April 09, 2023

Easter Day In The Kingdom Of The Prince Of Peace

Easter  Day  In  The  Kingdom  Of  The  Prince  Of  Peace

You  Can  Afford  To  Wait

Uranda   April 9, 1950  7 a.m.   Sunrise Ranch

O LORD of Lords and KING of Kings, we come “before Thee this morning that in Thy Love and Mercy Thou mayest examine our hearts. I thank Thee for the Peace that has been established in the hearts of those here gathered and in the hearts of those who are with us in Spirit this glorious Easter Morning. We acknowledge Thee Prince of Peace, and each one, to the degree that he has entered into Thy Peace, shall know that he has come into Thy Kingdom and each shall know that as he abides in the Peace of the Prince of Peace, he is abiding in the Kingdom. O LORD, I rejoice in the privilege of presenting before Thy Throne these Blessed Ones who have entered into Thy Peace, that as they open their hearts to Thee they may know the wonder and the joy of Letting Thy Love flow through them into the world, that having come forth from the tomb they may ascend unto Thee in the Currents of Thy Everlasting Love.

Blessed Ones, Entering the Kingdom the shell of self is left behind. Ye cannot look for it in the Kingdom, for if ye seek it ye shall find yourselves outside the Kingdom. That shell of self is not here in the realms of Peace. This you know, but I remind you that you may ever abide under the Law of the Kingdom in Love Response to our KING.

As you have entered into the Peace of the Prince of Peace, having left the tomb behind, you are granted the privilege of growing in Grace and in Stature until you may know the maturity of function in the Spirit of the Living Christ. Abide in patience and “Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

As you have entered into the Kingdom, you have become Angels before my KING on earth, and as you are Angels of the Kingdom, the Angels’ Song reveals the attitude of the Angels—the spirit and attitude in which the Angels of the Kingdom abide in relationship to all things whatsoever. Would you sing that Angels’ Song, that you may know its spirit. (All sang the “Angels’ Song of Praise”) This is the attitude of all those who dwell in the Kingdom, in relationship to all things whatsoever. Abide ye in the attitude of the Angels’ Song, that thy growing into maturity may be swift and sure.

Remember what I have told you before, that having entered the Kingdom you will not be able to see all the Things of the Kingdom or to understand, but, rather, to abide in Peace under the Law of the Kingdom in the attitude of the Angels’ Song. There is joy this morning, joy in my heart and yours and in all Responding Ones everywhere. As we say “Good Morning” in the realm of Peace in humbleness before the Prince of Peace, there is a great joy, but it is a solemn joy, for, having entered in we are at the place where we now begin to let God's Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Having proven that the Kingdom is at hand, having entered into it, we must next prove that in true Polarity and Love Response to our KING we can abide in the Kingdom. It is not for a few moments sojourn that we have come hither; it is to live, to live in the Spirit of the Living Christ.

There is no need that I should welcome you into the Kingdom, for you have received your welcome already in that moment when your whole being was flooded with Peace and all sense of burden rolled away. The unutterable Love of our LORD and KING which floods one's being when one enters into His Peace cannot be described one to another; it cannot be told, and for each there is that in it which is different from every other. It is that in which we walk with Him and talk with Him in the Garden, communing in His Spirit. Abide ye in that Peace which He left on earth that we might enter into it, even as He said: “My peace give I unto you.”

In the Kingdom it is not the light of the sun or the moon or the stars that gives us the light that is in our hearts and that shines through our lives, but the LORD GOD giveth the Light that is made manifest that we may walk in the Light as Children of the Light now and forever.

And now I would consider with you how it is that you have entered into your first Communion Service in the Kingdom this Easter Morning. Let us note how human beings read their own ideas into the words that are recorded. The Bread and the Wine were blest in the Upper Room long ago, but this into which you have entered is the Upper Room of which that was the symbol—the first abiding place in the Kingdom. Those who were gathered there were supposed to be His Body. He blest bread and gave it unto them saying, “This gathering, you who are here, are My Body. This is My Body; partake ye of it”—not the bread, the symbol of conveyance—"this little group, this little fruitage of My Ministry. Partake ye of My Body, enter into it, be a part of it. Partake ye of it”—the invitation to be a part of His Body. It is for this cause that you have come forth from the tomb and passed through the Gate into the Upper Room, that you may receive that Bread blest by our LORD and KING and know that this, not the bread but those to whom it was given, those to whom it is given, this is my Body. Receive of the Bread I have blest and partake of the privilege, the opportunity, of being Members of my Body. It is for this cause that you have gathered in the Upper RoomLet no one betray that cause, for he who betrays passes to his own Gethsemane.

