July 22, 2024

Perfect Woman—Two In Oneness

Perfect  Woman — Two  In  Oneness

Uranda  March 16, 1947

Woman represents the negative manifestation of humanity. Man represents the positive phase of humanity. But humanity as a whole is represented as a WOMAN in relationship to the positive expression of God. We have, for instance in Revelation, the Church and its membership of men and women forming the Bride of the Lamb.

From the standpoint of the relationship in actuality, in the right sense of Man and God, Man and Woman are One, and the Two in Oneness are negative to God, so that, ithat Absolute Oneness of Man and Woman the manifestation of WOMAN in relationship to God is made manifest, so that the Fatherhood of God, working through the Woman, manifests as the Oneness of Man and Woman, permits the manifestation of the birth of the Child, as revealed in the case of Jesus Christ.

The PERFECT WOMAN, insofar as this world is concerned, is the perfect manifestation or blending of Man and Woman, so that together they make a Complete Unit that is negative or responsive to God, so that that which is of God may come through that ONE BEING into the world.

"They two shall be one flesh," and if they are one flesh they cannot be two pieces of flesh and separated, and considered as being distinct, one from the other; therefore, to the degree that we recognize that Man and Woman, as One Flesh, become perfectly negative and responsive to God, then the Fatherhood of God in relationship to birth or Creative activity on earth, becomes a reality.

In that union the male and female are One Flesh and they constitute the WOMAN in union with God the Father, so that God the Father is the Father of the Child, and the recognition of the Father in the Divine sense is absolutely essential to a realization that we are not far from God, and that in reality we can let it be so.

Mother  God  Being 

Uranda   March 1937

The God Beings of each Plane are focalized in the Lord of that Plane. The Seven Lords of the Seven Planes are the Elohim, with the Focal Lords of the Six Lower Planes all focalized in full response in and to the LORD of Lords who is the LORD OUR GOD who manifested in and as Jesus.

The Three Inner Planes are Positive to the Three Outer Planes, and these Six Planes are contained within, and infused with, the Seventh Plane which is the One Plane that blends all the other Planes.

The Three Inner Planes are, for this world, the rightful Expression of Father God, and the Three Outer Planes are the rightful spheres of Mother God Being. All God Beings functioning in the Three Outer Planes, or Worlds, are all contained within Mother God, and are Focalized in the Lord of the Sacred Three, who, as High Priest of the Three Negative Worlds, is fully responsive to, and focalized in, the LORD of Lords, who is the LORD of the Sacred Seven.

The LORD of the Sacred Seven is the Focal Point of Father God in the Whole, Holy World. The Lord of the Sacred Three, as the Focal Point of Mother God, is centered in Negative Response to the LORD of Lords.

Through this Perfect Temple Vision of reality you behold the Truth of Creation, and you know that all of the God Beings who function in the Whole Holy World were drawn together and ordained to their Appointed Places as the first great step in the creative process. It was in this great step in the beginning of the creation of this world that the Christ Kingdom was set up for this world.

The Christ Radiance flows forth from all God Beings eternally, and that Radiance did not begin with the beginning of creation, but the God Beings involved did not come into the specific Harmonization which allows the Lines of Force, or Vibration, by which the world was created, until the time when the creative work was to begin. So it is that the Christ Kingdom for the Whole, Holy World was set up as the first step in the Creative Process, and is therefore the Foundation of the World.

Vibrations of the Creative Lines of Force could not be set up until the Harmonization of God Beings took place, any more than a scattered group of men can begin the activities of business and commerce until they are organized as one group, as in a corporation. The Organization of God Beings took place for the specific work of Creation, and this Harmonization had to precede the setting up of those Vibrations whereby creation took place. This Divine Organization, or Cosmic Harmonization of God Beings, is the Christ Kingdom for this World, and that Christ Kingdom was not set up until the time of that Harmonization insofar as this world is concerned.

You recognize yourself, in Oneness with your Lord, to be a part of that Harmonization of Lords which is the Christ Kingdom, and you begin to know that the Outer Harmonization of the Body Temples in the earth allows the manifestation of the Harmonization of the Lords within those Temples.

As the Body Temples are drawn together and Harmonized in the Fire of the Christ Love, the Lords of those Temples are allowed to render their true service in the earth, and the Christ Kingdom is made manifest.

This shows how it is that the Lines of Force, or Vibration, by which the New World Consciousness is being formed in the womb of the world darkness, can become active in outer manifestation only to the degree of Harmonization that is established in and through the Body Temples that are in manifest expression on earth.             

As each sincere and earnest one responds in Love to his or her Lord within, he or she is drawn into the appointed Priestly Office in the Temple, and that Temple is then Harmonized through its Lord with all other Temples who likewise respond, no matter where on earth they may be, and thereby the out-manifestation of the Christ Kingdom is made possible—and that is the Way whereby the New Heaven and the New Earth become a reality in the Whole Holy World, and all the former things of suffering and sorrow and death are caused to pass away, so that they shall be no more, nor come into mind. Rejoice in the Lord that it is so.

© emissaries of divine light


Dr Steve said...


I have especially taken note of the words from "Mother God Being."

Harmonization must precede creation.

As we indeed harmonize our "outer temples" of body, mind, heart and expression the radiation of our inner beings finds its collective way into the world creating all things new.

I find that in order for my capacities to be in harmonization my heart is to be positioned in constant praise. Constant praise of giving glory to the LORD in the highest. Here I have a sensing of what is happening in my world and how I can let harmonization occur in an outer sense with others.

I love the clear articulation of "Mother God Being" in how it affirms REALITY!

Gary Courtland-Miles said...

Thank you for this and the preceding post, David.

The Way is Perfect, and Uranda's distillation and sharing of the architecture and Purpose of of Divine Being is wonderfully clear.

As we harmonize with our individual Lord's within these body temples we find we are One with all other Lords and a part of the Unified Radiation of Our LORD of Lords. How perfect the Divine Design is!

Let us delight in playing our parts in this easily and naturally, letting His Kingdom come on earth, and His Will and Purpose for this world be realized and manifest in all of its Glory.

Alice P. said...

Thank you. This is The Way, The Truth, The Life.