The Glories of Fourth Plane Being
The Glories of Fourth Plane Being
The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation Revealed
Uranda 1940
The Greek language is in many respects like unto the Mother Tongue of Lemuria, and he who is an Initiate, having presented his body as a living sacrifice to the Lord, even unto his Master-Self Within, is greeted as Anomon, which is to say, “Upward One” or “Upward Man.” This salutation conveys to the wise the realization that the one so addressed has properly prepared himself to receive an Inner Knowledge of the One Truth which the world sees in its many mystic forms, and that such an one is of a truth entering into Truth.
He who has thus attained is worthy to be addressed in the Language of the Masters, that he may the better know the Spirit of the Word which giveth Life, and that he may the better keep in mind the realization that he has set himself to the attainment of the privilege of consciously abiding with the Masters. Therefore, having felt the drawing power of the Love-Seed, even the Christ within himself, the Anomon knows himself to be One of the Chosen Ones, dwelling in the world but being not of it.
As thou art transformed by the renewing of thy mind, thou shalt surely find that the renewing of thy mind requires, and brings about, a renewing of the words of thy thoughts. Thus shalt thou see the wisdom of thinking in the Language of the Masters, for he who cannot think well in a new language cannot give it worthy speech. Moreover, thou shalt now see that the Sacred Language of the Masters must not be used in addressing any but Masters, and such as appreciate and understand the Masters. The only Master about whom thou shouldst now be concerned is He who is within thee, and unto Him should all of thy thought be, that thou mayest know the increase of His Presence in thee, for it is only through Him that thou shalt learn to know other Masters.
If ye know Him not, how can ye hope to know other Masters; yea, if ye know Him not, how can ye hope to know the Great Master of the Seven Worlds? He whom the world knows as Jesus is the Master of the Seven Worlds; that is, He is the Ruler of the Seven Planes of Being which make up the whole, or Holy, World. The greatness and the glory of His position are enlarged in thy consciousness to the degree that thou canst understand the Way which He is; for the Holy World is contained in Him, and thy realization of consciously dwelling in Him can increase only as thy knowledge of the One Way, the One Truth and the One Life is enlarged to the state of knowing all that is as Being as it is.
The Secret Key to thy success in living in the Sacred Temple, which thou art, is contained within thyself. Therefore, the Anomon is now instructed, “Know Thyself.” There are many records in the Bible which portray instances of man knowing a woman. Even so, there are also recorded instances of man knowing his Inner Self. Woman symbolizes the outer nature. He who knows a woman blends with her, and this is symbolical of the blending with the outer nature to the exclusion of a blending with thy Self. He who is a true Anomon seeks after, woos, weds, and knows the Master Self who is within him. O Anomon, a mystery is revealed unto thee: Know thy Self.
Saint John — the Illumined One who dwelt in his Master's Love — gives the Key to Wisdom in the first five verses of his Gospel, that those who read may understand the Inner Meanings of the Truth revealed in his Book of Mysteries Revealed, commonly known as Revelation. It is well that thou shouldst now read these five verses, that thou mayest comprehend those things which are now approached in thy study. Thou shalt surely see that the Word is the vessel of the Realization which was with God in the beginning, and that both the Word, and the Realization contained in the Word, were, and are, that which God IS. The world sees the Word, but only those who enter into the Holy World are able to see that which the Word contains, even the Spirit which giveth Life.

The Illumined One has clearly stated that “in Him” — that is, in the Word — was, and is, “Life.” He then reveals the Truth that the “Life” was, and is, the “Light of men” which shineth in the darkness of the outer self, “and the darkness comprehended it not.” Since man was created in the “Image and Likeness” of God, the Word, then must man also be the Word. The “Light” and the “Life” of the Word, which man is, are contained within himself; that is, within the Word. He who would know the Life and the Light must see himself as the Word, and he must find that which is contained within himself.