Those who betray cannot put our LORD in a Gethsemane any more

That sweet and gentle invitation—the Master said that He would not partake of the symbol of the Wine until He could sit down with us and have it fresh in the Kingdom, a New Body in the Kingdom, not a body wandering in the darkness of the world, not a body bound in the tomb, but a New Body of those who should follow Him out of the tomb and into the Kingdom, and with them, with you, He drinks of the Wine of Life as you receive the invitation and accept it—to partake of the opportunity to be in Membership in His Body. The Wine, the symbol of His Life—”This is the symbol of My Life; partake ye of My Life. This is the symbol of My Body; partake ye of My Body”—not merely the symbol but the actual Living Reality of that which is symbolized, for this morning as you have entered into the Peace of my KING and come through the Gate in the Resurrection and the Life, you have found in that Life of the Resurrection the Wine of which He spoke, the Wine which He blest and blesses now, that you may be in the Body and share the Life.

Entering into the Kingdom you know that it is in the Body, in your body on earth as a Member of His Body on earth in the Kingdom, that you share the Life, and while you have not matured in the Kingdom, and while you do not know all the ways of the Kingdom, and you have much to learn—for you are entering the Kingdom as a little child—you are, nevertheless, sitting down with our LORD in the Kingdom, even as our LORD took the little child and set him upon His knee. You are sitting down in the Kingdom with our KING. Having entered into His Peace, this is the Communion Service, the Communion that awaits you and which you now share in the Kingdom.

It is all so simple and easy that the human mind is likely to say, “It is too simple, too easy.” It is not that sort of thing which the mind tried to make you think it was, but for so long you listened to your mind instead of the Spirit. The Master said, “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” If the mind is inclined to be disappointed because it did not foresee or because your experience is not thus and so, you can silence the mind with the word, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love and serve Him,” and as this was true before you left the tomb behind, so is it likewise true as you have entered the Kingdom.

Let the LORD move you, the Members of His Body, from Glory Unto Glory. Let the LORD use His Body according to His Will and all will be well, and you shall continue to abide in the Communion, the Communion of the Body, the Living Body and its LORD, the Communion of the life expression made manifest in the Body of the LORD, Communion in the Kingdom that no longer needs the symbol, for “When that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.”

It is good to bid you “Good Morning,” this Easter Day in the Kingdom of the Prince of Peace, but having entered His Kingdom you will be tested and proven as you grow and strengthen and mature. If in any moment you think to bring your LORD under judgment, if in any moment you think you can improve upon God's Way, if in any moment you wander down by the forbidden tree and listen to the whisperings of the serpent, the result now would be the same as it was in the beginning, for those who eat of the forbidden tree cannot eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Life. Remember who you are and where you are and let no patterns of the past, the dead past, call to you from out of the tomb to make you go rushing back into the darkness. Let the dead bury their dead.

Those who are in the Body in the Kingdom love the LORD their KING, and in that love they know what it means to trust and obey, and they know that being in the Kingdom they can afford to be patient.

Impatience is of that outer world which you have left behind. The people of the world are in such a rush, running hither and thither. They think they have no time to wait and they are right, for they cannot afford to wait. They have but a little moment that is empty and they must desperately try to squeeze something out of that emptiness. No, they cannot have a sense of being in a position where they can afford to wait, but in the Kingdom we can afford to wait, even though they cannot. If the fullness of perfection in outworking has not yet appeared in some point, we who are in the Kingdom can afford to wait. Those who are not of the Kingdom cannot know what it means to be in a position where they can afford to wait, to be patient, to let it work out, as can those who have entered in and passed through the Gate.


Remember who you are.

Remember to whom you belong.

Remember where you are.

And remember that you can afford to wait.

Those who live in the world have such a little span, engulfed in so much emptiness, that they must desperately seek to squeeze something from the husks, but as you have ceased being a swineherd running about after the foulness of the outer mind that you left behind in the tomb, you have arisen and returned to the Father where you may partake of the Feast in the Kingdom.

As you were returning, O Blessed Ones, returning as a prodigal son, the Father saw you afar off and came forth and met you and brought you into His House, and having returned you are no longer prodigal, you are no longer a swineherd. You are to forget the attitudes, the habits and the feelings of the swineherd, for these are the things you left behind in the tomb. The swineherds of the world cannot afford to wait. They must desperately try to squeeze something from the husks of being, but as you have returned Home to the Kingdom, returned to your Father's House, you can afford to wait. If you hearken to the whispering of the serpent in some unguarded moment, this old conditioning of attitude could catch you unawares, and if the serpent whispering from the tree can make you forget who you are and to whom you belong and where you are, so that you forget that you can afford to wait, he can entice you into self-activity which would cause you to be removed out through the Gate. Even if that should be, if you should repent truly and return and hold steady before the Gate, yet may you enter in again.

And the LORD knoweth whether all of you here gathered have entered in. I speak not to those who have not, but that my words may be encouragement to those as they listenif there be any such. This morning I speak to those who have entered in. But this I say to those who have not yet entered into that Peace: “Hold steady, remain faithful and true beyond the Gate. Let self die and remain in the tomb and you shall yet join us in the Kingdom.” But in the Kingdom these are the things to remember as you abide under the Law of the Kingdom.

