historical period one such plan was inaugurated through Abraham by Melchizedek, and the opportunity was given to the children of Israel, and they failed. We recognize that our Master Himself came into the world to institute a new application of the principles and laws by which the divine plan might be brought to fruition, and we recognize that while He was here the world response was inadequate to allow Him to establish any effective cycle in the sense of outer manifestation. And so He established it vibrationally, and set the program up so that His disciples could, if they would, follow out the laws and principles and establish a continuity of that plan and program.

The failure of the disciples to grasp as a whole the meaningfulness of the Master's life and teaching led to the failure with respect to the function in the current of divine power at the day of Pentecost. Instead of allowing that power to increase so that with it should be the beginning of a great new cycle, they followed the lead of self-active Peter, and the power rapidly diminished and soon was virtually blotted out. The power from that day could have increased, bringing a glorious fruition at that time and saving nearly two thousand years of misery and suffering in the world; but the instruments upon whom God was depending at that time failed Him, and the power diminished and the Dark Ages followed—and they were dark ages.

Consequent upon this failure, however, the arrangement was instituted whereby a new program could be opened up, a new application of the laws and principles by which some fundamental program could be carried out, and we recognize that the Book of Revelation contains within it the portrayal of that pattern of application. The Book of Revelation was written after it was evident that the opportunity at that time had been missed and lost. It was recognized, from a divine standpoint, that a considerable cycle of time would be necessary before the world itself could be brought to focus where the plan could be put into operation. The thousand years when the mind of man was chained in the bottomless pit of knowledge had to pass, and about the thirteenth century there was an opening up, which has continued down to this present day.

The cycle of expansion and knowledge has been particularly rapid in our own century. In the past fifty years the outworking has been extremely rapid. The days have been shortened. Speed has been so increased in so many ways that what would have taken months and years not so long ago is now accomplished in seconds or hours or days. All this has a bearing. The development of this particular continent—the United States and Canada, particularly—the pattern of that development, all has a bearing. A new land was prepared in which the new beginning of God's plan might manifest. Particularized forms of government were arranged so that there would be the highest probability of fulfilment. This in which we are engaged is clearly foretold in the Book of Revelation. While they were not particularly aware of the direct meaningfulness in the outworking of God's plan, all of those who have been helping to build our countries here on this continent have been having a part in that outworking, and all of this is developed for one purpose.

The roads have been built, the railroads, the airlines, the radio networks, all of these things that we have all around us, not for the purposes which human beings have imagined but that they might have a part in the fulfilment of the program to which we are called. Without knowing it, millions of people every day are laboring to the end that this program may be successful. The work that has been done so far has been largely without a clear consciousness of the whys and wherefores, and substitute reasons have occupied the attention of untold thousands and millions; but the time has come when there must be those who recognize the responsibilities and realize the reality of the outworking program, so that a consciousness of divine fulfilment begins to appear in the world to provide a focalization through which a still higher molding and controlling force may be exerted on earth. All of this has been done in preparation to make it possible for us to succeed. The meaningfulness of all this depends upon us. Of course there are more of us than are gathered here in this room, but the point of consciousness, the focalization of consciousness and understanding and vision had to begin to appear.

Over and over again the Master gave parables in which He said, “The kingdom of heaven is like unto such and such a thing”—like unto a grain of mustard seed, or like some leaven placed in three measures of meal. Why did He say three measures of meal? Because He was thinking about the three phases of man: body and mind and spiritual expression—the three measures of meal to be leavened. And He gave the parable about the pearl of great price, and many others, pointing to the fulfilments which were to be.

The outworking of a plan always requires that someone understand the plan. If there is a blueprint, someone must understand the blueprint and direct the building. After the disciples failed to carry through on the pattern which the Master established on earth, a new blueprint was drawn up and set aside for the day when someone should appear who could read the blueprint and could help others to understand it, so that there might be intelligent building, intelligent doing in the fulfilment of the plan. This in which we are engaged is part and parcel of the whole divine program and cannot be disassociated from any specific activities which were inaugurated back through the centuries.

Within the scope of history, this is the third time that a program has been established—the third time—and those of us who understand the blueprint know that it is the last time. It is unthinkable that in this third undertaking there should be failure. However, we have the precedent of two undertakings before us where there was failure, but out of both something has been salvaged. Something was salvaged out of the first that made possible an effective manifestation of the beginning of the second—at the time of the Master—and certainly much has been salvaged out of that second beginning: without that, this would be impossible.

But this is the third time and the last time, the last opportunity—the one and only thing that stands between man and oblivion. We need to recognize that. At first it may seem like a bold statement. At first it might seem that somehow we are being very egotistical or self-important, or as if we were somehow failing to appreciate what others have done. We recognize what others have done and rejoice; but all of this that was accomplished by reason of the children of Israel, what was accomplished by reason of our Master's ministry, and what followed, all that has been accomplished during the last two thousand years—all of this has to come to point, come to head, if there is to be real meaning.

We see various activities in the world, a scattered thing revealed out there in various directions, endeavors of various kinds which have a certain degree of meaning. But where do you see it all brought to point? Here we have that which is, in the absolute sense, universal, that which absolutely enfolds all of the other churches, without a single exception, all of the other religions, all of the races, all of the peoples, without any boundaries. It does not make any difference whether it is so-called Protestant or Roman Catholic or Greek Catholic or Mohammedan or Hinduwhatever it is, up and down the line, this includes them all.

It is the One Absolute, Universal Vibration on the face of the earth today.

Until we begin to have that vision and understanding of the tremendous scope, the tremendous importance of that in which we are engaged, we cannot possibly function correctly in relationship to it. Here the LORD has provided an absolutely Universal Vibration, in the sense of it being all-enfolding, all-inclusive. It is not exclusive. It does not even exclude the atheists. It does not exclude anyone; it is all-inclusive.

© Emissaries of Divine Light

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