In the Book of Mysteries Revealed, the Illumined One portrays the Word, and shows the Way by which the Light and Life within the Word may be attained. He also pictures for thee that which thou shalt find within the Word which thou art.
In this is the Test which shall reveal whether thou art indeed an Anomon. Art thou truly seeking the Way? Art thou ready to look upon the Light which shall be revealed to thee when thou hast walked in the Way which leads within the Word?
Secure now thy Book of Books, and open it at the beginning of the Book of Revelation, that thou mayest of a truth receive a new revelation of the Truth therein contained.
1. “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
2. “Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
3. “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
4. “John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;
5. “And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
6. “And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
7. “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
8. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
9. “I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
10. “I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
11. “Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
12. “And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;
13. “And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.”
In Verse 2 thou seest that the Illumined One who saw these things hath recorded them for thy edification. Verse 3 reveals the Truth that in this study there is great blessing for thee, and especially so if thou shalt truly “hear the words” and keep them, which is to say, if thou shalt of a truth make them an abiding part of thy life, that thou mayest be guided thereby, “for the time is at hand.” The Time is always At Hand for the Anomon who seeks, for he shall find that now is the time when the Christ Kingdom may be established in his own heart and Life. From the viewpoint of world progress we may truly say that “the time is at hand,” and happy is he who has attained before that great and wonderful day when the world shall attain.
The Seven Churches illustrate the Seven Phases of mankind's development, as such development relates to the Seven Planes of Being which are under the directing control of the “Seven Spirits which are before His throne.” The Seven Spirits are the Seven Beings who are the Rulers of the Seven Planes.
It is testified that this message is from the Ruler of the Seven Worlds, or Planes, even Jesus the Christ who hath filled us with His Love and who hath washed us with His Life. For the blood is the symbol of Life, and it is only through the Christ Life that we may be washed and purified for the Life of Oneness In Him. Verse 7 reveals the inner mysteries of His coming — that is, of the Christ manifestation in thee and in thy Life — even as it foretells the manner of His manifestation in the whole world at the appointed time. For all of these Truths apply to thee as an individual as surely as they apply to the world, and they apply to the world as surely as they apply to thee.

He who has attained unto Oneness with the Christ finds that He cometh in clouds of Light, and that those clouds of Light are unto him who has attained as a Pillar of Cloud by Day and as a Pillar of Fire by Night — which is to say, the Christ Light fills and radiates through his whole body while he is in the day of physical Life, and on being released from the day of physical Life, the Christ is seen as the Pillar of Fire which the Master Self IS. He who would fully understand these revelations must learn to abide in the Clouds of Light in which the Christ “cometh.”
In Verse 8 thou seest the union of that which is above with that which is below. All things are contained within the I AM. The Lord, even the Master Self which thou truly art, being ONE in the I AM, IS and WAS and WILL BE. Herein thou seest the Truth that thou art the Lord, the Holy One, who dwelleth within the Body Temple which the world sees and thinks that thou art. In the attainment of such Oneness between thee and thy body, thy body consciousness shall dwell in the awareness of eternity, and thou shalt see thyself as thou truly art. No longer wilt thou feel that thy last earthly birth was the beginning of thy Life, for thou wilt know that thy Life is from everlasting to everlasting, and thou shalt KNOW that thou knowest this.
Verse 9 reveals the Truth that the Illumined One was and is thy “brother,” and that such attainment being possible to him is also possible to thee. He was Living IN the Kingdom of the Christ, and to the degree that thy vision allows thee to see thyself as thou truly art, to that degree art thou also IN the Kingdom. And he who consciously abides IN the Christ Kingdom is able to see and know all those things which our brother John saw and knew. Even as he was imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos, so art thou imprisoned on the isle of fleshly being. But prison walls could not contain or limit the Illumined One, neither should thy prison walls contain or limit thee.