Remember who you are—not a swineherd feeding on husks but a Member of the Body of your LORD and KING. Remember who you are. Remember where you are—not in the mud wallows of the past before you came through the tomb, but in the Kingdom. Remember, above all things, to whom you belong, for you are not your own. Remember who you are, where you are, and to whom you belong, and remember that the key to perfect fulfillment in the Kingdom, having obeyed the Law of the Kingdom, is this: Be patient. Do not run before the LORD. Do not try to shape the patterns of fulfillment. Do not think, as the swineherds think, that you have no time. Remember that in the Kingdom we can afford to wait. The world cannot; the people of the world cannot; those who are beyond the Gate cannot, but this is fundamental in the Kingdom—abiding in the Kingdom we can afford to wait, and it is in this that you shall be tested. If the consciousness of the swineherd remains, it shall be revealed. I do not mean by this that we shall not be diligent about our Father’s Business. I do not mean that there shall be loitering and foolishness. I do not mean that there will not be activity. There will be more activity, more diligent, more focalized, more effective, than ever before, a living expression of activity in those who abide in the Kingdom, but we are living in the Kingdom where Eternity has meaning.

Consider—years ago it seemed, from any outer standpoint, that I could not afford to wait for the Body to come through the Gate as God Ordained, that I would be wise to make a semblance of a Body, so that we could have more members, so that we could have more money, so that we could have more of this, that and the other thing. Every pressure came to bear to make it appear that I could not afford to wait for this Body to come forth from the tomb, real and true, but that I should do something to give a semblance of more people, more money, better facilities, a greater number of those who have talents, and so on and on and on, that out of that we could then develop the real Body. Oh, so many tried to make it appear that we could not afford to wait. So many dropped away because they said, “We are not getting anywhere. We cannot afford to wait; we must rush out and find this thing for which we long.” Oh, they could not afford to wait. No, the swineherd consciousness can never afford to wait.

But you see, I could afford to wait, though the number of those working with me became so very small, though the financial provision seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, though everything seemed to be against us, though it seemed, from a human standpoint, to be impossible, though so many became discouraged and turned away, though so many found fault and criticized, judged one another, and judged me. O yes, I was the one who could afford to wait, and you were the ones who finally settled down and stopped struggling, stopped living in the swineherd consciousness long enough to hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit calling you to awaken from the darkness of the tomb and come forth into the Light of a New Day. Yes, I could afford to wait. I have proven it. And this is what I mean when I tell you to remember you can afford to wait. If the whispering of the serpent tries to make you think that there is a short-cut, that there is something you can do to help God’s Plan along, remember that the serpent is a liar.

Consider now, this Resurrection Morn, that that is what Judas thought. He loved his Master. He would not have knowingly, willingly, done anything to hurt his LORD. He had seen his LORD perform miracles. He had seen Him disappear from those who thought to take Him. He had seen his LORD show Great Power. He had seen his LORD do things to defy human understanding. And yet, his LORD was loitering. His LORD was not taking over the Kingdom. His LORD was not making the best use of all His Power and abilities. His LORD was not taking advantage of all His opportunities to do this thing right. So, the whisper of the serpent came into Judas’ mind and he said, “Now, there is a way you can help the LORD. You know His Power. You cannot hurt Him. He can disappear. He can do anything. He just needs a little help so He can take advantage of the opportunity.” O no, he did not intend to hurt the LORD. He intended to force the LORD to use His Power, to take advantage of the opportunity of the hour. What did he do? He did not think that those coming with staves and swords could touch his LORD. He thought he knew better how to do it than the LORD did. He was just going to help Him along.

In this, then, we have the outstanding example of all history of what I mean when I say, “Remember, you can afford to wait.” The Master could afford to wait. He had things to do. It was working out if they had been patient, but Judas had to hurry it up—and he did. And when he saw what he had done, he went and hanged himself. Judas forgot that under the LORD's Hand he could afford to wait, that if it seemed as if some opportunity was slipping by, the LORD had a better purpose, a larger view.

Blessed Ones, as I greet you this morning in the Kingdom, I bid you remember who you are, where you are, to whom you belong, and remember that in the Kingdom you can afford to wait. You will find that these things, truly remembered, will guard you against all the whisperings of the serpent that may arise, that you may abide in the Kingdom into which you have entered, and that you may fulfill that to which you are Called in the LORD.

Blessed Ones, as we move about those tasks that are given to us in the Kingdom, doing those things to tend and to keep the Garden, and to prepare the way for those who shall follow after you, abide ever in the attitude of the Angels’ Song, and you will notice that the attitude revealed in the Angels’ Song, maintained, will automatically cause you to remember who you are, where you are, to whom you belong—and that you can afford to wait. Others may not be able to afford it. O, the time is desperately short for so many and they must do so much in such a little time, but they do not know what it is to be in the Kingdom, where you can afford to wait. Once more I bid you sing, yea stand and sing, the “Angels’ Song of Praise”. Peace be unto you under the Law of the Kingdom in the Name of the Prince of Peace. Aum-en.

© emissaries of divine light

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