July 13, 2024

Vibrational Intensification


Vibrational  Intensification

YouTube  Audio

Martin Exeter   August 24, 1987   Central Council — Sunrise Ranch

Who is aware of a vibrational intensification which occurred a little while ago, particularly when Richard was speaking? There is something available to be sensed, perhaps, here. It is vital that one should be aware of what is happening vibrationally. We tend to have our awareness, as we well know, filled with forms. Vibrational impacts that come are usually based in uncontrolled emotion; then we feel something intense. But in a controlled atmosphere such as we have here, and in the building that has been taking place in this vibrational sense, we need to have very keen awareness of this so that we don’t discount it.

We can use words to convey something as it relates to the vibrational state, but it is the vibrational state itself that is of vital concern. Again we come back to the awareness that we’ve had, presumably, for a long time, that, as it has been put, this is a vibrational ministry. Well, if it is, we need to know what’s going on then. And most of the things that people think are going on relate to form rather than to vibration. But our concern is to abide in the ark, and the ark is a vibrational ark. We need to be aware of what it is that is happening in that way.

I don’t think Richard was talking particularly about things out of the past. Perhaps there’s a tendency to relate Richard to his undertaking of this particular book he’s writing, which relates to matters out of the past. But he’s writing it for a purpose which is not particularly related to the past; it relates to the present. And he brought to focus an intensity of spirit that shouldn’t be denied.

How capable are we of receiving intensification of spirit? Some have described that as fire falling from heaven. It is this that is of supreme importance, isn’t it? The prophets of Baal of old were very active and very busy trying to produce something. Nothing happened; there was no answer, no one took any notice. This is the human state. We say there is no answer. Not everybody has recognized yet that there is no answer, that the god isn’t answering, Baal is not providing anything. But we are responsible for letting the answer be experienced, and I suppose the vital word here is experienced. And if it happens to begin to be experienced so that we sense an intensification, let’s pay attention to it so that we don’t get side-tracked by something else. I was delighted in what happened when Richard allowed this focus to appear, and I certainly was moved by this. Were we not all moved by this? Or didn’t we take note of it? Were we not sufficiently alert to sense what was happening and what was available to come to focus, to be received into expression and radiation?

We talk about apocalypseApocalypse merely means the passing of the first heaven and the first earth. That’s all it means—that all that has composed what I suppose would be referred to as civilization dissolves. That’s apocalypse. How it dissolves is unimportant. That it dissolves is important; it is important to us, presumably. However, it is very important, insofar as we are concerned, that this should have dissolved in us, so that we are open and free and capable of receiving the fire falling from heaven.

There is speculation about what the cataclysm is, what that might be. Perhaps it might be well to note that in the statement that is made in the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew, something was said about wars and rumors of wars, but the end isn’t yet. This conceivably might indicate that it isn’t war that is evidence of the end. People have been looking with trepidation toward nuclear war. That has receded a little in consciousness, although there are many so-called peace groups who are much concerned about the matter. But as we well know, that’s only one small part of the massive threat that there is to continued existence on earth. We are not looking for descriptions in form of what is referred to as cataclysm. Maybe it’s not a cataclysm, in the usual human definition of the word. Maybe it’s just apocalypse. That’s very simple: the passing of the first heaven and the first earth, that’s all. Let’s let it pass. To let it pass we must surely be identified with what it is that makes it possible for it to pass. There have been many opportunities in times past for it to pass. It nearly passed, presumably, in the time of the Deluge—not quite. And that not quite was important too, because it was indication of the fact that when the passing actually occurs, there would be a focus of the reality that remains. Evidently there wasn’t adequate reality insofar as what was represented by Noah and his family were concerned. It was Noah who provided the point of focus—his family evidently did not share that with him, and so the whole thing started over again.

But now we come to apocalypse, which is the passing of the first heaven and the first earth—no more, no repeat. I am reminded of some words that you may recall, words of Uranda, spoken quite a long time ago, where he said it was necessary to live as though everything ended tomorrow, and also to live as though it was going to last for the next thousand years. In other words one has to deal with the situation as it is now, but without giving it any particular weight. Apocalypse certainly is not the rise and fall of the stock market or any of these things; it’s the passing of the stock market. It is the passing of everything of human invention. This boggles the mind, but it doesn’t boggle the spirit. We have reached a point where, in theory at least, we are willing that these things should pass. We are going to find out as to whether that attitude can be sustained in the actual passing. Well, there is an actual passing going on now, but it is a long way from being complete.