Verse 10. He was IN the Spirit on the vibration of the Lord's Life — that is, he attained to Oneness with his Master Self and was thereby liberated into the limitless realms of Spirit. While in this state of Soul Union he heard a Voice behind him, indicating that it is necessary for thee, when thou art seeking Soul Union in Silent Meditation, to turn thy attention from all things earthly, that thou mayest see things heavenly. This change about of attention is the first requirement which thou must fulfill if thou wouldst see. The Trumpet Sound of the Aum-like Voice thrills through every fibre of the one who hears, and when thou hast once heard that Voice, which is like the sound of many waters, thou wilt never rest content until thou hast entered IN with HIM.
Verse 12, vibrating to Mastery, reveals the Way. “I turned to see the Voice.” Until thou hast turned thou art denied the thrill of seeing. The attainment of Mastery is the turning, and when thou hast turned thou shalt See the Voice, for in the Realms of Light thou canst See Sound, and the vision of it may not be described in words which mortal ear can comprehend.
Gold symbolizes purest Soul expression, for it is the color of the Soul Light. When the Ancients spoke of that alchemy by which base metals were transformed into gold, they were expressing the Truth that by the Alchemy of Love-Spirit the base substances of the fleshly body are transmuted into the Gold Of SOUL, the Master Self within thee. The Seven Golden Candlesticks symbolize the Seven Planes, or the Seven Worlds which make up the Holy World. These were seen by the Illumined One, and thou mayest also see them in their glory.
Verse 13. In the midst of the Seven he saw ONE. The Middle ONE of Seven is Four, no matter from which end of the Seven thou mayest count. Therefore, the One who “spake with me” was on the Middle Plane of Being — that is, the Fourth Plane, or the Fourth Dimension. The Illumined One told all the secrets of the Fourth Dimension long ago, and even as he saw and understood them, so mayest thou.
The ONE he saw was “clothed with a garment down to the foot” — that is, He had a body that could be seen, a body that is beautiful and glorious, as thou shalt see. In Fourth Plane Being there is nothing vague or intangible. All things there are of the Real, and much clearer and more substantial to the enlarged senses than things the world calls real. The world which mankind knows is made up of the first Three Worlds, and he who seeks to judge all Life according to these first Three, knows not of what he speaks. When thou hast seen the SACRED SEVEN, then shalt thou know.
“And girt about the paps with a golden girdle.” And He is girt about the Middle part of His Being with a Golden Girdle, the Golden Girdle of perfect Soul Expression which surrounds and fills the vital parts of Being. The Solar Center, which is the throne of so-called subconscious mind; the Heart, the throne of all feeling and emotion; the Lungs, the throne of Spirit cleansing and Life-giving — ALL are girt about with the Perfect Being of Our Father, the Master Self within. Such must be the state of those who would enter in and see the glories of Fourth Plane Being.
Meditate upon these revelations and let them fill thy Life and Light thy Way, that thy attainment may be sure.
© Emissaries of Divine Light
1 comment:
It was my joy to read (a few times) Uranda's meditation, a message to us all. Yet I take it as a personal message, just as I do with all the Services expressed by Uranda, Martin, or anyone speaking with authority. And what Uranda speaks of here is greatly received in mind and heart, for my body has been presented as a living sacrifice to the Lord, even unto my Master-Self, thereby greeted as Anomon, or Upward One. I, as with others, have been chosen, and therefore in the world but not of it.
Uranda says, "In this is the Test which shall reveal whether thou art indeed an Anomon. Art thou truly seeking the Way? Art thou ready to look upon the Light which shall be revealed to thee when thou hast walked in the Way which leads within the Word?" Yes, I am. And thankful I am for the holy privilege of reading Uranda's Sacred Message which I know I'll read again for there is much contain here to be received and to meditate upon these revelations letting them fill my Life and Light the Way, that attainment may be sure.
Thank you, David, for posting another beautiful and glorious Service/Meditation/Message given by a Master, our Brother.
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