The passing comes because there is this focus of the fire present in human form on earth. It comes because of that. If we can equate ourselves with that fire in the human form which accommodates it, then we see we are responsible. And whenever there is an intensification which appears in a vibrational sense, that is what is to be welcomed. We don’t need to speculate as to what that intensification is going to do. What it is going to do is dissolve the first heaven and the first earth. We can say that in general terms. What it is going to do specifically in any given moment remains to be seen.

Richard mentioned something about men’s hearts failing them for fear. Sometimes an intensification, particularly when it is discerned here, is interpreted as fear. That sometimes happens for a person who gets up to speak before a crowd of people. We’re all seasoned Emissaries here, of course, and we’re able to do that with the greatest of ease. But I suspect there are situations where it might be not as easily handled as it is in front of other Emissaries or those who are at least somewhat open to what we have to offer. Then comes the question as to whether we interpret that as fear or not. Almost anything that human beings feel, touch in feeling, can be interpreted one way or another. It can be revealing of the emergence of the creative process, the intensity of the fire. In such case it is cause for the greatest thanksgiving. Otherwise, interpreted as fear, then there is the inclination to run for cover.

The instruction is to stand. One cannot stand except as one is present in that fire. If the sensation that comes is interpreted as fear, one is immediately in the yellow part of the flame. If one accepts the vibrational intensity as the radiation for which one is responsible, then it is easy to be still. “Be still, and know that I am present.” And it is that presence that permits the fulfillment of the purpose for which individually and together we are present on earth.

“In this moment, be still and know that I am present.” Whenever any measure of intensity is experienced, let these words be recalled: “Be still, and know that I am present.” I am the intensity. And if my human form is aware of that, the human form to that extent is sharing in my presence. The intensity may be allowed to build. “Be still, and know that I am present. I come in the name of the KING.” This word, “the KING,” becomes increasingly comprehensible in our own experience. “I am come in the name of the KING”—and the KING’s name is I AM. I cannot come in the name of the KING without saying and revealing “I am present.” And in that Presence, the power of the spirit of the KING, the power of love, pours forth. It pours forth under control and within the design of truth. It is under control because what is experienced is known for what it is and not misinterpreted. “Be still, and know that I am the KING and I am present.” Such a statement made by any one of us does not cause any of us to assume, as an individual, the position of the KING, but it does allow the KING to be present because I am present.

Perhaps we share in these moments something of an exercise in letting vibrational intensity be rightly used. It is not used to benefit us in any way whatsoever. It is used to fulfill the purposes of the KING. We no longer have any inclination whatsoever to judge how those purposes should be fulfilled. All we are concerned with is that they be fulfilled.

Comment — Martin, I feel something has to come back, and I haven’t anything clever to say or anything formulated, but just rejoice in the intensity of this moment with you, and realize the incredible intensity and respect and love in the allowing of my capacities to reveal all they can of my KING and who I am. I think we could have gone on forever listening to you verbalize what is in the atmosphere right now. But something also had to come back. So here it is.

Martin — It comes back, brought to focus specifically by you. Let what comes back, brought to focus in this way, be what is present in each one. There begins to be a sense of reverence and respect and love and humility, because we are in this moment in the Presence of the KING. It might be said that all people are in the Presence of the KING, but the fact has been hidden; there is the mystery of God. But here it’s finished. And I rejoice to receive what you bring as a person, but I receive it because it is representative of what is brought by all who are subjects of the KING.

© emissaries of divine light


Jerry Bimka said...

David, thank you for this wonderful offering from our beloved Martin. It's so relevant to what's happening in my world and the larger world as well. In my experience these days there is definitely an increased vibrational intensity. I'm aware that is true for others as well. I would dare say many people are feeling it around the world and translate it or mistranslate it in their experience. I feel privileged to have something of a true understanding of what this intensification is about and an understanding that it ultimately serves the Kings purpose of restoration here on earth. Thank you for sharing it with us. Jerry Bimka

Gary Courtland-Miles said...

Thank you David,

As martin's Spirit radiates this night...I am so Thankful for the Word!

As he said, "How it dissolves is unimportant. That it dissolves is important; it is important to us, presumably. However, it is very important, insofar as we are concerned, that this should have dissolved in us, so that we are open and free and capable of receiving the fire falling from heaven."

let us let the Fire fall, and stand with the Lord of ALL... trusting absolutely in His Will.

Dr Steve said...

I appreciate Gary and Jerry's words noted and am also moved to receive these essential words of Martin's.

As I take note of the beauty and the answer they provide in living in today's world I feel the vibrational intensity of the fire falling from heaven through me in communion with all so inclined to honor the Presence of the King.

As I so abide in union I hear and experience the words, "Be still and know that I am Present-- Be still and know that I am Present--Be still and know that I am Present."

The union of love known is the treasure in heaven I bring to the earth now.

It is interesting for I have been currently reading Richard's book, Memories and Visions of Paradise. In the final chapter he concludes with a word about realizing Paradise.

"The hero tames the dragon not by fighting it, but by refusing to fight it--by facing it, courageously holding steady, and expressing the character of innocence and love. Suddenly the hero realizes that Paradise has been there all along, unnoticed."

It is a treasure to notice and experience the reality shared in this way.

Randyl Appel said...

It never ceases to amaze me how these words, and particularly the spirit back of them, may have been articulated at some other 'time'but yet are being spoken now in and from the eternal now. I am beginning to doubt the myth of time anyway! I don't seek out services or meditations to achieve a centering or a 'feel good' the way I did for decades. There was value in going from a sleep stage to an awakening stage to have these enticements of feeling centered. Now, owning full responsibility as one who acknowledges actually being AWAKE, I arrive to 'my' reading of masterial or listening to a presentation with the sole purpose of participating in the articulation of spirit. Ha! But as an aside... all the 'feels' like feeling good and feeling 'centered' are outstanding side benies that do come as sure as the sun rises!!! Oh be JOYFULL in the PRESEMCE all us lambs! But it ain't the motivation...instead it is the manifeststion!

I wrote this missive or essay some 45 minutes before this recording arrived lovingly from your stewardship, David into my waiting arms. It seems perfect to share!

I have been rethinking what gratitude means for me. The notion occurs that the minute I find myself wanting something FROM God instantly becomes the minute I perpetuate the mistaken belief that I am separate from God. I can't have it both ways. I and my Source, my Father, my God are one. Otherwise the delusion that it is a separate experience becomes the basis for the great eternal lie in this human journey. As far as I am concerned, the idea of a separate entity from which I must get or plea or beg for something from some 'other' being is why pain and despair continue. This great disconnect becomes the foundation for millenia of human dissatisfaction.

I and my Father ARE one. I know what I express and I know what I deny. Asking for something as if this union wasn't a fact is very likely the root of all the drama in our experience, certainly in mine. Humanity is in great pain right now as we attempt to reinforce or shore up the myth of separation, first from Source and then from one another. We keep starting wars not to bring us together but to firm up our separation. 'Vote for my imaginary separate faction! It is the better separate imaginary faction!' �� YAWN!

We live in great days. Almost nobody I know would agree with that statement and from an isolated human perspective we can see why. But I stand by the premise that we live in great days of the promise being fulfilled. Uncomfortable days to be sure, from the perspective of separate human identities. But great because this separation has become wholly untenable. We cannot sustain the imaginary sense of separation from God which then leads to the idea of our separation one from another.

I started this missive by saying that I am rethinking my understanding of the meaning of gratitude. And THIS is where actual thanksgiving becomes critical. Gratitude allows me to regain perspective. Giving thanks for ALL that is just as it is, dispels the notion of any separation, me from Source and by extension me from my fellow humans.

In Matthew 22:37-40 we read:

...Jesus said to him, “'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself. '

At times these two commandments seemed challenging, if not impossible... especially during an election cycle. �� But when I remember that prayer is an acknowledgment of my oneness with Source and NOT a laundry list of me asking for or an attempt at getting from something separate from me. Then this beautuful bit from Matthew becomes the easiest thing in the world. The yoke then is indeed easy and the burden indeed light. Talk about having something to be grateful for!!